
Defines functions steigerStat fisherTrnsfrm q3ExpCorrect

Documented in fisherTrnsfrm q3ExpCorrect steigerStat

#' @title q3ExpCorrect
#' @description Helper function to apply correction to correlation matrix. When working with standardised residuals,
#' the expectation of the correlations is -1/(L-1) rather than 0 See DOI: 10.1177/0013164410379322
#' @param myCorMat A correlation matrix.
#' @return A correlation matrix with the Q3 statistic correction applied.
q3ExpCorrect <- function(myCorMat) {
  # takes in a correlation matrix, returns a matrix corrected for expecation that off diaganals = −1/(I − 1)
  if (!all(diag(myCorMat) == 1)) stop("you must provide a correlation matrix")
  myCorrection <- -1/(nrow(myCorMat)-1)
  myResult <- myCorMat
  myResult[lower.tri(myResult)] <- myResult[lower.tri(myResult)] - myCorrection
  myResult[upper.tri(myResult)] <- myResult[upper.tri(myResult)] - myCorrection
  myResult[myResult > 1] <- 1
  myResult[myResult < -1] <- -1

#' @title fisherTrnsfrm
#' @description Helper function to apply Fisher's transformation to a correlation matrix.
#' @param myCorMat A correlation matrix.
#' @return A correlation matrix with Fisher's transform applied to values -1 > x > 1.
fisherTrnsfrm <- function(myCorMat) {
  # takes in a correlation matrix, returns a matrix where correaltions are fisher tranformed (r_ij becomes z_ij)
  if (!all(diag(myCorMat) == 1)) stop("you must provide a correlation matrix")
  myResult <- myCorMat
  myResult[abs(myCorMat) < 1] <- atanh(myCorMat[abs(myCorMat) < 1])

#' @title steigerStat
#' @description Function to cacluate the Steiger statistic. The Steiger statistic is a test of independance of
#' the standardised residuals ((O-E)/sqrt(Var(E))), where Var(E) = p(x)/(1-p(x)).
#' @param myDat A data frame or matrix containing standardised residuals.
#' @param q3Adj A bool indicating whether the Q3 correction should be applied.
#' @param fisher A bool indicating whether the Fisher Transform should be applied.
#' @param dfAdj A bool indicating whether the df should be adjusted for sample size, L, and targeting.
#' If dfAdj is TRUE, then you must pass in the optional argument `tmp` (test-person match)
#' @param tpm A number indicating the test-person match, where 0 indicates that
#' mean item difficulty is equal to mean person ability, and -1 indcates that mean item difficulty is 1 logit below mean person ability.
#' @return A list of class "steigerStat" with the Steiger Statistic, correlation matrix, and chi square test.
#' @importFrom stats cor na.omit pchisq qchisq
steigerStat <- function(myDat, q3Adj = TRUE, fisher = TRUE, dfAdj = FALSE, tpm) {
  if (missing(tpm)) tpm <- 0
  myResultList <- list()
  if (!"matrix" %in% class(myDat)) {
    # should test if data frame, and then cast to numeric
    # shoudl try this and handle exceptions
    myDatT <- myDat
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(myDatT))) {
      myDatT[ , i] <- as.numeric(myDatT[ , i])
    myDatT <- as.matrix(myDatT)
  } else {
    myDatT <- myDat
  myN <- nrow(myDatT)
  myL <- ncol(myDatT)
  myDf <- myL*(myL-1)/2
  myCorMat <- cor(na.omit(myDatT))
  if (q3Adj) myCorMat <- q3ExpCorrect(myCorMat)
  if (fisher) myCorMat <- fisherTrnsfrm(myCorMat)
  if (dfAdj) {
    myDf <- myDf + 1/70*myN - 1/4*myL - 12*tpm - 1/40*myN*tpm + 2/3*myL*tpm
  myResultList[["Cor"]] <- myCorMat
  myResult <- (myN - 3) * sum(myCorMat[lower.tri(myCorMat)]^2)
  myResultList[["steigerStat"]] <- myResult
  myChiSq <- pchisq(myResult, myDf, lower.tail = FALSE)
  myResultList[["Chisq_p"]] <- myChiSq
  myResultList[["Chisq_crit"]] <- qchisq(0.95, myDf)
  myResultList[["N"]] <- myN
  myResultList[["L"]] <- myL
  myResultList[["DF"]] <- myDf

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