#' @title The inverse variance estimate of the overall effect across strata
#' @description The inverse variance estimate of the overall effect across strata
#' @description Described in Chapter 10 "Stratified 2x2 Tables and Meta-Analysis"
#' @param n the observed table (a 2x2xk matrix, where k is the number of strata)
#' @param link the link function ('linear', 'log', or 'logit')
#' @examples
#' InverseVariance_estimate_stratified_2x2(doll_hill_1950)
#' InverseVariance_estimate_stratified_2x2(hine_1989)
#' @export
#' @return An object of the [contingencytables_result] class,
#' basically a subclass of [base::list()]. Use the [utils::str()] function
#' to see the specific elements returned.
InverseVariance_estimate_stratified_2x2 <- function(n, link = "logit") {
n1pk <- apply(n[1, , ], 2, sum)
n2pk <- apply(n[2, , ], 2, sum)
# Calculate stratum-specific effect estimates
if (identical(link, "linear")) {
psihat <- n[1, 1, ] / n1pk - n[2, 1, ] / n2pk
} else if (identical(link, "log")) {
psihat <- log((n[1, 1, ] / n1pk) / (n[2, 1, ] / n2pk))
} else if (identical(link, "logit")) {
psihat <- log((n[1, 1, ] * n[2, 2, ]) / (n[1, 2, ] * n[2, 1, ]))
# Calculate weights
if (identical(link, "linear")) {
v <- 1 / (n[1, 1, ] * n[1, 2, ] / n1pk^3 + n[2, 1, ] * n[2, 2, ] / n2pk^3)
} else if (identical(link, "log")) {
v <- 1 / (1 / n[1, 1, ] - 1 / n1pk + 1 / n[2, 1, ] - 1 / n2pk)
} else if (identical(link, "logit")) {
v <- 1 / (1 / n[1, 1, ] + 1 / n[1, 2, ] + 1 / n[2, 1, ] + 1 / n[2, 2, ])
# The inverse variance estimate of the overall effect
estimate <- sum(v * psihat) / sum(v)
if (identical(link, "log") || identical(link, "logit")) {
estimate <- exp(estimate)
list("estimate" = estimate, "psihat" = psihat, "v" = v),
sprintf("The inverse variance estimate = %7.4f", estimate)
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