#' @title Stratified 2x2 tables
#' @param n the observed table (a 2x2xk matrix, where k is the number of strata)
#' @param alpha the nominal level, e.g. 0.05 for 95% CIs
#' @examples
#' # Smoking and lung cancer (Doll and Hill, 1950)
#' stratified_2x2_tables(doll_hill_1950)
#' # Prophylactice use of Lidocaine in myocardial infarction (Hine et al., 1989)
#' stratified_2x2_tables(hine_1989)
#' @export
#' @return NULL. This function should be called for its printed output
stratified_2x2_tables <- function(n, alpha = 0.05) {
cat("The stratum-specific effect estimates\n")
K <- dim(n)[3]
n1pk <- apply(n[1, , ], 2, sum)
n2pk <- apply(n[2, , ], 2, sum)
z_alpha <- qnorm(1 - alpha / 2, 0, 1)
cat("\nThe difference between probabilities\n")
for (k in 1:K) {
estimate <- n[1, 1, k] / n1pk[k] - n[2, 1, k] / n2pk[k]
SE <- sqrt(n[1, 1, k] * n[1, 2, k] / (n1pk[k]^3) + n[2, 1, k] * n[2, 2, k] / (n2pk[k]^3))
L <- estimate - z_alpha * SE
U <- estimate + z_alpha * SE
cat(sprintf(" Stratum #%i: deltahat_%i = %6.4f (%g%% Wald CI %6.4f to %6.4f)\n", k, k, estimate, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U))
cat("\nThe ratio of probabilities\n")
for (k in 1:K) {
estimate <- (n[1, 1, k] / n1pk[k]) / (n[2, 1, k] / n2pk[k])
SE <- sqrt(1 / n[1, 1, k] - 1 / n1pk[k] + 1 / n[2, 1, k] - 1 / n2pk[k])
L <- exp(log(estimate) - z_alpha * SE)
U <- exp(log(estimate) + z_alpha * SE)
cat(sprintf(" Stratum #%i: phihat_%i = %6.4f (%g%% Wald CI %6.4f to %6.4f)\n", k, k, estimate, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U))
cat("\nThe odds ratio\n")
for (k in 1:K) {
estimate <- (n[1, 1, k] / n[1, 2, k]) / (n[2, 1, k] / n[2, 2, k])
SE <- sqrt(1 / n[1, 1, k] + 1 / n[1, 2, k] + 1 / n[2, 1, k] + 1 / n[2, 2, k])
L <- exp(log(estimate) - z_alpha * SE)
U <- exp(log(estimate) + z_alpha * SE)
cat(sprintf(" Stratum #%i: thetahat_%i = %6.4f (%g%% Wald CI %6.4f to %6.4f)\n", k, k, estimate, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U))
cat("\nEstimating a common difference between probabilities\n")
estimate <- MantelHaenszel_estimate_stratified_2x2(n, "linear")[[1]]
cat(sprintf("The Mantel-Haenszel estimate = %7.4f\n", estimate))
estimate <- InverseVariance_estimate_stratified_2x2(n, "linear")[[1]]
cat(sprintf("The inverse variance estimate = %7.4f\n", estimate))
cat("\nEstimating a common ratio of probabilities\n")
estimate <- MantelHaenszel_estimate_stratified_2x2(n, "log")[[1]]
cat(sprintf("The Mantel-Haenszel estimate = %7.4f\n", estimate))
estimate <- InverseVariance_estimate_stratified_2x2(n, "log")[[1]]
cat(sprintf("The inverse variance estimate = %7.4f\n", estimate))
cat("\nEstimating a common odds ratio\n")
estimate <- MantelHaenszel_estimate_stratified_2x2(n, "logit")[[1]]
cat(sprintf("The Mantel-Haenszel estimate = %7.4f\n", estimate))
estimate <- InverseVariance_estimate_stratified_2x2(n, "logit")[[1]]
cat(sprintf("The inverse variance estimate = %7.4f\n", estimate))
estimate <- Peto_OR_estimate_stratified_2x2(n)[[1]]
cat(sprintf("The Peto OR estimate = %7.4f\n", estimate))
cat("\nTests of homogeneity of the difference between probabilities\n")
cat("Test P-value (test statistic)\n")
tmp <- Cochran_Q_test_stratified_2x2(n, "linear", "MH")
P <- tmp$pvalue
Q <- tmp$estimate
df <- tmp$df
cat(sprintf("Cochran Q (MH) %6.4f (Q = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", P, Q, df))
tmp <- Cochran_Q_test_stratified_2x2(n, "linear", "IV")
P <- tmp$pvalue
Q <- tmp$estimate
df <- tmp$df
cat(sprintf("Cochran Q (IV) %6.4f (Q = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", P, Q, df))
results <- Pearson_LR_homogeneity_test_stratified_2x2(n, "linear")
cat(sprintf("Likelihood ratio %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_LR, results$T_LR, results$df_LR))
cat(sprintf("Pearson chi-squared %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_Pearson, results$T_Pearson, results$df_Pearson))
cat("\nTests of homogeneity of the ratio of probabilities\n")
cat("Test P-value (test statistic)\n")
tmp <- Cochran_Q_test_stratified_2x2(n, "log", "MH")
P <- tmp$pvalue
Q <- tmp$estimate
df <- tmp$df
cat(sprintf("Cochran Q (MH) %6.4f (Q = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", P, Q, df))
tmp <- Cochran_Q_test_stratified_2x2(n, "log", "IV")
P <- tmp$pvalue
Q <- tmp$estimate
df <- tmp$df
cat(sprintf("Cochran Q (IV) %6.4f (Q = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", P, Q, df))
results <- Pearson_LR_homogeneity_test_stratified_2x2(n, "log")
cat(sprintf("Likelihood ratio %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_LR, results$T_LR, results$df_LR))
cat(sprintf("Pearson chi-squared %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_Pearson, results$T_Pearson, results$df_Pearson))
cat("\nTests of homogeneity of odds ratios\n")
cat("Test P-value (test statistic)\n")
tmp <- Cochran_Q_test_stratified_2x2(n, "logit", "MH")
P <- tmp$pvalue
Q <- tmp$estimate
df <- tmp$df
cat(sprintf("Cochran Q (MH) %6.4f (Q = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", P, Q, df))
tmp <- Cochran_Q_test_stratified_2x2(n, "logit", "IV")
P <- tmp$pvalue
Q <- tmp$estimate
df <- tmp$df
cat(sprintf("Cochran Q (IV) %6.4f (Q = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", P, Q, df))
results <- Pearson_LR_homogeneity_test_stratified_2x2(n, "logit")
cat(sprintf("Likelihood ratio %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_LR, results$T_LR, results$df_LR))
cat(sprintf("Pearson chi-squared %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_Pearson, results$T_Pearson, results$df_Pearson))
tmp <- BreslowDay_homogeneity_test_stratified_2x2(n)
P <- tmp$pvalue
T0 <- tmp$estimate
df <- tmp$df
cat(sprintf("Breslow-Day W/Tarone correction %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", P, T0, df))
tmp <- Peto_homogeneity_test_stratified_2x2(n)
P <- tmp[[1]]
T0 <- tmp[[2]]
df <- tmp[[3]]
cat(sprintf("Peto %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", P, T0, df))
cat("\nTests and CIs for a common difference between probabilities\n")
results <- Pearson_LR_test_common_effect_stratified_2x2(n, "linear")
cat("Test P-value (test statistic)\n")
cat(sprintf("Likelihood ratio %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_LR, results$T_LR, results$df_LR))
cat(sprintf("Pearson chi-squared %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_Pearson, results$T_Pearson, results$df_Pearson))
tmp <- Wald_test_and_CI_common_diff_stratified_2x2(n, "MH", alpha)
P <- tmp[[1]]
Z <- tmp[[2]]
L_MH <- tmp[[3]]
U_MH <- tmp[[4]]
deltahat_MH <- tmp[[5]]
cat(sprintf("Wald (MH) %6.4f (Z = %5.3f)\n", P, Z))
tmp <- Wald_test_and_CI_common_diff_stratified_2x2(n, "IV", alpha)
P <- tmp[[1]]
Z <- tmp[[2]]
L_IV <- tmp[[3]]
U_IV <- tmp[[4]]
deltahat_IV <- tmp[[5]]
cat(sprintf("Wald (IV) %6.4f (Z = %5.3f)\n", P, Z))
results <- ML_estimates_and_CIs_stratified_2x2(n, "linear", alpha)
cat(sprintf("Interval method estimate %i%% CI\n", 100 * (1 - alpha)))
cat(sprintf("Wald (MH) %7.4f %7.4f to %7.4f\n", deltahat_MH, L_MH, U_MH))
cat(sprintf("Wald (IV) %7.4f %7.4f to %7.4f\n", deltahat_IV, L_IV, U_IV))
cat(sprintf("Maximum likelihood %7.4f %7.4f to %7.4f\n", results$betahat, results$betahatCI[1], results$betahatCI[2]))
cat("\nTests and CIs for a common ratio of probabilities\n")
results <- Pearson_LR_test_common_effect_stratified_2x2(n, "log")
cat("Test P-value (test statistic)\n")
cat(sprintf("Likelihood ratio %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_LR, results$T_LR, results$df_LR))
cat(sprintf("Pearson chi-squared %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_Pearson, results$T_Pearson, results$df_Pearson))
tmp <- Wald_test_and_CI_common_ratio_stratified_2x2(n, "MH", alpha)
P <- tmp[[1]]
Z <- tmp[[2]]
L_MH <- tmp[[3]]
U_MH <- tmp[[4]]
deltahat_MH <- tmp[[5]]
cat(sprintf("Wald (MH) %6.4f (Z = %5.3f)\n", P, Z))
tmp <- Wald_test_and_CI_common_ratio_stratified_2x2(n, "IV", alpha)
P <- tmp[[1]]
Z <- tmp[[2]]
L_IV <- tmp[[3]]
U_IV <- tmp[[4]]
deltahat_IV <- tmp[[5]]
cat(sprintf("Wald (IV) %6.4f (Z = %5.3f)\n", P, Z))
results <- ML_estimates_and_CIs_stratified_2x2(n, "log", alpha)
cat(sprintf("Interval method estimate %i%% CI\n", 100 * (1 - alpha)))
cat(sprintf("Wald (MH) %7.4f %7.4f to %7.4f\n", deltahat_MH, L_MH, U_MH))
cat(sprintf("Wald (IV) %7.4f %7.4f to %7.4f\n", deltahat_IV, L_IV, U_IV))
cat(sprintf("Maximum likelihood %7.4f %7.4f to %7.4f\n", exp(results$betahat), exp(results$betahatCI[1]), exp(results$betahatCI[2])))
cat("\nTests and CIs for a common odds ratio\n")
results <- Pearson_LR_test_common_effect_stratified_2x2(n, "logit")
cat(sprintf("Test P-value (test statistic)\n"))
cat(sprintf("Likelihood ratio %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_LR, results$T_LR, results$df_LR))
cat(sprintf("Pearson chi-squared %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", results$P_Pearson, results$T_Pearson, results$df_Pearson))
tmp <- CochranMantelHaenszel_test_stratified_2x2(n)
P <- tmp[[1]]
T0 <- tmp[[3]]
df <- tmp[[2]]
cat(sprintf("Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel %6.4f (T = %5.3f, df = %g)\n", P, T0, df))
tmp <- RBG_test_and_CI_stratified_2x2(n, alpha)
P <- tmp[[1]]
Z <- tmp[[2]]
L_RBG <- tmp[[3]]
U_RBG <- tmp[[4]]
phihat_RBG <- tmp[[5]]
cat(sprintf("RBG %6.4f (Z = %5.3f)\n", P, Z))
tmp <- Woolf_test_and_CI_stratified_2x2(n, alpha)
P <- tmp[[1]]
Z <- tmp[[2]]
L_Woolf <- tmp[[3]]
U_Woolf <- tmp[[4]]
phihat_Woolf <- tmp[[5]]
cat(sprintf("Woolf %6.4f (Z = %5.3f)\n", P, Z))
results <- ML_estimates_and_CIs_stratified_2x2(n, "logit", alpha)
cat(sprintf("Interval method estimate %i%% CI\n", 100 * (1 - alpha)))
cat(sprintf("RBG (MH) %7.4f %7.4f to %7.4f\n", phihat_RBG, L_RBG, U_RBG))
cat(sprintf("Woolf (IV) %7.4f %7.4f to %7.4f\n", phihat_Woolf, L_Woolf, U_Woolf))
cat(sprintf("Maximum likelihood %7.4f %7.4f to %7.4f\n", exp(results$betahat), exp(results$betahatCI[1]), exp(results$betahatCI[2])))
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