#' @title The rxc table
#' @param n the total number of observations
#' @param alpha the nominal level, e.g. 0.05 for 95% CIs
#' @param nboot number of boostrap samples. If 0, skips tests that use
#' bootstrapping
#' @examples
#' set.seed(8047)
#' # Unordered tables
#' ## Treatment for ear infection (van Balen et al., 2003)
#' the_rxc_table(table_7.3, nboot = 200)
#' ## Psychiatric diagnoses vs PA (Mangerud et al., 2004)
#' the_rxc_table(table_7.4, nboot = 0)
#' # Singly ordered tables
#' ## Psychiatric diag. vs BMI (Mangerud et al., 2004)
#' the_rxc_table(table_7.5, nboot = 0)
#' ## Low birth weight vs psychiatric morbitidy (Lund et al., 2012)
#' the_rxc_table(table_7.6, nboot = 150)
#' # Doubly ordered tables
#' ## Colorectal cancer (Jullumstroe et al., 2009)
#' the_rxc_table(table_7.7, nboot = 0)
#' ## Breast Tumor (Bofin et al., 2004)
#' the_rxc_table(table_7.8, nboot = 200)
#' ## Self-rated health (Breidablik et al., 2008)
#' the_rxc_table(table_7.9, nboot = 0)
#' @export
#' @return NULL. This function should be called for its printed output.
the_rxc_table <- function(n, alpha = 0.05, nboot = 10000) {
r <- nrow(n)
c <- ncol(n)
# Tests for association in unordered tables
cat_sprintf("\nMethod Statistic P-value\n")
cat_sprintf("Unordered rxc tables\n")
results <- Pearson_LR_tests_rxc(n)
cat_sprintf(" Pearson chi-square %6.3f (df=%g) %9.6f\n", results$T_Pearson, results$df_Pearson, results$P_Pearson)
cat_sprintf(" Likelihood ratio %6.3f (df=%g) %9.6f\n", results$T_LR, results$df_LR, results$P_LR)
tmp <- FisherFreemanHalton_asymptotic_test_rxc(n)
P <- tmp[[1]]
T0 <- tmp[[2]]
df <- tmp[[3]]
if (! {
cat_sprintf(" Fisher-Freeman-Halton asymptotic %6.3f (df=%g) %9.6f\n", T0, df, P)
# There is some computation time for the exact and mid-P tests on the 3x3 table
# (Low birth weight vs psychiatric morbitidy)
# Change "c <=2" to "c <= 3" to calculate the tests also on these data
if (r <= 3 && c <= 2) {
results_exact_midP <- Exact_cond_midP_tests_rxc(n)
cat_sprintf(" Fisher-Freeman-Halton exact conditional %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$P_FFH)
cat_sprintf(" Fisher-Freeman-Halton mid-P %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$midP_FFH)
cat_sprintf(" Pearson exact conditional %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$P_Pearson)
cat_sprintf(" Pearson mid-P %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$midP_Pearson)
cat_sprintf(" Likelihood ratio exact conditional %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$P_LR)
cat_sprintf(" Likelihood ratio mid-P %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$midP_LR)
# ---------
# Residuals
# ---------
tmp <- Pearson_residuals_rxc(n)
residuals <- tmp[[1]]
std_residuals <- tmp[[2]]
cat_sprintf("Pearson residuals:\n")
cat_sprintf("Standardized Pearson residuals:\n")
# Simultaneous confidence intervals for rx2 tables
if (c == 2) {
print(Scheffe_type_CIs_rxc(n, alpha))
print(Bonferroni_type_CIs_rxc(n, alpha))
# Tests for association in singly ordered tables
cat_sprintf("Method Statistic P-value\n")
cat_sprintf("Singly ordered rxc tables\n")
tmp <- KruskalWallis_asymptotic_test_rxc(n)
P <- tmp[[1]]
T0 <- tmp[[2]]
df <- tmp[[3]]
cat_sprintf(" Kruskal-Wallis asymptotic %6.3f (df=%g) %9.6f\n", T0, df, P)
if (exists("results_exact_midP")) {
cat_sprintf(" Kruskal-Wallis exact conditional %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$P_KW)
cat_sprintf(" Kruskal-Wallis mid-P %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$midP_KW)
# The proportional odds model
if (ncol(n) > 2) {
results <- Cumulative_models_for_rxc(n, "logit", alpha)
cat_sprintf("\nTesting the fit of a proportional odds model\n")
cat_sprintf(" Pearson goodness of fit: %6.3f (df=%g) %9.6f\n", results$X2, results$df_X2, results$P_X2)
cat_sprintf(" Likelihodd ratio (deviance): %6.3f (df=%g) %9.6f\n", results$D, results$df_D, results$P_D)
cat_sprintf("\nTesting the effect in a proportional odds model\n")
cat_sprintf(" Likelihood ratio %6.3f (df=%g) %9.6f\n", results$T_LR, results$df_LR, results$P_LR)
cat_sprintf("\nComparing the rows Statistic P-value\n")
for (i in 1:(r - 1)) {
cat_sprintf("Wald (Z-statistic) row %g vs row 1 %6.3f %9.6f\n", i + 1, results$Z_Wald[i], results$P_Wald[i])
cat_sprintf("Comparing the rows Estimate (%g%% Wald CI) Odds ratio (%g%% Wald CI)\n", 100 * (1 - alpha), 100 * (1 - alpha))
for (i in 1:(r - 1)) {
cat_sprintf("row %g vs row 1: %6.3f (%6.3f to %6.3f) %5.3f (%5.3f to %5.3f)\n", i + 1, results$betahat[i], results$Wald_CI[i, 1], results$Wald_CI[i, 2], results$OR[i], results$Wald_CI_OR[i, 1], results$Wald_CI_OR[i, 2])
# Tests for association in doubly ordered tables
cat_sprintf("\nMethod Statistic P-value\n")
cat_sprintf("Doubly ordered rxc tables\n")
tmp <- linear_by_linear_test_rxc(n, 1:r, 1:c)
P <- tmp[[1]]
Z <- tmp[[2]]
cat_sprintf(" Linear-by-linear %6.3f %9.6f\n", Z, P)
tmp <- JonckheereTerpstra_test_rxc(n)
P <- tmp[[1]]
Z <- tmp[[2]]
cat_sprintf(" Jonckheere-Terpstra %6.3f %9.6f\n", Z, P)
if (exists("results_exact_midP")) {
cat_sprintf(" Linear-by-linear exact conditional %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$P_KW)
cat_sprintf(" Linear-by-linear mid-P %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$midP_KW)
cat_sprintf(" Jonckheere-Terpstra exact conditional %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$P_KW)
cat_sprintf(" Jonckheere-Terpstra mid-P %9.6f\n", results_exact_midP$midP_KW)
# Correlation measures
cat_sprintf("\nCorrelation measures\n")
tmp <- Pearson_correlation_coefficient_rxc(n, 1:r, 1:c, alpha)
rP <- tmp[[1]]
L <- tmp[[2]]
U <- tmp[[3]]
cat_sprintf("Pearson correlation coefficient %6.3f (%g%% CI %6.3f to %6.3f)\n", rP, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U)
if (nboot > 0) {
tmp <- Pearson_correlation_coefficient_rxc_bca(n, nboot, 1:r, 1:c, alpha)
rP <- tmp[[1]]
L <- tmp[[2]]
U <- tmp[[3]]
cat_sprintf("Pearson correlation w / BCa bootstrap CI %6.3f (%g%% CI %6.3f to %6.3f), nboot = %g\n", rP, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U, nboot)
tmp <- Spearman_correlation_coefficient_rxc(n, alpha)
rho <- tmp[[1]]
L <- tmp[[2]]
U <- tmp[[3]]
L_BW <- tmp[[4]]
U_BW <- tmp[[5]]
cat_sprintf("Spearman correlation w / Fieller CI %6.3f (%g%% CI %6.3f to %6.3f)\n", rho, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U)
cat_sprintf("Spearman correlation w / Bonett-Wright CI %6.3f (%g%% CI %6.3f to %6.3f)\n", rho, 100 * (1 - alpha), L_BW, U_BW)
if (nboot > 0) {
tmp <- Spearman_correlation_coefficient_rxc_bca(n, nboot, alpha)
rho <- tmp[[1]]
L <- tmp[[2]]
U <- tmp[[3]]
cat_sprintf("Spearman correlation w / BCa bootstrap CI %6.3f (%g%% CI %6.3f to %6.3f), nboot = %g\n", rho, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U, nboot)
gamma <- gamma_coefficient_rxc(n)$gamma
cat_sprintf("The gamma coefficient %6.3f\n", gamma)
if (nboot > 0) {
tmp <- gamma_coefficient_rxc_bca(n, nboot, alpha)
gamma <- tmp[[1]]
L <- tmp[[2]]
U <- tmp[[3]]
cat_sprintf("The gamma coefficient w / BCa bootstrap CI %6.3f (%g%% CI %6.3f to %6.3f), nboot = %g\n", gamma, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U, nboot)
tmp <- Kendalls_tau_b_rxc(n, alpha)
tau_b <- tmp[[1]]
L <- tmp[[2]]
U <- tmp[[3]]
cat_sprintf("Kendalls tau-b w / Fieller CI %6.3f (%g%% CI %6.3f to %6.3f)\n", tau_b, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U)
if (nboot > 0) {
tmp <- Kendalls_tau_b_rxc_bca(n, nboot, alpha)
tau_b <- tmp[[1]]
L <- tmp[[2]]
U <- tmp[[3]]
cat_sprintf("Kendalls tau-b w / BCa bootstrap CI %6.3f (%g%% CI %6.3f to %6.3f), nboot = %g\n", tau_b, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U, nboot)
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