#' @title Validate arguments of a function
#' @description This is an internal function used by user-level functions to
#' validate their arguments.
#' @param x named list containing function arguments and their values
#' @param types named vector of types for `x`
#' @return Nothing if all arguments fit their type. An error message otherwise.
#' @author Waldir Leoncio
#' @details Accepted validation types are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "counts"
#' \item "positive"
#' \item "probability"
#' \item "linear, log or logit"
#' \item "MH or IV"
#' \item "logit or probit"
#' \item "increasing or decreasing"
#' \item A vector of possible values
#' }
#' @note Types are evaluated alphabetically, and errors accuse no more than
#' one invalid argument at a time.
#' @examples
#' Adjusted_inv_sinh_CI_OR_2x2(ritland_2007)
#' \dontrun{Adjusted_inv_sinh_CI_OR_2x2(-ritland_2007)}
validateArguments <- function(x, types = "default") {
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
# Typical arguments --------------------------------------------------------
if (length(types) == 1 && types == "default") {
type <- switch(
"n" = "counts",
"X" = "counts",
"alpha" = "probability",
"psi1" = "positive",
"psi2" = "positive",
"nboot" = "counts",
"pi0" = "probability",
"link" = "linear, log or logit",
"estimatetype" = "MH or IV",
"linkfunction" = "logit, probit or identity",
"direction" = "increasing or decreasing",
} else {
# This function is usually called with x = mget(ls()), which orders the
# arguments alphabetically. Therefore, the types vector is also ordered
# so the indices match.
type <- types[order(names(types))][i]
# Preventing some empty args -----------------------------------------------
if (names(x[i]) == "direction" && x[[i]] == "") {
stop(names(x[i]), " cannot be empty")
# Actual validation --------------------------------------------------------
if (length(type[[1]]) == 1) {
isvalid <- switch(
"counts" = all(trunc(x[[i]]) == x[[i]]) && all(x[[i]] >= 0),
"probability" = all((x[[i]] >= 0)) && all((x[[i]] <= 1)),
"positive" = (x[[i]] > 0),
"linear, log or logit" = x[[i]] %in% c("linear", "log", "logit"),
"MH or IV" = x[[i]] %in% c("MH", "IV"),
"logit, probit or identity" = x[[i]] %in% c("logit", "probit", "identity"),
"increasing or decreasing" = x[[i]] %in% c("increasing", "decreasing"),
"skip" = TRUE
} else {
isvalid <- x[[i]] %in% type[[1]]
if (!isvalid && ! {
type <- paste(type[[1]], collapse = ", ")
names(x)[i], " contains invalid values. Should be ", type,
". Please read the function documentation for more information.",
call. = FALSE
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