
    width = 12,
    title = "Generate HTML report",

    # shinyWidgets::radioGroupButtons(
    #     inputId = "download_type",
    #     label = NULL,
    #     #"Choose download type",
    #     choices = list(
    #         "One large txt file" = "txt",
    #         "Zip file of txt files" = "zip",
    #         "HTML" = "html"
    #     ),
    #     selected = "",
    #     justified = TRUE,
    #     size = "s"
    # ),
    # shiny::conditionalPanel(
    #     condition = "input.download_type == 'txt'",
    #     shiny::downloadButton("download_txt",
    #                    label = shiny::textOutput('download_button_text_txt'),
    #                    class = NULL)
    # ),
    # shiny::conditionalPanel(
    #     condition = "input.download_type == 'zip'",
    #     shiny::downloadButton("download_zip",
    #                    label = shiny::textOutput('download_button_text_zip'),
    #                    class = NULL)
    # ),
    # shiny::conditionalPanel(
        condition = "input.download_type == 'html'",
                       label = shiny::textOutput('download_button_text_html'),
                       class = "download_html")
    # )

Try the corporaexplorer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

corporaexplorer documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:21 p.m.