
EWSsmoothRM <-
function (S, s) 
# Apply running mean smoothing to spectrum S with bandwidth s
# Prepare smoothing filter
the.filter <- rep(1/(2 * s + 1), length = (2 * s + 1))
# Work out dimensions of spectrum
J <- S$nlevels
TT <- 2^J
# Now smooth each level of the spectrum one at a time
for (j in 0:(J - 1)) {
	# Get the spectrum at level j
        sl <- accessD(S, level = j)
	# Apply smoothing filter
        sl2 <- filter(x = sl, filter = the.filter)
	# Get rid of NAs and augment with the value of the first answer	
	# to remake the series of the correct length
        sl2 <- sl2[!is.na(sl2)]
        thetimesarg <- TT - length(sl2)
        sl2 <- c(rep(sl2[1], TT - length(sl2)), sl2)
	# Store the answer
        S <- putD(S, level = j, v = sl2)
# Return the smoothed spectrum

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costat documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:18 p.m.