
Defines functions plot.lacv

Documented in plot.lacv

plot.lacv <-
function(x, plotcor=TRUE, type="line", lags=0:min(as.integer(10*log10(nrow(x$lacv))),ncol(x$lacv)-1), tcex=1, lcol=1, llty=1, the.time=NULL, ...)

nlags <- length(lags)
ntime <- nrow(x$lacv)

if (max(lags)+1 > ncol(x$lacv))
	stop("Maximum lag is too high")

if (length(lcol) == 1)
	lcol <- rep(lcol, length(lags))
if (length(llty) == 1)
	llty <- rep(llty, length(lags))

if (length(lcol) != length(lags))
	stop("Length of lcol vector has to be 1 or the same as the length of the lags vector")

if (length(llty) != length(lags))
	stop("Length of llty vector has to be 1 or the same as the length of the lags vector")

if (type=="line")	{
	if (plotcor==TRUE)	{
		plot(c(1, max(ntime)), c(-1,1), type="n", xlab="Time",
		ylab="ACF", ...)
		for(i in 1:nlags)	{
			lines(1:ntime, x$lacr[, 1+lags[i]], col=lcol[i], lty=llty[i])

			pp <- seq(from=1, to=ntime, length=5)
			text(pp, x$lacr[pp, 1+lags[i]], labels=lags[i], cex=tcex)
		stop("Line plot for covariance not implemented yet")


else if (type=="persp")	{

	if (plotcor==TRUE)	{
		m <- x$lacr[, lags+1]
		zlab <- "ACF"
	else	{
		m <- x$lacv[, lags+1]
		zlab <- "ACF (cov)"

	persp(x=1:ntime, y=lags, z=m[, lags+1], 
			xlab="Time", ylab="Lag", zlab=zlab, ...)

else if (type=="acf")	{

	if (is.null(the.time))
		stop("You have to specify a time point at which you wish to see the autocovariance/correlation. Specify the.time")

	if (plotcor==TRUE)	{
		acfvals <- x$lacr[the.time,lags+1]
		ylab <- "ACF"
	else	{
		acfvals <- x$lacv[the.time,lags+1]
		ylab <- "ACF (cov)"

	plot(c(0, max(lags)), c(min(acfvals, 0),1), type="n", xlab="Lag", ylab=ylab, ...)
	segments( x0=lags, y0=0, x1=lags, y1=acfvals)




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costat documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:18 p.m.