
Defines functions plot_components plot_component_names get_plot_component

Documented in get_plot_component plot_component_names plot_components

#' Get plot components
#' Extract plot components from a ggplot or gtable. `get_plot_component()`
#' extracts grobs or a list of grobs. `plot_component_names()` provides the
#' names of the components in the plot. `plot_components()` returns all
#' components as a list.
#' @param plot A ggplot or gtable to extract from.
#' @param pattern The name of the component.
#' @param return_all If there is more than one component, should all be returned
#'   as a list? Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return A grob or list of grobs (`get_plot_component()`, `plot_components()`)
#'   or a character vector (`plot_component_names()`)
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, cty)) + geom_point()
#' ggdraw(get_plot_component(p, "ylab-l"))
#' @export
get_plot_component <- function(plot, pattern, return_all = FALSE) {
  plot <- as_gtable(plot)
  grob_names <- plot_component_names(plot)
  grobs <- plot_components(plot)

  grobIndex <- which(grepl(pattern, grob_names))

  if (length(grobIndex) != 0) {
    if (length(grobIndex) > 1 && !return_all) {
      # If there's more than one grob, return just the first one
      warning("Multiple components found; returning the first one. To return all, use `return_all = TRUE`.")
      grobIndex <- grobIndex[1]
      matched_grobs <- grobs[[grobIndex]]
    } else if (length(grobIndex) > 1 && return_all) {
      # If there's more than one grob, return all as a list
      matched_grobs <- grobs[grobIndex]
    } else {
      matched_grobs <- grobs[[grobIndex]]
  # if there's no grob, return NULL
  else {
    matched_grobs <- NULL


#' @rdname get_plot_component
#' @export
plot_component_names <- function(plot) {
  if (gtable::is.gtable(plot)) {
  } else {

#' @rdname get_plot_component
#' @export
plot_components <- function(plot) {
  if (gtable::is.gtable(plot)) {
  } else {

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cowplot documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:27 p.m.