
Defines functions gtable_squash_cols gtable_squash_rows gtable_remove_grobs

Documented in gtable_remove_grobs gtable_squash_cols gtable_squash_rows

#' Remove named elements from gtable
#' @param table The table from which grobs should be removed
#' @param names A character vector of the grob names (as listed in \code{table$layout})
#'   that should be removed
#' @param ... Other parameters passed through to \code{gtable_filter}.
#' @export
gtable_remove_grobs <- function(table, names, ...)
  kept_names <- table$layout$name[!(table$layout$name %in% names)]
  gtable::gtable_filter(table, paste(kept_names, sep="", collapse="|"), ...)

#' Set the height of given rows to 0.
#' @param table The gtable on which to operate
#' @param rows Numerical vector indicating the rows whose heights should be set to zero.
#' @export
gtable_squash_rows <- function(table, rows)
  lapply(rows, function(x){ table$heights[[x]] <<- grid::unit(0, "in")})

#' Set the width of given columns to 0.
#' @param table The gtable on which to operate
#' @param cols Numerical vector indicating the columns whose width should be set to zero.
#' @export
gtable_squash_cols <- function(table, cols)
  lapply(cols, function(x){ table$widths[[x]] <<- grid::unit(0, "in")})

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cowplot documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:27 p.m.