coxme.control: Auxillary parameters for controlling coxme fits.

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coxme.controlR Documentation

Auxillary parameters for controlling coxme fits.


Auxillary function which packages the optional parameters of a coxme fit as a single list.


coxme.control(eps = 1e-08, toler.chol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75,
iter.max = 20, inner.iter = Quote(max(4, fit0$iter+1)),
sparse.calc = NULL,
optpar = list(method = "BFGS", control=list(reltol = 1e-5)),
refine.df=4, refine.detail=FALSE, refine.method="control",
sparse=c(50, .02), 
varinit=c(.02, .1, .4, .8)^2, corinit = c(0, .3)) 



convergence criteria for the partial likelihood


tolerance for the underlying Cholesky decomposition. This is used to detect singularity (redundant variables).


maximum number of iterations for the final fit


number of iterations for the ‘inner loop’ fits, i.e. when the partial likelihood is the objective function of optim. The default is to use one more iteration than the baseline coxph model fit0. The baseline model contains only the fixed effects, and is as part of the setup by the main program. The minimum value of 4 applies most often to the case where there are no fixed effects.


choice of method 1 or 2 for a particular portion of the calculation. This can have an effect on run time for problems with thousands of random effects.


parameters passed forward to the optim routine.


the degrees of freedom for the t-distribution used to draw random samples for the refine.n option


this option is mostly for debugging. If TRUE then an extra component refine.detail will be present in the output which contains intermediate variables from the iterative refinement calculation.


method by which the control calculations are done. This is a current research/development question, the option will likely disappear at some future date, and users should ignore it.


rule for deciding sparsity of a random effect, see details below.


the default set of starting values for variances, used if no vinit argument is supplied in the coxme call.


the default set of starting values for correlations.


The main flow of coxme is to use the optim routine to find the best values for the variance parameters. For any given trial value of the variance parameters, an inner loop maximizes the partial likelihood to select the regression coefficients beta (fixed) and b (random). Within this loop cholesky decomposition is used. It is critical that the convergence criteria of inner loops be less than outer ones, thus toler.chol < eps < reltol.

If no starting values are supplied for the variances of the random effects then a grid search is performed to select initial values for the main iteration loop. The default values given here are based on experience but without any formal arguments for their optimality. We have found that the estimated standard deviation of a random effect is often between .1 and .3, corresponding to exp(.1)= 1.1 to exp(.3)= 1.35 fold “average” relative risks associated with group membership. This is biologically reasonable for a latent trait. Other common solutions ane a small random effect corresponding to only 1–5% change in the hazard or likelihood that is maximized at the boundary value of 0 variance. Variances greater than 2 are very unusual. Because we use the log(variance) as our iteration scale the 0–.001 portion of the variance scale is stretched out giving a log-likelihood surface that is almost flat; a Newton-Raphson iteration starting at log(.2) may have log(.0001) as its next guess and get stuck there, never finding a true maximum that lies in the range of .01 to .05. Corrleation paramters seem to need fewer starting points.

The sparse option controls a sparse approximation in the code. Assume we have a mixed effects model with a random intercept per group, and there are 1000 groups. In a Cox model (unlike a linear mixed effects model) the resulting second derivative matrix used during the solution will be 1000 by 1000 with no zeros, and fitting the model can consume a large amount of both time and memory. However, it is almost sparse, in that elements off the diagonal are very small and can often be ignored. Computation with a sparse matrix approximation will be many times faster. Luckily, as the number of groups increases the accuracy of the approximation also increases. If sparse=c(50, .03) this states that sparse approximation will be employed for any grouping variable with 50 or more levels, and off diagonal elements that relate any two levels both of which represent .03 of less of the total sample will be treated as zero.


a list of control parameters


Terry Therneau

See Also


coxme documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:04 p.m.