
Defines functions xfit_dr

Documented in xfit_dr

#' Title
#'@importFrom RCAL ate.regu.cv
#'@keywords internal
xfit_dr <- function(ds,
                    K = 5,
                    outcome_learners = NULL,
                    ps_learners = outcome_learners,
                    interaction_model = TRUE,
                    trim_at = 0.05,
                    outcome_family = gaussian(),
                    mthd = 'superlearner',
                    ncores = parallel::detectCores()-1,
                    ...) {

  if(mthd == 'parametric') {
    out_mthd <- 'ols'
    ps_mthd <- 'logistic'
  } else {
    out_mthd <- ps_mthd <- mthd

  if (mthd == 'cal') {
    cal_fit <- RCAL::ate.regu.cv(fold = c(K, K),
                                 nrho = c(11, 11),
                                 y = ds %>% pull(y),
                                 tr = ds %>% pull(a),
                                 x = ds %>% select(any_of(x)) %>% as.matrix
    out_ds <- ds %>%
      mutate(mu1 = cal_fit$mfo[,2],
             mu0 = cal_fit$mfo[,1],
             pi1 = cal_fit$mfp[,2],
             pi0 = cal_fit$mfp[,1])
  } else {
    if (interaction_model) {
      mu0 <- xfit(ds = ds,
                  x = x,
                  y = y,
                  a = a,
                  out_name = 'mu0',
                  K = K,
                  control_only = TRUE,
                  mthd = out_mthd,
                  outcome_family = outcome_family,
                  learners = outcome_learners,
                  ncores = ncores, ...) %>%
      mu1 <- xfit(ds = ds,
                  x = x,
                  y = y,
                  a = a,
                  out_name = 'mu1',
                  K = K,
                  case_only = TRUE,
                  mthd = out_mthd,
                  outcome_family = outcome_family,
                  learners = outcome_learners,
                  ncores = ncores, ...)%>%
    } else {
      mu <- xfit(ds = ds,
                 x = c(x, a),
                 y = y,
                 a = a,
                 out_name = 'mu',
                 K = K,
                 mthd = out_mthd,
                 outcome_family = outcome_family,
                 learners = outcome_learners,
                 predict_both_arms = TRUE,
                 ncores = ncores, ...) %>%
    ps <- xfit(ds = ds,
               x = x,
               y = a,
               K = K,
               mthd = ps_mthd,
               out_name = 'pi',
               learners = ps_learners,
               ps_fit = TRUE,
               outcome_family = outcome_family,
               ncores = ncores, ...) %>%

    if (trim_at != 0) {
      ps <- ps %>%
        mutate(pi1 = case_when(pi < trim_at ~ trim_at,
                               pi > 1 - trim_at ~ 1 - trim_at,
                               TRUE ~ pi),
               pi0 = 1 - !!sym("pi1"))
    } else {
      ps <- ps %>%
        mutate(pi1 = pi,
               pi0 = 1 - !!sym("pi1"))
    if (!interaction_model) {
      out_ds <- cbind.data.frame(ds,
                                 mu0 = mu$mu0,
                                 mu1 = mu$mu1,
                                 pi = ps$pi,
                                 pi1 = ps$pi1,
                                 pi0 = ps$pi0
    } else {
      out_ds <- cbind.data.frame(ds,
                                 mu0 = mu0$mu0,
                                 mu1 = mu1$mu1,
                                 pi = ps$pi,
                                 pi1 = ps$pi1,
                                 pi0 = ps$pi0

  out_ds <- out_ds %>%
    mutate(u_i = mu1 - mu0 +
             (!!sym(a))*((!!sym(y)) - mu1)/!!sym("pi1") -
           u_i1 = mu1 + (!!sym(a))*((!!sym(y)) - mu1)/!!sym("pi1"),
           u_i0 = mu0 + (1-(!!sym(a)))*((!!sym(y))-mu0)/!!sym("pi0"),
           om_u_i = mu1 - mu0,
           ipw_u_i = (!!sym(a))*(!!sym(y))/!!sym("pi1") -
  n <- nrow(out_ds)
  out_ds %>%
    summarise(estimate = mean(!!sym("u_i")),
              E_Y1 = mean(!!sym("u_i1")),
              E_Y0 = mean(!!sym("u_i0")),
              # sigmasq = mean(u_i^2),
              se = sqrt(mean((!!sym('u_i'))^2))/sqrt(n),
              om_est = mean(!!sym("om_u_i")),
              om_se = sqrt(mean((!!sym("om_u_i"))^2)/n),
              ipw_est = mean(!!sym("ipw_u_i")),
              ipw_se = sqrt(mean((!!sym("ipw_u_i"))^2)/n),
              risk_ratio = !!sym("E_Y1")/!!sym("E_Y0"),
              rr_se = sqrt(mean((!!sym("u_i1"))^2/(!!sym("E_Y0"))^2 + (!!sym("E_Y1"))^2/(!!sym("E_Y0"))^4*(!!sym("u_i0"))^2 - 2*!!sym("E_Y1")/(!!sym("E_Y0"))^3*!!sym("u_i1")*!!sym("u_i0"))/n),
              observation_data = list(out_ds %>%

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