
Defines functions view_crs suggest_top_crs suggest_crs

Documented in suggest_crs suggest_top_crs view_crs

#' Suggest coordinate systems for an input spatial dataset
#' This function takes an input spatial dataset as input and makes "suggestions" for suitable
#' coordinate reference systems that could be used for CRS transformations in spatial analysis
#' projects.  The function works by analyzing the extent of the spatial dataset and comparing it
#' to the area extents in the EPSG's coordinate reference system database.  The "suggested"
#' coordinate reference systems are determined by minimizing the Hausdorff distances between
#' the CRS area extents and the input dataset, subject to user preferences (such as
#' a geographic coordinate system ID or measurement units).
#' @param input A spatial dataset of class \code{"sf"}, \code{"Spatial*"},               \code{"RasterLayer"}, \code{"SpatVector"}, or \code{"SpatRaster"} for which you would like coordinate reference system suggestions.
#' @param type The output CRS type; defaults to \code{"projected"}.
#' @param limit How many results to return; defaults to \code{10}.
#' @param gcs (optional) The EPSG code for the corresponding geographic coordinate system of the results (e.g. \code{4326} for WGS 1984).
#' @param units (optional) The measurement units of the coordinate systems in the returned results.  Can be one of \code{"m"}, \code{"ft"}, or \code{"ft-us"}.
#' @param drop_na Whether or not to drop EPSG codes that do not appear in the PROJ database (and thus can't be used for CRS transformation). Defauts to \code{TRUE}; set to \code{FALSE} if you want to search all codes.
#' @return A data frame with information about coordinate reference systems that could be suitably used for CRS transformation.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(tigris)
#' library(crsuggest)
#' # Get a dataset of Census tracts for Nassau County, NY
#' nassau_tracts <- tracts("NY", "Nassau", cb = TRUE)
#' # tigris datasets default to the NAD1983 GCS (EPSG code 4269)
#' # What are some appropriate projected coordinate systems?
#' suggest_crs(nassau_tracts)
#' # Alternatively, we can require projections to have specific
#' # geographic coordinate systems and/or units
#' # For example, let's say we only want NAD83(HARN) (code 4152)
#' # and we want the measurement units to be US feet
#' suggest_crs(nassau_tracts, gcs = 4152, units = "us-ft")
#' }
suggest_crs <- function(input, type = "projected",
                        limit = 10, gcs = NULL,
                        units = NULL, drop_na = TRUE) {

  if (is.na(st_crs(input))) {
    stop("Your dataset is missing an existing CRS definition.\nEither assign an appropriate CRS to your dataset or find one with\nthe crsuggest::guess_crs() function.", call. = FALSE)

  # If the input is a raster layer or a terra object, convert to a polygon at the
  # extent of that layer
  if (inherits(input, "RasterLayer") || inherits(input, "SpatRaster") || inherits(input, "SpatVector")) {
    input <- input %>%
      st_bbox() %>%

  # If object is from the sp package, convert to sf
  if (any(grepl("Spatial", class(input)))) {
    input <- st_as_sf(input)

  # If it is a simple feature collection, make into sf
  if (inherits(input, "sfc")) {
    input <- st_sf(input)

  # Filter the CRS object for the selected type, GCS, and units if requested
  crs_type <- dplyr::filter(crsuggest::crs_sf, crs_type == type)

  # If drop_na is set to TRUE, get rid of all missing PROJ4 entries
  if (drop_na) {
    crs_type <- dplyr::filter(crs_type, !is.na(crs_proj4))

  if (!is.null(gcs)) {
    gcs <- as.character(gcs)
    crs_type <- dplyr::filter(crs_type, crs_gcs == gcs)

  if (!is.null(units)) {
    if (!units %in% c("ft", "m", "us-ft")) {
      stop("Units must be one of 'm', 'ft', or 'us-ft'")

    crs_type <- dplyr::filter(crs_type, crs_units == units)

  # Transform the input SF object to 32663 for overlay
  sf_proj <- st_transform(input, st_crs(crs_type))

  # If geometry type is POINT or MULTIPOINT, union then find the convex hull
  # If geometry type is LINESTRING or MULTILINESTRING, cast as POINT then do the above
  # If geometry type is POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON, union
  geom_type <- unique(st_geometry_type(sf_proj))

  # For mixed geometries, union then buffer for a polygon
  if (length(geom_type) > 1) {
    geom_buf <- st_buffer(st_union(sf_proj), 100)
    geom_type <- unique(st_geometry_type(geom_buf))
    sf_proj <- st_sf(geom_buf)

  if (geom_type %in% c("POINT", "MULTIPOINT")) {
    # If it is one or two points, buffer it
    if (nrow(sf_proj) %in% 1:2) {
      sf_proj <- st_buffer(sf_proj, 1000)

    sf_poly <- sf_proj %>%
      st_union() %>%
  } else if (geom_type %in% c("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING")) {
    sf_poly <- sf_proj %>%
      st_cast("MULTIPOINT") %>%
      st_union() %>%
  } else if (geom_type %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) {
    sf_poly <- sf_proj %>%

  # Subset the area extent polygons further to those that intersect with our area of interest
  # To (try to) avoid edge cases, compute a "reverse buffer" of the geometry
  # by which we remove the area within 500m of the polygon's boundary

  reverse_buf <- st_buffer(sf_poly, -500)

  crs_sub <- crs_type[reverse_buf, ]

  # If this doesn't yield anything, we need to re-run and keep trying until
  # we get a valid result
  if (nrow(crs_sub) == 0) {
    rows <- nrow(crs_sub)
    bufdist <- -250
    while (rows == 0) {
      new_buf <- st_buffer(sf_poly, bufdist)
      crs_sub <- crs_type[new_buf, ]
      rows <- nrow(crs_sub)
      bufdist <- bufdist / 2


  # Simplify the polygon if it is too large (>500 vertices)
  # Keep simplifying until the count is sufficiently reduced
  # (as general shape will be OK here)
  vertex_count <- mapview::npts(sf_poly)
  # Hold the original sf_poly if you need it
  sf_poly2 <- sf_poly

  if (vertex_count > 500) {
    tol <- 5000
    vc <- vertex_count
    previous_vc <- vc
    while (vc > 500) {
      sf_poly <- st_simplify(sf_poly, dTolerance = tol)
      # If this produces an empty geometry, just don't worry about it
      # and exit the loop
      if (st_is_empty(sf_poly)) {
        vc <- 499
        sf_poly <- sf_poly2
      } else {
        vc <- mapview::npts(sf_poly)

        tol <- tol * 2

      # At some point, st_simplify() is not simplifying anymore. Stop the loop.
      if (vc == previous_vc) break

      previous_vc <- vc

  # Calculate the Hausdorff distance between the area of interest and the polygons,
  # then sort in ascending order of distance (then descending order of EPSG code if tied)
  # and return the top requested CRSs
  crs_output <- crs_sub %>%
    dplyr::mutate(hausdist = as.numeric(
        sf_poly, ., which = "Hausdorff"
    )) %>%
    st_drop_geometry() %>%
    dplyr::arrange(hausdist, desc(crs_code)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() <= limit) %>%



#' Return the CRS code for a "best-fit" projected coordinate reference system
#' Return the EPSG code or proj4string syntax for the top-ranking projected coordinate reference system returned by \code{suggest_crs()}.  This function should be used with caution and is recommended for interactive work rather than in production data pipelines.
#' @param input An input spatial dataset of class \code{"sf"}, \code{"Spatial*"}, or \code{"RasterLayer"}.
#' @param units (optional) The measurement units used by the returned coordinate reference system.
#' @param inherit_gcs if \code{TRUE} (the default), the function will return a CRS suggestion that uses the geographic coordinate system of the input layer.  Otherwise, the output may use a different geographic coordinate system from the input.
#' @param output one of \code{"epsg"}, for the EPSG code, or \code{"proj4string"}, for the proj4string syntax.
#' @return The EPSG code or proj4string for the output coordinate reference system.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Let's say we are working with a demographic dataset from the US Census:
#' library(tidycensus)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(sf)
#' library(crsuggest)
#' tx_income <- get_acs(
#'   geography = "county",
#'   variables = "B19013_001",
#'   state = "TX",
#'   geometry = TRUE
#' )
#' # We can use `suggest_top_crs()` to return the EPSG code of the "top" suggested CRS
#' # for statewide mapping of Texas
#' tx_crs <- suggest_top_crs(tx_income)
#' # The returned CRS is EPSG code 3083, NAD83 / Texas Centric Albers Equal Area.
#' # This code can be used for visualization:
#' ggplot(tx_income, aes(fill = estimate)) +
#'   geom_sf() +
#'   coord_sf(crs = tx_crs)
#' # Alternatively, we can transform the CRS of our sf object directly:
#' tx_projected <- st_transform(tx_income, tx_crs)
#' }
suggest_top_crs <- function(input, units = NULL, inherit_gcs = TRUE,
                            output = "epsg") {

  # Check to see if the current CRS is in the EPSG dataset
  current_crs <- sf::st_crs(input)$epsg

  # If it isn't, inherit_gcs needs to be FALSE
  if (is.na(current_crs)) {
    inherit_gcs <- FALSE

  if (inherit_gcs) {
    # First, determine if the dataset is in a GCS already
    existing_epsg <- st_crs(input)$epsg %>%

    gcs_codes <- crsuggest::crs_sf %>%
      dplyr::filter(crs_type == "geographic 2D") %>%
      dplyr::pull(crs_code) %>%

    gcs_codes <- c(gcs_codes, "4326")

    is_gcs <- existing_epsg %in% gcs_codes

    if (is_gcs) {
      suggestion <- crsuggest::suggest_crs(input,
                                           limit = 1,
                                           gcs = existing_epsg,
                                           units = units)

    } else {
      current_gcs <- crsuggest::crs_sf %>%
        dplyr::filter(crs_code == existing_epsg) %>%

      suggestion <- crsuggest::suggest_crs(input,
                                           limit = 1,
                                           gcs = current_gcs,
                                           units = units)

  } else {
    suggestion <- crsuggest::suggest_crs(input,
                                         limit = 1,
                                         units = units)


  if (output == "epsg") {
    toreturn <- suggestion$crs_code %>% as.integer()
    infodf <- crsuggest::crs_sf %>%
      dplyr::filter(crs_code == toreturn)
  } else if (output == "proj4string") {
    toreturn <- suggestion$proj4string
    infodf <- crsuggest::crs_sf %>%
      dplyr::filter(crs_proj4 == toreturn)
  } else {
    stop("`output` must be one of 'epsg' or 'proj4string'.",
         call. = FALSE)

  message(sprintf("Using the projected CRS %s which uses '%s' for measurement units. Please visit https://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/%s/ for more information about this CRS.",
                  infodf$crs_name, infodf$crs_units, infodf$crs_code))



#' Quickly preview the extent of a given CRS using mapview
#' The crsuggest package makes coordinate reference systems \emph{suggestions} that may not be perfect for your specific analytic use case.  Use \code{view_crs()} to quickly view the geographic extent of a given coordinate reference system (represented by its EPSG code) and assess whether that CRS makes sense for your data.
#' @param crs A character string representing the EPSG code of an input coordinate reference system, possibly returned by \code{suggest_top_crs}.
#' @return an object of class \code{mapview} which uses the mapview package to preview the extent of a coordinate reference system.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(tigris)
#' library(crsuggest)
#' options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)
#' # Get a Census tract dataset from the tigris package
#' tarrant_tracts <- tracts("TX", "Tarrant", cb = TRUE, year = 2021)
#' # Suggest a CRS for your data
#' target_crs <- suggest_top_crs(tarrant_tracts, units = "m", inherit_gcs = FALSE)
#' # Preview the extent of the CRS
#' view_crs(target_crs)
#' }
view_crs <- function(crs) {
  crs_geom <- dplyr::filter(crsuggest::crs_sf, crs_code == crs)

  mapview::mapview(crs_geom, layer.name = sprintf("CRS: %s", crs))

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crsuggest documentation built on July 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.