
Defines functions as.character.CrunchExpr as.double.CrunchExpr as.character.CrunchVariable as.double.CrunchVariable

Documented in as.character.CrunchExpr as.character.CrunchVariable as.double.CrunchExpr as.double.CrunchVariable

#' as.* methods for variables
#' Use the as.* family of functions to make a derived copy of a variable that
#' has been converted into a new type.
#' Each type of Crunch variable (text, numeric, categorical, etc.) has an `as.*`
#' function (`as.Text`, `as.Numeric`, and `as.Categorical` respectively) that
#' takes the input given as `x`, and makes a new derived variable that is now of
#' the type specified. See below for detailed examples.
#' For `as.Text` and `as.Numeric`, aliases to the R-native functions
#' `as.character` and `as.numeric` are provided for convenience.
#' @param x a Crunch variable to derive and convert to a new type
#' @param format for `as.Datetime`, when the variable in `x` is a text or
#' categorical variable, `format` is the typographical format that the datetime
#' is already formatted in that needs to be parse from (default:
#' \code{"\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M:\%S"}); for `as.Text` and  `as.Categorical`, is
#' the typographical format that the datetime is to be formatted as (e.g.
#' \code{"\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M:\%S"} for "2018-01-08 12:39:57", the default if
#' no rollup resolution is specified on the source variable. If a rollup
#' resolution is specified, a reasonable default will be used.).
#' @param resolution for `as.Datetime`, when the variable in `x` is a numeric
#' variable, the resolution of the number (e.g. `"ms"` for milliseconds, `"s"`
#' for seconds, etc. see [expressions] for more information about valid values.)
#' @param offset for `as.Datetime`, when the variable in `x` is a numeric the, a
#' character of the offset to count from in the shape "2018-01-08 12:39:57". If
#' not supplied, Crunch's default of 1970-01-01 00:00:00 will be used.
#' @param ... additional arguments for `as.character` and `as.numeric`, ignored when used with
#' Crunch variables
#' @return a `CrunchExpr` to be used as the derivation
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # ds$v1 is of type Text
#' is.Text(ds$v1)
#' # [1] TRUE
#' # that has strings of numbers
#' as.vector(ds$v1)
#' # [1] "32"   "8"    "4096" "1024"
#' # convert this to a numeric variable with the alias `v1_numeric`
#' ds$v1_numeric <- as.Numeric(ds$v1)
#' # the values are the same, but are now numerics and the type is Numeric
#' as.vector(ds$v1_numeric)
#' # [1]   32    8 4096 1024
#' is.Numeric(ds$v1_numeric)
#' # [1] TRUE
#' # this new variable is derived, so if new data is appended or streamed, the
#' # new rows of data will be updated.
#' is.derived(ds$v1_numeric)
#' # [1] TRUE
#' }
#' @name variable-as-methods
#' @aliases as.Categorical as.Datetime as.Numeric as.Text

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
setMethod("as.Numeric", "CrunchVariable", function(x) {
    haltIfArray(x, callingFunc = "as.Numeric()")

    # datetimes are special
    if (is.Datetime(x)) {
        return(zfuncExpr("datetime_to_numeric", x))

    return(zfuncExpr("cast", x, "numeric"))

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
setMethod("as.Text", "CrunchVariable", function(x, format) {
    haltIfArray(x, callingFunc = "as.Text()")

    # datetimes are special
    if (is.Datetime(x)) {
        if (missing(format)) {
            format <- datetimeFormater(rollupResolution(x))
        return(zfuncExpr("format_datetime", x, list(value = format)))

    return(zfuncExpr("cast", x, "text"))

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
setMethod("as.Categorical", "CrunchVariable", function(x, format) {
    haltIfArray(x, callingFunc = "as.Categorical()")

    # datetimes are special
    if (is.Datetime(x)) {
        # no direct datetime to cat ZCL function, so must format first then cast
        if (missing(format)) {
            format <- datetimeFormater(rollupResolution(x))
        x <- zfunc("format_datetime", x, list(value = format))

    return(zfuncExpr("cast", x, "categorical"))

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
    "as.Datetime", "CrunchVariable",
    function(x, format, resolution, offset) {
        haltIfArray(x, callingFunc = "as.Datetime()")

        # datetimes are special, so each source type must be determined
        if (is.Numeric(x)) {

            args <- list("numeric_to_datetime", x, list(value = resolution))
            if (!missing(offset)) {
                args <- append(args, list(list(value = offset)))

            return(do.call(zfuncExpr, args))
        } else if (is.Text(x) | is.Categorical(x)) {
            return(zfuncExpr("parse_datetime", x, list(value = format)))

        halt("Can't derive Datetime variables from ", dQuote(type(x)), " variables.")

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
as.double.CrunchVariable <- function(x, ...) as.Numeric(x)

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
as.character.CrunchVariable <- function(x, ...) as.Text(x)

# Expressions ----
#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
setMethod("as.Numeric", "CrunchExpr", function(x) {
    return(zfuncExpr("cast", x, "numeric"))

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
setMethod("as.Text", "CrunchExpr", function(x, format) {
    # format is for DateTimes only, but we have to rely on user
    # doing this correctly because we can't tell for an expression
    if (!missing(format)) {
        return(zfuncExpr("format_datetime", x, list(value = format)))

    return(zfuncExpr("cast", x, "text"))

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
setMethod("as.Categorical", "CrunchExpr", function(x, format) {
    # format is for DateTimes only, but we have to rely on user
    # doing this correctly because we can't tell for an expression
    # no direct datetime to cat ZCL function, so must format first then cast
    if (!missing(format)) {
        x <- zfunc("format_datetime", x, list(value = format))

    return(zfuncExpr("cast", x, "categorical"))

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
    "as.Datetime", "CrunchExpr",
    function(x, format, resolution, offset) {
        # datetimes are special, so each source type must be determined
        # resolution non-missing indicate numeric
        # format non-missing indicates categorical/text
        if (missing(format) & !missing(resolution)) {

            args <- list("numeric_to_datetime", x, list(value = resolution))
            if (!missing(offset)) {
                args <- append(args, list(list(value = offset)))

            return(do.call(zfuncExpr, args))
        } else if (!missing(format) & missing(resolution) & missing(offset)) {
            return(zfuncExpr("parse_datetime", x, list(value = format)))

            "Invalid arguments to `as.Datetime`. Must provide either `resolution` for Numeric ",
            "expressions or `format` for Categorical/Text expressions."

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
as.double.CrunchExpr <- function(x, ...) as.Numeric(x)

#' @rdname variable-as-methods
#' @export
as.character.CrunchExpr <- function(x, ...) as.Text(x)

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crunch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:03 a.m.