
## RH 2023-04-16

#### SETUP ####
if (!at_home()) exit_file("Reason: not at_home")

if (!checkSqlite())   exit_file("Reason: no SQLite")
if (!checkInternet()) exit_file("Reason: no internet connectivity")

#### EUCTR ####
tf <- function() {

  # create database object
  dbc <- suppressWarnings(nodbi::src_sqlite(
    dbname = ":memory:",
    collection = mongoLocalRwCollection))

  # register clean-up
  on.exit(expr = {
      if (DBI::dbExistsTable(conn = dbc$con, name = dbc$collection))
        DBI::dbRemoveTable(conn = dbc$con, name = dbc$collection)
      RSQLite::dbDisconnect(conn = dbc$con)
    silent = TRUE)
  }, add = TRUE)

  # check server
  testUrl <- ""
  testGet <- function() try(httr::HEAD(testUrl, httr::timeout(10L)), silent = TRUE)
  testOnce <- testGet()

  if (inherits(testOnce, "try-error") ||
      httr::status_code(testOnce) != 200L
  ) return(exit_file("Reason: CTIS not working"))

  # do tests
  source("ctrdata_ctis.R", local = TRUE)


Try the ctrdata package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ctrdata documentation built on Nov. 24, 2023, 5:11 p.m.