
Defines functions get_windows_build ie_get_proxy_for_url ie_proxy_info

Documented in ie_get_proxy_for_url ie_proxy_info

#' Internet Explorer proxy settings
#' Lookup and mimic the system proxy settings on Windows as set by Internet
#' Explorer. This can be used to configure curl to use the same proxy server.
#' The [ie_proxy_info] function looks up your current proxy settings as configured
#' in IE under "Internet Options" under "LAN Settings". The [ie_get_proxy_for_url]
#' determines if and which proxy should be used to connect to a particular
#' URL. If your settings have an "automatic configuration script" this
#' involves downloading and executing a PAC file, which can take a while.
#' @useDynLib curl R_proxy_info
#' @export
#' @rdname ie_proxy
#' @name ie_proxy
ie_proxy_info <- function(){

#' @useDynLib curl R_get_proxy_for_url
#' @param target_url url with host for which to lookup the proxy server
#' @export
#' @rdname ie_proxy
ie_get_proxy_for_url <- function(target_url = "http://www.google.com"){
  info <- ie_proxy_info()
    if(isTRUE(grepl("<local>", info$ProxyBypass, fixed = TRUE)) &&
       isTRUE(grepl("(://)[^./]+/", paste0(target_url, "/")))){
    } else {
  if(isTRUE(info$AutoDetect) || length(info$AutoConfigUrl)){
    out <- .Call(R_get_proxy_for_url, target_url, info$AutoDetect, info$AutoConfigUrl)

#' @useDynLib curl R_windows_build
get_windows_build <- function(){

Try the curl package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

curl documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:29 a.m.