cvamControl: Control Parameters for 'cvam'

View source: R/cvamModel.R

cvamControlR Documentation

Control Parameters for cvam


The cvam function fits log-linear models to coarsened categorical variables. Its model-fitting procedures are governed by parameters in a cvamControl object created by the auxiliary function documented here. This function is intended for internal use; the only reason to invoke this function directly is to display the control parameters and their default values.


cvamControl( iterMaxEM = 500L, iterMaxNR = 50L,
   iterApproxBayes = 1L, imputeApproxBayes = FALSE,
   iterMCMC = 5000L, burnMCMC = 0L, thinMCMC = 1L, imputeEvery = 0L,
   saveProbSeries = FALSE,
   typeMCMC = c("DA","RWM"), tuneDA = c(10,.8,.8), tuneRWM = c(1000,.1),
   stuckLimit = 25L,
   startValDefault = c("center", "uniform"), startValJitter = 0,
   critEM = 1e-06, critNR = 1e-06, critBoundary = 1e-08, ncolMaxMM = 1000L,
   excludeAllNA = TRUE, critModelCheck=1e-08, confidence=.95, 
   probRound = TRUE, probDigits = 4L ) 



maximum number of iterations performed when method = "EM"; see DETAILS.


maximum number of iterations of Newton-Raphson performed during an M-step of EM; see DETAILS.


number of simulated log-linear coefficient vectors to be drawn from their approximate posterior distribution when method="approxBayes".


if TRUE then, for each draw of the log-linear coefficients from their approximate posterior distribution, the true frequencies will be imputed.


number of iterations of Markov chain Monte Carlo after the burn-in period when method="MCMC".


number of iterations of Markov chain Monte Carlo performed as a burn-in period, for which the results are discarded. The total number of iterations performed is burnMCMC+iterMCMC.


thinning interval for saving the results from MCMC as a series.


imputation interval for saving imputed frequencies for the complete-data table. If 0, then no imputations are saved.


if TRUE then the simulated values of cell probabilities from MCMC will be stored as a series.


either "DA" (data augmentation) or "RWM" (random-walk Metropolis); see DETAILS.


tuning parameters for data augmentation MCMC; see DETAILS.


tuning parameter for random-walk Metropolis MCMC; see DETAILS.


criterion for deciding if the MCMC algorithm has gotten stuck.


method used to obtain default starting values for parameters if no starting values are provided. "center" begins in the center of the parameter space, which assigns equal probability to all non-structural zero cells in the complete-data table. "uniform" draws random starting values from a uniform distribution on the cell probabilities.


standard deviation for Gaussian random noise added to starting values. If cvam is called with saturated=FALSE, the log-linear coefficients are perturbed by this amount; if saturated=TRUE, the log-cell probabilities are perturbed by this amount and renormalized to sum to one.


convergence criterion for EM stopping rule; see DETAILS.


convergence criterion for Newton-Raphson stopping rule in M-step of EM; see DETAILS.


criterion for testing whether any estimated cell means are close to zero, in which case a warning is given.


limit on the number of columns allowed for a log-linear model matrix.


if TRUE, then cases for which all modeled variables are missing will be excluded from the model fitting procedure, because they only contribute constant terms to the observed-data loglikelihood function.


criterion for checking the log-linear model matrix for linear dependencies among the columns.


confidence coefficient for interval estimates, used when estimates are requested in the call to cvam.


if TRUE, estimated probabilities will be rounded.


number of digits for rounding estimated probabilities.


When cvam is called with method="EM", it performs an EM algorithm. At each E-step, observations with missing or coarsened values are apportioned to cells of the complete-data table in the expected amounts determined by the current estimated parameters. At the M-step, the a log-linear model is fit to the predicted complete-data frequencies from the E-step, using a Newton-Raphson procedure if saturated=FALSE. The EM algorithm is stopped after iterMaxEM iterations, or when the maximum absolute difference in cell means from one iteration to the next is no greater than critEM. The Newton-Raphson procedure in each M-step is stopped after iterMaxNR iterations or when the maximum absolute difference in cell means from one iteration to the next is no greater than critNR.

When cvam is called with method="MCMC", the algorithm that is run depends on typeMCMC and on whether the model is fit with saturated=TRUE.

  • If saturated=FALSE and typeMCMC="DA", then the algorithm is a data-augmentation procedure that resembles EM. At each cycle, observations with missing or coarsened values are randomly allocated to cells of the complete-data table by drawing from a multinomial distribution, and the log-linear coefficients are updated using one step of a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm that mimics Newton-Raphson and conditions on the allocated frequencies. The proposal distribution is multivariate-t and can be adjusted by tuning constants in tuneDA, a numeric vector containing the degrees of freedom, step size and scale factor.

  • If saturated=FALSE and typeMCMC="RWM", the observations with missing or coarsened values are not allocated, and the log-linear coefficients are updated by a step of random-walk Metropolis. The proposal is mutivariate-t and can be adjusted by tuning constants in tuneRWM, a numeric vector containing the degrees of freedom and scale factor.

  • If saturated=TRUE, then the algorithm is a data-augmentation procedure that requires no tuning.

Full details on the EM and MCMC procedures are given in the Appendix of the vignette Log-Linear Modeling with Missing and Coarsened Values Using the cvam Package.


a list of control parameters for internal use by the function cvam.


Joe Schafer

See Also



# display all control parameters and their default values

cvam documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:29 p.m.