
Defines functions cvam.formula .cvamPriorSummaries print.summary.cvamPrior print.cvamPrior summary.cvamPrior cvamPrior .priorNugget .cvamModel cvamControl cvam.default cvam .isOneSided

Documented in cvam cvamControl cvam.default cvam.formula cvamPrior print.cvamPrior print.summary.cvamPrior summary.cvamPrior summary.cvamPrior

.isOneSided <- function( obj ) { inherits(obj, "formula") &&
   length(obj) == 2L }

cvam <- function( obj, ...) {
   # S3 generic function

cvam.default <- function( obj, ...) {
   stop( gettext(
      'First argument must be an object of class "formula" or "cvam"'),
      domain = NA )

cvamControl <- function( iterMaxEM = 500L, iterMaxNR = 50L,
   iterApproxBayes = 1L, imputeApproxBayes = FALSE,
   iterMCMC = 5000L, burnMCMC = 0L, thinMCMC = 1L, imputeEvery = 0L,
   saveProbSeries = FALSE,
   typeMCMC = c("DA","RWM"), tuneDA = c(10,.8,.8),
   tuneRWM = c(1000,.1),
   stuckLimit = 25L,
   startValDefault = c("center", "uniform"), startValJitter = 0,
   critEM = 1e-06, critNR = 1e-06, critBoundary = 1e-08, ncolMaxMM = 1000L,
   excludeAllNA = TRUE, critModelCheck=1e-08, confidence=.95, 
   probRound = TRUE, probDigits = 4L ) {
   stopifnot( ( iterMaxEM <- as.integer(iterMaxEM)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( iterMaxNR <- as.integer(iterMaxNR)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( iterApproxBayes <- as.integer(iterApproxBayes)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   imputeApproxBayes <- as.logical( imputeApproxBayes )[1L]
   stopifnot( ( iterMCMC <- as.integer(iterMCMC)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( burnMCMC <- as.integer(burnMCMC)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( thinMCMC <- as.integer(thinMCMC)[1L] ) >= 1L )
   stopifnot( ( imputeEvery <- as.integer(imputeEvery)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   saveProbSeries <- as.logical( saveProbSeries )[1L]
   typeMCMC <- match.arg( typeMCMC )
   tuneDA <- as.numeric( tuneDA )[1:3]
   stopifnot( tuneDA[1L] > 0 )
   stopifnot( tuneDA[3L] > 0 )
   tuneRWM <- as.numeric(tuneRWM)[1:2]
   stopifnot( tuneRWM[1L] > 0 )
   stopifnot( tuneRWM[2L] > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( stuckLimit <- as.integer(stuckLimit)[1L] ) > 0 )
   startValDefault <- match.arg( startValDefault )
   stopifnot( ( startValJitter <- as.double(startValJitter)[1L] ) >= 0 )
   stopifnot( ( critEM <- as.double(critEM)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( critNR <- as.double(critNR)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( critBoundary <- as.double(critBoundary)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( ncolMaxMM <- as.integer(ncolMaxMM)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   excludeAllNA <- as.logical(excludeAllNA)[1L]
   stopifnot( ( critModelCheck <-
      as.double(critModelCheck)[1L] ) >= 0 )
   stopifnot( ( confidence <- as.double(confidence)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( confidence < 1 )
   probRound <- as.logical(probRound)[1L]
   probDigits <- as.integer(probDigits)[1L]
      iterMaxEM = iterMaxEM,
      iterMaxNR = iterMaxNR,
      iterApproxBayes = iterApproxBayes,
      imputeApproxBayes = imputeApproxBayes,
      iterMCMC = iterMCMC,
      burnMCMC = burnMCMC,
      thinMCMC = thinMCMC,
      imputeEvery = imputeEvery,
      saveProbSeries = saveProbSeries,
      typeMCMC = typeMCMC,
      tuneDA = tuneDA,
      tuneRWM = tuneRWM,
      stuckLimit = stuckLimit,
      startValDefault = startValDefault,
      startValJitter = startValJitter,
      critEM = critEM,
      critNR = critNR,
      critBoundary = critBoundary,
      ncolMaxMM = ncolMaxMM,
      excludeAllNA = excludeAllNA,
      critModelCheck = critModelCheck,
      confidence = confidence,
      probRound = probRound,
      probDigits = probDigits )

.cvamModel <- function( obj, saturated ) {
   # process the model formula into a .cvamModel object
   if( ! .isOneSided(obj) ) stop( gettext(
      "Argument 'obj' is not a one-sided formula" ), domain=NA )
   aV <- all.vars(obj)
   aN <- setdiff( all.names(obj), c("~", "(", "+", "|", ":", "*") )
   badN <- setdiff( aN, aV )
   if( length(badN) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In model formula 'obj': symbol '%s' not allowed", badN[1L] ),
      domain = NA )
   badV <- intersect( aV, c("freq", "prob", "weights", "offset", "likVal") )
   if( length(badV) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In model formula 'obj': variable cannot be named '%s'", badV[1L] ),
         domain = NA )
   Form <- Formula::Formula(obj)
   nParts <- length( attr(Form, "rhs") )
      if( nParts > 2L ) stop( gettext( 
     "In formula 'obj': multiple '|' detected"), domain = NA )
   leftVars <- all.vars( formula(Form, rhs=1L ) )
   rightVars <- if( nParts == 2L ) 
      all.vars( formula(Form, rhs=2L) )  else character()
   if( length( setdiff(leftVars, rightVars) ) == 0L ) stop( gettext(
      "In formula 'obj': no variables are being modeled"),
      domain = NA )
   if( length(rightVars) > 0L ) {
      if( any( ! (rightVars %in% leftVars) ) ) stop( gettextf(
         "In formula 'obj': variable '%s' not found before '|'",
         rightVars[!(rightVars %in% leftVars)] ), domain = NA )
      part2 <- formula(Form, rhs=2L) 
      aN <- setdiff( all.names(part2), c("~", "(", "+") )
      aV <- all.vars(part2)
      aN <- setdiff( aN, aV )
      if( length(aN) > 0L ) stop( gettextf( 
         "In formula 'obj': symbol '%s' not allowed after '|'", 
         aN[1L] ), domain = NA )
   vars <- unique( c(leftVars, rightVars) )
   fixed <- vars %in% rightVars
   o <- order(fixed)
   vars <- vars[o]
   fixed <- fixed[o]
   formulaStr <- deparse(obj, width.cutoff=500L)
   formulaStr <- paste("~ ", substring(formulaStr, 2L), sep="" )
   saturated <- as.logical( saturated )[1L]
   structure( formula(Form, rhs=1L),
      vars = vars,
      fixed = fixed,
      formulaStr = formulaStr,
      saturated = saturated,
      class = c(".cvamModel", class(obj)) )

.priorNugget <- function( obj, prior) {
   if( is.null( names(obj) ) ) stop( gettext(
      "A component of prior has no 'names'"), domain = NA )
   nam <- names(obj)
   if( any( is.na( nam ) ) ) stop( gettext(
      "A component of prior has missing values in 'names'"), domain = NA )
   nam <- trimws(nam)
   if( any( nchar(nam) == 0L ) ) stop( gettext(
      "A component of prior has one or more 'names' that are blank"),
      domain = NA )
   if( is.null(obj$freq) ) stop( gettext(
      "A component of prior has no 'freq'"), domain = NA )
   freq <- as.double(obj$freq)[1L]
   if( freq < 0 ) stop( gettext(
      "A 'freq' in prior is negative"), domain = NA )
   obj$freq <- NULL
   if( !all( sapply(obj, is.character) ) ) stop( gettext(
      "A value in prior does not have mode 'character'"), domain = NA )
   if( !all( sapply(obj, length) == 1L ) ) stop( gettext(
      "A value in prior does not have length 1"), domain = NA )
   vars <- names(obj) # could be length zero
   values <- as.character( unlist(obj) ) # could be length zero
   if( length(vars) > 0L ) {
      w <- !is.na(values)
      vars <- vars[w]
      values <- values[w]
   if( length(vars) > 0 ) {
      structure( list( vars = vars, values = values, freq = freq),
         class = c( "priorNugget", class(obj) ) )
   } else NULL

cvamPrior <- function( obj=list(), flatten=0, ridge=0, intensity=1 ) {
   if( !is.list(obj) ) stop( gettext( 
      "Argument 'obj' is not a list" ), domain = NA )
   m <- match( FALSE, unlist( lapply( obj, is.list ) ), nomatch=0L )
   if( m != 0L ) stop( gettextf( 
      "'obj'[[%i]] is not a list", m ), domain = NA )
   flatten <- as.double( flatten )[1L]
   intensity <- as.double( intensity )[1L]
   if( flatten < 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Argument 'flatten' cannot be negative" ), domain = NA )
   if( intensity < 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Argument 'intensity' cannot be negative" ), domain = NA )
   obj <- lapply( obj, .priorNugget )
   if( length(obj) > 0 ) {
      if( any(unlist( lapply(obj, is.null) ) ) ) warning( gettext(
         "Prior nuggets containing no information were dropped" ),
         domain = NA )
      obj <- obj[ ! unlist(lapply(obj, is.null))  ]
   stopifnot( ( ridge <- as.numeric(ridge)[1L] ) >= 0 )
      list( nuggets=obj, flatten=flatten, ridge=ridge, intensity=intensity ),
      class = c( "cvamPrior", class(obj) ) ) 

summary.cvamPrior <- function( object, showNuggets=TRUE, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(object, "cvamPrior" ) )
   showNuggets <- as.logical(showNuggets)[1L]
   sL <- object$nuggets 
   allVars <- unique( unlist( lapply( sL, `[[`, "vars" ) ) )
   dF <- matrix( as.character(NA), length(sL), length(allVars),
      dimnames = list( names(sL), allVars ) )
   for( i in seq_along(sL) ) {
      m <- match( sL[[i]]$vars, allVars )
      dF[i,m] <- sL[[i]]$values
   dF <- data.frame(dF)
   dF$freq <- unlist( lapply( sL, `[[`, "freq" ) )
   object$displayFrame <- if( length(dF) > 0 ) dF else NULL
   object$showNuggets <- showNuggets
   structure( object,
      class = c("summary.cvamPrior", class(object) ) )

print.cvamPrior <- function(x, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "cvamPrior") )
   cat( gettext( 'Object of class "cvamPrior", use "summary"' ), sep="\n")

print.summary.cvamPrior <- function(x, 
      showNuggets=x$showNuggets, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "summary.cvamPrior") )
   if( !is.null( x$displayFrame ) & showNuggets ) {
      cat( "Prior information nuggets:", sep="\n")
      print.data.frame( x$displayFrame, ...)
   strA <- format( c("Flattening frequency =",
      "Total nuggets + flattening =",
      "Ridge factor =",
      "Intensity factor ="), justify="right")
   tF <- x$flatten + sum(x$displayFrame$freq)
   strB <- format( c( x$flatten, tF, x$ridge, x$intensity) )
   cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")

.cvamPriorSummaries <- function( prior, pF ){
   pFreq <- unlist( lapply( prior$nuggets, `[[`, "freq" ) ) # NULL if no nuggets
   if( is.null(pFreq) ){
      pFreq <- numeric(0L)
      pFreqInt <- integer(0L)
   for(i in seq_along(prior$nuggets) ) {
      pF[i,] <- NA
      vars <- prior$nuggets[[i]]$vars
      values <- prior$nuggets[[i]]$values
      for(j in seq_along(vars) ) {
         if( vars[j] %in% names(pF) ) {
            pFj <- match( vars[j], names(pF) )
            if( ! values[j] %in% levels( pF[[pFj]] ) ) stop( gettextf(
               "In 'prior': '%s' is not a level of '%s'",
               values[j], vars[j] ), domain = NA )
            pF[i, pFj] <- values[j]
   if( length(prior$nuggets) > 0 ){
      allMiss <- apply( is.na(pF), 1, all )
      if( any(allMiss) ) {
         warning( gettextf(
            paste("Prior nuggets with no information about",
            "modeled variables were dropped", sep="\n")), domain=NA )
         pF <- pF[!allMiss,]
         pFreq <- pFreq[!allMiss]
   pFreq <- pFreq * prior$intensity
   pF$freq <- as.double( pFreq )
   pF$freqInt <- as.integer( pFreq )
   list( pF = pF, flatten = prior$flatten * prior$intensity,
      ridge = prior$ridge * prior$intensity ) 

cvam.formula <- function( obj, data, freq, 
   weight, subPop, stratum, cluster, nest = FALSE, 
   method=c("EM", "MCMC", "approxBayes", "mfSeen",
      "mfTrue", "mfPrior", "modelMatrix"),
   control=list(), omitData=FALSE, saturated=FALSE, 
   modelMatrix = NULL, offset = NULL, strZero = NULL,
   startVal = NULL, estimate = NULL, ...) {
   # handle arguments
   theModel <- .cvamModel( obj, saturated )
   method <- match.arg(method)
   control <- do.call( "cvamControl", control ) 
   omitData <- as.logical( omitData )[1L]
   stopifnot( inherits(prior, "cvamPrior") )
   # get the input data model frame and frequencies / design vars
   mc <- match.call( expand.dots=FALSE )
   mc[[1]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
   m <- match( c("obj", "data", "freq", "weight", "subPop", 
      "stratum", "cluster"), names(mc), nomatch=0L )
   mc <- mc[ c(1L,m) ]
   names(mc)[2] <- "formula"
   mc[[2]] <- theModel 
   mc$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mc$drop.unused.levels <- FALSE
   mf <- eval( mc, parent.frame() )
   if( !is.null( mf$`(weight)` ) ) {
      if( !is.null( mf$`(freq)` ) ) stop( gettext(
         "You cannot supply both 'freq' and 'weight'" ), domain=NA )
      surveyMode <- TRUE
   } else {
      surveyMode <- FALSE
      if( !is.null( mf$`(subPop)` ) ) warning( gettext(
         "Argument 'subPop' is ignored, because 'weight' was not supplied" ),
         domain=NA )
      if( !is.null( mf$`(stratum)` ) ) warning( gettext(
         "Argument 'stratum' is ignored, because 'weight' was not supplied" ),
         domain=NA )
      if( !is.null( mf$`(cluster)` ) ) warning( gettext(
         "Argument 'cluster' is ignored, because 'weight' was not supplied" ),
         domain=NA )
   # handle frequencies, which are present even in surveyMode,
   # even though they will be ignored by Fortran
   if( is.null( mf$`(freq)` ) ) {
      freq <- rep(1L, NROW(mf))
      freqSupplied <- FALSE
   } else {
      freq <- mf$`(freq)`
      mf$`(freq)` <- NULL 
      freqSupplied <- TRUE
   if( any(is.na(freq)) ) stop( gettext(
      "Missing values in 'freq' not allowed"), domain = NA )
   freqInt <- as.integer(freq)
   if( any( freq != freqInt ) ) warning( gettext(
      "Some frequencies changed when integerized" ), domain = NA )
   # handle survey design variables
   if( surveyMode ) {
      weight <- as.numeric( mf$`(weight)` )
      if( any( is.na( weight ) ) ) stop( gettext(
         "Missing values in 'weight' not allowed" ), domain = NA )
      if( any( weight < 0 ) ) stop( gettext(
         "Negative values in 'weight' not allowed" ), domain = NA )
      if( is.null( mf$`(subPop)` ) ) {
         subPop <- rep( TRUE, NROW(mf) )
         subPopInt <- rep( 1L, NROW(mf) )
      } else {
         subPop <- as.logical( mf$`(subPop)` )
         if( any( is.na( subPop ) ) ) stop( gettext(
            "Missing values in 'subPop' not allowed" ), domain = NA )
         if( !any( subPop ) ) stop( gettext(
	    "Variable 'subPop' is entirely FALSE" ), domain = NA )
         subPopInt <- as.integer( subPop )
      weightSum <- sum( weight[subPop] )
      if( weightSum <= 0 ) stop( gettext(
            "Sum of 'weight' is not positive" ), domain = NA )
      scaledWeight <- weight
      scaledWeight[ !subPop ] <- 0
      scaledWeight[ subPop ] <- scaledWeight[ subPop ] *
         sum( subPop ) / weightSum
      storage.mode( scaledWeight ) <- storage.mode( weight ) <- "double"
      if( is.null( mf$`(stratum)` ) ) {
         # assume there is only one stratum
         stratum <- factor( rep( 1L, NROW(mf) ) )
         stratumInt <- unclass( stratum )
      } else {
         stratum <- droplevels( factor( mf$`(stratum)` ) )
         if( any( is.na( stratum ) ) ) stop( gettext(
            "Missing values in 'stratum' not allowed" ), domain = NA )
	 stratumInt <- unclass( stratum )
      if( is.null( mf$`(cluster)` ) ) {
         # assume each unit is a cluster
         cluster <- factor( 1:NROW(mf) )
	 clusterInt <- unclass( cluster )
      } else {
         cluster <- droplevels( factor( mf$`(cluster)` ) )
         if( any( is.na( cluster ) ) ) stop( gettext(
            "Missing values in 'cluster' not allowed" ), domain = NA )
         if( nest ) cluster <- interaction( stratum, cluster, drop=TRUE )
	 clusterInt <- unclass( cluster )
      # check distribution of stratum and cluster
      stratClus <- aggregate( scaledWeight ~ stratum + cluster, FUN=sum )
      tmp <- table( stratClus$cluster )
      if( any( tmp > 1L ) ) stop( gettextf(
         "Cluster '%s' appears in multiple strata; consider 'nest=TRUE'",
         names(tmp)[tmp > 1L][1L] ), domain = NA )
      nClus <- table( stratClus$stratum )
      if( any( nClus < 2L ) ) stop( gettextf(
         "Stratum '%s' has < 2 clusters; consider collapsing strata",
         names(nClus)[nClus < 2L][1L] ), domain = NA )
      nStrat <- length( nClus )
      designInt <- cbind( stratumInt = stratumInt,
         clusterInt = clusterInt, subPopInt = subPopInt )
      storage.mode( designInt ) <- storage.mode(nClus) <-
         storage.mode(nStrat) <- "integer"
   } else {
      nStrat <- 0L
      nClus <- integer()
      designInt <- matrix( integer(1L), 0L, 3L )
      scaledWeight <- weight <- numeric()
   mf$`(weight)` <- mf$`(subPop)` <- mf$`(stratum)` <- mf$`(cluster)` <- NULL
   # all remaining variables in mf should be factors
   badV <- names(mf)[ ! unlist( lapply( mf, is.factor ) ) ]
   if( length(badV) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "Variable '%s' is not a factor", badV[1L] ), domain=NA )
   # coerce model frame variables to coarsened and aggregate 
   # to create mfSeen
   mf <- as.data.frame( lapply( mf, FUN=coarsened, warnIfCoarsened=FALSE ) )
   if( any( attr(theModel, "fixed") ) ) {
      mfFixed <- mf[ attr(theModel, "fixed") ]
      mfFixed <- lapply( mfFixed, dropCoarseLevels )
      mfFixed <- lapply( mfFixed, is.na )
      mfFixed <- unlist( lapply( mfFixed, any ) )
      if( any(mfFixed) ) { 
         fV <- attr(theModel, "vars")[ attr(theModel, "fixed") ]
         fVbad <- fV[mfFixed]
         stop( gettextf( 
            "Non-modeled variable '%s' contains missing or coarsened values",
            fVbad[1L] ), domain = NA ) 
   if( !surveyMode ) {
      # aggregate
      mf$freq <- freqInt
      form <-  as.formula( paste( "freq ~", 
         paste( attr(theModel, "vars"), collapse="+" ) ), 
         env = environment(theModel) )
      mfSeen <- aggregate(form, FUN=sum, data=mf)
   } else {
      # don't aggregate, but include design vars
      mfSeen <- mf
      mfSeen$`(stratum)` <- stratum
      mfSeen$`(cluster)` <- cluster
      mfSeen$`(subPop)` <- subPop
      mfSeen$`(weight)` <- weight
   if( method == "mfSeen" ) return(mfSeen)
   # information describing the coarsened factors in mfSeen
   freqSeen <- if( surveyMode ) freqInt else mfSeen$freq
   mfSeen$freq <- mfSeen$`(stratum)` <- mfSeen$`(cluster)` <-
      mfSeen$`(subPop)` <- mfSeen$`(weight)` <- NULL
   nBaseLevels <- unlist( lapply( mfSeen, FUN=nBaseLevels) )
   nCoarseLevels <- unlist( lapply( mfSeen, FUN=nCoarseLevels) )
   nLevels <- unlist( lapply( mfSeen, FUN=nlevels) )
   fixed <- attr(theModel, "fixed") 
   stopifnot( all( names(fixed) == names(nLevels) ) )
   latent <- unlist( lapply( mfSeen, FUN=is.latentFactor) )
   # create mfTrue
   mfNoData <- mfSeen[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   mf0 <- data.frame( lapply( mfNoData, FUN=dropCoarseLevels ) )
   mfContr <- lapply( mf0, FUN=contrasts ) # store the contrasts
   mfTrue <- as.data.frame( xtabs( ~., data=mf0), responseName="freq" )
   mfTrue$freq <- NULL
   for( i in seq_along(mfContr) ){
      vN <- names(mfContr)[i]
      contrasts( mfTrue[[vN]] ) <- mfContr[[vN]]
   if( method == "mfTrue" ) {
      mfTrue$freq <- as.numeric(NA)
   # create strZero
   if( is.null(strZero) ) {
      strZero <- rep( FALSE, NROW(mfTrue) )
      strZeroSupplied <- FALSE
   } else {
      strZeroSupplied <- TRUE
   stopifnot( is.logical(strZero) )
   if( length(strZero) != NROW(mfTrue) ) stop( gettextf(
      "strZero has incorrect length, should be %i",
      NROW(mfTrue) ), domain = NA ) 
   if( all( strZero ) ) stop( gettext(
      "All cells are structural zeros, which means nothing is possible"),
      domain = NA )
   # create the model matrix and offset, which have zero size if
   # saturated=TRUE
   modelMatrixSupplied <- ! is.null(modelMatrix)
   offsetSupplied <- ! is.null(offset)
   if( attr(theModel, "saturated") ) {
      if( modelMatrixSupplied ) warning( gettextf(
         "modelMatrix ignored because 'saturated=TRUE'" ), domain = NA )
      modelMatrix <- model.matrix( theModel, data=mf0 )  
      if( NCOL(modelMatrix) < (NROW(mfTrue) - sum(strZero)) ) warning( gettext(
         "In formula 'obj': model does not appear to be saturated" ),
         domain = NA )
      modelMatrix <- matrix( numeric(), 0L, 0L )
      if( offsetSupplied ) warning( gettextf(
         "offset ignored because 'saturated=TRUE'" ), domain = NA )
      offset <- numeric(0L)   
   } else {
      if( ! modelMatrixSupplied ) {
         modelMatrix <- model.matrix( theModel, data=mf0 )
      } else {
         if( NROW( modelMatrix ) != NROW( mfTrue ) ) stop( gettextf(
            "modelMatrix has incorrect number of rows, should be %i",
            NROW(mfTrue) ), domain = NA )
      if( NCOL(modelMatrix) > control$ncolMaxMM ) stop( gettextf(
         "modelMatrix has %i columns, exceeding 'control$ncolMaxMM'",
         NCOL(modelMatrix) ), domain = NA )
      if( ! modelMatrixSupplied ) modelMatrix <-
         model.matrix( theModel, data=mfTrue )
      if( ! offsetSupplied ) offset <- rep(0, NROW(mfTrue) )
      if( length(offset) != NROW(mfTrue) ) stop( gettextf(
         "offset has incorrect length, should be %i",
         NROW(mfTrue) ), domain = NA ) 
   if( method == "modelMatrix" ) {
      if( attr(theModel, "saturated" ) ) stop( gettext(
         "Model is saturated; there is no modelMatrix" ), domain = NA )
      return( modelMatrix )
   # ensure modelMatrix has full rank
   if( ! attr(theModel, "saturated") ) {
      if( qr(modelMatrix)$rank < NCOL(modelMatrix) ) stop( gettext(
         "modelMatrix does not have full rank" ), domain=NA )
      if( qr(modelMatrix[(!strZero),,drop=FALSE])$rank <
         NCOL(modelMatrix) ) stop( gettext(
         "modelMatrix does not have full rank due to structural zeros" ), 
         domain=NA )
   # ensure the model contains a constant
   if( ! attr(theModel, "saturated") ) {
      suppressWarnings( fit <- lm(
         rep(1,NROW(modelMatrix)) ~ -1 + modelMatrix,
         subset = ! strZero ) )
      if( sum( fit$residuals^2 ) >= control$critModelCheck ) 
         stop( gettext(
         "In formula 'obj': modelMatrix does not include a constant" ),
         domain = NA )
   # check whether model is saturated wrt fixed variables
   if( ! attr(theModel, "saturated") & any( attr(theModel, "fixed") ) ) {
      aV <- attr(theModel, "vars")
      fV <- aV[ attr(theModel, "fixed") ]
      form <-  as.formula( paste( "~", paste( fV, collapse="*" ) ), 
         env = environment(theModel) )
      fM <- model.matrix( form, data=mfTrue )
      suppressWarnings( fit <- 
         lm( fM ~ - 1 + modelMatrix, subset = ! strZero ) )
      if( sum( fit$residuals^2 ) >= control$critModelCheck ) 
         stop( gettext(
         "In formula 'obj': model not saturated wrt fixed variables" ),
         domain = NA )
   # process the prior
   pF <- mfSeen[ seq_along(prior$nuggets),,drop=FALSE]
   pS <- .cvamPriorSummaries( prior, pF )
   pF <- pS$pF
   flatten <- pS$flatten
   ridge <- pS$ridge
   priorDataFreq <- pF$freq
   pF$freq <- NULL
   priorDataFreqInt <- pF$freqInt
   pF$freqInt <- NULL
   if( any( priorDataFreq != priorDataFreqInt ) ) message( gettext(
      "Some prior nuggets changed when integerized" ), domain = NA )
   mfPrior <- pF
   mfPrior$freq <- priorDataFreqInt
   if( method == "mfPrior" ) return(mfPrior)
   # prob, beta, vhatBeta
   if( is.null(startVal) ) {
      startValSupplied <- FALSE
      probMean <- prob <- mu <- numeric( NROW(mfTrue) )
      if( attr(theModel, "saturated") ) {
         betaMean <- beta <- numeric(0L)
         betaCovMat <- vhatBeta <- matrix( numeric(), 0L, 0L )
      } else {
      betaMean <- beta <- structure( numeric( NCOL(modelMatrix) ),
         names = colnames(modelMatrix) )
      betaCovMat <- vhatBeta <- structure(
         matrix( numeric(1L), NCOL(modelMatrix), NCOL(modelMatrix) ),
         rownames = names(beta), colnames = names(beta) )
   } else {
      startValSupplied <- TRUE
      if( attr(theModel, "saturated") ) {
         if( length(startVal) != NROW(mfTrue) ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect length, should be %i", NROW(mfTrue) ),
            domain = NA )
         mu <- as.double( startVal )
         prob <- probMean <- numeric( length(mu) )
         betaMean <- beta <- numeric(0L)
         betaMean[] <- as.double(0)
         betaCovMat <- vhatBeta <- matrix( numeric(), 0L, 0L )
      } else {
         if( length(startVal) != NCOL(modelMatrix) ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect length, should be %i", 
            NCOL(modelMatrix) ), domain = NA )
         beta <- as.double( startVal )
         betaMean <- numeric( length(beta) )
         betaCovMat <- vhatBeta <- structure(
            matrix( numeric(1L), NCOL(modelMatrix), NCOL(modelMatrix) ),
            rownames = names(beta), colnames = names(beta) )
         probMean <- prob <- mu <- numeric( NROW(mfTrue) )
   # process estimates
   argEst <- estimate
   if( is.null(estimate) ) {
      estimate <- list()
   } else {
      if( is.list(estimate)  ){
         ios <- unlist( lapply( estimate, .isOneSided ) )
         if( any( !ios ) ) stop( gettext(
            "Some elements of 'estimate' are not one-sided formulas"),
            domain = NA )
      } else {
         if( ! .isOneSided(estimate) ) stop( gettext(
            "'estimate' is not a one-sided formula"), domain = NA )
         estimate <- list(estimate)
   est <- lapply( estimate, .cvamEstimateRequest, theModel )
   est <- lapply( est, .cvamEstimate, theModel, mfNoData, mf0 )
   estSumm <- .cvamEstimateSummaries(est)
   if( method == "MCMC" && control$typeMCMC == "RWM" ) stop( gettext(
      "Cannot run random-walk Metropolis without running EM first"),
      domain = NA )
   if( method == "approxBayes" ) stop( gettext(
      "Cannot run approximate Bayes without running EM first"),
      domain = NA )
   betaHat <- beta
   vhatBetaRWM <- vhatBeta
   # prepare objects for .Fortran call
   modelTypeInt <- if( attr(theModel, "saturated" ) ) 1L else 2L
   methodInt <- match( method,  c("EM", "MCMC", "approxBayes" ), nomatch=0L )
   stopifnot( methodInt != 0L )
   packedMap <- unlist( lapply( mfSeen, FUN=.packedMapping ) )
   storage.mode( packedMap ) <- "integer"
   # Note: what is passed to Fortran is actually the seen data, not
   # the data supplied to this function, but for legacy reasons the
   # Fortran code calls it input data
   inputData <- data.matrix(mfSeen)
   storage.mode( inputData ) <- "integer"
   inputDataFreqInt <- mfSeen$freq <- freqSeen
   storage.mode( inputDataFreqInt ) <- "integer" 
   nLevelsMatrix <- cbind( nBaseLevels=nBaseLevels, 
      nCoarseLevels=nCoarseLevels, nLevels=nLevels,
      fixed=as.integer(fixed) ) # 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
   storage.mode(nLevelsMatrix) <- "integer"
   storage.mode(modelMatrix) <- "double"
   storage.mode(offset) <- "double"
   strZeroInt <- as.integer(strZero)
   storage.mode(strZeroInt) <- "integer"
   storage.mode(flatten) <- "double"
   storage.mode(ridge) <- "double"
   priorData <- data.matrix(pF)
   storage.mode(priorData) <- "integer"
   storage.mode(priorDataFreq) <- "double"
   storage.mode(priorDataFreqInt) <- "integer"
   storage.mode(prob) <- "double"
   storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
   maxIter <- 0L
   if( method == "EM" ) maxIter <- control$iterMaxEM
   if( method == "MCMC" ) maxIter <- control$iterMCMC
   if( method == "approxBayes" ) maxIter <- as.integer( 
      control$iterApproxBayes )
   dimVec <- c(
       nrowInputData = NROW(inputData),    #  1
       ncolInputData = NCOL(inputData),    #  2
       nPackedMap = length(packedMap),     #  3
       nrowTrueData = NROW(mfTrue),        #  4
       nrowMM = NROW(modelMatrix),         #  5
       ncolMM = NCOL(modelMatrix),         #  6
       nrowPriorData = NROW(priorData),    #  7
       maxIter = maxIter )                 #  8
   storage.mode(dimVec) <- "integer"
   ctrlReal <- c( startValJitter = control$startValJitter,   # 1 
      critEM = control$critEM,                               # 2
      critNR = control$critNR,                               # 3
      critBoundary = control$critBoundary )                  # 4
   storage.mode(ctrlReal) <- "double"
   ctrlInt <- c( iterMaxEM = control$iterMaxEM,              # 1
      iterMaxNR = control$iterMaxNR,                         # 2
      startValUseInt = as.integer( startValSupplied ),       # 3
      startValDefaultInt = match( control$startValDefault,   # 4
         c("center", "uniform"), nomatch=0L ),
      excludeAllNAint = as.integer( control$excludeAllNA ) ) # 5
   storage.mode(ctrlInt) <- "integer"
   omitDataInt <- as.integer( omitData )
   nPackedSEs <- if( attr(theModel, "saturated") ) 0L else
   dimVecEst <- c(
      nEstimates = estSumm$nEstimates,                       # 1
      nVarEstimateTot = estSumm$nVarEstimateTot,             # 2
      nPackedEstimates = estSumm$nPackedEstimates,           # 3
      nPackedSEs = nPackedSEs )                              # 4
   storage.mode( dimVecEst ) <- "integer"
   # prepare objects to pass to Fortran related to MCMC and approxBayes
   iterMCMC <- as.integer( ceiling( control$iterMCMC / control$thinMCMC ) *
      control$thinMCMC )
   if( method == "MCMC" ) {
      seriesLength <- iterMCMC / control$thinMCMC
      nImpute <- if( control$imputeEvery == 0L ) 0L else
         floor( iterMCMC / control$imputeEvery )
   } else if( method == "approxBayes" ) { 
      seriesLength <- control$iterApproxBayes
      nImpute <- if( control$imputeApproxBayes )
         control$iterApproxBayes else 0L
   } else {
      seriesLength <- 0L
      nImpute <- 0L
   ctrlMCMCInt <- c(
      iterMCMC = iterMCMC,                    # 1
      burnMCMC = control$burnMCMC,            # 2
      thinMCMC = control$thinMCMC,            # 3
      imputeEvery = control$imputeEvery,      # 4
      saveProbSeriesInt = as.integer( control$saveProbSeries ),   # 5
      typeMCMCInt = match( control$typeMCMC,  # 6
         c("DA","RWM"), nomatch=0L ),
      stuckLimit = control$stuckLimit,        # 7
      iterApproxBayes = control$iterApproxBayes, # 8
      imputeApproxBayesInt = as.integer( control$imputeApproxBayes ) ) #9
   storage.mode(ctrlMCMCInt) <- "integer"
   ctrlMCMCReal <- c(
      dfDA = control$tuneDA[1L],             # 1
      stepSizeDA = control$tuneDA[2L],       # 2
      scaleFacDA = control$tuneDA[3L],       # 3
      dfRWM = control$tuneRWM[1L],           # 4
      scaleFacRWM = control$tuneRWM[2L] )    # 5
   storage.mode(ctrlMCMCReal) <- "double"
   if( method == "MCMC" | method == "approxBayes" ) {
      dimVecMCMC <- c(
         seriesLengthBeta = seriesLength,                            # 1
         seriesLengthProb = if( control$saveProbSeries )             # 2
         seriesLength else 0L,
         nImpute = nImpute )                                         # 3
   } else { 
      dimVecMCMC <- c(
         seriesLengthBeta = 0L,                          # 1
         seriesLengthProb = 0L,                          # 2
         nImpute = 0L )                                  # 3
   storage.mode( dimVecMCMC ) <- "integer"
   betaSeries <- matrix( numeric(1L), 
      dimVecMCMC[["seriesLengthBeta"]], length(beta) )
   colnames(betaSeries) <- names(beta)
   probSeries <- matrix( numeric(1L),
      dimVecMCMC[["seriesLengthProb"]], length(prob) )
   imputedFreqInt <- matrix( integer(1L), NROW(mfTrue),
      dimVecMCMC[["nImpute"]] )
   logPSeries <- numeric( dimVecMCMC[["seriesLengthBeta"]] )
   packedEstimatesSeries <- matrix( numeric(1L),
      dimVecMCMC[["seriesLengthBeta"]], estSumm$nPackedEstimates )
   # correct problem with length of loglikPadded and logPPadded 
   # related to burn-in
   if( method=="MCMC" ) {
      maxIter <- as.integer(iterMCMC + control$burnMCMC)
      dimVec[["maxIter"]] <- maxIter
   # needed for survey mode
   dimVecSurvey <- c( surveyModeInt = as.integer(surveyMode),
      nStrat = nStrat )
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
   tmp <- .Fortran("fit_cvam_model",
      # inputs
      modelTypeInt = modelTypeInt,
      methodInt = methodInt,
      dimVec = dimVec,
      inputData = inputData,
      inputDataFreqInt = inputDataFreqInt,
      nLevelsMatrix = nLevelsMatrix,
      packedMap = packedMap,
      modelMatrix = modelMatrix,
      offset = offset,
      strZeroInt = strZeroInt,
      flatten = flatten, 
      ridge = ridge,
      priorData = priorData,
      priorDataFreqInt = priorDataFreqInt,
      ctrlReal = ctrlReal,
      ctrlInt = ctrlInt,
      omitDataInt = omitDataInt,
      dimVecEst = dimVecEst,
      estimateInfo = estSumm$estimateInfo,
      estimateVarInfo = estSumm$estimateVarInfo,
      ctrlMCMCInt = ctrlMCMCInt,
      ctrlMCMCReal = ctrlMCMCReal,
      dimVecMCMC = dimVecMCMC,
      dimVecSurvey = dimVecSurvey,
      nClus = nClus,
      designInt = designInt,
      weight = weight,
      # inouts
      mu = mu,
      beta = beta,
      betaHat = betaHat,
      vhatBetaRWM = vhatBetaRWM,
      # outputs
      iterConvergedInt = integer(2L),
      maxDiff = numeric(1L),
      logliklogPPadded = matrix(numeric(1L), maxIter, 2L),
      prob = prob,
      lambda = numeric( length(beta) ),
      freq = numeric( NROW(mfTrue) ),
      freqMean = numeric( NROW(mfTrue) ),
      freqInt = integer( NROW(mfTrue) ),
      score = numeric( NCOL(modelMatrix) ),
      vhatBeta = vhatBeta,
      probMean = probMean,
      betaMean = betaMean,
      betaCovMat = betaCovMat,
      totalFreqUsePrior = numeric(1L),
      totalFreqUseDataIntVec = integer(2L),
      degreesOfFreedom = integer(1L),
      packedEstimates = numeric(estSumm$nPackedEstimates),
      packedEstimatesMean = numeric(estSumm$nPackedEstimates),
      packedSEs = numeric(nPackedSEs),
      betaSeries = betaSeries,
      probSeries = probSeries,
      logPSeries = logPSeries,
      imputedFreqInt = imputedFreqInt,
      packedEstimatesSeries = packedEstimatesSeries,
      nActual = integer(3L),
      mhAcceptRate = numeric(1L),
      startLogP = numeric(1L),
      # messaging
      status = integer(1L),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
      PACKAGE = "cvam" )
   # display message from Fortran, if present
   msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )
   tmp$iter <- tmp$iterConvergedInt[1L]
   tmp$convergedInt <- tmp$iterConvergedInt[2L]
   tmp$converged <- as.logical( tmp$convergedInt )
   if( ( method == "EM" ) & ( tmp$iter > 0L ) & 
      ( ! tmp$converged ) ) warning( gettextf(
      "Procedure failed to converge by iteration %i", tmp$iter ), 
      domain = NA )
   tmp$totalFreqUseDataInt <- tmp$totalFreqUseDataIntVec[1L]
   tmp$totalNSubPopInt <-  tmp$totalFreqUseDataIntVec[2L]
   tmp$nIterActual <- tmp$nActual[1L]
   tmp$nSampleActual <- tmp$nActual[2L]
   tmp$nImpActual <- tmp$nActual[3L]
   if( length(est) == 0L ) {
      est <- NULL }
   else {
      if( method == "EM" ) {
         for( i in seq_along(est) ) {
            st <- estSumm$estimateInfo[i,3L]
            fin <- estSumm$estimateInfo[i,4L]
            est[[i]]$prob <- tmp$packedEstimates[st:fin]
            if( length(tmp$packedSEs) > 0L ) est[[i]]$SE <- 
      } else if( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) {
         if( tmp$nSampleActual <= 0L ) {
	    warning( gettext(
            "No estimates available; insufficient iterations"), domain = NA )
            est <- NULL
         } else {
            for( i in seq_along(est) ) {
               st <- estSumm$estimateInfo[i,3L]
               fin <- estSumm$estimateInfo[i,4L]
               est[[i]]$prob <- apply(  
                  st:fin, drop=FALSE], 2, mean )
               est[[i]]$SE <- sqrt( apply(  
                  st:fin, drop=FALSE], 2, var ) )
               est[[i]]$prob.lower <- apply(  
                  st:fin, drop=FALSE], 2, quantile, (1-control$confidence)/2 )
               est[[i]]$prob.upper <- apply(  
                  st:fin, drop=FALSE], 2, quantile, 1-(control$confidence/2) )
   if( ! is.null(est) ) {
      nDraws <- if( method == "MCMC" | method == "approxBayes") 
         tmp$nSampleActual else 0L
      est <- lapply( est, .formatEstimate, control$confidence,
         control$probRound, control$probDigits,
         fromSeries = ( method == "MCMC" | method == "approxBayes" ),
         fromMCMC = ( method == "MCMC" | method == "approxBayes" ),
            nDraws = nDraws, meanSeries=TRUE )
      est <- if( length(est) == 1L ) est[[1L]] else est
      est <- .cvamEstimateList( est )
   tmp$beganAtMode <- FALSE
   tmp$atMode <- ( method == "EM" ) & as.logical( tmp$convergedInt )
   tmp$converged <- if( method == "EM")
      as.logical( tmp$convergedInt ) else NULL
   loglikPadded <- tmp$logliklogPPadded[,1L]
   logPPadded <- tmp$logliklogPPadded[,2L]
   tmp$loglik <- if( tmp$iter > 0L ) 
      loglikPadded[1:tmp$iter] else numeric()
   tmp$logP <- if( tmp$iter > 0L ) 
      logPPadded[1:tmp$iter] else numeric()
   mfTrue$freq <- if( method == "EM" ) tmp$freq else tmp$freqMean
   tmp$mfTrue <- mfTrue
   tmp$mfSeen <- mfSeen
   tmp$mfPrior <- mfPrior
   tmp$model <- theModel
   tmp$method <- method
   tmp$prior <- prior
   tmp$control <- control
   tmp$omitData <- omitData
   tmp$startValSupplied <- startValSupplied
   tmp$offsetSupplied <- offsetSupplied
   tmp$freqSupplied <- freqSupplied
   tmp$strZeroSupplied <- strZeroSupplied
   tmp$modelMatrixSupplied <- modelMatrixSupplied
   tmp$strZero <- strZero
   tmp$argEst <- argEst
   tmp$estimates <- est
   tmp$latent <- latent
   tmp$call <- match.call()
   tmp$surveyMode <- surveyMode
   tmp$nStrat <- if( surveyMode ) nStrat else NULL
   tmp$subPop <- if( surveyMode ) subPop else NULL
   tmp$stratum <- if( surveyMode ) stratum else NULL
   tmp$cluster <- if( surveyMode ) cluster else NULL
   tmp$scaledWeight <- scaledWeight
   tmp$betaHat <- if( tmp$atMode ) tmp$beta else NULL
   tmp$vhatBetaRWM <- if( tmp$atMode ) tmp$vhatBeta else NULL
   if( ( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) && 
      ( tmp$nSampleActual >= 1L ) ){
      tmp$logPseries <- tmp$logPseries[ 1:tmp$nSampleActual ]
   } else {
      tmp$logPseries <- NULL
   if( ( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) &&
      ( tmp$nSampleActual >= 1L ) && 
      ( ! attr(theModel, "saturated") ) ){
      tmp$betaSeries <- tmp$betaSeries[ 1:tmp$nSampleActual,,drop=FALSE ]
   } else {
      tmp$betaSeries <- NULL
   if( ( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) &&
      ( tmp$nSampleActual >= 1L ) &&
      ( control$saveProbSeries ) ){
      tmp$probSeries <- tmp$probSeries[ 1:tmp$nSampleActual,,drop=FALSE ]
   } else {
      tmp$probSeries <- NULL
   if( ( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) && 
      ( tmp$nSampleActual <= 0L ) ){
      tmp$betaMean <- tmp$betaCovMat <- NULL
   if( ( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) && 
      ( tmp$nSampleActual >= 1L ) &&
      ( !is.null(est) ) ){
      tmp$packedEstimatesSeries <-
   } else {
      tmp$packedEstimatesSeries <- NULL
   structure( tmp, class = c("cvam", "list") )

cvam.cvam <- function(obj, method=obj$method, control=NULL, startVal=NULL,
   estimate=NULL, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   argsSupplied <- names( as.list( match.call() )[-1L] )
   badArgs <- setdiff( argsSupplied,
      c("obj", "method", "control", "startVal", "estimate") )
   for( i in seq_along(badArgs) ) warning( gettextf(
      "Argument '%s' was ignored", badArgs[i] ), domain=NA ) 
   # disable the possibility to change
   # prior and omitData
   prior <- obj$prior
   omitData <- obj$omitData
   stopifnot( method %in% c("EM", "MCMC", "approxBayes", "mfSeen", "mfTrue",
      "mfPrior", "modelMatrix") )
   omitData <- as.logical(omitData)[1L]
   stopifnot( inherits(prior, "cvamPrior") )
   if( method == "modelMatrix" ) {
      if( attr(obj$model, "saturated" ) ) stop( gettext(
         "Model is saturated; there is no modelMatrix" ), domain = NA )
      return( obj$modelMatrix )
   if( is.null(control) ) {
      control <- obj$control
   } else {
      stopifnot( is.list(control) )
      ctrl <- obj$control
      for( i in seq_along(control) ) ctrl[[ names(control)[i] ]] <- 
      control <- do.call( "cvamControl", ctrl )
   mu <- obj$mu
   beta <- obj$beta
   if( ! is.null(startVal) ) {
      if( attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) {
         if( length(startVal) != NROW(obj$mfTrue) ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect length, should be %i", NROW(obj$mfTrue) ),
            domain = NA )
         mu[] <- as.double( startVal )
      } else {
         if( length(startVal) != NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect length, should be %i", 
            NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) ), domain = NA )
         beta[] <- as.double( startVal )
   doingRWM <-  ( ! attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) &
      method == "MCMC" & control$typeMCMC == "RWM" 
   if( doingRWM & is.null(obj$vhatBetaRWM) )
      stop( gettext(
      "Cannot run random-walk Metropolis without first getting a mode from EM"),
          domain = NA )
   doingApproxBayes <- ( ! attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) &
      method == "approxBayes"
   if( doingApproxBayes & ( is.null(obj$vhatBetaRWM) | is.null(obj$betaHat) ) )
      stop( gettext(
      "Cannot run approximate Bayes without first getting a mode from EM"),
          domain = NA )
   if( attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) {
      betaHat <- numeric(0L)
      vhatBeta <- vhatBetaRWM <- matrix( numeric(), 0L, 0L )
   } else {
      if( doingRWM | doingApproxBayes ) {
         betaHat <- obj$betaHat
         vhatBeta <- vhatBetaRWM <- obj$vhatBetaRWM
         vhatBeta[] <- as.double(0)
      } else {
         betaHat <- numeric( NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) )
         vhatBeta <- vhatBetaRWM <- structure(
            matrix( numeric(1L), NCOL(obj$modelMatrix), NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) ),
            rownames = names(beta), colnames = names(beta) )
   startValSupplied <- TRUE
   probMean <- prob <- numeric( length(mu) )
   prob[] <- as.double(0)
   probMean[] <- as.double(0)
   betaMean <- beta
   betaMean[] <- as.double(0)
   betaCovMat <- vhatBeta
   mfSeen <- obj$mfSeen
   if( method == "mfSeen" ) return(mfSeen)
   freqSeen <- mfSeen$freq
   mfSeen$freq <- NULL
   mfNoData <- mfSeen[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   mf0 <- data.frame( lapply( mfNoData, FUN=dropCoarseLevels ) )
   mfContr <- lapply( mf0, FUN=contrasts ) # store the contrasts
   mfTrue <- as.data.frame( xtabs( ~., data=mf0), responseName="freq" )
   mfTrue$freq <- NULL
   for( i in seq_along(mfContr) ){
      vN <- names(mfContr)[i]
      contrasts( mfTrue[[vN]] ) <- mfContr[[vN]]
   if( method == "mfTrue" ) {
      mfTrue$freq <- as.numeric(NA)
   pF <- mfSeen[ seq_along(prior$nuggets),,drop=FALSE]
   pS <- .cvamPriorSummaries( prior, pF )
   pF <- pS$pF
   flatten <- pS$flatten
   ridge <- pS$ridge
   priorDataFreq <- pF$freq
   pF$freq <- NULL
   priorDataFreqInt <- pF$freqInt
   pF$freqInt <- NULL
   if( any( priorDataFreq != priorDataFreqInt ) ) message( gettext(
      "Some prior nuggets changed when integerized" ), domain = NA )
   mfPrior <- pF
   mfPrior$freq <- priorDataFreqInt
   if( method == "mfPrior" ) return(mfPrior)
   argEst <- estimate
   if( is.null(estimate) ) estimate <- argEst <- obj$argEst
   if( is.null(estimate) ) {
      estimate <- list()
   } else {
      if( length(estimate) > 0L ) {
         if( is.list(estimate) ){
            ios <- unlist( lapply( estimate, .isOneSided ) )
            if( any( !ios ) ) stop( gettext(
               "Some elements of 'estimate' are not one-sided formulas"),
               domain = NA )
         } else {
            if( ! .isOneSided(estimate) ) stop( gettext(
               "'estimate' is not a one-sided formula"), domain = NA )
            estimate <- list(estimate)
   est <- lapply( estimate, .cvamEstimateRequest, obj$model )
   est <- lapply( est, .cvamEstimate, obj$model, mfNoData, mf0 )
   estSumm <- .cvamEstimateSummaries(est)
   # prepare objects for .Fortran call
   methodInt <- match( method,  c("EM", "MCMC", "approxBayes" ), nomatch=0L )
   stopifnot( methodInt != 0L )
   storage.mode(flatten) <- "double"
   storage.mode(ridge) <- "double"
   priorData <- data.matrix(pF)
   storage.mode(priorData) <- "integer"
   storage.mode(priorDataFreq) <- "double"
   storage.mode(priorDataFreqInt) <- "integer"
   storage.mode(mu) <- "double"
   storage.mode(prob) <- "double"
   storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
   maxIter <- 0L
   if( method == "EM" ) maxIter <- control$iterMaxEM
   if( method == "MCMC" ) maxIter <- control$iterMCMC
   if( method == "approxBayes" ) maxIter <- as.integer( 
      control$iterApproxBayes )
   dimVec <- c(
       nrowInputData = NROW(obj$inputData),    #  1
       ncolInputData = NCOL(obj$inputData),    #  2
       nPackedMap = length(obj$packedMap),     #  3
       nrowTrueData = NROW(mfTrue),            #  4
       nrowMM = NROW(obj$modelMatrix),         #  5
       ncolMM = NCOL(obj$modelMatrix),         #  6
       nrowPriorData = NROW(priorData),        #  7
       maxIter = maxIter )                     #  8
   storage.mode(dimVec) <- "integer"
   ctrlReal <- c( startValJitter = control$startValJitter,   # 1 
      critEM = control$critEM,                               # 2
      critNR = control$critNR,                               # 3
      critBoundary = control$critBoundary )                  # 4
   storage.mode(ctrlReal) <- "double"
   ctrlInt <- c( iterMaxEM = control$iterMaxEM,              # 1
      iterMaxNR = control$iterMaxNR,                         # 2
      startValUseInt = as.integer( startValSupplied ),       # 3
      startValDefaultInt = match( control$startValDefault,   # 4
         c("center", "uniform"), nomatch=0L ),
      excludeAllNAint = as.integer( control$excludeAllNA ) ) # 5
   storage.mode(ctrlInt) <- "integer"
   omitDataInt <- as.integer( omitData )
   nPackedSEs <- if( attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) 0L else
   dimVecEst <- c(
      nEstimates = estSumm$nEstimates,                       # 1
      nVarEstimateTot = estSumm$nVarEstimateTot,             # 2
      nPackedEstimates = estSumm$nPackedEstimates,           # 3
      nPackedSEs = nPackedSEs )                              # 4
   storage.mode( dimVecEst ) <- "integer"
   # prepare objects to pass to Fortran related to MCMC and approxBayes
   iterMCMC <- as.integer( ceiling( control$iterMCMC / control$thinMCMC ) *
      control$thinMCMC )
   if( method == "MCMC" ) {
      seriesLength <- iterMCMC / control$thinMCMC
      nImpute <- if( control$imputeEvery == 0L ) 0L else
         floor( iterMCMC / control$imputeEvery )
   } else if( method == "approxBayes" ) { 
      seriesLength <- control$iterApproxBayes
      nImpute <- if( control$imputeApproxBayes )
         control$iterApproxBayes else 0L
   } else {
      seriesLength <- 0L
      nImpute <- 0L
   ctrlMCMCInt <- c(
      iterMCMC = iterMCMC,                    # 1
      burnMCMC = control$burnMCMC,            # 2
      thinMCMC = control$thinMCMC,            # 3
      imputeEvery = control$imputeEvery,      # 4
      saveProbSeriesInt = as.integer( control$saveProbSeries ),   # 5
      typeMCMCInt = match( control$typeMCMC,  # 6
         c("DA","RWM"), nomatch=0L ),
      stuckLimit = control$stuckLimit,        # 7
      iterApproxBayes = control$iterApproxBayes, # 8
      imputeApproxBayesInt = as.integer( control$imputeApproxBayes ) ) #9
   storage.mode(ctrlMCMCInt) <- "integer"
   ctrlMCMCReal <- c(
      dfDA = control$tuneDA[1L],             # 1
      stepSizeDA = control$tuneDA[2L],       # 2
      scaleFacDA = control$tuneDA[3L],       # 3
      dfRWM = control$tuneRWM[1L],           # 4
      scaleFacRWM = control$tuneRWM[2L] )    # 5
   storage.mode(ctrlMCMCReal) <- "double"
   if( method == "MCMC" | method == "approxBayes" ) {
      dimVecMCMC <- c(
         seriesLengthBeta = seriesLength,                            # 1
         seriesLengthProb = if( control$saveProbSeries )             # 2
         seriesLength else 0L,
         nImpute = nImpute )                                         # 3
   } else { 
      dimVecMCMC <- c(
         seriesLengthBeta = 0L,                          # 1
         seriesLengthProb = 0L,                          # 2
         nImpute = 0L )                                  # 3
   storage.mode( dimVecMCMC ) <- "integer"
   betaSeries <- matrix( numeric(1L), 
      dimVecMCMC[["seriesLengthBeta"]], length(beta) )
   colnames(betaSeries) <- names(beta)
   probSeries <- matrix( numeric(1L),
      dimVecMCMC[["seriesLengthProb"]], length(prob) )
   imputedFreqInt <- matrix( integer(1L), NROW(mfTrue),
      dimVecMCMC[["nImpute"]] )
   logPSeries <- numeric( dimVecMCMC[["seriesLengthBeta"]] )
   packedEstimatesSeries <- matrix( numeric(1L),
      dimVecMCMC[["seriesLengthBeta"]], estSumm$nPackedEstimates )
   # correct problem with length of loglikPadded and logPPadded 
   # related to burn-in
   if( method=="MCMC" ) {
      maxIter <- as.integer(iterMCMC + control$burnMCMC)
      dimVec[["maxIter"]] <- maxIter
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
   tmp <- .Fortran("fit_cvam_model",
      # inputs
      modelTypeInt = obj$modelTypeInt,
      methodInt = methodInt,
      dimVec = dimVec,
      inputData = obj$inputData,
      inputDataFreqInt = obj$inputDataFreqInt,
      nLevelsMatrix = obj$nLevelsMatrix,
      packedMap = obj$packedMap,
      modelMatrix = obj$modelMatrix,
      offset = obj$offset,
      strZeroInt = obj$strZeroInt,
      flatten = flatten, 
      ridge = ridge,
      priorData = priorData,
      priorDataFreqInt = priorDataFreqInt,
      ctrlReal = ctrlReal,
      ctrlInt = ctrlInt,
      omitDataInt = omitDataInt,
      dimVecEst = dimVecEst,
      estimateInfo = estSumm$estimateInfo,
      estimateVarInfo = estSumm$estimateVarInfo,
      ctrlMCMCInt = ctrlMCMCInt,
      ctrlMCMCReal = ctrlMCMCReal,
      dimVecMCMC = dimVecMCMC,
      dimVecSurvey = obj$dimVecSurvey,
      nClus = obj$nClus,
      designInt = obj$designInt,
      weight = obj$weight,
      # inouts
      mu = mu,
      beta = beta,
      betaHat = betaHat,
      vhatBetaRWM = vhatBetaRWM,
      # outputs
      iterConvergedInt = integer(2L),
      maxDiff = numeric(1L),
      logliklogPPadded = matrix(numeric(1L), maxIter, 2L),
      prob = prob,
      lambda = numeric( length(beta) ),
      freq = numeric( NROW(mfTrue) ),
      freqMean = numeric( NROW(mfTrue) ),
      freqInt = integer( NROW(mfTrue) ),
      score = numeric( NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) ),
      vhatBeta = vhatBeta,
      probMean = probMean,
      betaMean = betaMean,
      betaCovMat = betaCovMat,
      totalFreqUsePrior = numeric(1L),
      totalFreqUseDataIntVec = integer(2L),
      degreesOfFreedom = integer(1L),
      packedEstimates = numeric(estSumm$nPackedEstimates),
      packedEstimatesMean = numeric(estSumm$nPackedEstimates),
      packedSEs = numeric(nPackedSEs),
      betaSeries = betaSeries,
      probSeries = probSeries,
      logPSeries = logPSeries,
      imputedFreqInt = imputedFreqInt,
      packedEstimatesSeries = packedEstimatesSeries,
      nActual = integer(3L),
      mhAcceptRate = numeric(1L),
      startLogP = numeric(1L),
      # messaging
      status = integer(1L),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
      PACKAGE = "cvam" )
   # display message from Fortran, if present
   msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )
   tmp$iter <- tmp$iterConvergedInt[1L]
   tmp$convergedInt <- tmp$iterConvergedInt[2L]
   tmp$converged <- as.logical( tmp$convergedInt )
   if( ( method == "EM" ) & ( tmp$iter > 0L ) & 
      ( ! tmp$converged ) ) warning( gettextf(
      "Procedure failed to converge by iteration %i", tmp$iter ), 
      domain = NA )
   tmp$totalFreqUseDataInt <- tmp$totalFreqUseDataIntVec[1L]
   tmp$totalNSubPopInt <-  tmp$totalFreqUseDataIntVec[2L]
   tmp$nIterActual <- tmp$nActual[1L]
   tmp$nSampleActual <- tmp$nActual[2L]
   tmp$nImpActual <- tmp$nActual[3L]
   if( length(est) == 0L ) {
      est <- NULL }
   else {
      if( method == "EM" ) {
         for( i in seq_along(est) ) {
            st <- estSumm$estimateInfo[i,3L]
            fin <- estSumm$estimateInfo[i,4L]
            est[[i]]$prob <- tmp$packedEstimates[st:fin]
            if( length(tmp$packedSEs) > 0L ) est[[i]]$SE <- 
      } else if( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) {
         if( tmp$nSampleActual < 1L ) {
	    warning( gettext(
            "No estimates available; insufficient iterations"), domain = NA )
            est <- NULL
         } else {
            for( i in seq_along(est) ) {
               st <- estSumm$estimateInfo[i,3L]
               fin <- estSumm$estimateInfo[i,4L]
               est[[i]]$prob <- apply(  
                  st:fin, drop=FALSE], 2, mean )
               est[[i]]$SE <- sqrt( apply(  
                  st:fin, drop=FALSE], 2, var ) )
               est[[i]]$prob.lower <- apply(  
                  st:fin, drop=FALSE], 2, quantile, (1-control$confidence)/2 )
               est[[i]]$prob.upper <- apply(  
                  st:fin, drop=FALSE], 2, quantile, 1-(control$confidence/2) )
   if( ! is.null(est) ) {
      nDraws <- if( method == "MCMC" | method == "approxBayes" ) 
          tmp$nSampleActual else 0L
      est <- lapply( est, .formatEstimate, control$confidence,
         control$probRound, control$probDigits,
         fromSeries = ( method == "MCMC" | method == "approxBayes" ),
         fromMCMC = ( method == "MCMC" | method == "approxBayes" ),
            nDraws = nDraws, meanSeries=TRUE )
      est <- if( length(est) == 1L ) est[[1L]] else est
      est <- .cvamEstimateList( est )
   tmp$beganAtMode <- obj$atMode
   tmp$atMode <- ( method == "EM" ) & as.logical( tmp$convergedInt )
   tmp$converged <- if( method == "EM")
      as.logical( tmp$convergedInt ) else NULL
   loglikPadded <- tmp$logliklogPPadded[,1L]
   logPPadded <- tmp$logliklogPPadded[,2L]
   tmp$loglik <- if( tmp$iter > 0L ) 
      loglikPadded[1:tmp$iter] else numeric()
   tmp$logP <- if( tmp$iter > 0L ) 
      logPPadded[1:tmp$iter] else numeric()
   mfTrue$freq <- if( method == "EM" ) tmp$freq else tmp$freqMean
   tmp$mfTrue <- mfTrue
   mfSeen$freq <- freqSeen
   tmp$mfSeen <- mfSeen
   tmp$mfPrior <- mfPrior
   tmp$model <- obj$model
   tmp$method <- method
   tmp$prior <- prior
   tmp$control <- control
   tmp$omitData <- omitData
   tmp$startValSupplied <- startValSupplied
   tmp$offsetSupplied <- obj$offsetSupplied
   tmp$freqSupplied <- obj$freqSupplied
   tmp$strZeroSupplied <- obj$strZeroSupplied
   tmp$modelMatrixSupplied <- obj$modelMatrixSupplied
   tmp$strZero <- obj$strZero
   tmp$estimates <- est
   tmp$argEst <- argEst
   tmp$latent <- obj$latent
   tmp$call <- match.call()
   tmp$surveyMode <- obj$surveyMode
   tmp$nStrat <- if( obj$surveyMode ) obj$nStrat else NULL
   tmp$subPop <- if( obj$surveyMode ) obj$subPop else NULL
   tmp$stratum <- if( obj$surveyMode ) obj$stratum else NULL
   tmp$cluster <- if( obj$surveyMode ) obj$cluster else NULL
   tmp$scaledWeight <- if( obj$surveyMode ) obj$scaledWeight else NULL
   tmp$betaHat <- if( tmp$atMode ) tmp$beta else obj$betaHat
   tmp$vhatBetaRWM <- if( tmp$atMode ) tmp$vhatBeta else obj$vhatBetaRWM
   if( ( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) && 
      ( tmp$nSampleActual >= 1L ) ){
      tmp$logPseries <- tmp$logPseries[ 1:tmp$nSampleActual ]
   } else {
      tmp$logPseries <- NULL
   if( ( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) &&
      ( tmp$nSampleActual >= 1L ) &&
      ( ! attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) ){
      tmp$betaSeries <- tmp$betaSeries[ 1:tmp$nSampleActual,,drop=FALSE ]
   } else {
      tmp$betaSeries <- NULL
   if( ( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) &&
      ( tmp$nSampleActual >= 1L ) &&
      ( control$saveProbSeries ) ){
      tmp$probSeries <- tmp$probSeries[ 1:tmp$nSampleActual,,drop=FALSE ]
   } else {
      tmp$probSeries <- NULL
   if( ( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) &&
      ( tmp$nSampleActual <= control$burnMCMC ) ){
      tmp$betaMean <- tmp$betaCovMat <- NULL
   if( ( method == "MCMC" || method == "approxBayes" ) &&
      ( tmp$nSampleActual >= 1L ) &&
      ( !is.null(est) ) ){
      tmp$packedEstimatesSeries <-
   } else {
      tmp$packedEstimatesSeries <- NULL
   structure( tmp, class = c("cvam", "list") )

print.cvam <- function(x, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "cvam") )
   cat( gettext( 'Object of class "cvam", use "summary"' ), sep="\n")

summary.cvam <- function(object, showCoef=TRUE, showEstimates=TRUE,
   digits=4L, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(object, "cvam") )
   if( inherits(object, "summary.cvam") ) return(object)
   result <- list()
   result$model <- object$model
   result$prior <- object$prior
   result$method <- object$method
   result$control <- object$control
   result$logP <- if( object$iter > 0L )
      object$logP[object$iter] else numeric()
   result$loglik <- if( object$iter > 0L )
      object$loglik[object$iter] else numeric()
   result$totalSampSize <- sum( object$inputDataFreqInt )
   result$priorSampSize <- object$flatten + sum( object$priorDataFreqInt )
   result$nCells <- prod( object$nLevelsMatrix[,1L] )
   result$anyLatent <- any( object$latent )
   result$nCellsNonLatent <-
      prod( object$nLevelsMatrix[!object$latent,1L] )
   result$nZero <- sum( object$strZero )
   result$nDataPatt <- object$dimVec[1L]
   result$degreesOfFreedom <-  if( result$anyLatent &&
     ! attr(object$model, "saturated") )
     object$degreesOfFreedom -
     ( result$nCells - result$nCellsNonLatent ) else
   result$nParams <- if( attr(object$model, "saturated") )
      result$nCells - result$nZero else NCOL( object$modelMatrix )
   result$totalNSupplied <- sum( object$inputDataFreqInt )
   result$totalN <- object$totalFreqUseDataInt
   result$priorESS <- object$totalFreqUsePrior
   result$startValSupplied <- if( object$method != "approxBayes" )
      object$startValSupplied else NULL
   result$offsetSupplied <- object$offsetSupplied
   result$surveyMode <- object$surveyMode
   result$totalNSubPop <- object$totalNSubPopInt
   result$avgWeightSubPop <- if( object$surveyMode )
      mean( object$weight[ object$subPop ] ) else NULL
   result$minWeightSubPop <- if( object$surveyMode )
      min( object$weight[ object$subPop ] ) else NULL
   result$maxWeightSubPop <- if( object$surveyMode )
      max( object$weight[ object$subPop ] ) else NULL
   result$nStrat <- if( object$surveyMode ) object$nStrat else NULL
   result$nClus <- if( object$surveyMode ) object$nClus else NULL
   result$nSubPopCluster <- if( object$surveyMode )
      table( object$cluster[ object$subPop ] ) else NULL
   if( object$method == "EM" ) {
      result$converged <- object$converged
      result$iter <- object$iter
      result$lenGrad <- if( length(object$score) > 0L ) 
         sqrt( sum(object$score^2) ) else NULL
   } else if( object$method == "MCMC" ) {
      result$iter <- object$nIterActual
      result$discarded <- if( result$iter >= object$control$burnMCMC ) 
         object$control$burnMCMC else ( result$iter - object$control$burnMCMC )
      result$afterBurnIn <- max( result$iter - object$control$burnMCMC, 0 )
      result$thin <- object$control$thinMCMC
      result$imputeEvery <- object$control$imputeEvery
      result$nSampleActual <- object$nSampleActual
      result$nImpActual <- object$nImpActual
      result$probSeriesPresent <- object$control$saveProbSeries
      result$mhAcceptRate <- object$mhAcceptRate
   } else if( object$method == "approxBayes" ) {
      result$iter <- object$nIterActual
      result$nSampleActual <- object$nSampleActual
      result$nImpActual <- object$nImpActual
      result$probSeriesPresent <- object$control$saveProbSeries
   result$coef <- get.coef( object, withSE = TRUE, msgIfNone = FALSE )
   result$showCoef <- if( is.null(result$coef) ) FALSE else showCoef
   result$beganAtMode <- object$beganAtMode
   result$atMode <- object$atMode
   result$impPresent <- FALSE
   if( ( object$method == "MCMC" || object$method == "approxBayes" ) &&
      ( object$nImpActual > 0L ) ) result$impPresent <- TRUE
   result$estimates <- object$estimates
   result$showEstimates <- showEstimates
   result$digits <- digits
   structure( result,
      class = "summary.cvam" )

print.summary.cvam <- function(x, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "summary.cvam") )
   cat( attr(x$model, "formulaStr"), sep="\n" )
   if( attr(x$model, "saturated") )
      cat( "   fit as a saturated model", sep="\n")
   if( x$offsetSupplied ) cat( "(offset presnt)", sep="\n" )
   cat("Prior:", sep="\n")
   print.summary.cvamPrior( summary(x$prior), showNuggets=FALSE, ...)
   if( attr(x$model, "saturated") && ( x$prior$ridge > 0 ) ) {
      cat("Ridge factor was ignored because saturated=TRUE", sep="\n")
   if( x$surveyMode ) {
      cat("Sample size:", sep="\n")
      strA <- format( c( "total N in supplied data =",
         "total N supplied in subpopulation =",
         "N from supplied data used in model fit =",
         "prior effective sample size ="), justify="right" )
      strB <- format( c( x$totalNSupplied, x$totalNSubPop, 
         x$totalN, x$priorESS),
         justify = "left" )
      cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
      cat("Survey design:", sep="\n")
      strA <- format( c( "avg weight in subpopulation =",
         "min =",
         "max =",
         "total number of strata =",
         "total number of clusters =",
         "avg clusters per stratum =",
         "min =",
         "max =",
         "avg subpopulation N per cluster =",
         "min =",
         "max ="), justify="right" )
      strB <- format( c( x$avgWeightSubPop, x$minWeightSubPop,
         x$maxWeightSubPop, x$nStrat, sum(x$nClus), mean(x$nClus), 
         min(x$nClus), max(x$nClus),
         min(x$nSubPopCluster), max(x$nSubPopCluster) ),
         justify = "left" )
      cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   } else {   
      cat("Sample size:", sep="\n")
      strA <- format( c( "total N in supplied data =",
         "N from supplied data used in model fit =",
         "prior effective sample size ="), justify="right" )
      strB <- format( c( x$totalNSupplied, x$totalN, x$priorESS),
         justify = "left" )
      cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   if( x$surveyMode ) {
      cat("Degrees of freedom:", sep="\n")
      strA <- format( c(
         "cells in complete-data table =",
         "cells without latent variables =",
         "structural zero cells =",
         "parameters in Poisson model =",
         "df ="), justify="right" )
      strB <- format( c(x$nCells, x$nCellsNonLatent,
         x$nZero, x$nParams, x$degreesOfFreedom),
         justify = "left" )
      cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   } else {
      cat("Degrees of freedom:", sep="\n")
      strA <- format( c("patterns of coarsened data =",
         "cells in complete-data table =",
         "cells without latent variables =",
         "structural zero cells =",
         "parameters in Poisson model =",
         "df ="), justify="right" )
      strB <- format( c(x$nDataPatt, x$nCells, x$nCellsNonLatent,
         x$nZero, x$nParams, x$degreesOfFreedom),
         justify = "left" )
      cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   if( x$method != "approxBayes" ) {
      cat( "Starting values:", sep="\n")
      if( x$startValSupplied ) {
         cat("supplied by user", "\n")
      } else {
         cat( gettextf("default, %s", x$control$startValDefault), sep="\n")
      cat( gettextf("jitter SD = %f", x$control$startValJitter), sep="\n")
   if( x$method == "EM" &  x$iter > 0  ) {
      cat( "EM algorithm:", sep="\n")
       if( x$converged ) {
          cat( gettextf( "Converged at iteration %i", x$iter ), sep="\n")
       } else {
          cat( gettextf( "Failed to converge by iteration %i", 
             x$iter ), sep="\n")
       if( !is.null(x$lenGrad) ) 
           cat( gettextf( "Gradient length = %f", x$lenGrad ), sep="\n" )
       strA <- format( c("Final logP =", "Final loglik ="), justify="right")
       strB <- format( c(x$logP, x$loglik), justify="left")
       cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   } else if( x$method == "MCMC" & x$iter > 0 ){
      if( attr( x$model, "saturated" ) ) {
         pStr <- "MCMC: Data augmentation (DA) for saturated model"
         cat( pStr, sep="\n")
      } else {
         if( x$control$typeMCMC == "DA" ) {
            pStr <- "MCMC: Data augumentation (DA) with Metropolis-Hastings"
            cat( pStr, sep="\n")
            cat("Tuning parameters:", sep="\n")
            strA <- format( c("proposal df =", 
               "step size =", "scale factor ="), justify="right")
            strB <- c( format( x$control$tuneDA[1L] ), 
               format( x$control$tuneDA[-1L] ) )
            strB <- format( strB, justify="left")
            cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
         } else if( x$control$typeMCMC == "RWM" ) {
            pStr <- "MCMC: Random-walk Metropolis"
            cat( pStr, sep="\n")
            cat("Tuning parameters:", sep="\n")
            strA <- format( c("proposal df =", 
               "scale factor ="), justify="right")
            strB <- c( format( x$control$tuneRWM[1L] ), 
               format( x$control$tuneRWM[2L] ) )
            strB <- format( strB, justify="left")
            cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
      strA <- "Accept rate ="
      strB <- format(x$mhAcceptRate)
      cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
      strA <- format( c("Iterations performed =", 
         "Iterations discarded as burn-in =", 
         "Iterations after burn-in =", 
         "Thinning interval for saved series =",
         "Samples in saved series =",
         "Imputation interval =",
         "Number of imputations stored ="), justify="right")
      strB <- format( c( x$iter,
         x$nImpActual), justify="left")
      cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   } else if( x$method == "approxBayes" & x$iter > 0 ){
      pStr <-
         "Approximate Bayes: Independent draws from approximate posterior"
      cat( pStr, sep="\n")
      strA <- format( c("Iterations performed =", 
         "Samples in saved series =",
         "Number of imputations stored ="), justify="right")
      strB <- format( c( x$iter,
         x$nImpActual), justify="left")
      cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   if( x$showCoef ) {
      cat( attr(x$coef, "header"), sep="\n")
      print(x$coef, digits=x$digits, ...)
   if( x$showEstimates & ! is.null(x$estimates) ) {
      print(x$estimates, showHeader = TRUE, digits=x$digits, ...)

.cvamEstimateRequest <- function( obj, model ) {
   aN <- setdiff( all.names(obj), c("~", "(", "+", "|") )
   aV <- all.vars(obj)
   badN <- setdiff( aN, aV )
   if( length(badN) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': symbol '%s' not allowed", 
         deparse(obj), badN[1L] ), domain = NA )
   Form <- Formula::Formula(obj)
   nParts <- length( attr(Form, "rhs") )
   if( nParts > 2L ) stop( gettextf( 
     "Multiple '|' found in '%s'", deparse(obj) ), domain = NA )
   randVars <- all.vars( formula(Form, rhs=1L ) )
   fixedVars <- if( nParts == 2L ) 
      all.vars( formula(Form, rhs=2L) )  else character()
   if( length(randVars) == 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': nothing to estimate",
      deparse(obj)), domain = NA )
   inBoth <- intersect( randVars, fixedVars )
   if( length(inBoth) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': variable '%s' appears on both sides of '|'", 
      deparse(obj), inBoth[1L] ), domain = NA )
   allVars <- c( randVars, fixedVars )
   notInModel <- setdiff( allVars, attr(model, "vars") )
   if( length(notInModel) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': variable '%s' does not appear in the model",
      deparse(obj),  notInModel[1L] ), domain = NA )
   fInModel <- attr(model, "vars")[ attr(model, "fixed") ]
   notModeled <- intersect( randVars, fInModel )
   if( length(notModeled) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': variable '%s' is fixed in the model",
      deparse(obj),  notModeled[1L] ), domain = NA )
   missingFixedVars <- setdiff( fInModel, fixedVars )
   if( length(missingFixedVars) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': variable '%s' does not appear after '|'",
      deparse(obj),  missingFixedVars[1L] ), domain = NA )
   formulaStr <- deparse(obj)
   formulaStr <- paste("~ ", substring(formulaStr, 2L), sep="" )
   structure( obj,
      vars = allVars,
      fixed = allVars %in% fixedVars,
      formulaStr = formulaStr,
      .Environment = attr(model, ".Environment"),
      class = c( ".cvamEstimateRequest", class(obj) ) )

.cvamEstimate <- function( obj, model, mfNoData, mf0 ) {
   nBaseLevels <- unlist( lapply( mfNoData, FUN=nBaseLevels) )
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, ".cvamEstimateRequest") )
   stopifnot( inherits(model, ".cvamModel") )
   aV <- attr(obj, "vars")
   fV <- aV[ attr(obj, "fixed") ]
   rV <- setdiff(aV, fV)
   form <- as.formula( paste("~", paste(aV, collapse="+") ), 
      env=environment(model) )
   cDT <- as.data.frame( xtabs(form, data=mf0), responseName="freq" )
   cDT$freq <- NULL
   nVarTable <- length(cDT)  # how many variables in cDT
   dimTable <- nBaseLevels[ names(cDT) ]   # dimensions of cDT
   whichVarTable <- match( names(cDT), names(mf0) ) # positions in mf0
   fixedVarTable <- aV %in% fV
   formulaStr <- attr(obj, "formulaStr")
   cDT <- structure( cDT,
      formula = obj,
      formulaStr = formulaStr,
      nVarTable = length(cDT),
      dimTable = dimTable,
      whichVarTable = whichVarTable,
      fixed = structure( fixedVarTable, names=names(cDT) ),
      estimateType = 1L, # 1 = probs
      varConditionedOn = fV,
      varShown = rV,
      varMarginalizedOver = setdiff( attr(model, "vars"), aV),
      class = c( ".cvamEstimate", class(cDT) ) )
   cDT$prob <- 0

.formatEstimate <- function( obj, confidence, probRound, probDigits,
      fromSeries = FALSE, fromMCMC = FALSE, nDraws = 0L, meanSeries=TRUE ) {
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, ".cvamEstimate") )
   formulaStr <- attr(obj, "formulaStr")
   vco <- attr(obj, "varConditionedOn" )
   vs <- attr(obj, "varShown" )
   SE <- obj$SE
   prob.lower <- obj$prob.lower
   prob.upper <- obj$prob.upper
   obj <- obj[ c(vco, vs, "prob") ]
   if( ( ! is.null(SE) ) && ( ! fromSeries )  ){
      eta <- etaSE <- etaLow <-  etaHigh <- halfWidth <- 
        prob.lower <- prob.upper <- rep( numeric(), length(SE) )
      p <- obj$prob
      w <- ( p > 0 ) & ( p < 1 )
      eta[w] <- log( p[w] / ( 1 - p[w] ) )
      etaSE[w] <- SE[w] / ( p[w] * ( 1 - p[w] ) )
      halfWidth[w] <- etaSE[w] * qnorm( 1 - (1 - confidence)/2 )
      etaLow[w] <- eta[w] - halfWidth[w] 
      etaHigh[w]<- eta[w] + halfWidth[w]
      prob.lower[w] <- 1 / ( 1 + exp( - etaLow[w] ) )
      prob.upper[w] <- 1 / ( 1 + exp( - etaHigh[w] ) )
      w <- ( SE == 0 )
      SE[w] <- prob.lower[w] <- prob.upper[w] <- NA
      obj$SE <- SE
      obj$prob.lower <- prob.lower
      obj$prob.upper <- prob.upper
   obj$SE <- SE
   obj$prob.lower <- prob.lower
   obj$prob.upper <- prob.upper
   if( probRound ) {
      obj$prob <- round(obj$prob, digits=probDigits)
      if( !is.null(obj$SE) ) 
         obj$SE <- round(obj$SE, digits=probDigits)
      if( !is.null(obj$prob.lower) ) 
         obj$prob.lower <- round(obj$prob.lower, digits=probDigits)
      if( !is.null(obj$prob.upper) ) 
         obj$prob.upper <- round(obj$prob.upper, digits=probDigits)
   attr(obj, "nVarTable") <- attr(obj, "dimTable") <- 
      attr(obj, "whichVarTable") <- attr(obj, "fixed") <- 
      attr(obj, "estimateType") <- attr(obj, "varConditionedOn") <- 
      attr(obj, "varShown") <- attr(obj, "varMarginalizedOver") <- NULL
   class(obj) <- c("cvamEstimate", "data.frame")
   attr(obj, "formulaStr") <- formulaStr
   attr(obj, "fromSeries") <- fromSeries
   header <- NULL 
   if( fromSeries ) {
      header <- gettextf(
         "Direct estimates and SEs from %i samples", nDraws )
   } else {
      if( fromMCMC ) {
         if( is.null(SE) ) {
            header <- if( meanSeries ) gettextf(
            "Estimates from %i samples", nDraws ) else
            gettext( "Parameters based on final simulated draw " )
         } else {
            header <- gettextf(
            "Estimates and SEs from %i samples, linearized",
            nDraws )
      } else {
         header <- if( is.null(SE) ) gettext( "Estimates from EM" ) else
            gettext( "Estimates and SE's from EM, linearized" )
   attr(obj, "header") <- header

.cvamEstimateList <- function( obj ) {
   if( inherits(obj, "cvamEstimate") ) return(obj)
   stopifnot( is.list(obj) )
   stopifnot( inherits(obj[[1L]], "cvamEstimate") )
   attr( obj, "header" ) <- attr( obj[[1L]], "header" )
   class( obj ) <- c("cvamEstimateList", class(obj) )

print.cvamEstimateList <- function( x, showHeader=TRUE, ... ){
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "cvamEstimateList") )
   if( showHeader ) cat( attr(x, "header" ), sep="\n" )
   for(i in seq_along(x) ) print( x[[i]], showHeader=FALSE )

.cvamEstimateSummaries <- function( est ){
   # est is a list of cvamEstimate objects
   ncells <- lapply( est, attr, "dimTable" )
   ncells <- unlist( lapply( ncells, prod ) )
   nEstimates <- length(est)
   estimateType <- unlist( lapply( est, attr, "estimateType") )
   nVarEstimate <- unlist( lapply( est, attr, "nVarTable" ) )
   nVarEstimateTot <- sum( nVarEstimate )
   dimEstimate <- unlist( lapply( est, attr, "dimTable" ) )
   whichVarEstimate <- unlist( lapply( est, attr, "whichVarTable") )
   fixedVarEstimate <- unlist( lapply( est, attr, "fixed") ) # logical
   fixedVarEstimate <- as.integer(fixedVarEstimate) + 1L
   nPackedEstimates <- sum(ncells)
   finPackedEstimates <- cumsum(ncells)
   stPackedEstimates <- c(0L, finPackedEstimates[-length(ncells)] ) + 1L
   estimateInfo <- if( nEstimates > 0L )
         estimateType = estimateType,              # col 1
         nVarEstimate = nVarEstimate,              # col 2
         stPackedEstimates = stPackedEstimates,    # col 3
         finPackedEstimates = finPackedEstimates   # col 4
      ) else matrix( integer(), 0L, 4L )
   storage.mode( estimateInfo ) <- "integer"
   estimateVarInfo <- if( nEstimates > 0L )
         dimEstimate = dimEstimate,             # col 1
         whichVarEstimate = whichVarEstimate,   # col 2
         fixedVarEstimate = fixedVarEstimate    # col 3
      ) else matrix( integer(), 0L, 3L )
   storage.mode( estimateVarInfo ) <- "integer"
      nEstimates = as.integer(nEstimates),
      nVarEstimateTot = as.integer(nVarEstimateTot),
      nPackedEstimates = as.integer(nPackedEstimates),
      estimateInfo = estimateInfo,
      estimateVarInfo = estimateVarInfo )

cvamEstimate <- function( estimate, obj, meanSeries = TRUE,
   confidence = obj$control$confidence,
   probRound = obj$control$probRound,
   probDigits = obj$control$probDigits, ...) {
   if( is.list(estimate) ){
      ios <- unlist( lapply( estimate, .isOneSided ) )
      if( any( !ios ) ) stop( gettext(
         "Some elements of 'estimate' are not one-sided formulas"),
         domain = NA )
   } else {
      if( ! .isOneSided(estimate) ) stop( gettext(
         "'estimate' is not a one-sided formula"), domain = NA )
      estimate <- list(estimate)
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   meanSeries <- as.logical(meanSeries)[1L]
   # process estimate formulas wrt model and data
   est <- lapply( estimate, .cvamEstimateRequest, obj$model )
   mfNoData <- obj$mfSeen[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   mfNoData$freq <- NULL
   mf0 <- data.frame( lapply( mfNoData, FUN=dropCoarseLevels ) )
   est <- lapply( est, .cvamEstimate, obj$model, mfNoData, mf0 )
   estSumm <- .cvamEstimateSummaries(est)
   nPackedSEs <- if( attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) 0L else
   dimVecEst <- c(
      nEstimates = estSumm$nEstimates,                       # 1
      nVarEstimateTot = estSumm$nVarEstimateTot,             # 2
      nPackedEstimates = estSumm$nPackedEstimates,           # 3
      nPackedSEs = nPackedSEs )                              # 4
   storage.mode( dimVecEst ) <- "integer"
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
   # create dummy input data and frequencies with zero rows
   inputData <- obj$inputData[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   inputDataFreqInt <- obj$inputDataFreqInt[integer()]
   dimVec <- obj$dimVec
   dimVec[1L] <- 0L
   # prepare phat and vhatBeta, and skipSEsInt
   if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
      prob <- obj$prob
      vhatBeta <- obj$vhatBeta
      skipSEsInt <- 0L
   } else {
      if( meanSeries ) {
         prob <- obj$probMean
         vhatBeta <- obj$betaCovMat
         skipSEsInt <- 0L
      } else {
         prob <- obj$prob
         vhatBeta <- obj$betaCovMat   # will be ignored
         skipSEsInt <- 1L
   if( any( ! is.finite(vhatBeta) ) ) vhatBeta[] <- 0
   storage.mode(vhatBeta) <- "double"
   tmp <- .Fortran( "cvam_estimate_em",
      # inputs
      modelTypeInt = obj$modelTypeInt,         
      methodInt = obj$methodInt,
      dimVec = dimVec,
      inputData = inputData,
      inputDataFreqInt = inputDataFreqInt,
      nLevelsMatrix = obj$nLevelsMatrix,
      packedMap = obj$packedMap,
      modelMatrix = obj$modelMatrix,
      offset = obj$offset,
      strZeroInt = obj$strZeroInt,
      prob = prob,
      beta = obj$beta,
      vhatBeta = vhatBeta,
      dimVecEst = dimVecEst,
      estimateInfo = estSumm$estimateInfo,
      estimateVarInfo = estSumm$estimateVarInfo,
      skipSEsInt = skipSEsInt,
      # outputs
      packedEstimates = numeric(estSumm$nPackedEstimates),
      packedSEs = numeric(nPackedSEs),
      # messaging
      status = integer(1L),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
      PACKAGE = "cvam" )
   # display message from Fortran, if present
   msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )
   for( i in seq_along(est) ) {
      st <- estSumm$estimateInfo[i,3L]
      fin <- estSumm$estimateInfo[i,4L]
      est[[i]]$prob <- tmp$packedEstimates[st:fin]
      if( ( length(tmp$packedSEs) > 0L ) & ( skipSEsInt == 0L ) )
         est[[i]]$SE <- tmp$packedSEs[st:fin]
   nDraws <- if( obj$method == "MCMC" | obj$method == "approxBayes") 
      obj$nSampleActual else 0L
   est <- lapply( est, .formatEstimate, confidence,
      probRound, probDigits, fromSeries = FALSE, 
      fromMCMC = ( obj$method == "MCMC" | obj$method == "approxBayes" ),
      nDraws = nDraws, meanSeries = meanSeries )
   est <- if( length(est) == 1L ) est[[1L]] else est
   est <- .cvamEstimateList(est)

print.cvamEstimate <- function(x, showHeader = TRUE, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "cvamEstimate") )
   if( showHeader ) cat( attr(x, "header"), sep="\n" )
   cat( attr(x, "formulaStr"), sep="\n" )
   print.data.frame(x, ...)

anova.cvam <- function( object, ..., method=c("lrt", "logP", "AIC", "BIC"),
   pval=FALSE, pvalDigits=4L, showRank=NULL ) {
   method <- match.arg(method)
   dotargs <- list(...)
   named <- if (is.null(names(dotargs))) 
        rep_len(FALSE, length(dotargs))
   else (names(dotargs) != "")
   if (any(named)) warning(
      "the following arguments to 'anova.cvam' are invalid and dropped: ", 
      paste(deparse(dotargs[named]), collapse = ", ") )
   dotargs <- dotargs[!named]
   modList <- c( list(object), dotargs )
   if( length(modList) < 2L ) stop( gettext(
      'Need at least two objects of class "cvam" to compare'), domain = NA ) 
   is.cvam <- vapply(modList, function(x) inherits(x, "cvam"), NA)
   if( any( !is.cvam ) ) stop( gettext(
      'Some supplied objects are not of class "cvam"'), domain = NA ) 
   summList <- lapply( modList, summary.cvam )
   is.EM <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "method" ) ) == "EM"
   anyLatent <- any( unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "anyLatent" ) ) )
   if( any( !is.EM ) ) warning( gettext(
      'Some supplied objects do not have method "EM"'), domain = NA ) 
   nCells <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "nCells" ) )
   nCellsNonLatent <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "nCellsNonLatent" ) )
   if( any( nCellsNonLatent != nCellsNonLatent[1L] ) ) warning( gettext(
      "Models do not have the same number of cells"), domain = NA )
   nZero <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "nZero" ) )
   if( any( nZero != nZero[1L] ) ) warning( gettext(
      "Models do not have the same number of structural zeros"), domain = NA )
   nTotal <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "totalSampSize" ) )
   if( any( nTotal != nTotal[1L] ) ) warning( gettext(
      "Fitted models are based on different sample sizes"), domain = NA )
   priorSampSize <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "priorSampSize" ) )
   if( any( priorSampSize != priorSampSize[1L] ) ) warning( gettext(
      "Fitted models have different prior sample sizes"), domain = NA )
   mList <- lapply( summList, `[[`, "model" )
   formulaStr <- unlist( lapply( mList, attr, "formulaStr" ) )
   formulaStr <- paste("Model ", format(1:length(summList)), ": ",
      formulaStr, sep="")
   formulaStr <- paste( formulaStr, collapse="\n" )
   resid.df <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "degreesOfFreedom" ) )
   if( method %in% c("lrt", "logP") ) {
      meas <- if( method == "lrt" ) 
         unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "loglik" ) ) else
         unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "logP" ) )
      meas <- -2*meas
      result <- data.frame( resid.df, meas )
      names(result)[2L] <- if( method == "lrt" ) "-2*loglik" else "-2*logP" 
      result$df <- c( NA, resid.df[-length(resid.df)]) - resid.df
      result$change <- c( NA, meas[-length(meas)] ) - meas
      pvalDigits <- as.integer(pvalDigits)[1L]
      if( pval ) result$pval <- 
         round( 1 - pchisq( result$change, result$df ), pvalDigits )
   } else {
      meas <- -2 * unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "loglik" ) )
      result <- data.frame( resid.df, meas )
      names(result)[2] <- "-2*loglik" 
      nParams <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "nParams" ) )
      IC <- if( method == "AIC" ) meas + 2*nParams else
         meas + log(nTotal) * nParams
      if( method == "AIC" ) meas <- result$AIC <- IC else
         meas <- result$BIC <- IC
   showRank <- if( is.null(showRank) ) method %in% c("AIC", "BIC") else
   if( showRank ) result$rank <- rank(meas)
   structure( result,
      heading = formulaStr,
      class = c("anova", "data.frame") )

cvamPredict <- function( form, obj, data, freq, meanSeries = TRUE, sep="." ){
   if( !.isOneSided(form) ) stop( gettext(
      "'form' is not a one-sided formula"), domain = NA)
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   sep <- as.character(sep)[1L]
   pred <- .cvamPredictRequest(form, obj$model )
   # get the prediction data frame and frequencies
   mc <- match.call( expand.dots=FALSE )
   mc[[1]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
   m <- match( c("form", "data", "freq"), names(mc), nomatch=0L )
   mc <- mc[ c(1L,m) ]
   names(mc)[2] <- "formula"
   mc[[2]] <- obj$model
   mc$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mc$drop.unused.levels <- FALSE
   predF <- eval( mc, parent.frame() )
   rN <- rownames(predF)
   if( is.null( predF$`(freq)` ) ) {
      freq <- rep(1L, NROW(predF))
      freqSupplied <- FALSE
   } else {
      freq <- predF$`(freq)`
      predF$`(freq)` <- NULL 
      freqSupplied <- TRUE
   freqInt <- as.integer(freq)
   if( any( freq != freqInt ) ) warning( gettext(
      "Some frequencies changed when integerized" ), domain=NA )
   badV <- names(predF)[ ! unlist( lapply( predF, is.factor ) ) ]
   if( length(badV) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "Variable '%s' is not a factor", badV[1L] ), domain=NA )
   if( any(is.na(freq)) ) stop( gettext(
      "Missing values in 'freq' not allowed"), domain = NA )
   predF <- data.frame( lapply( predF, FUN=coarsened, warnIfCoarsened=FALSE) )
   # check for consistency with obj
   predFNoData <- predF[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   predF0 <- data.frame( lapply( predFNoData, FUN=dropCoarseLevels ) )
   mfNoData <- obj$mfSeen[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   mfNoData$freq <- NULL
   mf0 <- data.frame( lapply( mfNoData, FUN=dropCoarseLevels ) )
   if( !all.equal( names(predF0), names(mf0) ) ) stop( gettext(
      "Wrong variable names in prediction frame"), domain = NA)
   for(i in seq_along(predF0) ) {
      if( !identical( attributes(predF0[[i]]), attributes(mf0[[i]]) ) )
         stop( gettextf(
         "Attributes of variable '%s' in prediction frame", names(predF)[i] ),
         gettextf("do not match those of variable '%s' in 'obj'",
            names(predF)[i] ), domain = NA)
   # check for missing or coarsened values in fixed variables 
   if( any( attr(obj$model, "fixed") ) ) {
      mfFixed <- predF[ attr(obj$model, "fixed") ]
      mfFixed <- lapply( mfFixed, dropCoarseLevels )
      mfFixed <- lapply( mfFixed, is.na )
      mfFixed <- unlist( lapply( mfFixed, any ) )
      if( any(mfFixed) ) { 
         fV <- attr(obj$model, "vars")[ attr(obj$model, "fixed") ]
         fVbad <- fV[mfFixed]
         stop( gettextf( 
            "Non-modeled variable '%s' contains missing or coarsened values",
            fVbad[1L] ), domain = NA ) 
   # process predict formula wrt model and data
   pred <- .cvamPredict( pred, obj$model, predF, predFNoData, predF0, sep )
   predSumm <- .cvamPredictSummaries(pred)
   # prepare for Fortran
   predData <- data.matrix(predF)
   storage.mode(predData) <- "integer"
   dimVec <- obj$dimVec
   dimVec[1L] <- NROW(predData)
   predMat <- as.matrix(pred)
   storage.mode(predMat) <- "double"
   pI <- predSumm$predictInfo
   dimVecPred <- c(
      nRowPredData = NROW(predData),       # 1
      nCells = pI[["nCells"]],             # 2
      nVarPredict = pI[["nVarPredict"]] )    # 3
   vhatBeta <- obj$vhatBeta
   if( any( ! is.finite(vhatBeta) ) ) vhatBeta[] <- 0
   storage.mode(vhatBeta) <- "double"
   # which probabilities to use
   if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
      prob <- obj$prob
   } else {
      prob <- if( meanSeries ) obj$probMean else obj$prob
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
   tmp <- .Fortran( "cvam_predict_em",
      # inputs
      modelTypeInt = obj$modelTypeInt,
      methodInt = obj$methodInt,
      dimVec = dimVec,
      predData = predData,
      predDataFreqInt = freqInt,
      nLevelsMatrix = obj$nLevelsMatrix,
      packedMap = obj$packedMap,
      modelMatrix = obj$modelMatrix,
      offset = obj$offset,
      strZeroInt = obj$strZeroInt,
      prob = prob,
      beta = obj$beta,
      vhatBeta = vhatBeta,
      dimVecPred = dimVecPred,
      predictVarInfo = predSumm$predictVarInfo,
      # outputs
      predMat = predMat,
      # messaging
      status = integer(1L),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
      PACKAGE = "cvam" )
   # display message from Fortran, if present
   msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )
   # process predicts         
   result <- structure( as.data.frame( tmp$predMat ),
      class = c("cvamPredict", "data.frame") )
   rownames(result) <- rN

.cvamPredictRequest <- function( obj, model ){
   aN <- setdiff( all.names(obj), c("~", "(", "+") )
   allVars <- aV <- all.vars(obj)
   badN <- setdiff( aN, aV )
   if( length(badN) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': symbol '%s' not allowed", 
         deparse(obj), badN[1L] ), domain = NA )
   notInModel <- setdiff( allVars, attr(model, "vars") )
   if( length(notInModel) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': variable '%s' does not appear in the model",
      deparse(obj),  notInModel[1L] ), domain = NA )
   formulaStr <- deparse(obj)
   formulaStr <- paste("~ ", substring(formulaStr, 2L), sep="" )
   structure( obj,
      vars = allVars,
      formulaStr = formulaStr,
      .Environment = attr(model, ".Environment"),
      class = c( ".cvamPredictRequest", class(obj) ) )

.cvamPredict <- function( obj, model, predF, predFNoData, predF0, sep ) {
   nBaseLevels <- unlist( lapply( predFNoData, FUN=nBaseLevels) )
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, ".cvamPredictRequest") )
   stopifnot( inherits(model, ".cvamModel") )
   aV <- attr(obj, "vars")
   levs <- if( length(aV) == 1L ) levels( predF0[[aV]] ) else
      levels( interaction( predF0[aV], sep=sep ) )
   pred <- matrix( numeric(1L), NROW(predF), length(levs) )
   rownames(pred) <- rownames(predF)
   colnames(pred) <- levs
   colFrame <- as.data.frame( table( predF0[aV] ), responseName = "freq" )
   colFrame$freq <- NULL
   structure( as.data.frame(pred),
      formula = obj,
      formulaStr = attr(obj, "formulaStr"),
      nVarTable = length(aV),
      dimTable = nBaseLevels[aV],
      whichVarTable = match(aV, names(predF0) ),
      colFrame = colFrame,
      class = c( ".cvamPredict", "data.frame" ) )

.cvamPredictSummaries <- function( pred ) {
   nCells <- prod( attr(pred, "dimTable") )
   nVarPredict <- attr(pred, "nVarTable")
   dimPredict <- attr(pred, "dimTable")
   whichVarPredict <- attr(pred, "whichVarTable")
   predictInfo <- c( nCells=nCells, nVarPredict=nVarPredict )
   storage.mode(predictInfo) <- "integer"
   predictVarInfo <- cbind( dimPredict = dimPredict,        # col 1
                       whichVarPredict = whichVarPredict )  # col 2
   storage.mode(predictVarInfo) <- "integer"
   list( predictInfo = predictInfo,
      predictVarInfo = predictVarInfo )

cvamImpute <- function( obj, data, freq, meanSeries = FALSE, synthetic=FALSE ){
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   # get the imputation data frame and frequencies
   mc <- match.call( expand.dots=FALSE )
   mc[[1]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
   m <- match( c("obj", "data", "freq"), names(mc), nomatch=0L )
   mc <- mc[ c(1L,m) ]
   names(mc)[2] <- "formula"
   mc[[2]] <- obj$model
   mc$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mc$drop.unused.levels <- FALSE
   impF <- eval( mc, parent.frame() )
   rN <- rownames(impF)
   if( is.null( impF$`(freq)` ) ) {
      freq <- rep(1L, NROW(impF))
      freqSupplied <- FALSE
   } else {
      freq <- impF$`(freq)`
      impF$`(freq)` <- NULL 
      freqSupplied <- TRUE
   freqInt <- as.integer(freq)
   if( any( freq != freqInt ) ) warning( gettext(
      "Some frequencies changed when integerized" ), domain=NA )
   badV <- names(impF)[ ! unlist( lapply( impF, is.factor ) ) ]
   if( length(badV) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "Variable '%s' is not a factor", badV[1L] ), domain=NA )
   if( any(is.na(freq)) ) stop( gettext(
      "Missing values in 'freq' not allowed"), domain = NA )
   impF <- data.frame( lapply( impF, FUN=coarsened, warnIfCoarsened=FALSE) )
   # check for consistency with obj
   impFNoData <- impF[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   impF0 <- data.frame( lapply( impFNoData, FUN=dropCoarseLevels ) )
   mfNoData <- obj$mfSeen[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   mfNoData$freq <- NULL
   mf0 <- data.frame( lapply( mfNoData, FUN=dropCoarseLevels ) )
   if( !all.equal( names(impF0), names(mf0) ) ) stop( gettext(
      "Wrong variable names in imputation frame"), domain = NA)
   for(i in seq_along(impF0) ) {
      if( !identical( attributes(impF0[[i]]), attributes(mf0[[i]]) ) )
         stop( gettextf(
         "Attributes of variable '%s' in imputation frame", names(impF)[i] ),
         gettextf("do not match those of variable '%s' in 'obj'",
            names(impF)[i] ), domain = NA)
   # check for missing or coarsened values in fixed variables 
   if( any( attr(obj$model, "fixed") ) ) {
      mfFixed <- impF[ attr(obj$model, "fixed") ]
      mfFixed <- lapply( mfFixed, dropCoarseLevels )
      mfFixed <- lapply( mfFixed, is.na )
      mfFixed <- unlist( lapply( mfFixed, any ) )
      if( any(mfFixed) ) { 
         fV <- attr(obj$model, "vars")[ attr(obj$model, "fixed") ]
         fVbad <- fV[mfFixed]
         stop( gettextf( 
            "Non-modeled variable '%s' contains missing or coarsened values",
            fVbad[1L] ), domain = NA ) 
   if( freqSupplied ) {
      # aggregate the input data
      form <-  as.formula( paste( "freq ~", 
         paste( attr(obj$model, "vars"), collapse="+" ) ), 
         env = environment(obj$model) )
      impF$freq <- freqInt
      impF <- aggregate(form, FUN=sum, data=impF)
      freqInt <- impF$freq
      impF$freq <- NULL
      # create result with correct size, shape and attributes
      nCells <- prod( unlist( lapply( impF0, nlevels ) ) )
      result <- impF0[ 1:nCells,,drop=FALSE]
      rownames(result) <- NULL
      resultMat <- data.matrix(result)
      resultMat[] <- 0L
      storage.mode(resultMat) <- "integer"
      resultFreqInt <- integer( NROW(resultMat) )
      # prepare for Fortran call
      inputData <- data.matrix(impF)
      storage.mode(inputData) <- "integer"
      inputDataFreqInt <- freqInt
      storage.mode(inputDataFreqInt) <- "integer"
      dimVec <- obj$dimVec
      dimVec[1L] <- NROW(inputData)
      vhatBeta <- obj$vhatBeta
      if( any( ! is.finite(vhatBeta) ) ) vhatBeta[] <- 0
      storage.mode(vhatBeta) <- "double"
      # which probabilities to use
      if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
         prob <- obj$prob
      } else {
         prob <- if( meanSeries ) obj$probMean else obj$prob
      # create a matrix for holding message codes
      msg.len.max <- 40L
      msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
      tmp <- .Fortran( "cvam_impute_freq",
         # inputs
         modelTypeInt = obj$modelTypeInt,
         methodInt = obj$methodInt,
         dimVec = dimVec,
         inputData = inputData,
         inputDataFreqInt = inputDataFreqInt,
         nLevelsMatrix = obj$nLevelsMatrix,
         packedMap = obj$packedMap,
         modelMatrix = obj$modelMatrix,
         offset = obj$offset,
         strZeroInt = obj$strZeroInt,
         prob = prob,
         beta = obj$beta,
         vhatBeta = vhatBeta,
         syntheticInt = as.integer( as.logical(synthetic)[1L] ),
         # outputs
         resultMat = resultMat,
         resultFreqInt = resultFreqInt,
         # messaging
         status = integer(1L),
         msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
         msg.codes = msg.codes,
         msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
         PACKAGE = "cvam" )
      # display message from Fortran, if present
      msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
      if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
         msg <- "OK"
         msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
      msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
      if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
      if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
         "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )
      for( i in 1:length(result) ) {
         levs <- levels( result[[i]] )
         result[[i]] <- factor( tmp$resultMat[,i],
            ordered = is.ordered( result[[i]] )  )
         levels( result[[i]] ) <- levs
      result$freq <- tmp$resultFreqInt
   } else {
      # keep impF as microdata
      # create result with correct size, shape and attributes
      result <- data.frame( lapply(impF, FUN=dropCoarseLevels) )
      rownames(result) <- rN
      # prepare for Fortran call
      inputData <- data.matrix(impF)
      storage.mode(inputData) <- "integer"
      inputDataFreqInt <- freqInt
      storage.mode(inputDataFreqInt) <- "integer"
      dimVec <- obj$dimVec
      dimVec[1L] <- NROW(inputData)
      vhatBeta <- obj$vhatBeta
      if( any( ! is.finite(vhatBeta) ) ) vhatBeta[] <- 0
      storage.mode(vhatBeta) <- "double"
      resultMat <- inputData
      # which probabilities to use
      if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
         prob <- obj$prob
      } else {
         prob <- if( meanSeries ) obj$probMean else obj$prob
      # create a matrix for holding message codes
      msg.len.max <- 40L
      msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
      tmp <- .Fortran( "cvam_impute_microdata",
         # inputs
         modelTypeInt = obj$modelTypeInt,
         methodInt = obj$methodInt,
         dimVec = dimVec,
         inputData = inputData,
         inputDataFreqInt = inputDataFreqInt,
         nLevelsMatrix = obj$nLevelsMatrix,
         packedMap = obj$packedMap,
         modelMatrix = obj$modelMatrix,
         offset = obj$offset,
         strZeroInt = obj$strZeroInt,
         prob = prob,
         beta = obj$beta,
         vhatBeta = vhatBeta,
         syntheticInt = as.integer( as.logical(synthetic)[1L] ),
         # outputs
         resultMat = resultMat,
         # messaging
         status = integer(1L),
         msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
         msg.codes = msg.codes,
         msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
         PACKAGE = "cvam" )
      # display message from Fortran, if present
      msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
      if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
         msg <- "OK"
         msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
      msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
      if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
      if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
         "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )
      for( i in 1:length(result) ) {
         levs <- levels( result[[i]] )
         result[[i]] <- factor( tmp$resultMat[,i],
            ordered = is.ordered( result[[i]] )  )
         levels( result[[i]] ) <- levs

cvamLik <- function( form, obj, data, meanSeries = TRUE ) {
   if( !.isOneSided(form) ) stop( gettext(
      "'form' is not a one-sided formula"), domain = NA)
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   # process formula wrt model and data
   lik0 <- .cvamLikRequest(form, obj$model)
   mfNoData <- obj$mfSeen[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   mfNoData$freq <- NULL
   mf0 <- data.frame( lapply( mfNoData, FUN=dropCoarseLevels ) )
   lik <- .cvamLik( lik0, obj$model, mfNoData, mf0 )
   # create data frame
   mc <- match.call( expand.dots=FALSE )
   mc[[1]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
   m <- match( c("form", "data"), names(mc), nomatch=0L )
   mc <- mc[ c(1L,m) ]
   names(mc)[2] <- "formula"
   mc[[2]] <- obj$model
   mc$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mc$drop.unused.levels <- FALSE
   likF <- eval( mc, parent.frame() )
   rN <- rownames(likF)
   badV <- names(likF)[ ! unlist( lapply( likF, is.factor ) ) ]
   if( length(badV) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "Variable '%s' is not a factor", badV[1L] ), domain=NA )
   likF <- data.frame( lapply( likF, FUN=coarsened, warnIfCoarsened=FALSE) )
   # check for consistency with obj
   likFNoData <- likF[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   likF0 <- data.frame( lapply( likFNoData, FUN=dropCoarseLevels ) )
   mfNoData <- obj$mfSeen[integer(),,drop=FALSE]
   mfNoData$freq <- NULL
   mf0 <- data.frame( lapply( mfNoData, FUN=dropCoarseLevels ) )
   if( !all.equal( names(likF0), names(mf0) ) ) stop( gettext(
      "Wrong variable names in prediction frame"), domain = NA)
   for(i in seq_along(likF0) ) {
      if( !identical( attributes(likF0[[i]]), attributes(mf0[[i]]) ) )
         stop( gettextf(
         "Attributes of variable '%s' in data frame", names(likF)[i] ),
         gettextf("do not match those of variable '%s' in 'obj'",
            names(likF)[i] ), domain = NA)
   # check for missing or coarsened values in variables fixed by model 
   if( any( attr(obj$model, "fixed") ) ) {
      mfFixed <- likF[ attr(obj$model, "fixed") ]
      mfFixed <- lapply( mfFixed, dropCoarseLevels )
      mfFixed <- lapply( mfFixed, is.na )
      mfFixed <- unlist( lapply( mfFixed, any ) )
      if( any(mfFixed) ) { 
         fV <- attr(obj$model, "vars")[ attr(obj$model, "fixed") ]
         fVbad <- fV[mfFixed]
         stop( gettextf( 
            "Non-modeled variable '%s' contains missing or coarsened values",
            fVbad[1L] ), domain = NA ) 
   # check for coarsened values in variables fixed in lik formula 
   if( any( attr(lik0, "fixed") ) ) {
      fV <- attr(lik0, "vars")[ attr(lik0, "fixed") ]
      mfFixed <- likF[ fV ]
      mfFixed <- lapply( mfFixed, dropCoarseLevels )
      mfFixed <- lapply( mfFixed, is.na )
      mfFixed <- unlist( lapply( mfFixed, any ) )
      if( any(mfFixed) ) { 
         fVbad <- fV[mfFixed]
         stop( gettextf( 
            "Variable '%s', which is fixed in 'form', ", fVbad[1L] ),
            gettext( "has missing or coarsened values" ), domain = NA )
   # prepare for Fortran
   likSumm <- .cvamEstimateSummaries( list(lik) )
   likVarInfo <- likSumm$estimateVarInf
   likInfo <- c( nCells = prod( likVarInfo[,1] ), # 1
      nVar = NROW(likVarInfo) )                   # 2
   inputData <- data.matrix(likF)
   storage.mode(inputData) <- "integer"
   inputDataFreqInt <- integer( NROW(inputData) ) # set to zero
   dimVec <- obj$dimVec
   dimVec[1L] <- NROW(inputData)
   likValues <- numeric( NROW(inputData) )
   storage.mode(likValues) <- "double"
   dimVecLik <- likInfo
   storage.mode(dimVecLik) <- "integer"
   vhatBeta <- obj$vhatBeta
   if( any( ! is.finite(vhatBeta) ) ) vhatBeta[] <- 0
   storage.mode(vhatBeta) <- "double"
   # which probabilities to use
   if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
      prob <- obj$prob
   } else {
      prob <- if( meanSeries ) obj$probMean else obj$prob
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
   tmp <- .Fortran( "cvam_lik",
      # inputs
      modelTypeInt = obj$modelTypeInt,
      methodInt = obj$methodInt,
      dimVec = dimVec,
      inputData = inputData,
      inputDataFreqInt = inputDataFreqInt,
      nLevelsMatrix = obj$nLevelsMatrix,
      packedMap = obj$packedMap,
      modelMatrix = obj$modelMatrix,
      offset = obj$offset,
      strZeroInt = obj$strZeroInt,
      prob = prob,
      beta = obj$beta,
      vhatBeta = vhatBeta,
      dimVecLik = dimVecLik,
      likVarInfo = likVarInfo,
      # outputs
      likValues = likValues,
      # messaging
      status = integer(1L),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
      PACKAGE = "cvam" )
   # display message from Fortran, if present
   msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )
   likF$likVal <- tmp$likValues

.cvamLikRequest <- function( obj, model ) {
   aN <- setdiff( all.names(obj), c("~", "(", "+", "|") )
   aV <- all.vars(obj)
   badN <- setdiff( aN, aV )
   if( length(badN) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': symbol '%s' not allowed", 
         deparse(obj), badN[1L] ), domain = NA )
   Form <- Formula::Formula(obj)
   nParts <- length( attr(Form, "rhs") )
   if( nParts > 2L ) stop( gettextf( 
     "Multiple '|' found in '%s'", deparse(obj) ), domain = NA )
   randVars <- all.vars( formula(Form, rhs=1L ) )
   fixedVars <- if( nParts == 2L ) 
      all.vars( formula(Form, rhs=2L) )  else character()
   if( length(randVars) == 0L ) {
      if( nParts == 1L ) stop( gettextf(
         "In formula '%s': no variables present",
         deparse(obj) ), domain = NA ) else stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': no variables present before '|'",
      deparse(obj)), domain = NA )
   inBoth <- intersect( randVars, fixedVars )
   if( length(inBoth) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': variable '%s' appears on both sides of '|'", 
      deparse(obj), inBoth[1L] ), domain = NA )
   allVars <- c( randVars, fixedVars )
   notInModel <- setdiff( allVars, attr(model, "vars") )
   if( length(notInModel) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': variable '%s' does not appear in the model",
      deparse(obj),  notInModel[1L] ), domain = NA )
   fInModel <- attr(model, "vars")[ attr(model, "fixed") ]
   notModeled <- intersect( randVars, fInModel )
   if( length(notModeled) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': variable '%s' is fixed in the model",
      deparse(obj),  notModeled[1L] ), domain = NA )
   missingFixedVars <- setdiff( fInModel, fixedVars )
   if( length(missingFixedVars) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "In formula '%s': variable '%s' does not appear after '|'",
      deparse(obj),  missingFixedVars[1L] ), domain = NA )
   formulaStr <- deparse(obj)
   formulaStr <- paste("~ ", substring(formulaStr, 2L), sep="" )
   structure( obj,
      vars = allVars,
      fixed = allVars %in% fixedVars,
      formulaStr = formulaStr,
      .Environment = attr(model, ".Environment"),
      class = c( ".cvamLikRequest", class(obj) ) )

.cvamLik <- function( obj, model, mfNoData, mf0 ) {
   nBaseLevels <- unlist( lapply( mfNoData, FUN=nBaseLevels) )
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, ".cvamLikRequest") )
   stopifnot( inherits(model, ".cvamModel") )
   aV <- attr(obj, "vars")
   fV <- aV[ attr(obj, "fixed") ]
   rV <- setdiff(aV, fV)
   form <- as.formula( paste("~", paste(aV, collapse="+") ), 
      env=environment(model) )
   cDT <- as.data.frame( xtabs(form, data=mf0), responseName="freq" )
      cDT$freq <- NULL
   nVarTable <- length(cDT)  # how many variables in cDT
   dimTable <- nBaseLevels[ names(cDT) ]   # dimensions of cDT
   whichVarTable <- match( names(cDT), names(mf0) ) # positions in mf0
   fixedVarTable <- aV %in% fV
   formulaStr <- attr(obj, "formulaStr")
   cDT <- structure( cDT,
      formula = obj,
      formulaStr = formulaStr,
      nVarTable = length(cDT),
      dimTable = dimTable,
      whichVarTable = whichVarTable,
      fixed = structure( fixedVarTable, names=names(cDT) ),
      varConditionedOn = fV,
      varShown = rV,
      varMarginalizedOver = setdiff( attr(model, "vars"), aV),
      class = c( ".cvamLik", class(cDT) ) )
   cDT$prob <- 0

get.coef <- function( obj, withSE = FALSE, meanSeries = TRUE,
   msgIfNone = TRUE ) {
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "Model is saturated, coefficients are not defined" ), domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
      coef <- obj$beta
      if( ! withSE ) return(coef)
      SE <- sqrt( diag(obj$vhatBeta) )
      if( all( obj$vhatBeta == 0 ) ) SE[] <- NA
      zstat <- coef / SE
      pval <- 2 * pnorm( - abs(zstat) )
      cN <- names(coef)
      coef <- data.frame( coef, SE, zstat = round(zstat,2),
         pval = round(pval, 4) )
      row.names(coef) <- cN
      attr( coef, "header" ) <- gettext(
         "Estimates from EM, with Hessian-based SEs" ) 
   } else if( obj$method == "MCMC" ) {
      nDraws <- max( obj$nIterActual -  obj$control$burnMCMC, 0L )
      if( nDraws == 0L && meanSeries ) {
         if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
            "No MCMC samples available for estimating coefficients" ),
            domain = NA )
         return( invisible() )
      } else {
         coef <- if( meanSeries ) obj$betaMean else obj$beta
         if( ! withSE ) return(coef)
         if( ! meanSeries ) {
            if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
               "Should not request SEs when 'meanSeries' is FALSE" ),
               domain = NA )
            return( invisible() )
         SE <- sqrt( diag( obj$betaCovMat ) )
         zstat <- coef / SE
         pval <- 2 * pnorm( - abs(zstat) )
         cN <- names(coef)
         coef <- data.frame( coef, SE, zstat = round(zstat,2),
            pval = round(pval, 4) )
         row.names(coef) <- cN
         attr( coef, "header" ) <- gettextf(
            "Direct estimates and SE's from %i successive MCMC samples",
            nDraws ) 
   } else if( obj$method == "approxBayes" ) {
      nDraws <- obj$nIterActual
      if( nDraws == 0L && meanSeries ) {
         if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
            "No samples available for estimating coefficients" ),
            domain = NA )
         return( invisible() )
      } else {
         coef <- if( meanSeries ) obj$betaMean else obj$beta
         if( ! withSE ) return(coef)
         if( ! meanSeries ) {
            if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
               "Should not request SEs when 'meanSeries' is FALSE" ),
               domain = NA )
            return( invisible() )
         SE <- sqrt( diag( obj$betaCovMat ) )
         zstat <- coef / SE
         pval <- 2 * pnorm( - abs(zstat) )
         cN <- names(coef)
         coef <- data.frame( coef, SE, zstat = round(zstat,2),
            pval = round(pval, 4) )
         row.names(coef) <- cN
         attr( coef, "header" ) <- gettextf(
            "Direct estimates and SE's from %i successive samples",
            nDraws ) 

get.estimates <- function( obj, msgIfNone = TRUE ) {
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( is.null(obj$estimates) & msgIfNone ) {
      message( gettext( "No estimates are present" ), domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )

get.covMat <- function( obj, msgIfNone = TRUE ) {
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "Model is saturated, coefficients are not defined" ), domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
      result <- obj$vhatBeta
   } else {
      nDraws <- max( obj$nIterActual -  obj$control$burnMCMC, 0L )
      if( nDraws == 0L ) {
         if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
            "No MCMC samples available for estimating covMat" ),
            domain = NA )
         return( invisible() )
      result <- obj$betaCovMat

get.loglik <- function( obj, msgIfNone = TRUE ) {
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( obj$iter < 1L ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "No iterations of EM or MCMC were performed" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   obj$loglik[ obj$iter ]

get.logP <- function( obj, msgIfNone = TRUE ) {
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( obj$iter < 1L ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "No iterations of EM or MCMC were performed" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   obj$logP[ obj$iter ]

get.mfTrue <- function( obj ){
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )

get.modelMatrix <- function( obj, msgIfNone = TRUE ){
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettextf(
         "Model is saturated, there is no modelMatrix" ), domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )

get.offset <- function( obj, mfTrue = FALSE, msgIfNone = TRUE ){
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettextf(
         "Model is saturated, there is no offset" ), domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( mfTrue ) {
      result <- obj$mfTrue
      result$offset <- obj$offset
   } else result <- obj$offset

get.strZero <- function( obj, mfTrue = FALSE, msgIfNone = TRUE ){
   if( mfTrue ) {
      result <- obj$mfTrue
      result$strZero <- obj$strZero
   } else result <- obj$strZero

get.fitted <- function( obj, type=c("prob", "mean", "logMean"),
   mfTrue = TRUE, meanSeries = TRUE, msgIfNone = TRUE ){
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   type <- match.arg(type)
   if( obj$method == "MCMC" && meanSeries ) {
      nDraws <- max( obj$nIterActual -  obj$control$burnMCMC, 0L )
      if( nDraws == 0L && meanSeries ) {
         if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
            "No MCMC samples available after burn-in for obtaining fit" ),
            domain = NA )
         return( invisible() )
   if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
      prob <- obj$prob
   } else {
      prob <- if( meanSeries ) obj$probMean else obj$prob
   N <- sum( obj$inputDataFreqInt )
   if( type == "prob" ) {
      fit <- prob
   } else {
      N <- sum( obj$inputDataFreqInt )
      mu <- N * prob
      if( type == "mean" ) {
         fit <- mu
      } else {
         eta <- numeric( length( NROW(obj$mfTrue) ) )
         eta[ obj$strZero ] <- as.double(-Inf)
         eta[ !obj$strZero ] <- log( mu[ !obj$strZero ] )
         fit <- eta
   if( mfTrue ) {
      result <- obj$mfTrue
      result$fit <- fit
   } else result <- fit

get.imputedFreq <- function( obj, msgIfNone = TRUE ){
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "No imputations are produced when method = 'EM'" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( obj$method == "MCMC" && obj$control$imputeEvery == 0L ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "No imputations are produced when control$imputeEvery = 0" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( obj$method == "approxBayes" && ! obj$control$imputeApproxBayes ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
      "No imputations are produced when control$imputeApproxBayes is FALSE" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( obj$nImpActual < 1L ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "Insufficient iterations after burn-in, no imputations available" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   result <- obj$mfTrue
   result$freq <- NULL
   imp <- obj$imputedFreqInt
   colnames(imp) <- paste( "imp", as.character(1:NCOL(imp)), sep=".")
   result <- cbind( result, imp )

get.minus2logPSeries <- function( obj, startValShift = TRUE,
   msgIfNone = TRUE, coda = ( obj$method == "MCMC" ) ){
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "No series are produced when method = 'EM'" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( obj$nSampleActual < 1L ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "Insufficient iterations after burn-in, no series is available" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   shift <- if( startValShift && obj$beganAtMode ) obj$startLogP else 0
   result <- -2 * ( obj$logPSeries - shift )
   if(coda) coda::mcmc( result, thin=obj$control$thinMCMC ) else result

get.coefSeries <- function( obj, msgIfNone = TRUE,
   coda = ( obj$method == "MCMC" ) ){
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( attr(obj$model, "saturated") ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "Model is saturated, coefficients are not defined" ), domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "No series are stored when method = 'EM'" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( obj$nSampleActual < 1L ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "Insufficient iterations after burn-in, no series available" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   result <- obj$betaSeries
   if(coda) coda::mcmc( result, thin=obj$control$thinMCMC ) else result

get.probSeries <- function( obj, levelNames=TRUE, sep=".",
   msgIfNone = TRUE, coda = ( obj$method == "MCMC" ) ){
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvam") )
   if( obj$method == "EM" ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "No series are stored when method = 'EM'" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( ! obj$control$saveProbSeries ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "No probSeries was stored; control$saveProbSeries is FALSE" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   if( obj$nSampleActual < 1L ) {
      if( msgIfNone ) message( gettext(
         "Insufficient iterations after burn-in, no series available" ),
         domain = NA )
      return( invisible() )
   result <- obj$probSeries
   if( levelNames ){
      sep <- as.character(sep)[1L]
      mfTrue <- obj$mfTrue
      mfTrue$freq <- NULL
      colnames(result)  <- interaction(mfTrue, sep=sep)
   if(coda) coda::mcmc( result, thin=obj$control$thinMCMC ) else result

# These functions are not fully documented. They fit a multinomial
# logit (baseline category) model to a coarsened response.
# Currently it fits only by ML/posterior mode under a DAP prior.

cvamLogitControl <- function( iterMaxEMNull = 500L, critEMNull = 1e-06,
   flattenEMNull = 0, iterMaxEM = 500L, critEM = 1e-07,
   iterMaxNR = 50L, critNR = 1e-08, critBoundary = 1e-08 ) {
   stopifnot( ( iterMaxEMNull <- as.integer(iterMaxEMNull)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( critEMNull <- as.double(critEMNull)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( flattenEMNull <- as.double(flattenEMNull)[1L] ) >= 0 )
   stopifnot( ( iterMaxEM <- as.integer(iterMaxEM)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( critEM <- as.double(critEM)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( iterMaxNR <- as.integer(iterMaxNR)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( critNR <- as.double(critNR)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( critBoundary <- as.double(critBoundary)[1L] ) > 0 )
      iterMaxEMNull = iterMaxEMNull,
      critEMNull = critEMNull,
      flattenEMNull = flattenEMNull,
      iterMaxEM = iterMaxEM,
      critEM = critEM,
      iterMaxNR = iterMaxNR,
      critNR = critNR,
      critBoundary = critBoundary )

cvamLogit <- function( obj, ...) {
   # S3 generic function

cvamLogit.default <- function( obj, ...) {
   stop( gettext(
      'First argument must be an object of class "formula" or "cvamLogit"'),
      domain = NA )

cvamLogit.formula <- function( obj, data, baseline=NULL, freq,
      weight, subPop, stratum, cluster, nest=FALSE, surveyVarEst=TRUE,
      prior=c("none", "DAP"), priorFreqTotDAP = NULL, 
      method = c("EM", "MCMC", "approxBayes", "modelFrame", "modelMatrix"),
      saturated=FALSE, modelMatrix=NULL,
      control = list(), startVal = NULL, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "formula") )
   formulaStr <- deparse(obj)
   # handle arguments
   method <- match.arg(method)
   prior <- match.arg(prior)
   control <- do.call( "cvamLogitControl", control )
   saturated <- as.logical( saturated )[1L]
   surveyVarEst <- as.logical( surveyVarEst )[1L]
   # get the input data model frame
   cl <- match.call()
   mc <- match.call( expand.dots=FALSE )
   mc[[1L]] <- quote( stats::model.frame )
   m <- match( c("obj", "data", "freq", "weight", "subPop",
      "stratum", "cluster"), names(mc), nomatch=0L )
   mc <- mc[ c(1L,m) ]
   names(mc)[2] <- "formula"
   mc$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mc$drop.unused.levels <- FALSE
   mf <- eval( mc, parent.frame() )
   if( !is.null( mf$`(weight)` ) ) {
      if( !is.null( mf$`(freq)` ) ) stop( gettext(
         "You cannot supply both 'freq' and 'weight'" ), domain=NA )
      surveyMode <- TRUE
   } else {
      surveyMode <- FALSE
      if( !is.null( mf$`(subPop)` ) ) warning( gettext(
         "Argument 'subPop' is ignored, because 'weight' was not supplied" ),
         domain=NA )
      if( !is.null( mf$`(stratum)` ) ) warning( gettext(
         "Argument 'stratum' is ignored, because 'weight' was not supplied" ),
         domain=NA )
      if( !is.null( mf$`(cluster)` ) ) warning( gettext(
         "Argument 'cluster' is ignored, because 'weight' was not supplied" ),
         domain=NA )
   # handle frequencies, which are present even in surveyMode
   if( is.null( mf$`(freq)` ) ) {
      freq <- rep(1, NROW(mf))
      freqSupplied <- FALSE
   } else {
      freq <- mf$`(freq)`
      mf$`(freq)` <- NULL
      freqSupplied <- TRUE
   if( any(is.na(freq)) ) stop( gettext(
      "Missing values in 'freq' not allowed"), domain = NA )
   freqInt <- as.integer(freq)
   if( any( freq != freqInt ) ) warning( gettext(
      "Some frequencies changed when integerized" ), domain = NA )
   if( ( ! surveyMode ) & ( method == "modelFrame" ) ) {
      mf$`(freq)` <- freqInt
   if( ! surveyMode ) mfTransfer <- mf
   # handle survey design variables
   if( surveyMode ) {
      weight <- as.numeric( mf$`(weight)` )
      if( any( is.na( weight ) ) ) stop( gettext(
         "Missing values in 'weight' not allowed" ), domain = NA )
      if( any( weight < 0 ) ) stop( gettext(
         "Negative values in 'weight' not allowed" ), domain = NA )
      if( is.null( mf$`(subPop)` ) ) {
         subPop <- rep( TRUE, NROW(mf) )
         subPopInt <- rep( 1L, NROW(mf) )
      } else {
         subPop <- as.logical( mf$`(subPop)` )
         if( any( is.na( subPop ) ) ) stop( gettext(
            "Missing values in 'subPop' not allowed" ), domain = NA )
         if( !any( subPop ) ) stop( gettext(
	    "Variable 'subPop' is entirely FALSE" ), domain = NA )
         subPopInt <- as.integer( subPop )
      weightSum <- sum( weight[subPop] )
      if( weightSum <= 0 ) stop( gettext(
            "Sum of 'weight' is not positive" ), domain = NA )
      scaledWeight <- weight
      scaledWeight[ !subPop ] <- 0
      scaledWeight[ subPop ] <- scaledWeight[ subPop ] *
         sum( subPop ) / weightSum
      storage.mode( scaledWeight ) <- storage.mode( weight ) <- "double"
      if( is.null( mf$`(stratum)` ) ) {
         # assume there is only one stratum
         stratum <- factor( rep( 1L, NROW(mf) ) )
         stratumInt <- unclass( stratum )
      } else {
         stratum <- droplevels( factor( mf$`(stratum)` ) )
         if( any( is.na( stratum ) ) ) stop( gettext(
            "Missing values in 'stratum' not allowed" ), domain = NA )
	 stratumInt <- unclass( stratum )
      if( is.null( mf$`(cluster)` ) ) {
         # assume each unit is a cluster
         cluster <- factor( 1:NROW(mf) )
	 clusterInt <- unclass( cluster )
      } else {
         cluster <- droplevels( factor( mf$`(cluster)` ) )
         if( any( is.na( cluster ) ) ) stop( gettext(
            "Missing values in 'cluster' not allowed" ), domain = NA )
         if( nest ) cluster <- interaction( stratum, cluster, drop=TRUE )
	 clusterInt <- unclass( cluster )
      # check distribution of stratum and cluster
      stratClus <- aggregate( scaledWeight ~ stratum + cluster, FUN=sum )
      tmp <- table( stratClus$cluster )
      if( any( tmp > 1L ) ) stop( gettextf(
         "Cluster '%s' appears in multiple strata; consider 'nest=TRUE'",
         names(tmp)[tmp > 1L][1L] ), domain = NA )
      nClus <- table( stratClus$stratum )
      if( any( nClus < 2L ) ) stop( gettextf(
         "Stratum '%s' has < 2 clusters; consider collapsing strata",
         names(nClus)[nClus < 2L][1L] ), domain = NA )
      nStrat <- length( nClus )
      designInt <- cbind( stratumInt = stratumInt,
         clusterInt = clusterInt, subPopInt = subPopInt )
      storage.mode( designInt ) <- storage.mode(nClus) <-
         storage.mode(nStrat) <- "integer"
   } else {
      nStrat <- 0L
      nClus <- integer()
      designInt <- matrix( integer(1L), 0L, 3L )
      scaledWeight <- weight <- numeric()
   if( surveyMode & ( method == "modelFrame" ) ) return(mf)
   if( surveyMode ) mfTransfer <- mf
   mf$`(weight)` <- mf$`(subPop)` <- mf$`(stratum)` <- mf$`(cluster)` <- NULL
   # get the response, change to coarsened factor
   responseVar <- model.response(mf)
   if( is.null( responseVar ) ) stop( gettext(
      "Model formula has no response variable" ), domain = NA )
   if( ! is.factor(responseVar) ) stop( gettext( 
      "Response variable is not a factor" ), domain = NA )
   responseVar <- coarsened( responseVar, warnIfCoarsened = FALSE )
   responseVarCol <- match( as.character( terms(mf)[[2L]] ), names(mf),
      nomatch=0L )
   stopifnot( responseVarCol != 0L )
   mf[[ responseVarCol ]] <- responseVar
   # check unique responses and frequencies/weights
   if( surveyMode ) {
      dFtmp <- data.frame( scaledWeight, responseVar )
      dFtmp <- aggregate( scaledWeight ~ responseVar, FUN=sum, data=dFtmp )
      dFtmp <- subset( dFtmp, scaledWeight > 0 )
   } else {
      dFtmp <- data.frame( freqInt, responseVar)
      dFtmp <- aggregate( freqInt ~ responseVar, FUN=sum, data=dFtmp)
      dFtmp <- subset( dFtmp, freqInt > 0 )
   bL <- baseLevels(responseVar)
   present <- bL %in% dFtmp$responseVar
   if( any( !present ) ) {
      absent <- bL[!present]
      stop( gettextf(
         "No observed responses found at level '%s'", absent[1L]),
         domain = NA)
   # create the model matrix, but first
   # look for missing or coarsened values in predictors
   modelMatrixSupplied <- ! is.null(modelMatrix)
   if( modelMatrixSupplied ) {
      modelMatrix <- data.matrix(modelMatrix)
      if( mode( modelMatrix ) != "numeric" ) {
         warning( gettext(
            "Non-numeric data in modelMatrix coerced to mode 'numeric'" ),
            domain = NA )
         mode( modelMatrix ) <- "numeric"
      if( any( is.na(modelMatrix) ) ) stop( gettext(
         "Missing values found in supplied modelMatrix" ), domain = NA )
      if( NROW(modelMatrix) != NROW(mf) ) stop( gettext(
         "Supplied modelMatrix has incorrect number of rows" ), domain = NA )
   } else {
      responseVarName <- as.character( terms(mf)[[2L]] )
      responseVarPosn <- match( responseVarName, names(mf), nomatch=0L )
      stopifnot( responseVarPosn != 0L )
      dFtmp <-  mf[ -responseVarPosn ]
      if( length( dFtmp ) > 0L ) {
         dFtmp <- lapply( dFtmp,
            function(x) { if( is.coarsened(x) ) dropCoarseLevels(x) else x } )
         anyNA <- lapply( dFtmp, is.na )
         anyNA <- unlist( lapply( anyNA, any ) )
         if( any( anyNA ) ) stop( gettextf(
            "Missing or coarsened values found in predictor variable '%s'",
            names( dFtmp )[ anyNA ][1L] ), domain = NA )
      modelMatrix <- model.matrix( obj, data=mf )
      if( any( is.na(modelMatrix) ) ) stop( gettext(
         "Missing values found in model predictors" ), domain = NA )
   storage.mode(modelMatrix) <- "double"
   if( qr(modelMatrix)$rank < NCOL(modelMatrix) ) stop( gettext(
      "modelMatrix does not have full rank" ), domain = NA )
   if( method == "modelMatrix" ) return( modelMatrix )
   responseLevels <- levels( responseVar )
   responseBaseLevels <- baseLevels( responseVar )
   responseCoarseLevels <- coarseLevels( responseVar )
   # get the baseline
   if( is.null( baseline ) ) {
      baselineLev <- baseLevels( responseVar )[1L]
   } else {
      baselineLev <- as.character( baseline )[1L]
      if( ! ( baselineLev %in% baseLevels( responseVar ) ) ) stop( gettextf(
         "Baseline '%s' is not a valid level of the response variable",
         baselineLev ), domain = NA )
   baselineInt <- match( baselineLev, baseLevels( responseVar ) )
   storage.mode(baselineInt) <- "integer"
   # collapse by data patterns: covariates and response
   mfNames <- names(mf)
   mf$`(freq)` <- freqInt
   mf$`(subPopInt)` <- if( surveyMode ) subPopInt else 0
   mf$`(scaledWeight)` <- if( surveyMode ) scaledWeight else 0
   formCollapse <- as.formula( paste(
      "cbind(`(freq)`,`(subPopInt)`,`(scaledWeight)`)", "~",
      paste(mfNames, collapse=" + ") ) )
   mfCollapse <- aggregate( formCollapse, FUN=sum, data=mf)
   freqIntDataPatt <- mfCollapse$`(freq)`
   subPopIntDataPatt <- mfCollapse$`(subPopInt)`
   scaledWeightDataPatt <- mfCollapse$`(scaledWeight)`
   mfCollapse$`(freq)` <- mf$`(freq)` <- 
      mfCollapse$`(subPopInt)` <- mf$`(subPopInt)` <- 
      mfCollapse$`(scaledWeight)` <- mf$`(scaledWeight)` <- NULL
   cx <- do.call("paste",
      c( structure( mfCollapse[,,drop=FALSE], names=NULL ), sep="\r" ) )
   ct <- do.call("paste",
      c( structure( mf[,,drop=FALSE], names=NULL ), sep="\r" ) )
   rowPosnDataPatt <- match(cx,ct)
   rm(cx, mfCollapse) # no longer needed
   storage.mode(freqIntDataPatt) <- storage.mode(subPopIntDataPatt) <-
      storage.mode(rowPosnDataPatt) <- "integer" 
   nDataPatt <- length(freqIntDataPatt)
   storage.mode(scaledWeightDataPatt) <- "double"
   # unique covariate patterns
   dFtmp <- as.data.frame(modelMatrix)
   cx <- do.call("paste",
      c( structure( dFtmp[,,drop=FALSE], names=NULL ), sep="\r" ) )
   rowPosnCovPatt <- as.integer( (1:length(cx))[ !duplicated(cx) ] )
   nCovPatt <- length( rowPosnCovPatt )
   # covariate patterns for data patterns
   covPattForDataPatt <- match( cx[rowPosnDataPatt], cx[rowPosnCovPatt] )
   storage.mode(covPattForDataPatt) <- "integer"
   # order data patterns by their covariate patterns
   o <- order( covPattForDataPatt )
   rowPosnDataPatt <- rowPosnDataPatt[o]
   freqIntDataPatt <- freqIntDataPatt[o]
   subPopIntDataPatt <- subPopIntDataPatt[o]
   scaledWeightDataPatt <- scaledWeightDataPatt[o]
   covPattForDataPatt <- covPattForDataPatt[o]
   # reverse lookup for covariate and data patterns
   reverseCovPatt <- match( cx, cx[rowPosnCovPatt] )
   reverseDataPatt <- match( ct, ct[rowPosnDataPatt] )
   rm(ct, cx) # no longer needed
   storage.mode(reverseCovPatt) <-
      storage.mode(reverseDataPatt) <- "integer"
   reversePatt <- cbind(reverseCovPatt, reverseDataPatt)
   # scaled weight for non-survey mode has length zero
   if( ! surveyMode ) scaledWeightDataPatt <- numeric()
   # total prior frequency for DAP, to be spread equally across covariate
   # patterns
   if( prior == "DAP" ) {
      if( is.null( priorFreqTotDAP ) ) {
         priorFreqTotDAP <- NCOL( modelMatrix ) *
            ( nBaseLevels( responseVar ) - 1L )
      } else {
         priorFreqTotDAP <- as.numeric( priorFreqTotDAP )[1L]
         if( priorFreqTotDAP <= 0 ) stop( gettext(
            "Supplied value of priorFreqTotDAP is not positive" ),
             domain = NA )
   } else priorFreqTotDAP <- 0
   storage.mode( priorFreqTotDAP ) <- "double"
   # handle startVal
   if( is.null(startVal) ) {
      startValSupplied <- FALSE
      piMat <- matrix( numeric(1L), nCovPatt, nBaseLevels( responseVar ) )
      coefficients <- matrix( numeric(1L), NCOL(modelMatrix),
         nBaseLevels(responseVar) )
   } else {
      startValSupplied <- TRUE
      if( saturated ) {
         if( NROW(startVal) != nCovPatt ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect number of rows, should be %i",
            nCovPatt ), domain = NA )
         if( NCOL(startVal) != nBaseLevels( responseVar ) ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect number of columns, should be %i",
            nBaseLevels(responseVar) ), domain = NA )
         piMat <- startVal
	 piMat[ is.na(piMat) ] <- -1
         coefficients <- matrix( numeric(1L), NCOL(modelMatrix),
            nBaseLevels(responseVar) )
         storage.mode(coefficients) <- storage.mode(piMat) <- "double"
      } else {
         if( NROW(startVal) != NCOL(modelMatrix) ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect number of rows, should be %i",
            NCOL(modelMatrix) ), domain = NA )
         if( NCOL(startVal) != nBaseLevels(responseVar) ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect number of columns, should be %i",
            nBaseLevels(responseVar) ), domain = NA )
         if( any( startVal[, baselineInt] != 0 ) ) stop( gettextf(
         "Invalid starting value; some elements of startVal[, %i] are not zero",
            baselineInt ), domain = NA )
         coefficients <- startVal
         piMat <- matrix( numeric(1L), nCovPatt, nBaseLevels( responseVar ) )
         storage.mode(coefficients) <- storage.mode(piMat) <- "double"
   rownames(coefficients) <- colnames(modelMatrix)
   colnames(coefficients) <- colnames(piMat) <- responseBaseLevels
   # prepare objects for Fortran call
   modelTypeInt <- if( saturated ) 1L else 2L
   methodInt <- match( method, c("EM", "MCMC"), nomatch=0L)
   stopifnot( methodInt != 0L )
   priorInt <- match( prior, c("none", "DAP"), nomatch=0L)
   stopifnot( priorInt != 0L )
   packedMap <- .packedMapping( responseVar )
   dimVec <- c(
      nrowInputData = NROW(mf),           # 1
      ncolResponseVar = 1L,               # 2
      nPackedMap = length(packedMap),     # 3
      ncolMM = NCOL(modelMatrix),         # 4
      nDataPatt = nDataPatt,              # 5
      nCovPatt = nCovPatt,                # 6
      iterMax = control$iterMaxEM )       # 7
   storage.mode( dimVec ) <- "integer"
   nLevelsMatrix <- cbind(
      nBaseLevels = nBaseLevels( responseVar ),
      nCoarseLevels = nCoarseLevels( responseVar ),
      nLevels = nlevels( responseVar ) )
   storage.mode( nLevelsMatrix ) <- storage.mode( packedMap ) <- "integer"
   responseVar <- data.matrix( unclass(responseVar) )
   ctrlReal <- c( critEMNull = control$critEMNull,     # 1
      flattenEMNull = control$flattenEMNull,           # 2
      priorFreqTotDAP = priorFreqTotDAP,               # 3
      critEM = control$critEM,                         # 4
      critNR = control$critNR,                         # 5
      critBoundary = control$critBoundary )            # 6
   storage.mode(ctrlReal) <- "double"
   ctrlInt <- c( iterMaxEMNull = control$iterMaxEMNull,    # 1
      iterMaxEM = control$iterMaxEM,                       # 2
      startValUseInt = as.integer( startValSupplied ),     # 3
      iterMaxNR = control$iterMaxNR )                      # 4
   storage.mode(ctrlInt) <- "integer"
   fitted.values <- matrix( numeric(1L), NROW(modelMatrix),
      nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] )
   rownames(fitted.values) <- rownames(mf)
   colnames(fitted.values) <- responseBaseLevels
   # needed for survey mode
   dimVecSurvey <- c( surveyModeInt = as.integer(surveyMode),
      nStrat = nStrat )
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
   tmp <- .Fortran( "cvam_logit",
      modelTypeInt = modelTypeInt,
      methodInt = methodInt,
      dimVec = dimVec,
      modelMatrix = modelMatrix,
      responseVar = responseVar,
      freqInt = freqInt,
      nLevelsMatrix = nLevelsMatrix,
      packedMap = packedMap,
      baselineInt = baselineInt,
      rowPosnDataPatt = rowPosnDataPatt,
      freqIntDataPatt = freqIntDataPatt,
      subPopIntDataPatt = subPopIntDataPatt,
      rowPosnCovPatt = rowPosnCovPatt,
      covPattForDataPatt = covPattForDataPatt,
      reversePatt = reversePatt,
      priorInt = priorInt,
      ctrlReal = ctrlReal,
      ctrlInt = ctrlInt,
      dimVecSurvey = dimVecSurvey,
      nClus = nClus,
      designInt = designInt,
      weight = weight,
      scaledWeightDataPatt = scaledWeightDataPatt,
      # inouts
      piMat = piMat,
      coefficients = coefficients,
      # outputs
      proportionsDAP = numeric( nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] ), 
      iter = integer(1L),
      convergedInt = integer(1L),
      maxDiff = numeric(1L),
      loglik = numeric( dimVec[["iterMax"]] ),
      logP = numeric( dimVec[["iterMax"]] ),
      score = numeric( NCOL(modelMatrix) * ( nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] - 1L ) ),
      vhatCoef = matrix( numeric(1L),
         NCOL(modelMatrix) * ( nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] - 1L ),
         NCOL(modelMatrix) * ( nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] - 1L ) ),
      fitted.values = fitted.values,
      countOutputs = integer(8L),
      totalFreqUsePrior = numeric(1L),
      statusFlagsInt = c( abortedInt=0L, varEstFailedInt=0L, boundaryInt=0L),
      # messaging
      status = integer(1L),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
      PACKAGE = "cvam" )
   # display message from Fortran, if present
   msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )
   tmp$converged <- as.logical( tmp$convergedInt )
   if( ( method == "EM" ) & ( tmp$iter > 0L ) & 
      ( ! tmp$converged ) ) warning( gettextf(
      "Procedure failed to converge by iteration %i", tmp$iter ), 
      domain = NA )
   tmp$nrowInputData <- dimVec["nrowInputData"]
   tmp$nDataPatt <- nDataPatt
   tmp$nCovPatt <- nCovPatt
   tmp$totalFreqSuppliedInt <- tmp$countOutputs[1L]
   tmp$totalFreqSubPopInt <-  tmp$countOutputs[2L]
   tmp$totalFreqUseDataInt <- tmp$countOutputs[3L]
   tmp$nCovPattEmpty <- tmp$countOutputs[4L]
   tmp$nCovPattAllMissing <- tmp$countOutputs[5L]
   tmp$nCovPattAllZero <- tmp$countOutputs[6L]
   tmp$nParamEstimated <- tmp$countOutputs[7L]
   tmp$degreesOfFreedom <- tmp$countOutputs[8L]
   tmp$coefVec <- as.vector( tmp$coefficients[, -baselineInt] )
   names(tmp$coefVec) <- rownames(tmp$vhatCoef) <-
      colnames(tmp$vhatCoef) <- paste(
      rep( colnames(modelMatrix), length(responseBaseLevels) - 1L ),
      rep( responseBaseLevels[-baselineInt], each=NCOL(modelMatrix) ),
      sep="." )
   tmp$piMat[ tmp$piMat == -1 ] <- NA
   tmp$fitted.values[ tmp$fitted.values == -1 ] <- NA
   if( saturated ) tmp$coefficients[] <- NA
   tmp$aborted <- as.logical( tmp$statusFlagsInt["abortedInt"] )
   tmp$varEstFailed <- as.logical( tmp$statusFlagsInt["varEstFailedInt"] )
   tmp$boundary <- as.logical( tmp$statusFlagsInt["boundaryInt"] )
   if( ( method == "EM" ) & ( tmp$iter > 0L ) ) {
      if( saturated ) {
         tmp$loglik <- if( tmp$converged )
            tmp$loglik[tmp$iter] else numeric()
         tmp$logP <- if( tmp$converged )
            tmp$logP[tmp$iter] else numeric()
      } else {
         tmp$loglik <- if( tmp$iter > 0L ) 
            tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter] else numeric()
         tmp$logP <- if( tmp$iter > 0L ) 
            tmp$logP[1:tmp$iter] else numeric()
   } else tmp$loglik <- tmp$logP <- NULL
   tmp$call <- cl
   tmp$formula <- obj
   tmp$formulaStr <- formulaStr
   tmp$method <- method
   tmp$prior <- prior
   tmp$priorFreqTotDAP <- priorFreqTotDAP
   tmp$saturated <- saturated
   tmp$control <- control
   tmp$freqSupplied <- freqSupplied
   tmp$surveyMode <- surveyMode
   tmp$surveyVarEst <- surveyVarEst
   tmp$startValSupplied <- startValSupplied
   tmp$mf <- mfTransfer
   tmp$contrasts <- attr(tmp$modelMatrix, "contrasts")
   tmp$xlevels <- .getXlevels( attr(mfTransfer, "terms"), mfTransfer )
   if( surveyMode ) {
      tmp$scaledWeight <- scaledWeight
      tmp$subPop <- subPop
      tmp$stratum <- stratum
      tmp$cluster <- cluster
      tmp$nest <- nest
   tmp$responseVarName <- responseVarName
   tmp$responseLevels <- responseLevels
   tmp$responseBaseLevels <- responseBaseLevels
   tmp$responseCoarseLevels <- responseCoarseLevels
   tmp$baselineLev <- baselineLev
   tmp$predNames <- colnames(modelMatrix)
   structure( tmp, class = c("cvamLogit", "list") )

cvamLogit.cvamLogit <- function( obj, method=obj$method, 
   saturated=obj$saturated, control=NULL, startVal=NULL,
   surveyVarEst=obj$surveyVarEst, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(obj, "cvamLogit") )
   argsSupplied <- names( as.list( match.call() )[-1L] )
   badArgs <- setdiff( argsSupplied,
      c("obj", "method", "saturated", "control", "startVal", "surveyVarEst") )
   for( i in seq_along(badArgs) ) warning( gettextf(
      "Argument '%s' was ignored", badArgs[i] ), domain=NA ) 
   # disable the possibility to change the prior
   prior <- obj$prior
   priorFreqTotDAP <- obj$priorFreqTotDAP
   priorInt <- match( prior, c("none", "DAP"), nomatch=0L)
   stopifnot( priorInt != 0L )
   saturated <- as.logical( saturated )[1L]
   surveyMode <- obj$surveyMode
   surveyVarEst <- as.logical( surveyVarEst )[1L]
   stopifnot( method %in% c("EM", "MCMC", "approxBayes", "modelFrame",
      "modelMatrix") )
   if( method == "modelFrame" ) return( obj$mf )
   if( method == "modelMatrix" ) return( obj$modelMatrix )
   if( is.null(control) ) {
      control <- obj$control
   } else {
      stopifnot( is.list(control) )
      ctrl <- obj$control
      for( i in seq_along(control) ) ctrl[[ names(control)[i] ]] <- 
      control <- do.call( "cvamLogitControl", ctrl )
   startValSupplied <- if( ( ! saturated ) & obj$saturated  ) FALSE else TRUE
   piMat <- obj$piMat
   coefficients <- obj$coefficients
   piMat[ is.na(piMat) ] <- -1
   coefficients[ is.na(coefficients) ] <- 0
   storage.mode(coefficients) <- storage.mode(piMat) <- "double"
   if( ! is.null(startVal) ) {
      if( saturated ) {
         if( NROW(startVal) != obj$nCovPatt ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect number of rows, should be %i",
            obj$nCovPatt ), domain = NA )
         if( NCOL(startVal) != nBaseLevels( obj$responseVar ) ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect number of columns, should be %i",
            nBaseLevels(obj$responseVar) ), domain = NA )
	 piMat[] <- startVal
	 piMat[ is.na(piMat) ] <- -1
         storage.mode(piMat) <- "double"
      } else {
         if( NROW(startVal) != NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect number of rows, should be %i",
            NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) ), domain = NA )
         if( NCOL(startVal) != nBaseLevels(obj$responseVar) ) stop( gettextf(
            "startVal has incorrect number of columns, should be %i",
            nBaseLevels(obj$responseVar) ), domain = NA )
         if( any( startVal[, obj$baselineInt] != 0 ) ) stop( gettextf(
         "Invalid starting value; some elements of startVal[, %i] are not zero",
            obj$baselineInt ), domain = NA )
         if( any( is.na(startVal) ) ) stop( gettext(
            "Invalid starting value; some elements of startVal are NA" ),
            domain = NA )
         coefficients[] <- startVal
         storage.mode(coefficients) <- "double"
   # prepare objects for Fortran call
   modelTypeInt <- if( saturated ) 1L else 2L
   methodInt <- match( method, c("EM", "MCMC"), nomatch=0L)
   stopifnot( methodInt != 0L )
   dimVec <- obj$dimVec
   dimVec["iterMax"] <- control$iterMaxEM
   storage.mode(dimVec) <- "integer"
   ctrlReal <- c( critEMNull = control$critEMNull,     # 1
      flattenEMNull = control$flattenEMNull,           # 2
      priorFreqTotDAP = priorFreqTotDAP,               # 3
      critEM = control$critEM,                         # 4
      critNR = control$critNR,                         # 5
      critBoundary = control$critBoundary )            # 6
   storage.mode(ctrlReal) <- "double"
   ctrlInt <- c( iterMaxEMNull = control$iterMaxEMNull,    # 1
      iterMaxEM = control$iterMaxEM,                       # 2
      startValUseInt = as.integer( startValSupplied ),     # 3
      iterMaxNR = control$iterMaxNR )                      # 4
   storage.mode(ctrlInt) <- "integer"
   fitted.values <- matrix( numeric(1L), NROW(obj$modelMatrix),
      obj$nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] )
   rownames(fitted.values) <- rownames(obj$mf)
   colnames(fitted.values) <- obj$responseBaseLevels
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
   tmp <- .Fortran( "cvam_logit",
      modelTypeInt = modelTypeInt,
      methodInt = methodInt,
      dimVec = dimVec,
      modelMatrix = obj$modelMatrix,
      responseVar = obj$responseVar,
      freqInt = obj$freqInt,
      nLevelsMatrix = obj$nLevelsMatrix,
      packedMap = obj$packedMap,
      baselineInt = obj$baselineInt,
      rowPosnDataPatt = obj$rowPosnDataPatt,
      freqIntDataPatt = obj$freqIntDataPatt,
      subPopIntDataPatt = obj$subPopIntDataPatt,
      rowPosnCovPatt = obj$rowPosnCovPatt,
      covPattForDataPatt = obj$covPattForDataPatt,
      reversePatt = obj$reversePatt,
      priorInt = priorInt,
      ctrlReal = ctrlReal,
      ctrlInt = ctrlInt,
      dimVecSurvey = obj$dimVecSurvey,
      nClus = obj$nClus,
      designInt = obj$designInt,
      weight = obj$weight,
      scaledWeightDataPatt = obj$scaledWeightDataPatt,
      # inouts
      piMat = piMat,
      coefficients = coefficients,
      # outputs
      proportionsDAP = numeric( obj$nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] ), 
      iter = integer(1L),
      convergedInt = integer(1L),
      maxDiff = numeric(1L),
      loglik = numeric( dimVec[["iterMax"]] ),
      logP = numeric( dimVec[["iterMax"]] ),
      score = numeric( NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) *
         ( obj$nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] - 1L ) ),
      vhatCoef = matrix( numeric(1L),
         NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) * ( obj$nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] - 1L ),
         NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) * ( obj$nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] - 1L ) ),
      fitted.values = fitted.values,
      countOutputs = integer(8L),
      totalFreqUsePrior = numeric(1L),
      statusFlagsInt = c( abortedInt=0L, varEstFailedInt=0L, boundaryInt=0L),
      # messaging
      status = integer(1L),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
      PACKAGE = "cvam" )
   # display message from Fortran, if present
   msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )
   tmp$converged <- as.logical( tmp$convergedInt )
   if( ( method == "EM" ) & ( tmp$iter > 0L ) & 
      ( ! tmp$converged ) ) warning( gettextf(
      "Procedure failed to converge by iteration %i", tmp$iter ), 
      domain = NA )
   tmp$nrowInputData <- obj$nrowInputData
   tmp$nDataPatt <- obj$nDataPatt
   tmp$nCovPatt <- obj$nCovPatt
   tmp$totalFreqSuppliedInt <- tmp$countOutputs[1L]
   tmp$totalFreqSubPopInt <-  tmp$countOutputs[2L]
   tmp$totalFreqUseDataInt <- tmp$countOutputs[3L]
   tmp$nCovPattEmpty <- tmp$countOutputs[4L]
   tmp$nCovPattAllMissing <- tmp$countOutputs[5L]
   tmp$nCovPattAllZero <- tmp$countOutputs[6L]
   tmp$nParamEstimated <- tmp$countOutputs[7L]
   tmp$degreesOfFreedom <- tmp$countOutputs[8L]
   tmp$coefVec <- as.vector( tmp$coefficients[, -obj$baselineInt] )
   names(tmp$coefVec) <- rownames(tmp$vhatCoef) <-
      colnames(tmp$vhatCoef) <- paste(
      rep( colnames(obj$modelMatrix), length(obj$responseBaseLevels) - 1L ),
      rep( obj$responseBaseLevels[-obj$baselineInt],
      each=NCOL(obj$modelMatrix) ), sep="." )
   tmp$piMat[ tmp$piMat == -1 ] <- NA
   tmp$fitted.values[ tmp$fitted.values == -1 ] <- NA
   if( saturated ) tmp$coefficients[] <- NA
   tmp$aborted <- as.logical( tmp$statusFlagsInt["abortedInt"] )
   tmp$varEstFailed <- as.logical( tmp$statusFlagsInt["varEstFailedInt"] )
   tmp$boundary <- as.logical( tmp$statusFlagsInt["boundaryInt"] )
   if( ( method == "EM" ) & ( tmp$iter > 0L ) ) {
      if( saturated ) {
         tmp$loglik <- if( tmp$converged )
            tmp$loglik[tmp$iter] else numeric()
         tmp$logP <- if( tmp$converged )
            tmp$logP[tmp$iter] else numeric()
      } else {
         tmp$loglik <- if( tmp$iter > 0L ) 
            tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter] else numeric()
         tmp$logP <- if( tmp$iter > 0L ) 
            tmp$logP[1:tmp$iter] else numeric()
   } else tmp$loglik <- tmp$logP <- NULL
   tmp$call <- obj$call
   tmp$newCall <- match.call()
   tmp$formula <- obj$formula
   tmp$formulaStr <- obj$formulaStr
   tmp$method <- method
   tmp$prior <- prior
   tmp$priorFreqTotDAP <- priorFreqTotDAP
   tmp$saturated <- saturated
   tmp$control <- control
   tmp$surveyMode <- surveyMode
   tmp$freqSupplied <- obj$freqSupplied
   tmp$surveyVarEst <- surveyVarEst
   tmp$startValSupplied <- startValSupplied
   tmp$mf <- obj$mf
   tmp$contrasts <- attr(obj$modelMatrix, "contrasts")
   tmp$xlevels <- obj$xlevels
   if( surveyMode ) {
      tmp$scaledWeight <- obj$scaledWeight
      tmp$subPop <- obj$subPop
      tmp$stratum <- obj$stratum
      tmp$cluster <- obj$cluster
      tmp$nest <- obj$nest
   tmp$responseVarName <- obj$responseVarName
   tmp$responseLevels <- obj$responseLevels
   tmp$responseBaseLevels <- obj$responseBaseLevels
   tmp$responseCoarseLevels <- obj$responseCoarseLevels
   tmp$baselineLev <- obj$baselineLev
   tmp$predNames <- colnames(obj$modelMatrix)
   structure( tmp, class = c("cvamLogit", "list") )

print.cvamLogit <- function(x, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "cvamLogit") )
   print( summary( x ) )

summary.cvamLogit <- function(object, showCoef=TRUE, digits=4L, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(object, "cvamLogit") )
   if( inherits(object, "summary.cvamLogit") ) return(object)
   result <- list()
   result$formulaStr <- object$formulaStr
   result$saturated <- object$saturated
   result$prior <- object$prior
   result$method <- object$method
   result$surveyMode <- object$surveyMode
   result$freqSupplied <- object$freqSupplied
   result$control <- object$control
   result$predNames <- object$predNames
   result$responseVarName <- object$responseVarName
   result$responseLevels <- object$responseLevels
   result$responseBaseLevels <- object$responseBaseLevels
   result$responseCoarseLevels <- object$responseCoarseLevels
   result$baselineLev <- object$baselineLev
   result$baselineInt <- object$baselineInt
   result$totalFreqSuppliedInt <- object$totalFreqSuppliedInt
   result$totalFreqSubPopInt <- object$totalFreqSubPopInt
   result$totalFreqUseDataInt <- object$totalFreqUseDataInt
   result$priorFreqTotDAP <- object$priorFreqTotDAP
   if( result$prior == "DAP" ) {
      result$proportionsDAP <- object$proportionsDAP
      names( result$proportionsDAP ) <- result$responseBaseLevels 
   result$nrowInputData <- object$nrowInputData
   result$nDataPatt <- object$nDataPatt
   result$nCovPatt <- object$nCovPatt
   result$nCovPattEmpty <- object$nCovPattEmpty
   result$nCovPattAllMissing <- object$nCovPattAllMissing
   result$nCovPattAllZero <- object$nCovPattAllZero
   result$nParamEstimated <- object$nParamEstimated
   result$df <- object$degreesOfFreedom
   result$startValSupplied <- if( object$method != "approxBayes" )
      object$startValSupplied else NULL
   if( result$method == "EM" ) {
      result$converged <- object$converged
      result$iter <- object$iter
      result$lenGrad <- if( object$saturated ) NULL else
         sqrt( sum(object$score^2) )
      result$aborted <- object$aborted
      result$varEstFailed <- object$varEstFailed
      result$boundary <- object$boundary
      result$loglik <- if( is.null( object$loglik ) ) NULL else
         object$loglik[ length(object$loglik) ] 
      result$logP <- if( is.null( object$logP ) ) NULL else
         object$logP[ length(object$logP) ] 
   } else {
      # add later
   if( ! result$saturated ) {
      coefArray <- array( numeric(1L),
         c( NCOL(object$modelMatrix), 4L, length(object$responseBaseLevels) ) )
      dimnames(coefArray) <- list( object$predNames,
         c("coef", "SE", "zstat", "pval" ), 
         paste(object$responseVarName, "=", object$responseBaseLevels ) )
      coefArray[,"coef",] <- object$coefficients
      coefArray[,"SE",] <- .unstackCoef( sqrt( diag(object$vhatCoef) ),
         object$predNames, object$responseBaseLevels, object$baselineLev )
      zstat <- coefArray[,"coef",] / coefArray[,"SE",]
      pval <- 2 * pnorm( - abs(zstat) )
      coefArray[,"zstat",] <- round(zstat, 2)
      coefArray[,"pval",] <- round(pval, 4)
      result$coefficients <- coefArray
      if( result$method == "EM" ) {
         result$headerCoef <-
            gettext("Estimated coefficients from EM, with Hessian-based SEs" )
      } else {
         # add later
   result$showCoef <- if( result$saturated ) FALSE else
   result$digits <- as.integer(digits)[1L]
   structure( result, class = "summary.cvamLogit" )

print.summary.cvamLogit <- function(x, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "summary.cvamLogit") )
   cat(x$formulaStr, sep="\n")
   strA <- format( c("Saturated option:", "Prior:"), justify="right")
   strB <- format( c( as.character(x$saturated), x$prior), justify="left")
   cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n" )
   strA <- format( c("Response variable:", "Base levels:",
      "Coarse levels:", "Baseline:"),
   strB <- format( c( x$responseVarName,
      paste(x$responseBaseLevels, collapse=" "),
      paste(x$responseCoarseLevels, collapse=" "), x$baselineLev),
   cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n" )
   cat("Sample size:", sep="\n")
   if( x$surveyMode ) {
      strA <- format( c( "Total N in supplied data =",
         "Total N supplied in subpopulation =",
         "N from supplied data used in model fit =",
         "Prior effective sample size ="), justify="right" )
      strB <- format( c( x$totalFreqSuppliedInt,
         x$totalFreqUseDataInt, x$priorFreqTotDAP),
         justify = "left" )
   } else {
      strA <- format( c( "Total N in supplied data =",
         "N from supplied data used in model fit =",
         "Prior effective sample size ="), justify="right" )
      strB <- format( c( x$totalFreqSuppliedInt,
         x$totalFreqUseDataInt, x$priorFreqTotDAP),
         justify = "left" )
   cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   strA <- format( c("Rows of supplied data:",
      "Distinct data patterns:",
      "Distinct covariate patterns:",
      "Covariate patterns with zero frequencies:",
      "Covariate patterns with only NA responses:",
      "Total non-empty covariate patterns:"), justify="right")
   strB <- format( c( x$nrowInputData, x$nDataPatt, x$nCovPatt,
      x$nCovPattAllMissing, x$nCovPattAllZero,
      x$nCovPatt - x$nCovPattEmpty ), justify="left" )
   cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   if( x$surveyMode ) {
   if( x$prior == "DAP" ) {
      cat( "Estimated response proportions under null (intercept-only)",
      cat( "model, used in data-augmentation prior (DAP):", sep="\n")
      dF <- data.frame( x$responseBaseLevels, x$proportionsDAP )
      names(dF) <- NULL
      print(dF, row.names=FALSE, digits=x$digits )
   strA <- format( c(
      "free parameters in model =",
      "df ="), justify="right" )
   strB <- format( c(x$nParamEstimated, x$df), justify = "left" )
   cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   if( x$method == "EM" & x$iter > 0 ) {
      cat( "EM algorithm:", sep="\n" )
      if( x$converged ) {
         cat( gettextf( "Converged at iteration %i", x$iter ), sep="\n")
      } else {
         cat( gettextf( "Failed to converge by iteration %i",
            x$iter ), sep="\n")
      if( !is.null(x$lenGrad) ) 
          cat( gettextf( "Gradient length = %f", x$lenGrad ), sep="\n" )
      strA <- format( c("Final logP =", "Final loglik ="), justify="right")
      strB <- format( c(x$logP, x$loglik), justify="left")
      cat( paste(strA, strB), sep="\n")
   } else {
      # add later
   if( x$showCoef ) {
      cat( x$headerCoef, sep="\n")
      print(x$coefficients, digits=x$digits, ...)

.unstackCoef <- function( coefVec, predNames, responseBaseLevels,
   baselineLev ) {
   p <- length(predNames)
   r <- length(responseBaseLevels)
   stopifnot( length(coefVec) == p*(r-1L) )
   stopifnot( baselineLev %in% responseBaseLevels )
   stopifnot( sum( match(responseBaseLevels, baselineLev,
      nomatch=0L) ) == 1L )
   result <- matrix( numeric(1L), p, r )
   rownames(result) <- predNames
   colnames(result) <- responseBaseLevels
   posn <- 0L
   for(k in 1:r) {
      if( responseBaseLevels[k] != baselineLev ) {
         for(j in 1:p) {
            posn <- posn + 1L
	    result[j,k] <- coefVec[posn]

anova.cvamLogit <-
   function( object, ..., method=c("lrt", "logP", "AIC", "BIC"),
      pval = FALSE, pvalDigits=4L, showRank=NULL ) {
   method <- match.arg(method)
   dotargs <- list(...)
   named <- if (is.null(names(dotargs))) 
        rep_len(FALSE, length(dotargs))
   else (names(dotargs) != "")
   if (any(named)) warning(
      "the following arguments to 'anova.cvamLogit' are invalid and dropped: ", 
      paste(deparse(dotargs[named]), collapse = ", ") )
   dotargs <- dotargs[!named]
   modList <- c( list(object), dotargs )
   if( length(modList) < 2L ) stop( gettext(
      'Need at least two objects of class "cvamLogit" to compare'),
      domain = NA ) 
   is.cvamLogit <- vapply(modList, function(x) inherits(x, "cvamLogit"), NA)
   if( any( !is.cvamLogit ) ) stop( gettext(
      'Some supplied objects are not of class "cvamLogit"'), domain = NA ) 
   summList <- lapply( modList, summary.cvamLogit )
   is.EM <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "method" ) ) == "EM"
   if( any( !is.EM ) ) warning( gettext(
      'Some supplied objects do not have method "EM"'), domain = NA ) 
   responseVarName <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "responseVarName" ) )
   if( ! all( responseVarName == responseVarName[1L] ) ) stop( gettext(
      'Fitted models do not all have the same response variable'),
      domain = NA )
   responseLevels <- lapply( summList, `[[`, "responseLevels" )
   sameLevels <- 
      unlist( lapply( responseLevels, function(x,y) isTRUE(all.equal(x,y)),
      y=responseLevels[[1]] ) )
   if( ! all(sameLevels) ) stop( gettext(
      'Fitted models do not all have the same response levels'),
      domain = NA )
   priorTypes <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "prior" ) )
   if( ! all( priorTypes == priorTypes[1L] ) ) warning( gettext(
      'Fitted models do not all have the same prior distribution'),
      domain = NA )
   priorFreqs <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "priorFreqTotDAP" ) )
   if( ! all( priorFreqs == priorFreqs[1L] ) ) warning( gettext(
      'Fitted models do not all have the same prior sample size'),
      domain = NA )
   nTotal <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "totalFreqSuppliedInt" ) )
   if( ! all( nTotal == nTotal[1L] ) ) warning( gettext(
      'Fitted models are based on different sample sizes'),
      domain = NA )
   formulaStr <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "formulaStr" ) )
   saturated <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "saturated" ) )
   formulaStr <- paste( formulaStr,
      sapply( saturated, function(x) if(x) ", saturated" else "" ), sep="")
   formulaStr <- paste("Model ", format(1:length(summList)), ": ",
      formulaStr, sep="")
   formulaStr <- paste( formulaStr, collapse="\n" )
   nParams <- unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "nParamEstimated" ) )
   if( method %in% c("lrt", "logP") ) {
      meas <- if( method == "lrt" ) 
         unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "loglik" ) ) else
         unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "logP" ) )
      meas <- -2*meas
      result <- data.frame( nParams, meas )
      names(result)[2L] <- if( method == "lrt" ) "-2*loglik" else "-2*logP" 
      result$df <- - ( c( NA, nParams[-length(nParams)]) - nParams )
      result$change <- c( NA, meas[-length(meas)] ) - meas
      pvalDigits <- as.integer(pvalDigits)[1L]
      if( pval ) result$pval <- 
         round( 1 - pchisq( result$change, result$df ), pvalDigits )
   } else {
      meas <- -2 * unlist( lapply( summList, `[[`, "loglik" ) )
      result <- data.frame( nParams, meas )
      names(result)[2] <- "-2*loglik" 
      IC <- if( method == "AIC" ) meas + 2*nParams else
         meas + log(nTotal) * nParams
      if( method == "AIC" ) meas <- result$AIC <- IC else
         meas <- result$BIC <- IC
   showRank <- if( is.null(showRank) ) method %in% c("AIC", "BIC") else
   if( showRank ) result$rank <- rank(meas)
   structure( result,
      heading = formulaStr,
      class = c("anova", "data.frame") )

fitted.cvamLogit <- function(object, 
   type=c("mean", "prob", "link"),  ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(object, "cvamLogit") )
   type <- match.arg(type)
   if( type == "mean" ) {
      return( object$fitted.values * object$freqInt )
   } else if( type == "prob" ) {
      return( object$fitted.values )
   } else if( type == "link" ) {
      return( object$modelMatrix %*% object$coefficients )

coef.cvamLogit <- function(object, covMat=FALSE, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(object, "cvamLogit") )
   if( object$saturated ) {
   } else {
      if(covMat) {
         return( list( coef = object$coefVec, covMat = object$vhatCoef ) )
      } else {

model.frame.cvamLogit <- function(formula, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(formula, "cvamLogit") )

model.matrix.cvamLogit <- function(object, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(object, "cvamLogit") )

terms.cvamLogit <- function(x) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "cvamLogit") )
   attr(x$mf, "terms")

formula.cvamLogit <- function(x, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "cvamLogit") )
   form <- x$formula
   environment(form) <- environment(x$formula)

# maybe change "collapse" argument to "covPatt" and make the default FALSE
predict.cvamLogit <- function(object, newdata=NULL, freq=NULL,
   type=c("mean","prob","link"), se.fit = FALSE, na.action = na.pass,
   collapse = TRUE, ...) {
   stopifnot( inherits(object, "cvamLogit") )
   type <- match.arg(type)
   se.fit <- as.logical(se.fit)[1L]
   if( object$saturated & se.fit ) {
      warning( gettext(
      "Standard errors not available, because model has 'saturated=TRUE'"),
         domain = NA )
      se.fit <- FALSE
   if( ( ! object$saturated ) & se.fit & object$varEstFailed ) {
      warning( gettext(
      "Standard errors not available, because logP is not concave"),
         domain = NA )
      se.fit <- FALSE
   seFitInt <- as.integer(se.fit)
   collapse <- as.logical(collapse)[1L]
   mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
   specialCodes <- c( mvcode=mvcode, nancode=NaN, infcode=Inf, neginfcode=-Inf)
   modelTypeInt <- if( object$saturated ) 1L else 2L
   typeInt <- if( type %in% c("mean","prob") ) 1L else 2L
   dimVec <- object$dimVec     # change some elements later, as needed
   nLevelsMatrix <- object$nLevelsMatrix
   packedMap <- object$packedMap
   baselineInt <- object$baselineInt
   coefficients <- object$coefficients
   if( object$saturated ) coefficients[ is.na(coefficients) ] <- mvcode
   vhatCoef <- object$vhatCoef
   if( is.null( newdata ) ) {
      mf <- model.frame(object)
      modelMatrix <- model.matrix(object)  # should contain no NAs
      responseVar <- object$responseVar
      freqInt <- object$freqInt
      rowPosnDataPatt <- object$rowPosnDataPatt
      freqIntDataPatt <- object$freqIntDataPatt
      rowPosnCovPatt <- object$rowPosnCovPatt
      covPattForDataPatt <- object$covPattForDataPatt
      reversePatt <- object$reversePatt
      piMat <- object$piMat # may contain NAs for empty cov patterns
      piMat[ is.na(piMat) ] <- mvcode
      nCovPatt <- dimVec["nCovPatt"]
      reverseCovPatt <- reversePatt[,"reverseCovPatt"]
      tmp <- aggregate( freqInt ~ reverseCovPatt, FUN=sum)
      tmp <- tmp[ order(tmp$reverseCovPatt), ]
      freqIntCovPatt <- tmp$freqInt
   } else {
      stopifnot( is.data.frame(newdata) )
      tt <- terms(object)
      Terms <- delete.response(tt)
      mc <- match.call( expand.dots=FALSE )
      mc[[1L]] <- quote( stats::model.frame )
      m <- match( c("object", "newdata", "freq", "na.action" ),
         names(mc), nomatch=0L )
      mc <- mc[ c(1L,m) ]
      names(mc)[2L] <- "formula"
      mc[[2L]] <- Terms
      names(mc)[3L] <- "data"
      mc$drop.unused.levels <- FALSE
      mc$xlev <- object$xlevels
      if( is.null(mc$na.action) ) mc$na.action <- quote(na.pass)
      mf <- eval( mc, parent.frame() )
      if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses"))) 
         .checkMFClasses(cl, mf)
      modelMatrix <- model.matrix(Terms, mf, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)
      modelMatrix[ is.na(modelMatrix) ] <- mvcode
      if( is.null( mf$`(freq)` ) ) {
         if( object$freqSupplied & (! object$surveyMode) &
            type == "mean" ) warning( gettext(
            "No 'freq' supplied with newdata, frequencies assumed to be one" ),
            domain = NA )
         freq <- rep(1, NROW(mf))
	 freqSupplied <- FALSE
      } else {
         freq <- mf$`(freq)`
         mf$`(freq)` <- NULL
         freqSupplied <- TRUE
      if( any(is.na(freq)) ) stop( gettext(
         "Missing values in 'freq' not allowed"), domain = NA )
      freqInt <- as.integer(freq)
      if( any( freq != freqInt ) ) warning( gettext(
         "Some frequencies changed when integerized" ), domain = NA )
      responseVar <- data.matrix( 
         rep( 1L, NROW(mf) ) ) # non-empty, but irrelevant
      if( object$saturated ) {
         piMat <- object$piMat # may contain NAs for empty cov patterns
         piMat[ is.na(piMat) ] <- mvcode
         covPattOrigData <- as.data.frame( 
            object$modelMatrix[ object$rowPosnCovPatt,] )
         ct <- do.call("paste",
            c( structure( covPattOrigData[,,drop=FALSE], names=NULL ),
            sep="\r" ) )
         dFtmp <- as.data.frame( modelMatrix )
         cx <- do.call("paste",
            c( structure( dFtmp[,,drop=FALSE], names=NULL ), sep="\r" ) )
         reverseCovPatt <- match(cx, ct, nomatch=0L)
         if( any( reverseCovPatt == 0L ) ) warning( gettext(
            "'newdata' has covariate patterns not found in original data" ),
            domain=NA )
         nCovPatt <- nDataPatt <- length(ct)
         rowPosnCovPatt <- rowPosnDataPatt <- rep(1L,nCovPatt) # won't be used
	 covPattForDataPatt <- as.integer(1:nCovPatt)
         freqIntDataPatt <- rep(1L,nDataPatt)
         dimVec["nrowInputData"] <- NROW(modelMatrix)
         dimVec["nDataPatt"] <- dimVec["nCovPatt"] <- nCovPatt
         reversePatt <- cbind( reverseCovPatt=reverseCovPatt,
            reverseDataPatt=reverseCovPatt )
	 cxUnique <- unique(cx)
	 m <- match( cxUnique, ct )
         nCovPattNotInOrig <- sum( is.na(m) )
         ctNew <- c( ct, cxUnique[ is.na(m) ] )
         reverseCovPatt <- match( cx, ctNew, nomatch=0L ) # new version
         if( any( reverseCovPatt == 0L ) ) stop( gettext(
            "something went wrong"), domain = NA )
	 if( collapse ) {
	    m1 <- match( cxUnique, ctNew )
	    m2 <- match( cx, cxUnique )
	    tmp <- aggregate( freqInt ~ m2, FUN=sum)
            tmp <- tmp[ order(tmp$m2), ]
            freqIntCovPatt <- tmp$freqInt
      } else {
         dFtmp <- as.data.frame(modelMatrix)
         ct <- do.call( "paste",
            c( structure( dFtmp[,,drop=FALSE], names=NULL ), sep="\r" ) )
	 cx <- unique(ct)
         rowPosnCovPatt <- match(cx,ct)
         reverseCovPatt <- match(ct,cx)
         rowPosnDataPatt <- rowPosnCovPatt
         nCovPatt <- nDataPatt <- length(cx)
	 covPattForDataPatt <- as.integer(1:nCovPatt)
         freqIntDataPatt <- rep(1L,nDataPatt)
         dimVec["nrowInputData"] <- NROW(modelMatrix)
         dimVec["nDataPatt"] <- dimVec["nCovPatt"] <- nCovPatt
         reversePatt <- cbind( reverseCovPatt=reverseCovPatt,
            reverseDataPatt=reverseCovPatt )
         piMat <- matrix( numeric(1L), nCovPatt, nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] )
	 colnames(piMat) <- object$responseBaseLevels
	 tmp <- aggregate( freqInt ~ reverseCovPatt, FUN=sum)
         tmp <- tmp[ order(tmp$reverseCovPatt), ]
         freqIntCovPatt <- tmp$freqInt
   seFit = matrix( numeric(1L), nCovPatt, nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] )
   colnames(seFit) <- object$responseBaseLevels
   vhatFitArray = array( numeric(1L), c( nCovPatt,
      nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L], nLevelsMatrix[1L,1L] ) )
   dimnames(vhatFitArray) <- list( NULL,
      object$responseBaseLevels, object$responseBaseLevels )
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
   tmp <- .Fortran( "cvam_logit_predict",
      modelTypeInt = modelTypeInt,
      typeInt = typeInt,
      dimVec = dimVec,
      modelMatrix = modelMatrix,
      responseVar = responseVar,
      freqInt = freqInt,
      nLevelsMatrix = nLevelsMatrix,
      packedMap = packedMap,
      baselineInt = baselineInt,
      rowPosnDataPatt = rowPosnDataPatt,
      freqIntDataPatt = freqIntDataPatt,
      rowPosnCovPatt = rowPosnCovPatt,
      covPattForDataPatt = covPattForDataPatt,
      reversePatt = reversePatt,
      specialCodes = specialCodes,
      seFitInt = seFitInt,
      piMat = piMat,
      coefficients = coefficients,
      vhatCoef = vhatCoef,
      # outputs
      seFit = seFit,
      vhatFitArray = vhatFitArray,
      # messaging
      status = integer(1L),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
      NAOK = TRUE,
      PACKAGE = "cvam" )
   # display message from Fortran, if present
   msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )
   tmp$piMat[ tmp$piMat == mvcode ] <- as.double(NA)
   tmp$seFit[ tmp$seFit == mvcode ] <- as.double(NA)
   tmp$vhatFitArray[ tmp$vhatFitArray == mvcode ] <- as.double(NA)
   if( collapse ) {
      if( ( ! is.null(newdata) ) & object$saturated ) {
         piMat <- rbind( tmp$piMat, 
            matrix( numeric(), nCovPattNotInOrig, NCOL(piMat) ) )
         result <- list( fit = piMat[ m1, ], row.fit = m2 )
         names( result$row.fit ) <- rownames(mf)
         if( type == "mean" ) result$fit <- result$fit * freqIntCovPatt
      } else {
         result <- list( fit = tmp$piMat, row.fit = reverseCovPatt )
         names( result$row.fit ) <- rownames(mf)
         if( se.fit ) {
            result$se.fit <- tmp$seFit
   	 result$cov.fit.array <- tmp$vhatFitArray
         if( type == "mean" ) {
            result$fit <- result$fit * freqIntCovPatt
            if( se.fit ) {
               result$se.fit <- result$se.fit * freqIntCovPatt
               result$cov.fit.array <- result$cov.fit.array * freqIntCovPatt^2
   } else {
      if( ( ! is.null(newdata) ) & object$saturated ) {
         piMat <- rbind( tmp$piMat, 
            matrix( numeric(), nCovPattNotInOrig, NCOL(piMat) ) )
      } else {
         piMat <- tmp$piMat
      fit <- piMat[ reverseCovPatt, ]
      rownames(fit) <- rownames(mf)
      if( type == "mean" ) fit <- fit * freqInt
      if( se.fit ) {
         result <- list( fit=fit )
         result$se.fit <- tmp$seFit[ reverseCovPatt, ]
         rownames( result$se.fit ) <- rownames(mf)
         result$cov.fit.array <- tmp$vhatFitArray[ reverseCovPatt,, ]
	 dimnames(result$cov.fit.array)[[1]] <- rownames(mf)
         if( type == "mean" ) {
            result$se.fit <- result$se.fit * freqInt
            result$cov.fit.array <- result$cov.fit.array * freqInt^2
      } else {
         result <- fit
#   subPop <- if( is.null( object$mf$`(subPop)` ) )
#      rep(TRUE, NROW(object$mf) ) else object$mf$`(subPop)`
#   tmp$fitted.values[ ! subPop, ] <- as.double(NA)
#   tmp$seFit[ ! subPop, ] <- as.double(NA)
#   tmp$vhatFitArray[ ! subPop, , ] <- as.double(NA)
   return( result )

# Undocumented functions for fitting the enhanced LC 
# measurement model

cvamLCMeas <- function( obj, ...) {
   # S3 generic function

cvamLCMeas.default <- function( obj, ...) {
   stop( gettext(
      'First argument must be an object of class "formula" or "cvamLCMeas"'),
      domain = NA )

.isTwoSided <- function( obj ) { inherits(obj, "formula") &&
   length(obj) == 3L }

.modFormula <- function( form ) {
   # process a formula into a .modFormula object
   stopifnot( .isTwoSided(form) )
   LHS <- form[[2L]]
   RHS <- form[[3L]]
   if( ( ! is.call(LHS) ) || ( LHS[[1L]] != as.symbol("|") ) || 
      ( length( all.vars( LHS[[2L]] ) ) > 1 ) ||
      ( length( all.vars( LHS[[3L]] ) ) > 1 ) ) stop( gettextf(
      "Left-hand side of '%s' has incorrect form", deparse(form) ),
      domain = NA )
   formulaStr <- deparse(form)
   form[[2L]] <- form[[3L]]
   form <- form[1:2]
   nullModel <- ( length( all.vars(form) ) == 0L )
   structure( form,
      item = all.vars( LHS[[2L]] ),
      latentVar = all.vars( LHS[[3L]] ),
      moderators = all.vars( form ),
      nullModel = nullModel,
      formulaStr = formulaStr,
      class = c(".modFormula", class(form)) )

.cvamLCMeasModel <- function( obj, modFormulas ) {
   # process the formula into a .cvamLCMeasModel object
   if( ! .isTwoSided(obj) ) stop( gettext(
      "Argument 'obj' is not a two-sided formula" ), domain=NA )
   LHS <- obj[[2L]]
   if( ( ! is.call(LHS) ) || ( LHS[[1L]] != as.symbol("cbind") ) )
      stop( gettext( 'Left-hand side of "obj" is not a call to "cbind"' ),
      domain = NA )
   items <- all.vars(LHS)
   if( length(items) < 2L ) stop( gettext(
      "Cannot fit a latent-class model with only one item"), domain = NA )
   RHS <- obj[[3L]]
   if( ! is.symbol(RHS) ) stop( gettext(
      'Right-hand side of "obj" is not a single variable' ),
      domain = NA )
   latentVar <- as.character(RHS)
   if( is.null(modFormulas) ) modFormulas <- list()  
   if( inherits( modFormulas, "formula" ) ) modFormulas <-
      list( modFormulas )
   if( ! is.list(modFormulas) ) stop( gettext(
      "Argument 'modFormulas' is not a formula or a list" ), domain = NA )
   if( ! all(sapply( modFormulas, FUN=.isTwoSided ) ) ) stop( gettextf(
      "Some components of 'modFormulas' are not two-sided formulas" ),
      domain = NA )
   mF <- lapply( modFormulas, FUN=.modFormula )
   mFitems <- unlist( lapply( mF, FUN=attr, "item" ) )
   if( length(mFitems) > 0L ) {
      w <- mFitems %in% items
      if( any(!w) ) stop( gettextf(
         "Variable '%s' appearing before '|' is not a measurement item",
         mFitems[!w][1] ), domain = NA )
      if( any( duplicated( mFitems ) ) ) {
         dup <- mFitems[ duplicated( mFitems ) ]
         stop( gettextf(
            "Item '%s' appears in more than one modFormula", dup[1] ),
            domain = NA )
   } else mFitems <- character(0L)
   mFlatentVar <- unlist( lapply( mF, FUN=attr, "latentVar" ) )
   if( length(mFlatentVar) > 0L ) {
      if( any( mFlatentVar != latentVar ) ) {
         badVar <- mFlatentVar[ mFlatentVar != latentVar ]
         stop( gettextf( "Variable '%s' appearing after '|' is not latent",
            badVar[1]), domain = NA )  
   } else mFlatentVar <- character(0L)
   # expand mF to include all items
   present <- items %in% unlist( lapply(mF, attr, "item") )
   for( i in seq_along(items) ) {
      if( ! present[i] ) {
         form <- as.formula( paste( items[i], "|", latentVar, " ~ 1" ),
            env = environment(obj) )
         mF <- c( mF, .modFormula(form) )
   o <- match( items, unlist( lapply(mF, attr, "item") ) )
   mF <- mF[o]
   moderators <- unique( unlist( lapply( mF, FUN=attr, "moderators" ) ) )
   if( length(moderators) == 0L ) moderators <- character(0L)
   allVars <- c( items, latentVar, moderators )
   varType <- c( rep("item", length(items)), "latent",
      rep("moderator", length(moderators) ) )
   structure( obj,
      formulaStr = deparse(obj),
      allVars = allVars,
      varType = varType,
      items = items,
      latentVar = latentVar,
      moderators = moderators,
      modFormulas = mF,
      class = c( ".cvamLCMeasModel", class(obj) ) )

.cvamLCMeasParam <- function( model, mf, baselineVec, mm, mmList, value=NULL ) {
   # create a .cvamLCMeasParam object
   stopifnot( inherits( model, ".cvamLCMeasModel" ) )
   items <- mf[ attr(model, "items") ]
   latentVar <- mf[[ attr( model, "latentVar" ) ]]
   itemBaseLevels <- lapply( items, baseLevels )
   latentVarBaseLevels <- baseLevels( latentVar )
   nItem <- length(items)
   nClass <- length( latentVarBaseLevels )
   # find expected length of parameter vector
   ncolx <- unlist( lapply(mmList, length) )
   D <- nClass + nClass *
      sum( ( unlist( lapply( itemBaseLevels, length ) ) - 1L ) * ncolx )
   if( ! is.null(value) ) {
      if( length(value) != D )  stop( gettext(
         "Starting value provided for parameters has incorrect length" ),
         domain = NA )
      prev <- value[1:nClass]
      if( ( ! all.equal( sum(prev), 1 ) ) || any( prev <= 0 ) ) stop( gettext(
         "Starting values provided for class prevalences are not valid" ),
         domain = NA )
   } else {
      value <- rep(0,D)
      value[1:nClass] <- 1 / nClass
      prev <- value[1:nClass]
   storage.mode(value) <- "double"
   names( prev ) <- latentVarBaseLevels
   result <- list( value = value, prevalences = prev )
   coef <- as.list( 1:nClass )
   posn <- nClass
   for( c in 1:nClass ) {
      coef[[c]] <- as.list( 1:nItem )
      for( j in 1:nItem ) {
         coef[[c]][[j]] <- matrix(0, length( mmList[[j]] ), nClass )
         dimnames( coef[[c]][[j]] ) <- list(
            colnames(mm)[ mmList[[j]] ],
            latentVarBaseLevels )
         coef[[c]][[j]] <- structure( coef[[c]][[j]],
             baseline = baselineVec[j] )
         for(cc in 1:nClass ) {
             if( cc != attr( coef[[c]][[j]], "baseline" ) ) {
	        for(jj in 1:NROW( coef[[c]][[j]] ) ) {
                   posn <- posn + 1L
		   coef[[c]][[j]][jj,cc] <- value[posn]
      names( coef[[c]] ) <- names( items )
   names( coef ) <- latentVarBaseLevels	
   result$coefficients <- coef

cvamLCMeasControl <- function( iterMaxEMNull = 500L, critEMNull = 1e-06,
   flattenEMNull = 0, 
   iterMaxEMItem = 500L, critEMItem = 1e-06,
   iterMaxEM = 500L, critEM = 1e-05,
   iterMaxNR = 50L, critNR = 1e-05,
   startValJitter = 0, logitPriorStrength = 1 ) {
   stopifnot( ( iterMaxEMNull <- as.integer(iterMaxEMNull)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( critEMNull <- as.double(critEMNull)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( flattenEMNull <- as.double(flattenEMNull)[1L] ) >= 0 )
   stopifnot( ( iterMaxEMItem <- as.integer(iterMaxEMItem)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( critEMItem <- as.double(critEMItem)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( iterMaxEM <- as.integer(iterMaxEM)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( critEM <- as.double(critEM)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( iterMaxNR <- as.integer(iterMaxNR)[1L] ) >= 0L )
   stopifnot( ( critNR <- as.double(critNR)[1L] ) > 0 )
   stopifnot( ( startValJitter <- as.double(startValJitter)[1L] ) >= 0 )
   stopifnot( ( logitPriorStrength <- as.double(logitPriorStrength)[1L] ) >= 0 )
      iterMaxEMNull = iterMaxEMNull,
      critEMNull = critEMNull,
      flattenEMNull = flattenEMNull,
      iterMaxEMItem = iterMaxEMItem,
      critEMItem = critEMItem,
      iterMaxEM = iterMaxEM,
      critEM = critEM,
      iterMaxNR = iterMaxNR,
      critNR = critNR,
      startValJitter = startValJitter,
      logitPriorStrength = logitPriorStrength )

cvamLCMeas.formula <- function( obj, data, freq, modFormulas = NULL, 
   baseline = NULL, method = c("EM", "MCMC"), prior=cvamPrior(),
   logitPrior=c("none", "DAP"),
   control=list(), startVal=NULL ) {
   # handle arguments
   theModel <- .cvamLCMeasModel( obj, modFormulas )
   method <- match.arg(method)
   control <- do.call( "cvamLCMeasControl", control )
   stopifnot( inherits(prior, "cvamPrior") )
   logitPrior <- match.arg(logitPrior)
   # get the input data model frame and frequencies
   mc <- match.call( expand.dots=FALSE )
   mc[[1]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
   m <- match( c("obj", "data", "freq"), names(mc), nomatch=0L )
   mc <- mc[ c(1L,m) ]
   names(mc)[2] <- "formula"
   form <- as.formula(
      paste("~", paste( attr(theModel, "allVars"), collapse="+") ),
      env = environment(obj) )
   mc[[2]] <- form
   mc$na.action <- as.name("na.pass")
   mc$drop.unused.levels <- FALSE
   mf <- eval( mc, parent.frame() )
   if( is.null( mf$`(freq)` ) ) {
      freq <- rep(1L, NROW(mf))
      freqSupplied <- FALSE
   } else {
      freq <- mf$`(freq)`
      mf$`(freq)` <- NULL 
      freqSupplied <- TRUE
   if( any(is.na(freq)) ) stop( gettext(
      "Missing values in 'freq' not allowed"), domain = NA )
   freqInt <- as.integer(freq)
   if( any( freq != freqInt ) ) warning( gettext(
      "Some frequencies changed when integerized" ), domain=NA )
   w <- colnames(mf) %in% attr( theModel, "items" )
   nonFac <- ! unlist( lapply( mf, is.factor ) )
   badV <- names(mf)[ w & nonFac ]
   if( length(badV) > 0L ) stop( gettextf(
      "Measurement item '%s' is not a factor", badV[1L] ), domain=NA )
   w <- ( 1:NCOL(mf) )[ colnames(mf) == attr( theModel, "latentVar" ) ]
   if( ! is.latentFactor( mf[[w]] ) ) stop( gettextf(
      "Variable '%s' is not a latent factor",
      attr( theModel, "latentVar" ) ), domain = NA )
   # coerce items to coarsened and aggregate model frame
   for( j in seq_along(mf) ) {
      if( colnames(mf)[j] %in% attr( theModel, "items" ) ) mf[[j]] <-
         coarsened( mf[[j]], warnIfCoarsened=FALSE )
      if( colnames(mf)[j] %in% attr( theModel, "moderators" ) ) {
         if( is.coarsened( mf[[j]] ) ) stop( gettextf(
            "Moderator variable '%s' is a coarsened factor",
            colnames(mf)[j] ), domain = NA )
         if( any( is.na( mf[[j]] ) ) ) stop( gettextf(
            "Missing values found in moderator variable '%s'", 
            colnames(mf)[j] ), domain = NA )
   mf$freq <- freqInt
   form <- as.formula(
      paste("freq ~", paste( attr(theModel, "allVars"), collapse="+") ),
      env = environment(theModel) )
   mfAgg <- aggregate(form, FUN=sum, data=mf)
   freqIntAgg <- mfAgg$freq
   mfAgg$freq <- NULL
   storage.mode(freqIntAgg) <- "integer"
   # check responses for empty baseLevels
   for( j in 1:length( attr( theModel, "items" ) ) ) {
      iN <- attr(theModel, "items")[j]
      w <- match( iN, names(mfAgg) )
      dFtmp <- data.frame( mfAgg[[w]], freqIntAgg )
      names(dFtmp) <- c(iN,"freq")
      dFtmp <- aggregate(freq ~ ., data=dFtmp, FUN=sum )
      dFtmp <- subset(dFtmp, freq>0 )
      bL <- baseLevels( dFtmp[[iN]])
      present <- bL %in% dFtmp[[iN]]
      if( any( !present ) ) {
         absent <- bL[ !present ]
         stop( gettextf(
            "No observed responses found at level '%s' of '%s'",
            absent[1L], iN ), domain = NA )
   # model matrices from moderator formulas
   mmList <- list()
   mm <- numeric(0)
   for(j in seq_along( attr(theModel, "items") ) ) {
      form <- attr( theModel, "modFormula" )[[j]]
      mmList <- c( mmList,
         list( model.matrix( form, data=mfAgg  ) ) )
      mm <- cbind( mm, mmList[[j]] )
   mm <- mm[, !duplicated( t(mm) ) ]  # model matrix w/o duplicate columns
   mmStr <- apply( mm, 2,
      FUN=function(x) paste(as.character(x), collapse="*") )
   for( j in seq_along(mmList) ) {
      tmp <- apply( mmList[[j]], 2,
         FUN=function(x) paste(as.character(x), collapse="*") )
      mmList[[j]] <- match( tmp, mmStr )
   rm(mmStr, tmp)
   ncolx <- unlist( lapply(mmList, length) )
   xcol <- unlist(mmList)
   storage.mode(xcol) <- storage.mode(ncolx) <- "integer"
   # baseline
   baselineVec <- rep( 1L, length( attr(theModel, "items") ) )
   names(baselineVec) <- attr(theModel, "items")
   if( ! is.null(baseline) ) {
      if( ( ! is.character(baseline) ) || ! is.vector(baseline) ||
         is.null(names(baseline)) ) stop( gettext(
         "'baseline' is not a named character vector" ), domain = NA )
      iN <- attr( theModel, "items" )
      for(j in seq_along(baseline) ) {
         n <- names(baseline)[j]
         posn <- match( n, iN, nomatch=0L )
         if( posn == 0L ) stop( gettextf(
            "In baseline: '%s' is not the name of a measurement item",
            n ), domain = NA )
         posn <- match( baseline[j], baseLevels( mfAgg[[n]] ),
            nomatch = 0L )
         if( posn == 0L ) stop( gettextf(
            "In baseline: '%s' is not a level of '%s'",
            baseline[j], n ), domain = NA )
         baselineVec[[n]] <- posn
   storage.mode(baselineVec) <- "integer"
   # identify covariate patterns and data patterns for each item
   logitCovPatt <- logitDataPatt <-
      rowPosnDataPatt <- rowPosnCovPatt <- covPattForDataPatt <-
      as.list( 1:length( attr(theModel, "items" ) ) )
   for( j in 1:length( attr(theModel, "items" ) ) ) {
      iN <- attr(theModel, "items")[j]
      dFtmpA <- as.data.frame( cbind( unclass( mfAgg[[iN]] ),
         mm[, mmList[[j]], drop=FALSE ] ) )
      names(dFtmpA)[1] <- iN
      dFtmpAStr <- do.call( "paste",
         c( structure( dFtmpA[,,drop=FALSE], names=NULL ), sep="\r" ) )
      uniqueDataPattStr <- dFtmpAStr[ ! duplicated( dFtmpAStr ) ]
      rowPosnDataPatt[[j]] <- match( uniqueDataPattStr, dFtmpAStr )
      dFtmpB <- as.data.frame( mm[, mmList[[j]], drop=FALSE ] )
      dFtmpBStr <- do.call( "paste",
         c( structure( dFtmpB[,,drop=FALSE], names=NULL ), sep="\r" ) )
      uniqueCovPattStr <- dFtmpBStr[ ! duplicated( dFtmpBStr ) ]
      rowPosnCovPatt[[j]] <- match( uniqueCovPattStr, dFtmpBStr )
      covPattForDataPatt[[j]] <- match( dFtmpBStr[ rowPosnDataPatt[[j]] ],
         dFtmpBStr[ rowPosnCovPatt[[j]] ] )
      o <- order( covPattForDataPatt[[j]] )
      rowPosnDataPatt[[j]] <- rowPosnDataPatt[[j]][o]
      covPattForDataPatt[[j]] <- covPattForDataPatt[[j]][o]
      logitDataPatt[[j]] <- match( dFtmpAStr,
         dFtmpAStr[ rowPosnDataPatt[[j]] ] )
      logitCovPatt[[j]] <- match( dFtmpBStr,
         dFtmpBStr[ rowPosnCovPatt[[j]] ] )
   rm( dFtmpA, dFtmpAStr, dFtmpB, dFtmpBStr ) # no longer needed
   logitCovPatt <- do.call( "cbind", logitCovPatt ) 
   logitDataPatt <- do.call( "cbind", logitDataPatt ) 
   storage.mode(logitCovPatt) <- storage.mode(logitDataPatt) <- "integer"
   nCovPatt <- unlist( lapply( rowPosnCovPatt, length ) )
   nCovPattTot <- sum(nCovPatt)
   nDataPatt <- unlist( lapply( rowPosnDataPatt, length ) )
   nDataPattTot <- sum(nDataPatt)
   storage.mode(nCovPatt) <- storage.mode(nCovPattTot) <- 
      storage.mode(nDataPatt) <- storage.mode(nDataPattTot) <- 
   rowPosnCovPatt <- unlist(rowPosnCovPatt)
   rowPosnDataPatt <- unlist(rowPosnDataPatt)
   covPattForDataPatt <- unlist(covPattForDataPatt)
   storage.mode(rowPosnCovPatt) <- storage.mode(rowPosnDataPatt) <-
      storage.mode(covPattForDataPatt) <- "integer"
   # starting value for parameters
   startValSupplied <- ! is.null( startVal )
   if( startValSupplied &&
      inherits( startVal, ".cvamLCMeasParam" ) ) startVal <- startVal$value
   mf0 <- mfAgg[ integer(0), , drop=FALSE ]
   startVal <- .cvamLCMeasParam( theModel, mf0, baselineVec, mm, mmList,
      startVal )
   startValUseInt <- as.integer( startValSupplied )
   # prepare objects for Fortran call
   methodInt <- match( method, c("EM", "MCMC"), nomatch=0L)
   stopifnot( methodInt != 0L )
   logitPriorInt <- match( logitPrior, c("none", "DAP"), nomatch=0L)
   stopifnot( logitPriorInt != 0L )
   ystar <- mfAgg[ c( attr( theModel, "items" ),
      attr( theModel, "latentVar" ) ) ]
   nClass <- nBaseLevels( ystar[[ attr(theModel, "latentVar") ]] )
   packedMap <- unlist( lapply( ystar, FUN=.packedMapping ) )
   nBaseLevels <- unlist( lapply( ystar, FUN=nBaseLevels) )
   nCoarseLevels <- unlist( lapply( ystar, FUN=nCoarseLevels) )
   nLevels <- unlist( lapply( ystar, FUN=nlevels) )
   ystar <- data.matrix(ystar)
   storage.mode(ystar) <- "integer"
   dimVec <- c(
      nrowInputData = NROW(mfAgg),         # 1
      ncolYstar = NCOL(ystar),             # 2
      nPackedMap = length(packedMap),      # 3
      nItems = NCOL(ystar) - 1L,           # 4
      nClass = nClass,                     # 5
      ncolMM = NCOL(mm),                   # 6
      lengthXcol = length(xcol),           # 7
      iterMax = control$iterMaxEM,         # 8
      nCovPattTot = nCovPattTot,           # 9
      nDataPattTot = nDataPattTot,         # 10
      nParams = length(startVal$value) )   # 11
   storage.mode(dimVec) <- "integer"
   nLevelsMatrix <- cbind( nBaseLevels=nBaseLevels, 
      nCoarseLevels=nCoarseLevels, nLevels=nLevels )
   storage.mode(nLevelsMatrix) <- "integer"
   storage.mode(mm) <- "double"
   ctrlReal <- c( critEMNull = control$critEMNull,     # 1
      flattenEMNull = control$flattenEMNull,           # 2
      critEM = control$critEM,                         # 3
      critNR = control$critNR,                         # 4
      critEMItem = control$critEMItem,                 # 5
      startValJitter = control$startValJitter,         # 6
      logitPriorStrength = control$logitPriorStrength ) # 7
   storage.mode(ctrlReal) <- "double"
   ctrlInt <- c( iterMaxEMNull = control$iterMaxEMNull,    # 1
      iterMaxEM = control$iterMaxEM,                       # 2
      iterMaxNR = control$iterMaxNR,                       # 3
      iterMaxEMItem = control$iterMaxEMItem,               # 4
      startValUseInt = startValUseInt )                    # 5
   storage.mode(ctrlInt) <- "integer"
   # create a matrix for holding message codes
   msg.len.max <- 40L
   msg.codes <- matrix( 0L, msg.len.max, 17L )
   tmp <- .Fortran( "cvam_lcmeas",
      methodInt = methodInt,
      dimVec = dimVec,
      modelMatrix = mm,
      ystar = ystar,
      freqInt = freqIntAgg,
      nLevelsMatrix = nLevelsMatrix,
      packedMap = packedMap,
      baseline = baselineVec,
      ncolx = ncolx,
      xcol = xcol,
      logitCovPatt = logitCovPatt,
      logitDataPatt = logitDataPatt,
      nCovPatt = nCovPatt,
      nDataPatt = nDataPatt,
      rowPosnCovPatt = rowPosnCovPatt,
      rowPosnDataPatt = rowPosnDataPatt,
      covPattForDataPatt = covPattForDataPatt,
      logitPriorInt = logitPriorInt,
      ctrlReal = ctrlReal,
      ctrlInt = ctrlInt,
      # inouts
      params = startVal$value, 
      # outputs
      iter = integer(1L),
      convergedInt = integer(1L),
      maxDiff = numeric(1L),
      loglik = numeric( dimVec[["iterMax"]] ),
      logP = numeric( dimVec[["iterMax"]] ),
      # messaging
      status = integer(1L),
      msg.len.max = msg.len.max,
      msg.codes = msg.codes,
      msg.len.actual = integer(1L),
      PACKAGE = "cvam" )
   # display message from Fortran, if present
   msg.lines <- .msgCvam( tmp$msg.codes, tmp$msg.len.actual )
   if( is.null( msg.lines ) ){
      msg <- "OK"
      msg <- paste0( msg.lines, collapse="\n" )
   msg <- paste( msg, "\n", sep="")
   if( msg!= "OK\n" ) cat( paste("Note: ", msg, sep="") )
   if( tmp$status != 0 ) stop( gettext( 
      "Procedure aborted" ), domain = NA )

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cvam documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:29 p.m.