
Defines functions is.latentFactor latentFactor rep.coarsened reorder.coarsened relevel.coarsened droplevels.coarsened is.naCoarsened dropCoarseLevels .packedMapping mapping nCoarseLevels nBaseLevels coarseLevels baseLevels print.coarsened is.coarsened coarsened

Documented in baseLevels coarseLevels coarsened dropCoarseLevels droplevels.coarsened is.coarsened is.latentFactor is.naCoarsened latentFactor mapping nBaseLevels nCoarseLevels print.coarsened relevel.coarsened reorder.coarsened rep.coarsened

# functions for coarsened factors
# documented in
#    baseLevels.Rd
#    coarsened.Rd
#    dropCoarseLevels.Rd
#    is.naCoarsened
#    rep.coarsened
# todo (not high priority)
#    function for converting all coarseLevels to baseLevels, resulting is
#       a factor; maybe make this a non-default option for
#       dropCoarseLevels?
#    function for adding a coarse level to a coarsened factor
#    baseLevels<-  (changes the character name of one or more
#       baseLevels, throwing an error if the result would create
#       duplicates; if the value argument is of a different length,
#       then we need to drop some or add some
#       Would it be better to just reform the result by a call
#       to factor? Maybe.
#    coarseLevels<- (changes the character name of one or more 
#       coarseLevels
#    droplevels.coarsened: does not turn it into a factor, but 
#       keeps it as a coarsened factor
#         *   drop unused baseLevels
#         *   drop unused coarseLevels, except 
#         *   drop redundant coarseLevels? (no; if we want to do this,
#              we should explicitly recode them first,
#              making the redundant ones empty, then drop the unused levels.
#              Or maybe have this as an option, with a default of not
#              doing it.
#         *    drop levels that are being used, if they are in exclude,
#              setting the corresponding observations to NA
#         *    But we cannot drop NA

coarsened <- function(obj, levelsList=list(), warnIfCoarsened=TRUE ){
   if( is.coarsened(obj) ) {
      if( warnIfCoarsened ) {
         warning( gettext("Argument 'obj' is already a coarsened factor",
            domain = NA))
         if( !is.null(levelsList) || length(levelsList) > 0L )
            warning( gettext("Argument 'levelsList' ignored", domain = NA))
   if( ! inherits(obj, "factor") ) stop( gettext(
      "Argument 'obj' is not a factor"), domain = NA )
   if( ! ( typeof(levelsList) == "list" ) ) stop( gettext(
      "Argument 'levelsList' is not a list"), domain = NA )
   if( any( is.na( levels(obj) ) ) ) stop( gettext(
      "Argument 'obj' has NA level"), domain = NA )
   # identify coarseLevels and baseLevels
   stopifnot( ! anyDuplicated( names(levelsList) ) )
   coarseLevels <- if (length(levelsList) == 0L) 
      character(0) else names(levelsList)
   baseLevels <- levels(obj)[ ! levels(obj) %in% coarseLevels ]
   stopifnot( length(baseLevels) > 1L )
   obj <- factor(obj, levels=c(baseLevels, coarseLevels) )
   baseLevelCodes <- match( baseLevels, levels(obj) )
   coarseLevelCodes <- match( coarseLevels, levels(obj) )
   obj <- addNA(obj)
   coarseLevels <- c( coarseLevels, NA )
   coarseLevelCodes <- c( coarseLevelCodes, nlevels(obj) )
   # create mapping matrix
   mapping <- matrix( 0L, length(coarseLevels), length(baseLevels), 
      dimnames=list(coarseLevels, baseLevels) )
   for( i in seq_along(levelsList) ){
      stopifnot( all( levelsList[[i]] %in% baseLevels ) )
      stopifnot( length(levelsList[[i]]) > 1L )
      mapping[i, baseLevels %in% levelsList[[i]] ] <- 1L
   mapping[ length(coarseLevels), ] <- 1L
   if( any( duplicated(mapping) ) ) warning( gettext(
      "There are multiple 'coarseLevels' with the same mapping" ),
      domain = NA )
   obj <- structure(obj, class = c("coarsened", class(obj) ),
      mapping = mapping,
      baseLevels = baseLevels, coarseLevels = coarseLevels,
      nBaseLevels = length(baseLevels), nCoarseLevels = length(coarseLevels),
      baseLevelCodes = baseLevelCodes,
      coarseLevelCodes = coarseLevelCodes,
      latent = FALSE )
   if( is.null( attr(obj,"contrasts") ) ) {
      contr <- if( is.ordered(obj) ) contr.poly( length(baseLevels) ) else
         contr.sum( length(baseLevels) )
   else {
      contr <- contrasts(obj)
   contr <- rbind(contr, matrix(0, length(coarseLevels), NCOL(contr) ) )
   rownames(contr) <- c(baseLevels, coarseLevels)
   attr(obj,"contrasts") <- contr

is.coarsened <- function(x){
   inherits(x, "coarsened")

print.coarsened <- function(x, quote = FALSE, max.levels = NULL,
   width = getOption("width"), ...){
   stopifnot( is.coarsened(x) )
   ord <- is.ordered(x)
   if (length(x) == 0L)
      cat("coarsened(0)\n", sep="")
      xx <- character(length(x))
      xx[] <- as.character(x)
      keepAttrs <- setdiff( names(attributes(x)),
         c("levels", "class", "mapping", "baseLevels",
           "coarseLevels", "nBaseLevels", "nCoarseLevels", 
           "baseLevelCodes", "coarseLevelCodes", "contrasts", "latent") )
      attributes(xx)[keepAttrs] <- attributes(x)[keepAttrs]
      print(xx, quote = quote, ...)
   max2 <- maxl <- if (is.null(max.levels)) 
   else max.levels
   if (maxl) {
      n1 <- length(blev <- encodeString(attr(x, "baseLevels"),
         quote = ifelse(quote, "\"", "")))
      colsep1 <- if (ord) " < " else " "
      T1 <- "  Base levels: "
      if (is.logical(maxl)) 
         maxl <- {
            width1 <- width - (nchar(T1, "w") + 3L + 1L + 
            lenl <- cumsum(nchar(blev, "w") + nchar(colsep1, 
            if (n1 <= 1L || lenl[n1] <= width1) 
            else max(1L, which.max(lenl > width1) - 1L)
      drop1 <- n1 > maxl
      cat(if (drop1) 
         paste(format(n1), ""), T1, paste(if (drop1) 
         c(blev[1L:max(1, maxl - 1)], "...", if (maxl > 1) blev[n1])
      else blev, collapse = colsep1), "\n", sep = "")
   if (max2) {
      n2 <- length(clev <- encodeString(attr(x, "coarseLevels"),
         quote = ifelse(quote, "\"", "")))
      colsep2 <- " "
      T2 <- "Coarse levels: "
      if (is.logical(max2)) 
         max2 <- {
            width2 <- width - (nchar(T2, "w") + 3L + 1L + 
            len2 <- cumsum(nchar(clev, "w") + nchar(colsep2, 
            if (n2 <= 1L || len2[n2] <= width2) 
            else max(1L, which.max(len2 > width2) - 1L)
      drop2 <- n2 > max2
      cat(if (drop2) 
         paste(format(n2), ""), T2, paste(if (drop2) 
         c(clev[1L:max(1, max2 - 1)], "...", if (max2 > 1) clev[n2])
      else clev, collapse = colsep2), "\n", sep = "")
      cat( paste("Mapping", 
         if( drop1 ) " (some levels not shown):" else ":",
         "\n", sep=""), sep="")
      print( if (drop1) attr(x, "mapping")[,1L:max(1, maxl - 1)]
         else attr(x, "mapping"), ... )
   if( attr(x,"latent" ) ) message( gettext(
      "This coarsened factor is latent." ), domain=NA )
   if (!isTRUE(val <- .valid.factor(x))) 

baseLevels <- function(x) {
   stopifnot( is.coarsened(x) )
   attr(x, "baseLevels")

coarseLevels <- function(x) {
   stopifnot( is.coarsened(x) )
   attr(x, "coarseLevels")

nBaseLevels <- function(x) {
   stopifnot( is.coarsened(x) )
   attr(x, "nBaseLevels")

nCoarseLevels <- function(x) {
   stopifnot( is.coarsened(x) )
   attr(x, "nCoarseLevels")

mapping <- function(x) {
   stopifnot( is.coarsened(x) )
   attr(x, "mapping")

.packedMapping <- function(x) {
   stopifnot( is.coarsened(x) )
   pM <- nlevels(x)
   for( i in seq_along( baseLevels(x) ) ) {
      pM <- c(pM, 1L, i )
   map <- attr(x, "mapping")
   for( i in seq_along( coarseLevels(x) ) ) {
      pM <- c(pM, sum(map[i,]), (1:NCOL(map))[map[i,]==1L] )

dropCoarseLevels <- function(x) {
   # turns coarsened object into a factor, dropping the coarseLevels
   # and changing their corresponding observations to NA
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "factor") )
   if( ! is.coarsened(x) ) return(x)
   contr <- contrasts(x)[-attr(x,"coarseLevelCodes"),,drop=FALSE] 
   bL <- baseLevels(x)
   x <- droplevels.factor( x, exclude = coarseLevels(x) )
   if( all(is.na(x)) ) levels(x) <- bL
   structure( x, mapping = NULL,
      baseLevels = NULL, coarseLevels = NULL, 
      nBaseLevels = NULL, nCoarseLevels = NULL, 
      baseLevelCodes = NULL, coarseLevelCodes = NULL,
      latent = NULL,
      class = class(x)[ class(x)!="coarsened" ],
      contrasts = contr)

is.naCoarsened <- function(x) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "coarsened" ) )
   iCodeNA <- seq_along( levels(x) )[ is.na( levels(x) ) ]
   unclass(x) == iCodeNA

droplevels.coarsened <- function( x, ... ) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "coarsened" ) )
   stop( gettext( 
      "'droplevels' cannot be used with coarsened factors"),
      domain = NA )

relevel.coarsened <- function( x, ... ) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "coarsened" ) )
   stop( gettext( "'relevel' cannot be used with coarsened factors" ),
      domain = NA )

reorder.coarsened <- function( x, ... ) {
   stopifnot( inherits(x, "coarsened" ) )
   stop( gettext( "'reorder' cannot be used with coarsened factors" ),
      domain = NA )

rep.coarsened <- function(x, ...) {
   y <- NextMethod()
      levels = attr(x, "levels"),
      class = attr(x, "class"),
      mapping = attr(x, "mapping"),
      baseLevels = attr(x, "baseLevels"),
      coarseLevels = attr(x, "coarseLevels"),
      nBaseLevels = attr(x, "nBaseLevels"),
      nCoarseLevels = attr(x, "nCoarseLevels"),
      baseLevelCodes = attr(x, "baseLevelCodes"),
      coarseLevelCodes = attr(x, "coarseLevelCodes"),
      latent = attr(x, "latent"),
      contrasts = attr(x, "contrasts") )

latentFactor <- function( n, levels = 2L ) {
   n <- as.integer(n)[1L]
   stopifnot( n >= 0L )
   if( is.character(levels) ) {
      stopifnot( length(levels) >= 2L )
   } else {
      levels <- as.integer(levels)[1L]
      stopifnot( levels >= 2L )
      levels <- as.character(1:levels)
   obj <- factor( rep(NA,n), levels = levels )
   obj <- coarsened(obj)
   attr( obj, "latent" ) <- TRUE

is.latentFactor <- function( x ) {
   if( ! inherits(x, "coarsened") ) FALSE else attr(x, "latent")

`[.coarsened` <- function (x, ... ) {
    y <- NextMethod("[")
    attributes(y) <- attributes(x)

`[[.coarsened` <- function (x, ... ) {
    y <- NextMethod("[[")
    attributes(y) <- attributes(x)

`[<-.coarsened` <- function (x, ..., value) {
    y <- NextMethod("[<-")
    w <- is.na(y)
    if( any(w) ) y[w] <- NA

`[[<-.coarsened` <- function (x, ..., value) {
    y <- NextMethod("[[<-")
    w <- is.na(y)
    if( any(w) ) y[w] <- NA

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