
qnorm.app3 <- function(p, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
## 26.2.22 in Abramowitz and Segun, Dover, 1968, |error| < 0.003
  a0 <- 2.30753
  a1 <- 0.27061
  b1 <- 0.99229
  b2 <- 0.04481
  vorz <- rep(1, length(p))
  if (log.p) p <- exp(p)
  vorz <- ifelse ((p < 0.5) == lower.tail, vorz, -vorz)
  p    <- ifelse (p < 0.5, p, 1 - p)
  t    <- ifelse (p <= 0, NaN, sqrt(-2.0 * log(p)))
  ifelse (p <= 0, NaN, mean - (t - (a1 * t + a0) /
           ((b2 * t + b1) * t + 1)) * sd * vorz)

qnorm.app4 <- function(p, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE,
                 log.p = FALSE) {
## 26.2.23 in Abramowitz and Segun, Dover, 1968, |error| < 0.00045
  c0 <- 2.515517
  c1 <- 0.802853
  c2 <- 0.010328
  d1 <- 1.432788
  d2 <- 0.189269
  d3 <- 0.001308
  vorz <- rep(1, length(p))
  if (log.p) p <- exp(p)
  vorz <- ifelse ( (p < 0.5) == lower.tail, vorz, -vorz)
  p    <- ifelse (p < 0.5, p, 1 - p)
  t    <- ifelse (p <= 0, NaN, sqrt(-2.0 * log(p)))
  ifelse(p <= 0, NaN, mean - (t - ( (c2 * t + c1) * t + c0) /
        ( ( (d3 * t + d2) * t + d1) * t + 1)) * sd * vorz)

qnorm.ap16 <- function(p, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
 # algorithm AS241  Applied Statistics (1988) Vol. 37, No. 3
  half   <- 0.5
  split1 <- 0.425
  split2 <- 5.0
  const1 <- 0.180625
  const2 <- 1.6
# coefficients for p close to 1/2
  a0 <- 3.3871328727963666080
  a1 <- 1.3314166789178437745e2
  a2 <- 1.9715909503065514427e3
  a3 <- 1.3731693765509461125e4
  a4 <- 4.5921953931549871457e4
  a5 <- 6.7265770927008700853e4
  a6 <- 3.3430575583588128105e4
  a7 <- 2.5090809287301226727e3
  b1 <- 4.2313330701600911252e1
  b2 <- 6.8718700749205790830e2
  b3 <- 5.3941960214247511077e3
  b4 <- 2.1213794301586595867e4
  b5 <- 3.9307895800092710619e4
  b6 <- 2.8729085735721942674e4
  b7 <- 5.2264952788528545610e3
# coefficients for p neither close to 1/2 nor 0 nor 1
  c0 <- 1.42343711074968357734
  c1 <- 4.63033784615654529590
  c2 <- 5.76949722146069140550
  c3 <- 3.64784832476320460504
  c4 <- 1.27045825245236838258
  c5 <- 2.41780725177450611770e-1
  c6 <- 2.27238449892691845833e-2
  c7 <- 7.74545014278341407640e-4
  d1 <- 2.05319162663775882187
  d2 <- 1.67638483018380384940
  d3 <- 6.89767334985100004550e-1
  d4 <- 1.48103976427480074590e-1
  d5 <- 1.51986665636164571966e-2
  d6 <- 5.47593808499534494600e-4
  d7 <- 1.05075007164441684324e-9
# coefficients for p near 0 or 1
  e0 <- 6.65790464350110377720
  e1 <- 5.46378491116411436990
  e2 <- 1.78482653991729133580
  e3 <- 2.96560571828504891230e-1
  e4 <- 2.65321895265761230930e-2
  e5 <- 1.24266094738807843860e-3
  e6 <- 2.71155556874348757815e-5
  e7 <- 2.01033439929228813265e-7
  f1 <- 5.99832206555887937690e-1
  f2 <- 1.46929880922835805310e-1
  f3 <- 1.48753612908506148525e-2
  f4 <- 7.86869131145613259100e-4
  f5 <- 1.84631831751005468180e-5
  f6 <- 1.42151175831644588870e-7
  f7 <- 2.04426310338993978564e-15
  vorz <- rep(1,length(p))
  if (log.p) p <- exp(p)
  Q <-  p - half
  vorz <- ifelse((Q < 0) == lower.tail, vorz, -vorz)
  p    <- ifelse(Q < 0, p, 1 - p)
  Q    <- abs(Q)

  t <- ifelse(Q <= split1, 0, sqrt(-log(p)))
  r <- ifelse(Q <= split1, const1 - Q * Q, ifelse(t <=
            split2, t - const2, t - split2))

  res <- ifelse (p <= 0,NaN,
           ifelse (Q <= split1,
    Q * ( ( ( ( ( ( (a7 * r + a6) * r + a5) * r + a4) * r +
                a3) * r + a2) * r + a1) * r + a0) / ( ( ( ( ( ( (b7 *
    r + b6) * r + b5) * r + b4) * r + b3) * r + b2) * r + b1) * r + 1),
             ifelse (t <= split2,
    ( ( ( ( ( ( (c7 * r + c6) * r + c5) * r + c4) * r + c3) *
    r + c2) * r + c1) * r + c0) / ( ( ( ( ( ( (d7 * r + d6) *
    r + d5) * r + d4) * r + d3) * r + d2) * r + d1) * r + 1),
    ( ( ( ( ( ( (e7 * r + e6) * r + e5) * r + e4) * r + e3) *
    r + e2) * r + e1) * r + e0) / ( ( ( ( ( ( (f7 * r + f6) *
    r + f5) * r + f4) * r + f3) * r + f2) * r + f1) * r + 1)
  mean - res * sd * vorz

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