
Defines functions d3ClusterDendro

Documented in d3ClusterDendro

#' Create a D3 JavaScript Cluster Dendrogram graphs.
#' @param List a hierarchical list object with a root node and children.

#' @param height numeric height for the network graph's frame area in pixels.
#' @param width numeric width for the network graph's frame area in pixels.
#' @param heightCollapse numeric proportion of the overall graph \code{height} 
#' to make the cluster dendrogram shorter by.
#' @param widthCollapse numeric proportion of the overall graph \code{width} to 
#' make the cluster dendrogram narrower by.
#' @param fontsize numeric font size in pixels for the node text labels.
#' @param linkColour character string specifying the colour you want the link 
#' lines to be. Multiple formats supported (e.g. hexadecimal).
#' @param nodeColour character string specifying the colour you want the node 
#' circles to be. Multiple formats supported (e.g. hexadecimal).
#' @param textColour character string specifying the colour you want the text 
#' to be before they are clicked. Multiple formats supported (e.g. hexadecimal).
#' @param opacity numeric value of the proportion opaque you would like the 
#' graph elements to be.
#' @param diameter numeric diameter for the network in pixels.
#' @param zoom logical, whether or not to enable the ability to use the mouse 
#' scroll-wheel to zoom in and out of the graph.
#' @param parentElement character string specifying the parent element for the
#' resulting svg network graph. This effectively allows the user to specify 
#' where on the html page the graph will be placed. By default the parent 
#' element is \code{body}. 
#' @param standAlone logical, whether or not to return a complete HTML document 
#' (with head and foot) or just the script.
#' @param file a character string of the file name to save the resulting graph. 
#' If a file name is given a standalone webpage is created, i.e. with a header 
#' and footer. If \code{file = NULL} then result is returned to the console. 
#' @param iframe logical. If \code{iframe = TRUE} then the graph is saved to an 
#' external file in the working directory and an HTML \code{iframe} linking to 
#' the file is printed to the console. This is useful if you are using Slidify 
#' and many other HTML slideshow framworks and want to include the graph in the 
#' resulting page. If you set the knitr code chunk \code{results='asis'} then 
#' the graph will be rendered in the output. Usually, you can use 
#' \code{iframe = FALSE} if you are creating simple knitr Markdown or HTML 
#' pages. Note: you do not need to specify the file name if 
#' \code{iframe = TRUE}, however if you do, do not include the file path.
#' @param d3Script a character string that allows you to specify the location of 
#' the d3.js script you would like to use. The default is 
#' \url{http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Download JSON data
#' library(RCurl)
#' URL <- "https://raw.github.com/christophergandrud/d3Network/master/JSONdata/flare.json"
#' Flare <- getURL(URL)
#' # Convert to list format
#' Flare <- rjson::fromJSON(Flare)
#' # Recreate Bostock example from http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063570
#' d3ClusterDendro(List = Flare, 
#'					file = "FlareCluster.html", zoom = TRUE,
#'      			fontsize = 10, opacity = 0.9, 
#'      			widthCollapse = 0.8)
#' }
#' @source 
#' Mike Bostock \url{http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063570}.
#' @importFrom whisker whisker.render
#' @importFrom rjson toJSON
#' @export
d3ClusterDendro <- function(List, height = 2200, width = 900, 
	heightCollapse = 0, widthCollapse = 0.5, fontsize = 10, linkColour = "#ccc",
	 nodeColour = "#3182bd", textColour = "#3182bd", opacity = 0.8, 
	 diameter = 980, zoom = FALSE, parentElement = "body", standAlone = TRUE, 
	 file = NULL, iframe = FALSE, d3Script = "http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js")
	if (!isTRUE(standAlone) & isTRUE(iframe)){
		stop("If iframe = TRUE then standAlone must be TRUE.")
	# If no file name is specified create random name to avoid conflicts
	if (is.null(file) & isTRUE(iframe)){
		Random <- paste0(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS), 5, replace=TRUE), 
							collapse = "")
		file <- paste0("NetworkGraph", Random, ".html")

	# Create iframe dimensions larger than graph dimensions
	FrameHeight <- height + height * 0.07
	FrameWidth <- width + width * 0.03

	# Create mouseover font size
	fontsizeBig <- fontsize * 1.9

	# Create link opacity at 50% of overall opacity
	linkOpacity <- opacity * 0.5

	# Convert hierarchical list to JSON
	if (class(List) != "list"){
		stop("List must be a list class object.")
	RootList <- toJSON(List)
	RootList <- paste("var root =", RootList, "; \n")

	# Create webpage head
  	PageHead <- BasicHead()

	# Create Style Sheet
	NetworkCSS <- whisker.render(TreeStyleSheet())

	# Main scripts for creating the graph
	if (!isTRUE(zoom)){
		MainScript1 <- whisker.render(MainClusterDendro1())
		MainScript2 <- whisker.render(MainClusterDendro2())
	else if (isTRUE(zoom)){
		MainScript1 <- whisker.render(ZoomClusterDendro1())
		MainScript2 <- whisker.render(ZoomClusterDendro2())		

	if (is.null(file) & !isTRUE(standAlone)){
		cat(NetworkCSS, MainScript1, RootList, 
	else if (is.null(file) & isTRUE(standAlone)){
		cat(PageHead, NetworkCSS, MainScript1, RootList, 
			MainScript2, "</body>")
	else if (!is.null(file) & !isTRUE(standAlone)){
		cat(NetworkCSS, MainScript1, RootList, 
			MainScript2, file = file)
	else if (!is.null(file) & !isTRUE(iframe)){
		cat(PageHead, NetworkCSS, MainScript1, RootList, 
			MainScript2, "</body>", file = file)
	else if (!is.null(file) & isTRUE(iframe)){
		cat(PageHead, NetworkCSS, MainScript1, RootList, 
			MainScript2, "</body>", file = file)
		cat("<iframe src=\'", file, "\'", " height=", FrameHeight, " width=", 
			FrameWidth, "></iframe>", sep="")  

Try the d3Network package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

d3Network documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:45 p.m.