is.acyclic: Check if a DAG actually is acyclic.

View source: R/is.acyclic.R

is.acyclicR Documentation

Check if a DAG actually is acyclic.


This function checks for each node in a DAG whether backtracing arcs leading to it results in an "infinite recursion" error indicating that there actually is a cyclic part in the DAG (which then obviously seems not to be a DAG).


is.acyclic(dag, maxSecs=NA)



The DAG to be check.


maximum time before function aborts;


A list with two elements. acyclic is a boolean indicating whether the DAG is acyclic (=TRUE) or contains a cyclic component (=FALSE). nodewise is a vector containing 1 boolean per node in the DAG, TRUE indicating that backtracing from this node does not lead to a cyclic component, FALSE indicating that backtracing from this node leads to a cyclic component.


Lutz P Breitling <>

dagR documentation built on Oct. 9, 2022, 5:06 p.m.