#' @title Produce a message for the output of a checkFunction
#' @description Helper function for producing output messages for
#' \code{\link{checkFunction}} type functions.
#' @param problemStatus A list consisting of two entries:
#' \code{$problem} - logical indicating whether a problem was found by the
#' \code{checkFunction} responsible for the making the \code{messageGenerator()} call,
#' \code{$problemValues} - a vector of values from the variable that were
#' deemed problematic (see details below).
#' @param message Optional, but recommended. A message describing what problem the
#' problem values are related to. If \code{NULL} a standard message is added using the name
#' of the function that called \code{messageGenerator}.
#' @param nMax Maximum number of problem values to be printed in the message. If the total
#' number of problem values exceeds nMax, the number of omitted problem
#' values are added to the message. Defaults to \code{Inf}, in which case all problem
#' values are printed.
#' @details This function is a tool for building \code{\link{checkFunction}}s for the
#' \code{dataReporter} \code{\link{makeDataReport}} function. \code{checkFunction}s will often identify a number
#' of values in a variable that are somehow problematic. \code{messageGenerator} takes
#' these values, pastes them together with a problem description and makes sure that the
#' formatting is appropriate for being rendered in a \code{rmarkdown} document.
#' We recommend writing short and precise problem descriptions (see examples),
#' but if no message is supplied, the following message is generated:
#' "Note that a check function found the following problematic values: [problem values]".
#' @return A character string with a problem description.
#' @seealso \code{\link{check}}, \code{\link{checkFunction}}, \code{\link{makeDataReport}}
#' @examples
#' #Varibales with/without underscores
#' noUSVar <- c(1:10)
#' USVar <- c("_a", "n_b", "b_", "_", 1:10)
#' #Define a checkFunction using messageGenerator with a manual
#' #problem description:
#' identifyUnderscores <- function(v, nMax = Inf) {
#' v <- as.character(v)
#' underscorePlaces <- regexpr("_", v) > 0
#' problemValues <- unique(v[underscorePlaces])
#' problem <- any(underscorePlaces)
#' message <- messageGenerator(list(problemValues = problemValues, problem = problem),
#' "The following values contain underscores:",
#' nMax = nMax)
#' checkResult(list(problem = problem, message = message,
#' problemValues = problemValues))
#' }
#' identifyUnderscores(noUSVar) #no problem
#' identifyUnderscores(USVar) #problems
#' #Only print the first two problemvalues in the message:
#' identifyUnderscores(USVar, nMax = 2)
#' #Define same function, but without a manual problem description in
#' #the messageGenerator-call:
#' identifyUnderscores2 <- function(v, nMax = Inf) {
#' v <- as.character(v)
#' underscorePlaces <- regexpr("_", v) > 0
#' problemValues <- unique(v[underscorePlaces])
#' problem <- any(underscorePlaces)
#' message <- messageGenerator(list(problemValues = problemValues,
#' problem = problem), nMax = nMax)
#' checkResult(list(problem = problem, message = message,
#' problemValues = problemValues))
#' }
#' identifyUnderscores2(noUSVar) #no problem
#' identifyUnderscores2(USVar) #problems
#' @include checkResult.R
#' @export
messageGenerator <- function(problemStatus,
message = "Note that a check function found the following problematic values:",
nMax = 10) {
# ##what functions made the call the message generator?
# ## This should be removed
# callF <- sys.status()$sys.calls
# callF <- sapply(callF, function(x) as.character(x[1]))
# #standard functions do not need to specify a message when called
# standardCall <- intersect(callF, c("identifyMissing", "identifyWhitespace", "identifyOutliers",
# "identifyLoners", "identifyCaseIssues", "identifyOutliersTBStyle"))
# if (length(standardCall==1)) {
# messages <- list(identifyMissing =
# "The following suspected missing value codes enter as regular values:",
# identifyWhitespace =
# "The following values appear with prefixed or suffixed white space:",
# identifyOutliers =
# "Note that the following possible outlier values were detected:",
# identifyLoners =
# "Note that the following levels have at most five observations:",
# identifyCaseIssues =
# "Note that there might be case problems with the following levels:",
# identifyOutliersTBStyle =
# "Note that the following possible outlier values were detected:")
# check <- standardCall
# } else {
# callF <- callF[length(callF) - 2]
# if (is.null(message)) {
# message <- paste(callF, "found the following problem values:")
# }
# messages <- list(onlyMessage = message)
# check <- "onlyMessage"
# }
# ifelse(problemStatus$problem,
# paste(paste(messages[[check]], printProblemValues(problemStatus$problemValues, nMax)),
# ".", sep = ""),
# "")
paste(paste(message, printProblemValues(problemStatus$problemValues, nMax)),
".", sep = ""),
#############################Not exported below##################################################
#Formats problems values, i.e. escapes characters appropriately for rmarkdown
#and adds quotes such that prefixed and suffixed blankspaces are visible.
#only called when there is at least one problemValue
printProblemValues <- function(problemValues, nMax = Inf) {
problemValues <- escapeRMDStyle(sort(problemValues, na.last = TRUE))
##NOTE: sort removes NaNs if not told explicitly not to by use of the na.last-argument
nVals <- length(problemValues)
extraStr <- ""
if (nMax < nVals) {
if (nMax == 0) {
outText <- paste(nVals-nMax, "problematic value(s) omitted")
if (nMax == 1) {
outText <- paste("\\\"", problemValues[1], "\\\"",
" (", nVals-nMax, " additional values omitted)", sep = "")
if (nMax > 1) {
nLeft <- ceiling(nMax / 2)
nRight <- floor(nMax / 2)
strLeft <- paste0(paste0("\\\"", problemValues[1:nLeft], "\\\""),
collapse=", ")
strRight <- paste0(paste0("\\\"", problemValues[(nVals-nRight+1):nVals], "\\\""),collapse=", ")
extraStr <- paste(" (", nVals-nMax, " values omitted)", sep="")
outText <- paste0(strLeft, ", ..., ",strRight, extraStr)
} else { #if no omission of probvals
outText <- paste(paste("\\\"", problemValues, "\\\"", sep=""), collapse = ", ")
##old version that prints the first problemvalues only:
# if (nMax < nVals) {
# if (nMax == 0) {
# } else {
# problemValues <- problemValues[1:nMax]
# extraStr <- paste(" (", nVals-nMax, " additional values omitted)", sep="")
# }
# }
# paste(paste(paste("\\\"", problemValues, "\\\"", sep=""),
# collapse=", "), extraStr, sep="")
#Does character escaping such that the text can be rendered by rmarkdown
#without any issues.
#The following types of issues are addressed so far: html tags, \s
#NOTE: 3 slashes escapes the espaced string [\"] such that it is printed correctly
#(and not interpreted) in markdown.
escapeRMDStyle <- function(string) {
string <- gsub("\n", "\\n", string, fixed = TRUE)
string <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", string, fixed = TRUE)
# string <- gsub("\a", "\\\\\\\\a", string)
# string <- gsub("\f", "\\\\\\\\f", string)
# string <- gsub("\n", "\\\\\\\\n", string)
# string <- gsub("\r", "\\\\\\\\r", string)
# string <- gsub("\t", "\\\\\\\\t", string)
# string <- gsub("<", "\\<", string, fixed = TRUE)
# gsub(">", "\\>", string, fixed = TRUE)
#Helper function for escaping characters such that they are
#printed as is.
#All currently implemented special characters commencing
#with "\" are included (as of 02-08-2017)
escapeRStyle <- function(string) {
string <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", string, fixed = TRUE)
string <- gsub("\a", "\\\\a", string)
string <- gsub("\f", "\\\\f", string)
string <- gsub("\n", "\\\\n", string)
string <- gsub("\r", "\\\\r", string)
string <- gsub("\t", "\\\\t", string)
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