
Defines functions evolve_model_cv add_interact_num

Documented in add_interact_num evolve_model_cv

#' Add interaction numbers for panel data
#' \code{add_interact_num} takes in data and returns a vector of interactions
#' @param d data.frame of panel data
#' @return Returns a vector specifying interactions
#' @export
add_interact_num <- function(d){
        game <- rep(NA, nrow(d))
        game[1] <- 1
        for (i in 2:nrow(d)){
                game[i] <- ifelse(d$period[i]==1, game[i-1] + 1, game[i-1])

#' Estimate Optimal Number of States of a Finite-state Machine Model
#' \code{evolve_model_cv} calls \code{evolve_model} with varied numbers of
#' states and compares their performance with cross-validation.
#'@usage evolve_model_cv(data, measure, k, actions, max_states, seed,
#'         popSize, pcrossover, pmutation, maxiter, run,  parallel,
#'         verbose, ntimes)
#'@inheritParams evolve_model
#' @return Returns the number of states that maximizes the \code{measure}, e.g.
#'   accuracy.
#' @references Luca Scrucca (2013). GA: A Package for Genetic Algorithms in R.
#'   Journal of Statistical Software, 53(4), 1-37. URL
#'   \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v53/i04/}.
#'   Hastie, T., R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman. (2009). The Elements of
#'   Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second
#'   Edition. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Springer.
#' @export

evolve_model_cv <- function(data, measure, k, actions, max_states,
                            popSize, pcrossover, pmutation,
                            maxiter, run,
                            parallel, verbose, ntimes) {

  interacts <- add_interact_num(data)

  mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = max_states, ncol = k)

  for(s in seq(from = 2, to = max_states, by = 1)){
    # divide interacts into k folds
    group_folds <- caret::createFolds(y = unique(interacts), k = k, list = FALSE)

    if(length(group_folds) != length(unique(interacts))) stop("Assignment of groups to folds didnt work: length(group_folds) != length(unique(interacts)).")
    if(length(unique(group_folds)) != k) stop("Assignment of groups to folds didnt work: length(unique(group_folds)) != k.")
    # if(verbose) message("Group folds: ", group_folds)

    # create a vector same length as data with assignments of each row to a fold:
    fold_ass <- rep(NA, nrow(data))
    for (i in seq(nrow(data))) fold_ass[i] <- group_folds[interacts[i]]
    if(length(fold_ass) != nrow(data))
      stop("Creating a vector same length as data with assignments of each row to a fold didnt work: length(fold_ass) != nrow(data).")
    if(length(unique(fold_ass)) != length(unique(group_folds)))
      stop("Creating a vector same length as data with assignments of each row to a fold didnt work: length(unique(fold_ass)) != length(unique(group_folds)).")

    # In the fth fold, the elements of folds that equal f are in the test set, and the remainder are in the training set.
    for(f in seq(k)){
      training <- fold_ass == f
      if(class(training) != "logical") stop("Training index not logical vector.")
      if(verbose) message("\nCross-validated testing with states set to ", s, "\n")
      mat[s, f] <- evolve_model(data[training, ], data[!training, ],
                                drop_nzv = FALSE,
                                measure = measure,
                                states = s, cv = FALSE, seed = seed,
                                popSize = popSize, pcrossover =pcrossover,
                                pmutation = pmutation, maxiter = maxiter, run = run,
                                ntimes = ntimes, return_best = TRUE,
                                parallel = parallel, verbose = verbose)@predictive
      if(verbose) message("\nCross-validated value of ", measure, " is ", mat[s, f], ".\n")
  results <- apply(mat[seq(from = 2, to = max_states, by = 1), ], 1, mean) # mean predictive accuracy for each number of states across all k folds (columns)
  min(which(results==max(results))+1) # na.omit dropped the first row of mat bc we started at states==2
  # the number of states that maximizes accuracy obtained from index with highest value, but add one because
  # first position in vector corresponds to states==2

# data = cdata; k=2; actions=2; max_states=4; seed=1; popSize = 75; pcrossover = 0.8; pmutation = 0.1;
# maxiter = 55; run = 25; parallel = FALSE

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