getAuthMethod: Get the current valid authentication mechanism.

getAuthMethodR Documentation

Get the current valid authentication mechanism.


Get the current valid authentication mechanism.


getAuthMethod(.Object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'AuthenticationManager'
getAuthMethod(.Object, node)



An AuthenticationManager instance


(Not yet used)


A D1Node instance to determine the authentication method for.


The current authentication method being used, either an authentication token or an X.509 certificate. The 'node' argument is used to determine the authentication mechanism that is appropriate for the specified 'node'. For example, authentication tokens are supported on DataONE nodes that use the DataONE V2.0 API or higher, so if the node uses the V1 API, then only an X.509 certificate can be used.


The current authentication mechanism as a character string, either "token" or "cert".

dataone documentation built on June 11, 2022, 1:06 a.m.