ddb <- function(x,alpha,beta,ntop,zeta=FALSE,log=FALSE) {
nbot <- 0+!zeta
xr <- round(x)
eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
ok <- ifelse(,TRUE,abs(x-xr)<eps)
if(any(!ok)) {
warning("There are non-integer values in argument \"x\".\n")
aok <- xr %in% c(nbot:ntop,NA) & ok
xr[!aok] <- 0 # Cosmetic; to avoid spurious warnings.
h <- function(x,n,zeta){
y <- (x+zeta)/(n+1+zeta)
T1 <- function(x,n,zeta) {
T2 <- function(x,n,zeta) {
iv <- nbot:ntop
av <- h(iv,ntop,zeta)
bv <- T1(iv,ntop,zeta)
cv <- T2(iv,ntop,zeta)
A <- log(sum(av*exp(alpha*bv + beta*cv)))
if(log) {
ifelse(aok,log(h(xr,ntop,zeta)) + alpha*T1(xr,ntop,zeta) +
beta*T2(xr,ntop,zeta) - A,-Inf)
} else {
ifelse(aok,h(xr,ntop,zeta)*exp(alpha*T1(xr,ntop,zeta) +
beta*T2(xr,ntop,zeta) - A),0)
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