
Defines functions indent_lvl lvl_indent sql_format_clause sql_format_clauses print.sql_clause sql_clause_where_exists sql_clause_on sql_clause_insert sql_clause_set sql_clause_update sql_clause_limit sql_clause_order_by sql_clause_window sql_clause_having sql_clause_group_by sql_clause_where sql_clause_from sql_clause_select sql_clause sql_select_clauses

sql_select_clauses <- function(con,
                               limit = NULL,
                               lvl) {
  out <- list(
    select = select,
    from = from,
    where = where,
    group_by = group_by,
    having = having,
    window = window,
    order_by = order_by,
    limit = limit
  sql_format_clauses(out, lvl, con)

sql_clause <- function(kw, parts, sep = ",", parens = FALSE, lvl = 0) {
  clause <- list(
    kw = kw,
    parts = parts,
    sep = sep,
    parens = parens,
    lvl = lvl

  class(clause) <- "sql_clause"

sql_clause_select <- function(con,
                              distinct = FALSE,
                              top = NULL,
                              lvl = 0,
                              call = caller_env()) {
  check_character(select, call = call)
  if (is_empty(select)) {
    cli_abort("Query contains no columns")

  if (!is.null(top)) {
    top <- as.integer(top)

  clause <- glue_sql2(
    if (distinct) " DISTINCT",
    if (!is.null(top)) " TOP {.val top}"

  sql_clause(clause, select)

sql_clause_from  <- function(from, lvl = 0) {
  sql_clause("FROM", from, lvl = lvl)

sql_clause_where <- function(where, lvl = 0, call = caller_env()) {
  if (length(where) == 0L) {

  check_character(where, call = call)
  where_paren <- sql(paste0("(", where, ")"))
  sql_clause("WHERE", where_paren, sep = " AND", lvl = lvl)

sql_clause_group_by <- function(group_by, lvl = 0) {
  sql_clause("GROUP BY", group_by)

sql_clause_having <- function(having, lvl = 0, call = caller_env()) {
  if (length(having) == 0L) {

  check_character(having, call = call)
  having_paren <- sql(paste0("(", having, ")"))
  sql_clause("HAVING", having_paren, sep = " AND")

sql_clause_window <- function(window) {
  sql_clause("WINDOW", window)

sql_clause_order_by <- function(order_by, subquery = FALSE, limit = NULL, lvl = 0) {
  if (subquery && length(order_by) > 0 && is.null(limit)) {
  } else {
    sql_clause("ORDER BY", order_by)

sql_clause_limit <- function(con, limit, lvl = 0){
  if (!is.null(limit) && !identical(limit, Inf)) {
    sql_clause("LIMIT", sql(format(limit, scientific = FALSE)))

sql_clause_update <- function(table) {
  sql_clause("UPDATE", table)

sql_clause_set <- function(lhs, rhs) {
  update_clauses <- sql(paste0(lhs, " = ", rhs))

  sql_clause("SET", update_clauses)

sql_clause_insert <- function(con, cols, into = NULL, lvl = 0) {
  if (is.null(into)) {
    sql_clause("INSERT", cols, parens = TRUE, lvl = lvl)
  } else {
    kw <- paste0("INSERT INTO ", escape(into, con = con))
    sql_clause(kw, cols, lvl = lvl)

sql_clause_on <- function(on, lvl = 0, parens = FALSE) {
  sql_clause("ON", on, sep = " AND", parens = parens, lvl = lvl)

sql_clause_where_exists <- function(table, where, not) {
    sql(paste0("WHERE ", if (not) "NOT ", "EXISTS (")),
    # lvl = 1 because they are basically in a subquery
    sql_clause("SELECT 1 FROM", table, lvl = 1),
    sql_clause_where(where, lvl = 1),

#' @export
print.sql_clause <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- sql_format_clause(x, lvl = 0, con = simulate_dbi())
  cat("<sql clause>", out)

# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

sql_format_clauses <- function(clauses, lvl, con) {
  clauses <- unname(clauses)
  clauses <- purrr::discard(clauses, ~ !is.sql(.x) && is_empty(.x$parts))

  formatted_clauses <- purrr::map(clauses, sql_format_clause, lvl = lvl, con = con)
  clause_level <- purrr::map_dbl(clauses, "lvl", .default = 0)
  out <- indent_lvl(formatted_clauses, lvl + clause_level)

  sql_vector(out, collapse = "\n", parens = FALSE, con = con)

sql_format_clause <- function(x, lvl, con, nchar_max = 80) {
  if (is.sql(x)) {

  lvl <- lvl + x$lvl

  # check length without starting a new line
  if (x$sep == " AND") {
    x$sep <- style_kw(x$sep)

  fields_same_line <- escape(x$parts, collapse = paste0(x$sep, " "), con = con)
  if (x$parens) {
    fields_same_line <- paste0("(", fields_same_line, ")")

  x$kw <- style_kw(x$kw)
  same_line_clause <- paste0(x$kw, " ", fields_same_line)
  nchar_same_line <- cli::ansi_nchar(lvl_indent(lvl)) + cli::ansi_nchar(same_line_clause)

  if (length(x$parts) == 1 || nchar_same_line <= nchar_max) {

  indent <- lvl_indent(lvl + 1)
  collapse <- paste0(x$sep, "\n", indent)

  field_string <- paste0(
    x$kw, if (x$parens) " (", "\n",
    indent, escape(x$parts, collapse = collapse, con = con),
    if (x$parens) paste0("\n", indent_lvl(")", lvl))


lvl_indent <- function(times, char = "  ") {
  strrep(char, times)

indent_lvl <- function(x, lvl) {
  sql(paste0(lvl_indent(lvl), x))

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