
Defines functions swap_order_direction unwrap_order_expr add_arrange arrange.tbl_lazy

Documented in arrange.tbl_lazy

#' Arrange rows by column values
#' @description
#' This is an method for the dplyr [arrange()] generic. It generates
#' the `ORDER BY` clause of the SQL query. It also affects the
#' [window_order()] of windowed expressions in [mutate.tbl_lazy()].
#' Note that `ORDER BY` clauses can not generally appear in subqueries, which
#' means that you should `arrange()` as late as possible in your pipelines.
#' @section Missing values:
#' Unlike R, most databases sorts `NA` (`NULL`s) at the front. You can
#' can override this behaviour by explicitly sorting on `is.na(x)`.
#' @param .data A lazy data frame backed by a database query.
#' @inheritParams dplyr::arrange
#' @return Another `tbl_lazy`. Use [show_query()] to see the generated
#'   query, and use [`collect()`][collect.tbl_sql] to execute the query
#'   and return data to R.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' db <- memdb_frame(a = c(3, 4, 1, 2), b = c(5, 1, 2, NA))
#' db %>% arrange(a) %>% show_query()
#' # Note that NAs are sorted first
#' db %>% arrange(b)
#' # override by sorting on is.na() first
#' db %>% arrange(is.na(b), b)
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
arrange.tbl_lazy <- function(.data, ..., .by_group = FALSE) {
  dots <- partial_eval_dots(.data, ..., .named = FALSE)
  names(dots) <- NULL

  .data$lazy_query <- add_arrange(.data, dots, .by_group)

add_arrange <- function(.data, dots, .by_group) {
  lazy_query <- .data$lazy_query

  if (.by_group) {
    dots <- c(syms(op_grps(lazy_query)), dots)
  if (identical(dots, lazy_query$order_vars)) {

  # `dots` must be an empty list so that `arrange()` removes the `order_vars`
  dots <- dots %||% list()

  new_lazy_query <- lazy_select_query(
    x = lazy_query,
    order_by = dots,
    order_vars = dots

  if (!is_lazy_select_query(lazy_query)) {

  # Needed because `ORDER BY` is evaluated before `LIMIT`
  if (!is.null(lazy_query$limit)) {

  lazy_query$order_vars <- dots
  lazy_query$order_by <- dots

unwrap_order_expr <- function(order_by, f, error_call = caller_env()) {
  order_by_quo <- quo({{ order_by }})
  order_by_env <- quo_get_env(order_by_quo)
  order_by_expr <- quo_get_expr(order_by_quo)

  if (is.null(order_by_expr)) {

  if (is_call(order_by_expr, "c")) {
    args <- call_args(order_by_expr)
    tibble_expr <- expr_text(expr(tibble(!!!args)))
      "Can't use `c()` in {.fun {f}}",
      i = "Did you mean to use `{tibble_expr}` instead?"
    ), call = error_call)

  if (is_call(order_by_expr, c("tibble", "data.frame"))) {
    tibble_args <- call_args(order_by_expr)
    # browser()
    out <- as_quosures(tibble_args, env = order_by_env)


swap_order_direction <- function(x) {
  is_quo <- is_quosure(x)
  if (is_quo) {
    env <- quo_get_env(x)
    x <- quo_get_expr(x)

  if (is_call(x, "desc", n = 1)) {
    out <- call_args(x)[[1]]
  } else {
    out <- expr(desc(!!x))

  if (is_quo) {
    out <- as_quosure(out, env)


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dbplyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:19 a.m.