
Defines functions fill_vars check_set_op_sqlite add_set_op add_union setdiff.tbl_lazy union_all.tbl_lazy union.tbl_lazy intersect.tbl_lazy

Documented in intersect.tbl_lazy setdiff.tbl_lazy union_all.tbl_lazy union.tbl_lazy

#' SQL set operations
#' These are methods for the dplyr generics `dplyr::intersect()`,
#' `dplyr::union()`, and `dplyr::setdiff()`. They are translated to
#' `INTERSECT`, `UNION`, and `EXCEPT` respectively.
#' @inheritParams left_join.tbl_lazy
#' @param ... Not currently used; provided for future extensions.
#' @param all If `TRUE`, includes all matches in output, not just unique rows.
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::intersect
#' @importFrom dplyr intersect
intersect.tbl_lazy <- function(x, y, copy = FALSE, ..., all = FALSE) {
  lazy_query <- add_set_op(x, y, "INTERSECT", copy = copy, ..., all = all)

  x$lazy_query <- lazy_query
#' @importFrom dplyr union
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::union
#' @rdname intersect.tbl_lazy
union.tbl_lazy <- function(x, y, copy = FALSE, ..., all = FALSE) {
  lazy_query <- add_union(x, y, all = all, copy = copy, ...)

  x$lazy_query <- lazy_query
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr union_all
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::union_all
#' @rdname intersect.tbl_lazy
union_all.tbl_lazy <- function(x, y, copy = FALSE, ...) {
  lazy_query <- add_union(x, y, all = TRUE, copy = copy, ...)

  x$lazy_query <- lazy_query
#' @importFrom dplyr setdiff
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::setdiff
#' @rdname intersect.tbl_lazy
setdiff.tbl_lazy <- function(x, y, copy = FALSE, ..., all = FALSE) {
  lazy_query <- add_set_op(x, y, "EXCEPT", copy = copy, ..., all = all)

  x$lazy_query <- lazy_query

add_union <- function(x, y, all, copy = FALSE, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  y <- auto_copy(x, y, copy)
  check_set_op_sqlite(x, y, call = call)

  # Ensure each has same variables
  vars <- union(op_vars(x), op_vars(y))

  x_lq <- x$lazy_query
  if (inherits(x_lq, "lazy_union_query")) {
    tmp <- list(lazy_query = x_lq$x)
    class(tmp) <- "tbl_lazy"
    x_lq$x <- fill_vars(tmp, vars)$lazy_query
    x_lq$unions$table <- purrr::map(x_lq$unions$table, function(table) fill_vars(table, vars))
    y <- fill_vars(y, vars)

    x_lq$unions$table <- c(x_lq$unions$table, list(y))
    x_lq$unions$all <- c(x_lq$unions$all, all)


  x <- fill_vars(x, vars)

  unions <- list(
    table = list(fill_vars(y, vars)),
    all = all

    call = call

add_set_op <- function(x, y, type, copy = FALSE, ..., all = FALSE, call = caller_env()) {
  y <- auto_copy(x, y, copy)
  check_set_op_sqlite(x, y, call = call)

  # Ensure each has same variables
  vars <- union(op_vars(x), op_vars(y))
  x <- fill_vars(x, vars)
  y <- fill_vars(y, vars)

    x$lazy_query, y$lazy_query,
    type = type,
    all = all,
    call = call

check_set_op_sqlite <- function(x, y, call) {
  if (inherits(x$src$con, "SQLiteConnection")) {
    # LIMIT only part the compound-select-statement not the select-core.
    # https://www.sqlite.org/syntax/compound-select-stmt.html
    # https://www.sqlite.org/syntax/select-core.html

    if (!is.null(x$lazy_query$limit) || !is.null(y$lazy_query$limit)) {
      cli_abort("SQLite does not support set operations on LIMITs", call = call)

fill_vars <- function(x, vars) {
  x_vars <- op_vars(x)
  if (identical(x_vars, vars)) {

  new_vars <- lapply(set_names(vars), function(var) {
    if (var %in% x_vars) {
    } else {

  transmute(x, !!!new_vars)

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