
test_that("column order is matched", {
  df1 <- memdb_frame(x = 1, y = 2)
  df2 <- memdb_frame(y = 1, x = 2)

  out <- collect(union(df1, df2))
  expect_equal(out, tibble(x = c(1, 2), y = c(2, 1)))

test_that("missing columns filled with NULL", {
  df1 <- memdb_frame(x = 1)
  df2 <- memdb_frame(y = 2)

  out <- collect(union_all(df1, df2))
  expect_equal(out, tibble(x = c(1, NA), y = c(NA, 2)))

test_that("first edition works", {
  con <- structure(list(), class = c("Test", "DBIConnection"))

    sql_escape_ident.Test = function(con, x) sql_quote(x, "`")
  lf <- lazy_frame(x = 1, con = con)

  local_options(rlib_warning_verbosity = "quiet")

  expect_error(union_all(lf, lf) %>% remote_query(), NA)

# SQL generation ----------------------------------------------------------

test_that("set ops generates correct sql", {
  lf1 <- memdb_frame(x = 1)
  lf2 <- memdb_frame(x = c(1, 2))

  out <- lf1 %>%
    union(lf2) %>%

  expect_equal(out, tibble(x = c(1, 2)))

test_that("union and union all work for all backends", {
  df <- tibble(x = 1:10, y = x %% 2)

  tbls_full <- test_load(df)
  tbls_filter <- test_load(filter(df, y == 0))

  tbls_full %>%
    purrr::map2(tbls_filter, union) %>%

  tbls_full %>%
    purrr::map2(tbls_filter, union_all) %>%

test_that("can combine multiple union in one query", {
  lf1 <- lazy_frame(x = 1, y = 1, .name = "lf1")
  lf2 <- lazy_frame(y = 1, .name = "lf2")
  lf3 <- lazy_frame(z = 1, .name = "lf3")

    lf1 %>%
      union_all(lf2) %>%

  # cte works
    lf1 %>%
      union_all(lf2) %>%
      union(lf3) %>%
      left_join(lf1, by = "x") %>%
      show_query(sql_options = sql_options(cte = TRUE))

  lf_union <- lf1 %>%
    union_all(lf2) %>%

  out <- lf_union %>% mutate(a = x + y) %>% sql_build()
  expect_equal(out$select, sql("`q01`.*", a = "`x` + `y`"))

test_that("intersect and setdiff work for supported backends", {
  df <- tibble(x = 1:10, y = x %% 2)

  # MySQL doesn't support EXCEPT or INTERSECT
  tbls_full <- test_load(df, ignore = c("mysql", "MariaDB"))
  tbls_filter <- test_load(filter(df, y == 0), ignore = c("mysql", "MariaDB"))

  tbls_full %>%
    purrr::map2(tbls_filter, intersect) %>%

  tbls_full %>%
    purrr::map2(tbls_filter, setdiff) %>%

test_that("SQLite warns if set op attempted when tbl has LIMIT", {
  mf <- memdb_frame(x = 1:2)
  m1 <- head(mf, 1)

  expect_error(union(mf, m1), "does not support")
  expect_error(union(m1, mf), "does not support")

test_that("other backends can combine with a limit", {
  df <- tibble(x = 1:2)

  ignore <- c(
    "sqlite", # only allows limit at top level
    "mssql"   # unusual execution order gives unintuitive result
  tbls_full <- test_load(df, ignore = ignore)
  tbls_head <- lapply(test_load(df, ignore = ignore), head, n = 1)

  tbls_full %>%
    purrr::map2(tbls_head, union) %>%
    expect_equal_tbls(head(df, 1))
  tbls_full %>%
    purrr::map2(tbls_head, union_all) %>%
    expect_equal_tbls(head(df, 1))

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