
Defines functions initialize_output_file get_package_debug_level initialize_debug_levels parse_env_vars parse_package_debug_levels refresh_pkg_info .onLoad is_debugged debugme

Documented in debugme

#' Debug R Packages
#' Specify debug messages as special string constants, and control
#' debugging of packages via environment variables.
#' To add debugging to your package, you need to
#' 1. Import the `debugme` package.
#' 2. Define an `.onLoad` function in your package, that calls `debugme`.
#'    An example:
#'    ```r
#'    .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) { debugme::debugme() }
#'    ```
#' By default debugging is off. To turn on debugging, set the `DEBUGME`
#' environment variable to the names of the packages you want to debug.
#' Package names can be separated by commas.
#' This environment variable is read when the package is loaded,
#' and with every call to `debugme()`.
#' Example `debugme` entries:
#' ```
#' "!DEBUG Start Shiny app"
#' ```
#' @section Dynamic debug messsages:
#' It is often desired that the debug messages contain values of R
#' expressions evaluated at runtime. For example, when starting a Shiny
#' app, it is useful to also print out the path to the app. Similarly,
#' when debugging an HTTP response, it is desired to log the HTTP status
#' code.
#' `debugme` allows embedding R code into the debug messages, within
#' backticks. The code will be evaluated at runtime. Here are some
#' examples:
#' ```
#' "!DEBUG Start Shiny app at `path`"
#' "!DEBUG Got HTTP response `httr::status_code(reponse)`"
#' ```
#' Note that parsing the debug strings for code is not very sophisticated
#' currently, and you cannot embed backticks into the code itself.
#' @section Log levels:
#' `debugme` has two ways to organize log messages into log levels:
#' a quick informal way, and a more formal one.
#' For the informal way, you can start the `!DEBUG` token with multiple
#' `!` characters. You can then select the desired level of logging via
#' `!` characters before the package name in the `DEBUGME` environment
#' variable. E.g. `DEBUGME=!!mypackage` means that only debug messages
#' with two or less `!` marks will be printed.
#' A more formal way is to use log level names: `"FATAL"`, `"ERROR"`,
#' `"WARNING"`, `"INFO"`, `"DEBUG"`, and `"VERBOSE"`. To specify the log
#' level of the message, append the log level to `"!DEBUG"`, with a dash.
#' E.g.:
#' ```
#' "!DEBUG-INFO Just letting you know that..."
#' ```
#' To select the log level of a package, you can specify the level either
#' with the number of `!` characters, as above, or adding the log level
#' as a suffix to the package name, separated by a dash. E.g.:
#' ```
#' Sys.setenv(DEBUGME = "mypackage-INFO")
#' ```
#' (Use either methods to set the log level, but do not mix them.)
#' @section Debug stack:
#' By default `debugme` prints the *debug stack* at the beginning of
#' the debug messages. The debug stack contains the functions in the call
#' stack that have (and emit) debug messages. To suppress printing the call
#' stack set the `DEBUGME_SHOW_STACK` environment variable to `no`.
#' @section Redirecting the output:
#' If the `DEBUGME_OUTPUT_FILE` environment variable is set to
#' a filename, then the output is written there instead of the standard
#' output stream of the R process.
#' If `DEBUGME_OUTPUT_FILE` is not set, but `DEBUGME_OUTPUT_DIR` is, then
#' a log file is created there, and the name of the file will contain
#' the process id. This is is useful for logging from several parallel R
#' processes.
#' @param env Environment to instument debugging in. Defaults to the
#'   package environment of the calling package.
#' @param pkg Name of the calling package. The default should be fine
#'   for almost all cases.
#' @docType package
#' @name debugme
#' @export

debugme <- function(env = topenv(parent.frame()),
                    pkg = environmentName(env)) {


  if (!is_debugged(pkg)) return()

  should_instrument <- function(x) {
    obj <- get(x, envir = env)
    is.function(obj) || is.environment(obj)

  objects <- ls(env, all.names = TRUE)
  dbg_objects <- Filter(should_instrument, objects)
    function(x) assign(x, instrument(get(x, envir = env), pkg), envir = env),

is_debugged <- function(pkg) {
  pkg %in% names(debug_data$palette)

debug_data <- new.env()
debug_data$timestamp <- NULL
debug_data$debug_call_stack <- NULL

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {

refresh_pkg_info <- function() {
  pkgs <- parse_env_vars()
  pkgnames <- sub("^!+", "", pkgs)
  dbglevels <- parse_package_debug_levels(pkgs)
  initialize_debug_levels(pkgnames, dbglevels)

parse_package_debug_levels <- function(x) {
  old <- function(x) {
    m <- re_match(x, "^(!+)")
    ifelse(is.na(m[[1]]), 0, nchar(m[[1]]))

  new <- function(level) {
    wh <- match(level, names(get_log_levels()))
    ifelse(is.na(wh), 0, wh)

  m <- re_match(x, "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+-(?<level>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$")
  ifelse(is.na(m$.match), old(x), new(m$level))

parse_env_vars <- function() {
  env <- Sys.getenv("DEBUGME")
  strsplit(env, ",")[[1]]

initialize_debug_levels <- function(pkgnames, dbglevels) {
  debug_data$debug_levels <- structure(dbglevels, names = pkgnames)

get_package_debug_level <- function(pkg) {

initialize_output_file <- function() {
  out <- Sys.getenv("DEBUGME_OUTPUT_FILE", "")
  dir <- Sys.getenv("DEBUGME_OUTPUT_DIR", "")
  if (out != "") {
    debug_data$output_file <- out
    debug_data$output_fd <- file(out, open = "a")
  } else if (dir != "") {
    out <- file.path(dir, paste0("debugme-", Sys.getpid(), ".log"))
    debug_data$output_file <- out
    debug_data$output_fd <- file(out, open = "a")
  } else {
    debug_data$output_file <- NULL

Try the debugme package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

debugme documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:39 a.m.