Man pages for decisionSupport
Quantitative Support of Decision Making under Uncertainty Monte Carlo simulation results to a data frame.
chance_eventsimulate occurrence of random events
compound_figureCompound figure for decision support
corMatReturn the Correlation Matrix.
corMat-setReplace correlation matrix.
decisionSupportWelfare Decision and Value of Information Analysis wrapper...
decisionSupport-packageQuantitative Support of Decision Making under Uncertainty.
discountDiscount time series for Net Present Value (NPV) calculation
empirical_EVPIExpected value of perfect information (EVPI) for a simple...
estimateCreate a multivariate estimate object.
estimate1dCreate a 1-dimensional estimate object.
estimate_read_csvRead an Estimate from CSV - File.
estimate_write_csvWrite an Estimate to CSV - File.
eviSimulationExpected Value of Information (EVI) Simulation.
gompertz_yieldGompertz function yield prediction for perennials
hist.eviSimulationPlot Histograms of results of an EVI simulation
hist.mcSimulationPlot Histogram of results of a Monte Carlo Simulation
hist.welfareDecisionAnalysisPlot Histogram of results of a Welfare Decision Analysis
individualEvpiSimulationIndividual Expected Value of Perfect Information Simulation
make_CPTMake Conditional Probability tables using the likelihood...
mcSimulationPerform a Monte Carlo simulation.
multi_EVPIExpected value of perfect information (EVPI) for multiple...
paramtnormci_fitFit parameters of truncated normal distribution based on a...
paramtnormci_numericReturn parameters of truncated normal distribution based on a...
plainNames2data.frameNamesTransform model function variable names: plain to data.frame...
plot_cashflowCashflow plot for Monte Carlo simulation results
plot_distributionsProbability distribution plots for various types of Monte...
plot_evpiVisualizing the results of Expected Value of Perfect...
plot_plsVisualizing Projection to Latent Structures (PLS) regression...
plsr.mcSimulationPartial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) of Monte Carlo...
print.mcSimulationPrint Basic Results from Monte Carlo Simulation.
print.summary.eviSimulationPrint the Summarized EVI Simulation Results.
print.summary.mcSimulationPrint the summary of a Monte Carlo simulation.
print.summary.welfareDecisionAnalysisPrint the summarized Welfare Decision Analysis results.
randomQuantiles or empirically based generic random number...
random.estimateGenerate random numbers for an estimate.
random.estimate1dGenerate univariate random numbers defined by a 1-d estimate.
random_stateDraw a random state for a categorical variable
rdist90ci_exact90%-confidence interval based univariate random number...
rdistq_fitQuantiles based univariate random number generation (by...
rmvnorm90ci_exact90%-confidence interval multivariate normal random number...
row.names.estimateGet and set attributes of an 'estimate' object.
rtnorm90ci90%-confidence interval based truncated normal random number...
sample_CPTSample a Conditional Probability Table
sample_simple_CPTMake Conditional Probability tables using the likelihood...
scenario_mcPerform a Monte Carlo simulation for predefined scenarios.
sort.summary.eviSimulationSort Summarized EVI Simulation Results..
summary.eviSimulationSummarize EVI Simulation Results
summary.mcSimulationSummarize results from Monte Carlo simulation.
summary.welfareDecisionAnalysisSummarize Welfare Decision Analysis results.
temp_situationsSituation occurrence and resolution
vvvalue varier function
welfareDecisionAnalysisAnalysis of the underlying welfare based decision problem.
decisionSupport documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:22 a.m.