summary.eviSimulation: Summarize EVI Simulation Results

View source: R/eviSimulation.R

summary.eviSimulationR Documentation

Summarize EVI Simulation Results


Produces result summaries of an Expected Value of Information (EVI) simulation obtained by the function eviSimulation.


## S3 method for class 'eviSimulation'
summary(object, ..., digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3))



An object of class eviSimulation.


Further arguments passed to summary.welfareDecisionAnalysis.


how many significant digits are to be used for numeric and complex x. The default, NULL, uses getOption("digits"). This is a suggestion: enough decimal places will be used so that the smallest (in magnitude) number has this many significant digits, and also to satisfy nsmall. (For the interpretation for complex numbers see signif.)


An object of class summary.eviSimulation.

See Also

eviSimulation, print.summary.eviSimulation, summary.welfareDecisionAnalysis, sort.summary.eviSimulation

decisionSupport documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:22 a.m.