Man pages for difR
Collection of Methods to Detect Dichotomous Differential Item Functioning (DIF)

breslowDayBreslow-Day DIF statistic
contrastMatrixContrast matrix for computing generalized Lord's chi-squared...
dichoDifComparison of DIF detection methods
difBDBreslow-Day DIF method
difGenLogisticGeneralized logistic regression DIF method
difGenLordGeneralized Lord's chi-squared DIF method
difGMHGeneralized Mantel-Haenszel DIF method
difLogisticLogistic regression DIF method
difLogRegGeneral logistic regression DIF method
difLordLord's chi-squared DIF method
difLRTLikelihood-Ratio Test DIF method
difMHMantel-Haenszel DIF method
difRajuRaju's area DIF method
difR-packageCollection of methods to detect dichotomous differential item...
difStdStandardization DIF method
difTIDTransformed Item Difficulties (TID) DIF method
genDichoDifComparison of DIF detection methods among multiple groups
genLogistikGeneralized logistic regression DIF statistic
genLordChi2Generalized Lord's chi-squared DIF statistic
genMantelHaenszelGeneralized Mantel-Haenszel DIF statistic
itemPar1PLItem parameter estimation for DIF detection using Rasch (1PL)...
itemPar2PLItem parameter estimation for DIF detection using 2PL model
itemPar3PLItem parameter estimation for DIF detection using 3PL model
itemPar3PLconstItem parameter estimation for DIF detection using constrained...
itemParEstItem parameter estimation for DIF detection
itemRescaleRescaling item parameters by equal means anchoring
LogistikLogistic regression DIF statistic
LordChi2Lord's chi-square DIF statistic
LRTLikelihood-Ratio Test DIF statistic
mantelHaenszelMantel-Haenszel DIF statistic
RajuZRaju's area DIF statistic
selectDifSelection of one of the DIF detection methods
selectGenDifSelection of one of the DIF detection methods among multiple...
sibTestSIBTEST DIF statistic
stdPDIFStandardization DIF statistic
subtestLogisticTesting for DIF among subgroups with generalized logistic...
verbalVerbal Aggression Data Set
difR documentation built on July 2, 2020, 3:34 a.m.