
Defines functions identify_extra_rows identify_extra_cols identify_matching_cols identify_unsupported_cols identify_mode_differences identify_class_differences identify_att_differences identify_differences identify_properties

Documented in identify_att_differences identify_class_differences identify_differences identify_extra_cols identify_extra_rows identify_matching_cols identify_mode_differences identify_properties identify_unsupported_cols

#' identify_extra_rows
#' Identifies rows that are in a baseline dataset but not in a comparator dataset
#' @param DS1 Baseline dataset (data frame)
#' @param DS2 Comparator dataset (data frame)
#' @param KEYS List of variables that define a unique row within the datasets (strings)
identify_extra_rows <- function(DS1, DS2 , KEYS){
    DS2[["..FLAG.."]] <- "Y"
    dat <- merge(
        subset( DS1 , select = KEYS) , 
        subset( DS2 , select = c(KEYS, "..FLAG..")) , 
        by = KEYS, all.x = T,
        sort = TRUE
    dat <- dat[do.call("order", dat[KEYS]), ]
    dat[ is.na(dat[["..FLAG.."]]) , KEYS, drop=FALSE]

#' identify_extra_cols
#' Identifies columns that are in a baseline dataset but not in a comparator dataset
#' @param DS1 Baseline dataset (data frame)
#' @param DS2 Comparator dataset (data frame)
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
identify_extra_cols <- function(DS1 , DS2){
    match.cols <- sapply ( names(DS1), "%in%", names(DS2))
    if (  !all(is.logical(match.cols)) ){
        stop("Assumption of logical return type is not true")
        COLUMNS = names(DS1)[ !match.cols]

#' identify_matching_cols
#' Identifies columns with the same name in two data frames
#' @param DS1 Input dataset 1 (data frame)
#' @param DS2 Input dataset 2 (data frame)
#' @param EXCLUDE Columns to ignore
identify_matching_cols <- function(DS1, DS2 , EXCLUDE = ""){
    match_cols   <- sapply( names(DS1), "%in%" , names(DS2))
    exclude_cols <- sapply( names(DS1), "%in%" , EXCLUDE)
    names(DS1)[ match_cols & !exclude_cols ]

#' identify_unsupported_cols
#' Identifies any columns for which the package is not setup to handle
#' @param dsin input dataset
identify_unsupported_cols <- function(dsin){
    dat <- subset(
        identify_properties(dsin) ,
        select = c("VARIABLE", "MODE")
    dat[ !dat[["MODE"]] %in% c('numeric', 'character', 'logical') ,, drop=FALSE]


#' identify_mode_differences
#' Identifies any mode differences between two data frames
#' @param BASE Base dataset for comparison (data.frame)
#' @param COMP Comparator dataset to compare base against (data.frame)
identify_mode_differences <- function( BASE, COMP ){

    matching_cols <- identify_matching_cols( BASE , COMP  )
    dat <- merge(
        x = identify_properties(BASE),
        y = identify_properties(COMP),
        by = "VARIABLE",
        all = TRUE,
        suffixes = c(".BASE", ".COMP"),
        sort = TRUE
    dat <-  subset( dat, select = c("VARIABLE" , "MODE.BASE" , "MODE.COMP"))
    KEEP1 <- dat[["VARIABLE"]] %in% matching_cols
    KEEP2 <- dat[["MODE.BASE"]] != dat[["MODE.COMP"]]
    dat[ KEEP1 & KEEP2 ,, drop=FALSE]


#' identify_class_differences
#' Identifies any class differences between two data frames
#' @param BASE Base dataset for comparison (data.frame)
#' @param COMP Comparator dataset to compare base against (data.frame)
identify_class_differences <- function( BASE, COMP ){
    matching_cols <- identify_matching_cols( BASE , COMP )
    dat <- merge(
        x = identify_properties(BASE),
        y = identify_properties(COMP),
        by = "VARIABLE",
        all = TRUE, 
        sort = TRUE,
        suffixes =  c(".BASE", ".COMP")
    dat <- subset( dat , select = c("VARIABLE" , "CLASS.BASE" , "CLASS.COMP")) 
    KEEP1 <- dat[["VARIABLE"]] %in% matching_cols
    KEEP2 <- !mapply( 
        dat[["CLASS.BASE"]] , 
    dat[ KEEP1 & KEEP2 ,, drop=FALSE] 


#' identify_att_differences
#' Identifies any attribute differences between two data frames
#' @param BASE Base dataset for comparison (data.frame)
#' @param COMP Comparator dataset to compare base against (data.frame)
#' @param exclude_cols Columns to exclude from comparison
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
identify_att_differences <- function( BASE, COMP , exclude_cols = "" ){
    matching_cols <- identify_matching_cols( BASE , COMP , exclude_cols )
    PROPS <- merge(
        x = identify_properties(BASE) ,
        y = identify_properties(COMP) , 
        by = "VARIABLE",  
        all = TRUE,
        sort = TRUE,
        suffixes = c(".BASE", ".COMP")
    PROPS <- subset( PROPS , select =  c("VARIABLE", "ATTRIBS.BASE" , "ATTRIBS.COMP")) 
    PROPS <- PROPS[ PROPS[["VARIABLE"]] %in% matching_cols,, drop = FALSE]
    ### Setup dummy return value
    RETURN <- tibble(
        VARIABLE = character(),
        ATTR_NAME = character(),
        VALUES.BASE = list(),
        VALUES.COMP = list()
    for ( i in  PROPS[["VARIABLE"]] ){
        PROPS_filt <- PROPS[ PROPS[["VARIABLE"]] == i ,, drop=FALSE]

        ### Get a vector of all available attributes across both variables
        ATTRIB_NAMES = unique(c( 
            names(PROPS_filt[["ATTRIBS.BASE"]][[1]]) , 
        ### If variable has no attributes move onto the next variable
        if ( is.null(ATTRIB_NAMES) ) next()
        ### Loop over each attribute checking if they are identical and outputing
        ### anyones that arn't
        for ( j in ATTRIB_NAMES){
            ATTRIB_BASE = PROPS_filt[["ATTRIBS.BASE"]][[1]][j]
            ATTRIB_COMP = PROPS_filt[["ATTRIBS.COMP"]][[1]][j]
            if ( !identical(ATTRIB_BASE , ATTRIB_COMP) ){
                ATT_DIFFS <- tibble(
                    VARIABLE = i , 
                    ATTR_NAME = j , 
                    VALUES.BASE = ifelse( is.null(ATTRIB_BASE) , list() , ATTRIB_BASE),  
                    VALUES.COMP = ifelse( is.null(ATTRIB_COMP) , list() , ATTRIB_COMP)
                RETURN <- rbind(RETURN , ATT_DIFFS)

#' identify_differences
#' Compares each column within 2 datasets to identify any values which they 
#' mismatch on.
#' @param BASE Base dataset for comparison (data.frame)
#' @param COMP Comparator dataset to compare base against (data.frame)
#' @param KEYS List of variables that define a unique row within the datasets (strings)
#' @param exclude_cols Columns to exclude from comparison
#' @param tolerance Level of tolerance for numeric differences between two variables
#' @param scale Scale that tolerance should be set on. If NULL assume absolute
identify_differences <- function( BASE , COMP , KEYS, exclude_cols,  
                                  tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
                                  scale = NULL ) {
    matching_cols <- identify_matching_cols( BASE , COMP , c(KEYS, exclude_cols))
    if( length(matching_cols) == 0  ) return ( tibble() )
    DAT = merge( 
        x = BASE , 
        y = COMP , 
        by = KEYS , 
        suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
        sort = TRUE
    DAT <- DAT[do.call("order", DAT[KEYS]), ]

    matching_list <- mapply(
        is_variable_different , 
        MoreArgs = list(
            keynames = KEYS, 
            datain = DAT, 
            tolerance = tolerance ,
            scale = scale

#' identify_properties
#' Returns a dataframe of metadata for a given dataset.
#' Returned values include variable names , class , mode , type & attributes
#' @param dsin input dataframe that you want to get the metadata from
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
identify_properties <- function(dsin){
    ### If missing or null return empty dataset
    if( is.null(dsin) ) {
        x <- tibble(
            VARIABLE = character(),
            CLASS     = list(),
            MODE      = character(),
            TYPE      = character() ,
            ATTRIBS   = list()
        VARIABLE = names(dsin),
        CLASS     = lapply(dsin, class),
        MODE      = sapply(dsin , mode),
        TYPE      = sapply(dsin , typeof) ,
        ATTRIBS   = lapply( dsin , attributes)

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diffdf documentation built on March 26, 2020, 6:30 p.m.