
context("Testing print functionality")

# devtools::load_all()
# library(dplyr)
# library(stringr)
# library(devtools)
# library(testthat)
# source( "./tests/testthat/helper-create_test_data.R")

runme <- function(x){
    x2 <- diffdf(x[[1]] , x[[2]] , suppress_warnings = T)
    print(x2 , as_string = TRUE)

RES <- map( list_of_comparisons , runme)

### Add additional examples that make use of keys

x <- diffdf(
    list_of_comparisons[["everything"]][[1]] ,
    list_of_comparisons[["everything"]][[2]] ,
    keys = "ID",
    suppress_warnings = T
RES[[ "With 1 key"]] <- print(x , as_string = TRUE)

x <- diffdf(
    list_of_comparisons[["everything"]][[1]] ,
    list_of_comparisons[["everything"]][[2]] ,
    keys = c("ID" , "GROUP1"),
    suppress_warnings = T
RES[["With 2 keys"]] <- print(x , as_string = TRUE)


if ( SET_GOLD ){
    TESTING_print_msg <- RES
    devtools::use_data( TESTING_print_msg , internal = TRUE , overwrite = TRUE)
} else {
    for ( i in seq_along(RES) ){
            RES[[i]] , 
            TESTING_print_msg[[i]] , 
            info = paste0( "Reference = " , i , " - " , names(RES)[i])

# i <- 3
# print_tests[[i]]
# RES[[i]] %>% cat(sep = "\n")
# TESTING_print_msg[[i]] %>% cat(sep = "\n")
# diffdf(
#  print_tests[[i]][[1]],
#  print_tests[[i]][[2]]
# )
# for ( i in 1:length(RES)){
#     sink( paste0("./utils/print_output/output_",i,".txt"))
#     RES[[i]] %>% cat(sep = "\n")
#     sink()
#     # sink( paste0("./utils/print_output/output_",i,"_gold.txt"))
#     # TESTING_print_msg[[i]] %>% cat(sep = "\n")
#     # sink()
# }

Try the diffdf package in your browser

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diffdf documentation built on March 26, 2020, 6:30 p.m.