
Defines functions text_map rds_map session_map

Documented in rds_map session_map text_map

#' @name map
#' @title Create R object map.
#' @description Provides five types of map that fit in different use cases.
#' @return An \code{R6} instance that inherits \code{\link[dipsaus]{AbstractMap}}
#' @details There are five types of map implemented. They all inherit class
#' \code{\link[dipsaus]{AbstractMap}}. There are several differences in
#' use case scenarios and they backend implementations.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{\link{session_map}}}{
#' A session map takes a \code{\link[fastmap]{fastmap}} object. All objects are
#' stored in current R session. This means you cannot access the map from other
#' process nor parent process. The goal of this map is to share the data across
#' different environments and to store global variables, as long as they share
#' the same map object. If you are looking for maps that can be shared
#' by different processes, check the rest map types. The closest map type is
#' \code{rds_map}.
#' }
#' \item{\code{\link{rds_map}}}{
#' An 'RDS' map uses file system to store values. The values are stored
#' separately in '.rds' files. Compared to session maps, 'RDS' map can be
#' shared across different R process. It's recommended to store
#' large files in \code{rds_map}. If the value is not large in RAM,
#' \code{text_map} is recommended.
#' }
#' \item{\code{\link{text_map}}}{
#' A 'text' map uses file system to store values. Similar to \code{rds_map},
#' it can be stored across multiple processes as long as the maps share the
#' same file directory. However, unlike \code{rds_map}, \code{text_map}
#' the \code{text_map} can only store basic data values, namely atom data types.
#' The supported types are: numeric, character, vector, list, matrix
#' It's highly recommended to convert factors to characters. Do NOT use if the
#' values are functions or environments. The recommended use case scenario
#' is when the speed is not the major concern, and you want to preserve data
#' with backward compatibility. Otherwise it's highly recommended to use
#' \code{rds_map}.
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' # ----------------------Basic Usage ----------------------
#' # Define a path to your map.
#' path = tempfile()
#' map <- rds_map(path)
#' # Reset
#' map$reset()
#' # Check if the map is corrupted.
#' map$validate()
#' # You have not set any key-value pairs yet.
#' # Let's say two parallel processes (A and B) are sharing this map.
#' # Process A set values
#' map$keys()
#' # Start push
#' # set a normal message
#' map$set(key = 'a', value = 1)
#' # set a large object
#' map$set(key = 'b', value = rnorm(100000))
#' # set an object with hash of another object
#' map$set(key = 'c', value = 2, signature = list(
#'   parameter1 = 123,
#'   parameter2 = 124
#' ))
#' # Check what's in the map from process B
#' mapB <- rds_map(path)
#' mapB$keys()
#' mapB$keys(include_signatures = TRUE)
#' # Number of key-values pairs in the map.
#' mapB$size()
#' # Check if key exists
#' mapB$has(c('1','a', 'c'))
#' # Check if key exists and signature also matches
#' mapB$has('c', signature = list(
#'   parameter1 = 123,
#'   parameter2 = 124
#' ))
#' # Signature changed, then return FALSE. This is especially useful when
#' # value is really large and reading the value takes tons of time
#' mapB$has('c', signature = list(
#'   parameter1 = 1244444,
#'   parameter2 = 124
#' ))
#' # Destroy the map's files altogether.
#' mapB$destroy()
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Once destroyed, validate will raise error
#'   mapB$validate()
#' }

#' @rdname map
#' @param map a \code{fastmap::fastmap()} list
#' @export
session_map <- function(map = fastmap::fastmap()){
  SessionMap$new(map = map)

#' @rdname map
#' @param path directory path where map data should be stored
#' @export
rds_map <- function(path = tempfile()){
  FileMap$new(path = path)

#' @rdname map
#' @export
text_map <- function(path = tempfile()){
  warning('text_map is soft deprecated Please use rds_map instead.')
  TextMap$new(path = path)

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dipsaus documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.