
Defines functions add_chunk

Documented in add_chunk

#' Add a chunk to the disk.frame
#' If no chunk_id is specified, then the chunk is added at the end as the
#' largest numbered file, "n.fst".
#' @details The function is the preferred way to add a chunk to a disk.frame. It
#'   performs checks on the types to make sure that the new chunk doesn't have
#'   different types to the disk.frame.
#' @param df the disk.frame to add a chunk to
#' @param chunk a data.frame to be added as a chunk
#' @param chunk_id a numeric number indicating the id of the chunk. If NULL it
#'   will be set to the largest chunk_id + 1
#' @param full.names whether the chunk_id name match should be to the full file
#'   path not just the file name
#' @param ... Passed in the write_fst. E.g. compress
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
#' @return disk.frame
#' @examples
#' # create a disk.frame
#' df_path = file.path(tempdir(), "tmp_add_chunk")
#' diskf = disk.frame(df_path)
#' # add a chunk to diskf
#' add_chunk(diskf, cars)
#' add_chunk(diskf, cars)
#' nchunks(diskf) # 2
#' df2 = disk.frame(file.path(tempdir(), "tmp_add_chunk2"))
#' # add chunks by specifying the chunk_id number; this is especially useful if
#' # you wish to add multiple chunk in parralel
#' add_chunk(df2, data.frame(chunk=1), 1)
#' add_chunk(df2, data.frame(chunk=2), 3)
#' nchunks(df2) # 2
#' dir(attr(df2, "path", exact=TRUE))
#' # [1] "1.fst" "3.fst"
#' # clean up
#' delete(diskf)
#' delete(df2)
add_chunk <- function(df, chunk, chunk_id = NULL, full.names = FALSE, ...) {
  # sometimes chunk_id is defined in terms of itself
  stopifnot("disk.frame" %in% class(df))
  if(!is_disk.frame(df)) {
    stop("can not add_chunk as this is not a disk.frame")
  # get the metadata for all chunks
  path = attr(df,"path", exact=TRUE)
  files <- fs::dir_ls(path, type="file", glob = "*.fst")
  # if a chunk_id is not specified
  if(is.null(chunk_id)) {
    chunk_id = 1 + max(purrr::map_int(files, ~{
      s = stringr::str_extract(.x,"[:digit:]+\\.fst")
      as.integer(substr(s, 1, nchar(s) - 4))
    }), nchunks(df))
  if(length(files) > 0) {
    filename = ""
    if(is.numeric(chunk_id)) {
      filename = file.path(path,glue::glue("{as.integer(chunk_id)}.fst"))
    } else { # if the chunk_id is not numeric
      if (full.names) {
        filename = file.path(path, chunk_id)
      } else {
        filename = chunk_id
    if(fs::file_exists(filename)) {
      stop(glue::glue("failed to add_chunk as chunk_id = {chunk_id} already exist"))
    metas = purrr::map(files, fst::metadata_fst)
    types <- c("unknown", "character", "factor", "ordered factor", 
               "integer", "POSIXct", "difftime", "IDate", "ITime", "double", 
               "Date", "POSIXct", "difftime", "ITime", "logical", "integer64", 
               "nanotime", "raw")
    # need to ensure that all column names and types match
    metas_df = purrr::imap_dfr(metas, 
                                colnames = .x$columnNames, 
                                coltypes = types[.x$columnTypes],
                                chunk_id = .y))
    metas_df_summ = metas_df[,.N,.(colnames, coltypes)][order(N)]
    metas_df_summ[,existing_df := TRUE]
    new_chunk_meta = 
        colnames = names(chunk), 
        coltypes = purrr::map(chunk, typeof) %>% unlist, 
        new_chunk = TRUE)
    merged_meta = full_join(new_chunk_meta, metas_df_summ, by=c("colnames"))
    # find out which vars are matched
    check_vars = full_join(
      new_chunk_meta[,.(colnames, new_chunk)], 
      metas_df[,.(colnames=unique(colnames), existing_df = TRUE)], by = "colnames")
    if(nrow(check_vars[is.na(new_chunk)]) > 0) {
      vars_strings = paste0(check_vars[is.na(new_chunk), colnames], collapse=',\n  ')
          "these variables are in the disk.frame but not in the new chunk:  \n %s", vars_strings))
    if(nrow(check_vars[is.na(existing_df)]) > 0){
      warning(glue::glue("these variables are in the new chunk but not in the existing disk.frame: {paste0(check_vars[is.na(existing_df), colnames], collapse=', ')}"))
    # find out which vars are matched but the types don't match
    metas_df_summ1 = merged_meta[existing_df == TRUE & new_chunk == TRUE & coltypes.x != coltypes.y]
    # find incompatible types
    metas_df_summ1[, incompatible_types := {
      coltypes.x %in% c("integer", "double", "Date") & coltypes.y == "character" |
      coltypes.x == "character" & coltypes.y %in% c("integer", "double", "Date") |
      coltypes.x == "integer" & coltypes.y == "Date" | 
      coltypes.x == "Date" & coltypes.y %in% c("integer", "double")
    metas_df_summ2 = metas_df_summ1[incompatible_types == TRUE,]
    if(nrow(metas_df_summ2)>0) {
      message("the belows types are incompatible between the new chunk and the disk.frame; this chunk can not be added\n")
      message(paste0(utils::capture.output(metas_df_summ2), collapse = "\n"))

  fst::write_fst(chunk, file.path(attr(df,"path", exact=TRUE), paste0(chunk_id,".fst")), ...)
  disk.frame(attr(df,"path", exact=TRUE))

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disk.frame documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:09 p.m.