Man pages for diversitree
Comparative 'Phylogenetic' Analyses of Diversification

argnamesArgument Names for Vector-Argument Functions
asrAncestral State Reconstruction
asr-bisseAncestral State Reconstruction Under BiSSE
asr-mknAncestral State Reconstruction Under Mk2/Mkn
big.brotherVerbosely Track Function Evaluations
checkCheck Capabilities of the Diversitree Install
combineCombine Several Likelihood Functions Multiplicatively
constantsConstants Used by Diversitree
constrainConstrain Parameters of a Model
diversitree-deprecatedDeprecated and Defunct Functions in Diversitree
diversitree-packageComparative 'Phylogenetic' Analyses of Diversification
find.mleMaximimum Likelihood Inference
history.from.simExtract Character Histories From Simulations
make.bdConstant Rate Birth-Death Models Rate Birth-Death Models: Split Models Birth-Death Models
make.bisseBinary State Speciation and Extinction Model
make.bissenessBinary State Speciation and Extinction (Node Enhanced State...
make.bisse.splitBinary State Speciation and Extinction Model: Split Models
make.bisse.tdBinary State Speciation and Extinction Model: Time Dependant...
make.bmBrownian Motion and Related Models of Character Evolution
make.clade.treeMake a "Clade Tree"
make.classeCladogenetic State change Speciation and Extinction Model
make.geosseGeographic State Speciation and Extinction Model
make.geosse.splitGeographic State Speciation and Extinction Model: Split...
make.geosse.tGeographic State Speciation and Extinction Model: Time...
make.mknMk2 and Mk-n Models of character evolution
make.musseMuSSE: Multi-State Speciation and Extinction
make.musse.multitraitMuSSE: Multi-State Speciation and Extinction (Multiple Binary...
make.musse.splitMultiple State Speciation and Extinction Model: Split Models
make.musse.tdMultiple State Speciation and Extinction Model: Time...
make.pglsPhylogenetic Generalised Least Squares
make.priorSimple Prior Functions
make.quasseQuantitative State Speciation and Extinction Model
make.quasse.splitQuantitative State Speciation and Extinction Model: Split...
mcmcSimple Markov Chain Monte Carlo with Slice Sampling
plot.historyPlot Character History
profiles.plotPlot Marginal Distributions from MCMC
protectProtect Function Evaluations
quasse-commonSupport Functions for QuaSSE Models
set.defaultsSet Default Arguments of a Function
sim.characterSimulate a Character Distribution on a Tree
simulateEvolve Birth-Death Trees
trait.plotPlot a Phylogeny and Traits
utilsUtility Functions
diversitree documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:38 a.m.