
makf4 <- function( x, y, models.which, lambda=0.99, gamma=0.99, 
 eps=.001/nrow(models.which), delay=0, initialperiod=200) {
# Revised June 29, 2009 to replace equation (17) in the paper by a version
# (Minor revision of comments August 10, 2011.)
#  that regularizes all posterior model probabilities away from zero.
#  This is to avoid degenercies in which models are eliminated for ever,
#  or model probabilities go to machine zero.
# Revised June 25, 2009 to output quantities needed for simulations.
# August 23, 2007.
# Function to implement the Model Averaging Kalman Filter (MAKF) for
#  the rolling mill problem. See C8300-C8303 and C3883.
# In this version, the model probabilities are updated by flattening.
# Calls functions rm.Kalman and model.update3.
# This version is a revised version of makf, revised to take account of the
#  fact that when yt is being controlled, only information on y_{t-delay-1} and 
#  earlier is available for estimating theta. See C8317-8.

# Inputs:
# x		TTxp matrix of system inputs
# y		TT-vector of system outputs
#  models.which	Kxp matrix, with 1 row per model and 1 col per variable
#		indicating whether that variable is in the model
#  (the state theta is of dim (model.dim+1); the extra 1 for the intercept)
# lambda	parameter forgetting factor
# gamma		flatterning parameter for model updating
# eps		regularization parameter for regularizing posterior model
#		 model probabilities away from zero
# delay		When y_t is controlled, only y_{t-delay-1} and before 
#		 are available. This is determined by the machine.
#		Note that delay as defined here corresponds to (k-1)
#		 in the Ettler et al (2007, MixSim) paper.
#		Thus we use the default delay=24, corresponding to k=25.
# initialperiod length of initial period. Performance is summarized with and
#		 without the first initialperiod samples.

# Outputs
# yhat.bymodel	TTxK matrix whose tk element gives yhat for yt for model k
# yhat.ma	TT vector whose t element gives the model-averaged yhat for yt
# pmp		TTxK matrix whose tk element is the post prob of model k at t
# thetahat.ma	TTx(nvar+1) matrix whose tk element is the model-averaged 
#		 estimate of theta_{j-1} at t
# Vtheta.ma	TTx(nvar+1) matrix whose tk element is the model-averaged
#		 variance of thetahat_{j-1} at t
# mse.bymodel	MSE for each model
# mse.ma	MSE of model-averaged prediction
# mse400.bymodel  MSE for each model excluding the first initialperiod samples
# mse400.ma	MSE of model averaging excluding the first initialperiod samples
# model.forget	forgetting factor for the model switching matrix

# Initialization
x <- as.matrix (x)
nvar <- ncol(x)
TT <- length(y)
K <- nrow (models.which)
model.dim <- rep(0,K)
for (k in 1:K) model.dim[k] <- sum(as.numeric(models.which[k,]))+1
thetaold <- vector ("list",K)
Sigmaold <- vector ("list",K)
yhat <- matrix (rep(0,TT*K), ncol=K)
if (delay>0) yhat[1:delay,] <- NA
yhat.ma <- rep( 0,TT)
if (delay>0) yhat.ma[1:delay] <- NA
yhat.Kalman <- matrix (rep(0,TT*K), ncol=K)
pimat <- matrix (rep(0,(TT-delay)*K), ncol=K)

# Added on 6/25/09
thetahat <- matrix (rep(0,K*(nvar+1)),nrow=K)  # temporary variable
Vtheta <- matrix (rep(0,K*(nvar+1)),nrow=K)  # temporary variable
thetahatall <- Vthetaall <- array(0, dim=c(K,TT,nvar+1))
thetahat.ma <- matrix (rep(0,TT*(nvar+1)),nrow=TT)
Vtheta.ma <- matrix (rep(0,TT*(nvar+1)),nrow=TT)
# End 6/25/09 addition

# Initialize thetaold, Sigmaold, Vold, piold, for each model
s2y <- 55.6 # variance of y
Vold <- rep( s2y, K)
s2x <- rep(0,nvar)
for (j in (1:nvar)) s2x[j] <- var(x[,j])
for (k in 1:K) {
 thetaold[[k]] <- c (0, rep( 0, model.dim[k]-1) )
 if (model.dim[k] == 1) Sigmaold[[k]] <- 430^2 else
    Sigmaold[[k]] <- diag( c( 430^2 , s2y/s2x[as.logical(models.which[k,])]) )
# The intercept prior mean and variance are UIP for the whole dataset
piold <- rep (1/K, K)

# Iterations

for (tt in 1:(TT-delay)) {
    predvar <- rep(0,K)

    # Kalman update for each model
    for (k in 1:K) {
        which <- as.logical( models.which[k,])
        xtmp <- c( 1, x[tt,which])
        Kalman.out <- rm.Kalman (thetaold[[k]], Sigmaold[[k]], Vold[k], lambda,
        xtmp, y[tt], tt)
        yhat.Kalman[tt,k] <- Kalman.out$yhat
        yhat[tt+delay,k] <- t(c(1,x[tt+delay,which])) %*% thetaold[[k]]
        # Update theta and Sigma using Kalman filter output
        thetaold[[k]] <- Kalman.out$thetanew
        Sigmaold[[k]] <- Kalman.out$Sigmanew
        Vold[k] <- Kalman.out$Vnew
        predvar[k] <- Kalman.out$predvar

        # Added on 6/25/09
        whichtmp <- c(TRUE,which)
        thetahat[k,whichtmp] <- Kalman.out$thetanew
        Vtheta[k,whichtmp] <- diag (Kalman.out$Sigmanew)
        # End 6/25/09 addition

    # Model averaging prediction
    yhat.ma[tt+delay] <- t(piold) %*% yhat[tt+delay,]

    # Update model probabilities
    model.update.out <- model.update3 (piold, gamma, eps, y[tt], yhat.Kalman[tt,], predvar)
    piold <- model.update.out$pinew
    pimat[tt,] <- piold

    # Added 6/25/09: Model averaged estimates and posterior variances
    thetahat.ma[tt,] <- t(piold) %*% thetahat
    Vtheta.ma[tt,] <- t(piold) %*% Vtheta + t(piold) %*% thetahat^2 - thetahat.ma[tt,]^2
    thetahatall[, tt, ] <- thetahat
    Vthetaall[, tt, ] <- Vtheta

# Summarize performance with and without the first initialperiod samples.
#  (If initialperiod < delay+1, then initialperiod <- (delay+1) is used.
#   In that case, performance with and without the first initialperiod
#   samples should be the same.)
# The first observation (or the (delay+1)-th observation) is ignored
#  because its prediction is always zero.
# The measures without the first initialperiod samples are called 
#  mse400.bymodel and mse400.ma, because Petr Nedoma used initialperiod=400.
initialperiod <- max(delay+1,initialperiod)
mse.bymodel <- rep(0,K)
mse400.bymodel <- rep(0,K)
for (k in 1:K) mse.bymodel[k] <- mean ( (y[(delay+2):TT] - yhat[(delay+2):TT,k])^2 ) 
for (k in 1:K) mse400.bymodel[k] <- 
  mean ( (y[(initialperiod+1):TT] - yhat[(initialperiod+1):TT,k])^2 )
mse.ma <- mean ( (y[(delay+2):TT]-yhat.ma[(delay+2):TT])^2 )
mse400.ma <- mean ( (y[(initialperiod+1):TT] - yhat.ma[(initialperiod+1):TT])^2 )

# Output
list (yhat.bymodel=yhat, yhat.ma=yhat.ma, pmp=pimat, thetahat=thetahatall, Vtheta=Vthetaall,
 thetahat.ma=thetahat.ma, Vtheta.ma=Vtheta.ma,
 mse.bymodel=mse.bymodel, mse.ma=mse.ma, mseinitialperiod.bymodel=msemseinitialperiod.bymodel,
 mseinitialperiod.ma=msemseinitialperiod.ma, lambda=lambda, gamma=gamma,
 models.which=models.which, delay=delay, initialperiod=initialperiod)

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