Man pages for dmt
Dependency Modeling Toolkit

centerDataCenter data matrix.
compare.estimate.and.truthMeasuring model accuracy.
DependencyModel-classClass "DependencyModel"
drCCAcombineA function to combine several data sets
expdataExample data for drCCA
fit.dependency.modelFit dependency model between two data sets.
generate.toydataToy data generation
likelihoodLikelihood for the models.
modelDataAn example data set
plotVarData-specific and shared variance for several...
regCCAGeneralized Canonical Correlation Analysis
sharedVarShared variation retained in the combined drCCA...
specificVarData-specific variation retained in the combined drCCA...
z.expectationExpectation of the latent variable.
dmt documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:12 p.m.