
# <span style="font-weight:bold; color:#F87217; text-decoration:underline">The dnet package is distributed as a CRAN package, freely available both for academic and non-academic users.</span> For it to be working, the latest R version should be first installed, along with several reguired/suggested packages. The dnet package, like other R packages, can run on Windows, Mac and Linux, but some functionalities (such as parallel computing) are only supported in Linux and Mac. Details on how to install are described in the <a href="">Installation</a> page. Since the package is under active development, it is advisable to upgrade to the latest stable version.

# <span style="font-weight:bold; color:#F87217; text-decoration:underline">The dnet package is specifically designed to analyse high-throughput omics data in an integrative manner.</span> It has the focus on making sense of these digitised data from different angles including: integration with molecular networks, enrichments using ontologies, and relevance to gene evolutionary ages. New functionalities will be noticed under the section 'Features' in the <a href="">homepage</a>. The workflow of the package can also be found in the <a href="">Installation</a> page.

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dnet documentation built on Feb. 20, 2020, 5:08 p.m.