Man pages for doBy
Groupwise Statistics, LSmeans, Linear Estimates, Utilities

beetsbeets data
binomial_to_bernoulli_dataConvert binomial data to bernoulli data
bquote_fun_listBackquote a list of functions
breastcancerGene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250...
by-lapplyFormula based version of lapply and sapply
by-lmbyList of lm objects with a common model
by-orderOrdering (sorting) rows of a data frame
by-sampleSampling from a data frame
by_scaleScale a dataframe or matrix
by-splitSplit a data frame
by-subsetFinds subsets of a dataframe which is split by variables in a...
by-summaryFunction to calculate groupwise summary statistics
by-transformFunction to make groupwise transformations
carcassLean meat contents of 344 pig carcasses
chr_to_matrixCharacter vector to matrix
codstomDiet of Atlantic cod in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada)
cricketscrickets data
cropyieldYield from Danish agricultural production of grain and root...
cv_glm_fitlistCross-validation for list of glm objects
data-budwormBudworm data
data_cadCoronary artery disease data
data-mathmarkMathematics marks for students
data-personalityPersonality traits
data-prostateProstate Tumor Gene Expression Dataset
descStatComputing simple descriptive statistics of a numeric vector.
dietoxGrowth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experiment
doBy-internalInternal functions for the doBy package
dot-rhsf2listConvert right hand sided formula to a list
esticonContrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objects
expr_to_funConvert expression into function object.
fatacidFish oil in pig food
fevForced expiratory volume in children
firstlastobsLocate the index of the first/last unique value
formula_opsFormula operations and coercion.
generate_data_listGenerate data list
get_formulasGet formulas from model_stability_glm_class object
haldCementHeat development in cement under hardening.
interaction-plotTwo-way interaction plot
is-estimableDetermines if contrasts are estimable.
linestCompute linear estimates
linest-getAuxillary functions for computing lsmeans, contrasts etc
linest-matrixLinear estimates matrix
ls-meansCompute LS-means (aka population means or marginal means)
matrix_opMatrix operations based on matching dimensions
mb_summaryFast summary of microbenchmark object
milkmanMilk yield data for manually milked cows.
model_stability_glmModel stability for glm objects
null-basisFinds the basis of the (right) null space.
parseGroupFormulaExtract components from a formula with "conditioning bar"
plot_lmPlot linear model object
potatoesWeight and size of 20 potatoes
recodeVarRecode values of a vector
recover_pca_dataRecover data from principal component analysis
renameColRename columns in a matrix or a dataframe.
scale_dfScaling numerical values
section_funSection a function and set default values in function
split_byrow_bycolSplit matrix or dataframe into list
sub_seqFind sub-sequences of identical elements in a vector.
taylorTaylor expansion (one dimension)
tidy-esticonTidy an esticon object
tidy-linestTidy a linest object
timeSinceEventCalculate "time since event" in a vector.
truncate0Truncate values in a matrix / vector to zero if they are...
which.maxnWhere are the n largest or n smallest elements in a numeric...
doBy documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:32 a.m.