registerDoRedis: Register the Redis back end for foreach.

View source: R/doRedis.R

registerDoRedisR Documentation

Register the Redis back end for foreach.


The doRedis package imlpements a simple but flexible parallel back end for foreach that uses Redis for inter-process communication. The work queue name specifies the base name of a small set of Redis keys that the coordinator and worker processes use to exchange data.


  host = "localhost",
  port = 6379,
  ftinterval = 30,
  chunkSize = 1,
  progress = FALSE,



A work queue name


The Redis server host name or IP address


The Redis server port number


An optional Redis database password


Default fault tolerance interval in seconds


Default iteration granularity, see setChunkSize


(logical) Show progress bar for computations?


Optional arguments passed to redisConnect


Back-end worker R processes advertise their availablility for work with the redisWorker function.

The doRedis parallel back end tolerates faults among the worker processes and automatically resubmits failed tasks. It is also portable and supports heterogeneous sets of workers, even across operative systems. The back end supports dynamic pools of worker processes. New workers may be added to work queues at any time and can be used by running foreach computations.


NULL is invisibly returned; this function is called for side effect of registering a foreach backend.


All doRedis functions require access to a Redis database server (not included with this package).

Worker processes default to same random number generator as the coordinator process by default with seeds set per iteration rather than per worker to yield reproducible output independent of the number of worker processes. The L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG available from the parallel package is recommended when high-quality distributed pseudorandom numbers are needed. See package vignette for more details and additional options.

Avoid using fork-based parallel functions within doRedis expressions. Use of mclapply and similar functions in the body of a doRedis foreach loop can result in worker faults.

See Also

foreach, doRedis-package, setChunkSize, removeQueue


# Only run if a Redis server is running
if (redux::redis_available()) {
## The example assumes that a Redis server is running on the local host
## and standard port.

# 1. Start a single local R worker process
startLocalWorkers(n=1, queue="jobs", linger=1)

# 2. Run a simple sampling approximation of pi:
pie = foreach(j=1:10, .combine=sum, .multicombine=TRUE) %dopar%
        4 * sum((runif(1000000) ^ 2 + runif(1000000) ^ 2) < 1) / 10000000

# Note that removing the work queue automatically terminates worker processes.

doRedis documentation built on May 2, 2023, 5:10 p.m.