
Defines functions logger removeJob tasks jobs .to.list flushQueue .doRedis .makeDotsEnv .info setProgress setPackages setExport setFtinterval setChunkSize removeQueue registerDoRedis

Documented in .doRedis jobs logger registerDoRedis removeJob removeQueue setChunkSize setExport setFtinterval setPackages setProgress tasks

#' Register the Redis back end for foreach.
#' The doRedis package imlpements a simple but flexible parallel back end
#' for foreach that uses Redis for inter-process communication. The work
#' queue name specifies the base name of a small set of Redis keys that the
#' coordinator and worker processes use to exchange data.
#' Back-end worker R processes  advertise their availablility for work
#' with the \code{\link{redisWorker}} function.
#' The doRedis parallel back end tolerates faults among the worker processes and
#' automatically resubmits failed tasks. It is also portable and supports
#' heterogeneous sets of workers, even across operative systems.  The back end
#' supports dynamic pools of worker processes.  New workers may be added to work
#' queues at any time and can be used by running foreach computations.
#' @param queue A work queue name
#' @param host The Redis server host name or IP address
#' @param port The Redis server port number
#' @param password An optional Redis database password
#' @param chunkSize Default iteration granularity, see \code{\link{setChunkSize}}
#' @param ftinterval Default fault tolerance interval in seconds
#' @param progress (logical) Show progress bar for computations?
#' @param ...  Optional arguments passed to \code{\link{redisConnect}}
#' @note
#' All doRedis functions require access to a Redis database server (not included
#' with this package).
#' Worker processes default to same random number generator as
#' the coordinator process by default with seeds set per iteration rather than per
#' worker to yield reproducible output independent of the number of worker
#' processes. The L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG available from the parallel package is
#' recommended when high-quality distributed pseudorandom numbers are needed.
#' See package vignette for more details and additional options.
#' Avoid using fork-based parallel functions within doRedis expressions.
#' Use of \code{mclapply} and similar functions in the body of a doRedis foreach
#' loop can result in worker faults.
#' @return
#' \code{NULL} is invisibly returned; this function is called for side effect of registering a foreach backend.
#' @examples
#' # Only run if a Redis server is running
#' if (redux::redis_available()) {
#' ## The example assumes that a Redis server is running on the local host
#' ## and standard port.
#' # 1. Start a single local R worker process
#' startLocalWorkers(n=1, queue="jobs", linger=1)
#' # 2. Run a simple sampling approximation of pi:
#' registerDoRedis("jobs")
#' pie = foreach(j=1:10, .combine=sum, .multicombine=TRUE) %dopar%
#'         4 * sum((runif(1000000) ^ 2 + runif(1000000) ^ 2) < 1) / 10000000
#' removeQueue("jobs")
#' print(pie)
#' # Note that removing the work queue automatically terminates worker processes.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{foreach}}, \code{\link{doRedis-package}}, \code{\link{setChunkSize}}, \code{\link{removeQueue}}
#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom iterators nextElem iter
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription flush.console
#' @importFrom redux redis_available
#' @export
registerDoRedis <- function(queue, host="localhost", port=6379, password, ftinterval=30, chunkSize=1, progress=FALSE, ...)
  if(missing(password)) redisConnect(host, port, ...)
  else redisConnect(host, port, password=password, ...)
  assign("queue", queue, envir=.doRedisGlobals)
# Set a queue.live key that signals to workers that this queue is
# valid. We need this because Redis removes the key associated with
# empty lists.
  queueLive <- paste(queue, "live", sep=".")
  if(!redisExists(queueLive)) redisSet(queueLive, "")
  if(!missing(ftinterval)) setFtinterval(ftinterval)
  if(!missing(chunkSize)) setChunkSize(chunkSize)
  if(!missing(progress)) setProgress(progress)
  setDoPar(fun=.doRedis, data=list(queue=queue), info=.info)

#' Remove a doRedis queue and delete all associated keys from Redis.
#' Removing a doRedis queue cleans up associated keys in the Redis
#' database and signals to workers listening on the queue to terminate.
#' Workers terminate after their timeout period after their work
#' queue is deleted.
#' @param queue the doRedis queue name
#' @note Workers listening for work on more than one queue will only
#' terminate after all their queues have been deleted. See \code{\link{registerDoRedis}}
#' for an example.
#' @return
#' \code{NULL} is invisibly returned; this function is called for the side effect of removing
#' Redis keys associated with the specified queue.
#' @export
removeQueue <- function(queue)
  if(redisExists(queue)) redisDelete(queue)
  queueEnv <- redisKeys(pattern=sprintf("%s\\.env.*", queue))
  for (j in queueEnv) redisDelete(j)
  queueOut <- redisKeys(pattern=sprintf("%s\\.out", queue))
  for (j in queueOut) redisDelete(j)
  queueCount <- redisKeys(pattern=sprintf("%s\\.count", queue))
  for (j in queueCount) redisDelete(j)
  queueLive <- redisKeys(pattern=sprintf("%s\\.live", queue))
  for (j in queueLive) redisDelete(j)

#' Set the default granularity of distributed tasks.
#' A job is the collection of all tasks in a foreach loop.
#' A task is a collection of loop iterations of at most size \code{chunkSize}.
#' R workers are assigned work by task in blocks of at most
#' \code{chunkSize} loop iterations per task.
#' The default value is one iteration per task.
#' Setting the default chunk size larger for shorter-running jobs can
#' substantially improve performance. Setting this value too high can
#' negatively impact load-balancing across workers, however.
#' @param value positive integer chunk size setting
#' @return \code{value} is invisibly returned; this value is called for its side effect.
#' @examples
#' # Only run if a Redis server is running
#' if (redux::redis_available()) {
#' # Start a single local R worker process
#' startLocalWorkers(n=1, queue="jobs", linger=1)
#' # Register the work queue with the coordinator R process
#' registerDoRedis("jobs")
#' # Compare verbose task submission output from...
#' setChunkSize(1)
#' foreach(j=1:4, .combine=c, .verbose=TRUE) %dopar% j
#' # with the verbose task submission output from:
#' setChunkSize(2)
#' foreach(j=1:4, .combine=c, .verbose=TRUE) %dopar% j
#' # Clean up
#' removeQueue("jobs")
#' }
#' @export
setChunkSize <- function(value=1)
  if(!is.numeric(value)) stop("setChunkSize requires a numeric argument")
  value <- max(round(value), 1)
  assign("chunkSize", value, envir=.doRedisGlobals)

#' Set the fault tolerance check interval in seconds.
#' Failed tasks are automatically re-submitted to the work queue.
#' The \code{setFtinterval} sets an upper bound on how frequently
#' the system checks for failure. See the package vignette for
#' discussion and examples.
#' @param value positive integer number of seconds
#' @return \code{value} is invisibly returned (this function is used for its side effect).
#' @export
setFtinterval <- function(value=30)
  if(!is.numeric(value)) stop("setFtinterval requires a numeric argument")
  value <- max(round(value), 3)
  assign("ftinterval", value, envir=.doRedisGlobals)

#' Manually add symbol names to the worker environment export list.
#' The setExport function lets users manually declare symbol names
#' of corresponding objects that should be exported to workers.
#' The \code{foreach} function includes a similar \code{.export} parameter.
#' We provide this supplemental export option for users without direct access
#' to the \code{foreach} function, for example, when \code{foreach} is used
#' inside another package.
#' @param names A character vector of symbol names to export.
#' @return The value of \code{names} is invisibly returned (this function is used ofr its side effect).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' registerDoRedis("work queue")
#' startLocalWorkers(n=1, queue="work queue", linger=1)
#' f <- function() pi
#' (foreach(1) %dopar% tryCatch(eval(call("f")), error = as.character))
#' # Returns the error converted to a message:
#' # Error in eval(call("f")) : task 1 failed - could not find function "f"
#' # Manually export the symbol f:
#' setExport("f")
#' (foreach(1) %dopar% eval(call("f")))
#' # Now f is found.
#' removeQueue("work queue")
#' }
#' @export
setExport <- function(names=c())
  assign("export", names, envir=.doRedisGlobals)

#' Manually set package names in the worker environment package list.
#' The \code{setPackages} function lets users manually declare packages
#' that R worker processes need to load before running their tasks.
#' The \code{foreach} function includes a similar \code{.packages} parameter.
#' Defines a way to set the foreach \code{.packages} option for users without direct access
#' to the \code{foreach} function, for example, when \code{foreach} is used
#' inside another package.
#' @param packages A character vector of package names.
#' @return The value of \code{packages} is invisibly returned (this function is used for its side effect).
#' @export
setPackages <- function(packages=c())
  assign("packages", packages, envir=.doRedisGlobals)

#' Progress bar
#' @param value if \code{TRUE}, display a text progress bar indicating status of the computation
#' @return \code{value} is invisibly returned (this function is used for its side effect).
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar packageName
#' @export
setProgress <- function(value=FALSE)
  assign("progress", value, envir=.doRedisGlobals)

# An internal foreach function required of backends The number of workers
# reported here is only an estimate.
.info <- function(data, item)
                 n <- redisGet(
                 if(length(n) == 0) n <- 0
                 else n <- as.numeric(n)
               }, error=function(e) 0),
           version=packageDescription("doRedis", fields="Version"),

# internal function used for its environment, see below for use
.makeDotsEnv <- function(...)
  function() NULL

#' internal function called by foreach
#' @param obj a foreach object
#' @param expr the expression to evaluate
#' @param envir the expression environment
#' @param data a list of parameters from registerDoRedis
#' @return the foreach result
#' @importFrom redux redis
.doRedis <- function(obj, expr, envir, data)
  if (!inherits(obj, "foreach"))
    stop("obj must be a foreach object")

# ID associates the work with a job environment <queue>.env.<ID>. If
# the workers current job environment does not match job ID, they retrieve
# the new job environment data from queueEnv and run workerInit.
  ID <- Sys.getpid()
  ID <- paste( ID, Sys.info()["user"], Sys.info()["nodename"], format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%OS3"), sep="_")
  ID <- gsub(" ", "-", ID)
  queue <- data$queue
  queueEnv <- paste(queue,"env", ID, sep=".")
  queueOut <- paste(queue,"out", ID, sep=".")
  queueStart <- paste(queue,"start", ID, sep=".")
  queueStart <- paste(queueStart, "*", sep="")
  queueAlive <- paste(queue,"alive", ID, sep=".")
  queueAlive <- paste(queueAlive, "*", sep="")

# packageName function added in R 3.0.0
  parentenv <- packageName(envir)

# Clean up the session ID and session environment
    if(redisExists(queueEnv)) redisDelete(queueEnv)
    if(redisExists(queueOut)) redisDelete(queueOut)

  it <- iter(obj)
  argsList <- .to.list(it)

# Progress bar
  .progress <- FALSE
    warning(".options.redis use is deprecated; use setProgress or registerDoRedis options instead.")
    .progress <- obj$options$redis$progress
  if(exists("progress", envir=.doRedisGlobals))
    .progress <- get("progress", envir=.doRedisGlobals)

# Setup the parent environment by first attempting to create an environment
# that has '...' defined in it with the appropriate values
  exportenv <- tryCatch({
    qargs <- quote(list(...))
    args <- eval(qargs, envir)
    environment(do.call(.makeDotsEnv, args))
  error=function(e) {
  exportenv[[".RNGkind"]] = RNGkind()[[1]]
  noexport <- union(obj$noexport, obj$argnames)
  obj$packages = unique(c(obj$packages, getexports(expr, exportenv, envir, bad=noexport), .doRedisGlobals$packages, parentenv))
  vars <- ls(exportenv)
  if(obj$verbose) {
    if(length(vars) > 0) {
      cat("automatically exporting the following objects",
          "from the local environment:\n")
      cat(" ", paste(vars, collapse=", "), "\n")
    } else {
      cat("no objects are automatically exported\n")
    if(length(obj$packages) > 0) {
      cat("exporting the following package requirements\n")
      cat(paste(obj$packages, collapse=", "), "\n")
    } else {
      cat("no package dependencies are automatically exported\n")
    if(!is.null(parentenv)) cat("parent environment: ", parentenv, "\n")
# Compute list of variables to export
  export <- unique(c(obj$export, .doRedisGlobals$export))
  ignore <- intersect(export, vars)
  if (length(ignore) > 0) {
    warning(sprintf("already exporting objects(s): %s",
            paste(ignore, collapse=", ")))
    export <- setdiff(export, ignore)
# Add explicitly exported variables to exportenv
  if (length(export) > 0) {
    if (obj$verbose)
      cat(sprintf('explicitly exporting variables(s): %s\n',
                  paste(export, collapse=', ')))

    for (sym in export) {
      if (!exists(sym, envir, inherits=TRUE))
        stop(sprintf('unable to find variable "%s"', sym))
      val <- get(sym, envir, inherits=TRUE)
      if (is.function(val) &&
          (identical(environment(val), .GlobalEnv) ||
           identical(environment(val), envir))) {
        # Changing this function's environment to exportenv allows it to
        # access/execute any other functions defined in exportenv.  This
        # has always been done for auto-exported functions, and not
        # doing so for explicitly exported functions results in
        # functions defined in exportenv that can't call each other.
        environment(val) <- exportenv
      assign(sym, val, pos=exportenv, inherits=FALSE)

# Upload `exportenv` and related data as common job data for the workers
# making sure the data fit in Redis.
  if(object.size(exportenv) > REDIS_MAX_VALUE_SIZE)
    message("The exported environment size is too large.\nConsider breaking up your data across multiple Redis keys.")
    stop("exportenv too big")
  results <- NULL

  ntasks <- length(argsList)

  chunkSize <- 0
    warning(".options.redis use is deprecated; use setChunkSize or registerDoRedis options instead.")
    chunkSize <- obj$options$redis$chunkSize
  if(exists("chunkSize", envir=.doRedisGlobals))
    chunkSize <- get("chunkSize", envir=.doRedisGlobals)
# Accept lower case too
    warning(".options.redis use is deprecated; use setChunkSize or registerDoRedis options instead.")
    chunkSize <- obj$options$redis$chunksize
  if(exists("chunksize", envir=.doRedisGlobals))
    chunkSize <- get("chunksize", envir=.doRedisGlobals)

  chunkSize <- tryCatch(max(chunkSize - 1, 0), error=function(e) 0)

  redisSet(queueEnv, list(expr=expr, parentenv=parentenv,
                                 exportenv=exportenv, packages=obj$packages))
# Check for a fault-tolerance check interval (in seconds), do not
# allow it to be less than 3 seconds (cf alive.c thread code in the worker).
  ftinterval <- 30
    warning(".options.redis use is deprecated; use setFtInterval or registerDoRedis options instead.")
    ftinterval <- obj$options$redis$ftinterval
  if(exists("ftinterval", envir=.doRedisGlobals))
    ftinterval <- get("ftinterval", envir=.doRedisGlobals)
  ftinterval <- max(ftinterval, 3)

# Queue the task(s)
# The task order is encoded in names(argsList).
  nout <- 1
  j <- 1
  done <- c()  # A vector of completed tasks
  blocknames <- list() # List of block names

# use nonblocking call to submit all tasks at once
# NOTE! May-2020: avoid pipelining for now due to likely, now confirmed, bug in hiredis.
# See https://github.com/bwlewis/doRedis/issues/56
#  commands <- redis$MULTI()
  while(j <= ntasks)
    k <- min(j + chunkSize, ntasks)
    block <- argsList[j:k]
    if(is.null(block)) break
    names(block) <- j:k
    blocknames <- c(blocknames, list(names(block)))
    if(obj$verbose) message("Submitting task(s) ", j, ":", k)
#    commands <- c(commands, list(redis$RPUSH(queue, serialize(list(ID=ID, argsList=block), NULL))))
    redisRPush(queue, list(ID=ID, argsList=block))
    j <- k + 1
    nout <- nout + 1
  accumulator <- makeAccum(it)

# Collect the results and pass through the accumulator
# Note! at this point, nout = number of tasks + 1
  ctx <- redisGetContext()
  j <- 1
  if (.progress)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(1, nout - 1, style=3)
    on.exit(close(pb), add=TRUE)
  while(j < nout)
    retry <- TRUE
    recon <- 1L
    if (.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
      results <- tryCatch(redisBRPop(queueOut, timeout=ftinterval),
                       message("\nInterrupted connection to Redis!")
                       message("doRedis will periodically retry connecting to Redis.\n",
                               "Press CTRL + C (or the stop button in RStudio) to break out of this loop, maybe more than once.")
                     } else cat(".")
# XXX what about passwords, nodelay and timeout in the reconnect?
                     recon <<- tryCatch(redisConnect(host=ctx$host, port=ctx$port), error=function (e) TRUE)
                     if(is.null(recon)) message("Connection to Redis reestablished!")
                     else Sys.sleep(max(floor(ftinterval / 3), 10))
      retry <- inherits(results, "condition")
      # Check for worker fault and re-submit tasks if required...
      # This detects asymmetry between started and alive processes,
      # resubmitting started tasks whose workers are no longer alive.
      started <- sub(paste(queue, "start", "", sep="."), "", redisKeys(queueStart))
      alive <- sub(paste(queue, "alive", "",sep="."), "", redisKeys(queueAlive))
      fault <- setdiff(started,alive)
      if(length(fault) > 0)
        # One or more worker faults have occurred. Re-sumbit the work.
        fault <- paste(queue, "start", fault, sep=".")
        fjobs <- redisMGet(fault)
        for (resub in fjobs) {
          block <- argsList[unlist(resub)]
          names(block) <- unlist(resub)
          warning(sprintf("Worker fault: resubmitting job(s) %s", sprintf("%s..%s", names(block)[1],
                           names(block)[length(names(block))])), immediate.=TRUE)
          redisRPush(queue, list(ID=ID, argsList=block))
      # Check for lost results
      qlen <- as.integer(redisLLen(queue))
      if(qlen == 0 && length(started) == 0)
        resub_init <- TRUE
        for(resub in setdiff(1:(nout - 1), done))
            # Reset the job environment just in case
            redisSet(queueEnv, list(expr=expr, exportenv=exportenv, packages=obj$packages))
            resub_init <- FALSE
          block <- argsList[resub]
          names(block) <- blocknames[[resub]]
          warning(sprintf("Lost result: resubmitting task %s", names(block)), immediate.=TRUE)
          redisRPush(queue, list(ID=ID, argsList=block))
      j <- j + 1
      n <- as.numeric(names(results[[1]]))
      done <- c(done, n)
      tryCatch(accumulator(results[[1]], n),
        error=function(e) {
          cat("error calling combine function:\n", file=stderr())
}, interrupt=function(e)
     flushQueue(queue, ID)
#, error=function(e)
#   {
#     flushQueue(queue, ID)
#   })

# check for errors
  errorValue <- getErrorValue(it)
  errorIndex <- getErrorIndex(it)

# throw an error or return the combined results
  if (identical(obj$errorHandling, "stop") && !is.null(errorValue)) {
    msg <- sprintf("task %d failed - \"%s\"", errorIndex,
    stop(simpleError(msg, call=expr))
  } else {

# internal function to deal with user interrupt
# clean up redis work queue, removing all tasks in the job defined by ID
flushQueue <- function(queue, ID)
  startkeys <- redisKeys(pattern=sprintf("%s.start*",queue))
#  redisSetPipeline(TRUE)
#  redisMulti()
  tasks <- redisLRange(queue,0L,1000000000L)  # retrieve everything on the work queue
  tryCatch(redisDelete(queue), error=function(e) NULL) # delete the queue
  if(!is.null(startkeys)) tryCatch(redisDelete(startkeys), error=function(e) NULL)
#  tasks <- redisExec()
#  tasks <- redisGetResponse(all=TRUE)
#  redisSetPipeline(FALSE)
# Re-queue jobs not matching ID (these are other jobs submitted to the queue).
# First we need to locate the IDs, if any, in the result.
  idx <- grep("ID", tasks)
  if(length(idx) == 0) return()
  lapply(tasks[[idx]][[1]], function(j)
    if(!isTRUE(j[["ID"]] == ID)) redisRPush(queue, list(ID=j[["ID"]], argsList=j[["argsList"]]))

# Convert the iterator to a list
# @param x an iterator
# @return A list with two entries per element. The first entry is the
# corresponding iterator value. The 2nd is a random seed, (not) a L'Ecuyer
# random seed value, rolling with whatever RNG is in use on the
# coordinator--see the .workerInit function in redisWorker.R.  Because doRedis
# is an anonymous work queue with an unknown (indeed, variable) nunmber of
# workers, reproducibility requires that we encode random seeds with each taks.
# @keywords internal
.to.list <- function(x)
  n <- 64
  a <- vector("list", length=n)
  i <- 0L
    repeat {
      if (i >= n) {
        n <- 2 * n
        length(a) <- n
      seed <- tryCatch(as.integer(i + 1L), error = function(e) 0L)
      rs <- list(.Random.seed=seed)
      a[[i + 1]] <- c(nextElem(x), rs)
      i <- i + 1
  error=function(e) {
    if (!identical(conditionMessage(e), "StopIteration"))
  length(a) <- i

#' List doRedis jobs
#' @param queue List jobs for the specified queue, or set to "*" to list jobs for all queues
#' @return a data frame listing jobs by row with variables queue, id, user, host and time (submitted).
#' @export
jobs <- function(queue="*")
  x <- redisKeys(paste(queue, ".env.*", sep=""))
  if(length(x) < 1) return(data.frame())
  ans <- data.frame(rbind(Reduce(rbind,
           lapply(strsplit(x, "_"), function(x) c(strsplit(x[1], "\\.")[[1]][-2], x[-1])))),
             stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=NULL)
  names(ans) <- c("queue", "id", "user", "host", "time")

#' List running doRedis tasks
#' @param queue List jobs for the specified queue, or set to "*" to list jobs for all queues
#' @param id List tasks for the specified job id, or set to "*" to list tasks for all job ids
#' @return a data frame listing jobs by row with variables queue, id, user, coordinator, time, iter, host, pid (see Note)
#' @note The returned values indicate
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{queue} the doRedis queue name
#' \item \code{id} the doRedis job id
#' \item \code{user} the user running the job
#' \item \code{coordinator} the host name or I.P. address where the job was submitted (and the coordinator R process runs)
#' \item \code{time} system time on the worker node when the task was started
#' \item \code{iter} the loop iterations being run by the task
#' \item \code{host} the host name or I.P. address where the task is running
#' \item \code{pid} the process ID of the R worker running the task on \code{host}
#' }
#' Tasks are listed until a key associated with them expires in Redis. Thus running tasks
#' are not explicitly removed from the task list immediately when they terminate, but may
#' linger on the list for a short while after (a few seconds).
#' @export
tasks <- function(queue="*", id="*")
  x <- redisKeys(sprintf("%s.alive.%s*", queue, id))
  if(length(x) < 1) return(data.frame())
# I know, this is a bit much...
  ans <- data.frame(rbind(Reduce(rbind,
           lapply(lapply(strsplit(x, "_"),
             function(x) c(strsplit(x[1], "\\.")[[1]], x[-1])),
               function(x) c(x[-c(2,6)], strsplit(x[6], " ")[[1]][c(8,2,4,6)])))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=NULL)
  names(ans) <- c("queue", "id", "user", "coordinator", "time", "iter", "host", "pid")
  ans$time <- gsub("\\.iters", "", ans$time)

#' Remove Redis keys associated with one or more doRedis jobs
#' @param job Either a named character vector with "queue" and "id" entries corresponding to a doRedis
#'  job queue and job id, or a list with equal-length "queue" and "id" entries, or a data frame with
#'  "queue" and "id" entries, for example as returned by \code{\link{jobs}}.
#' @return \code{NULL} is invisibly returned; this function is used for its side effect--in particular, removing all Redis keys associated with the specified job.
#' @export
removeJob <- function(job)
    job <- as.list(job)
  if(!all(c("queue", "id") %in% names(job))) stop("job must include named queue and id fields")
  flushQueue(job$queue, job$id)
  patterns <- sprintf("%s*", paste(job[["queue"]], job[["id"]], sep=".*."))
  ans <- lapply(patterns, function(k)
    tryCatch(redisDelete(redisKeys(k)), error=function(e) warning(e))

#' Print a timestamped message to the  standard error stream.
#' Use to help debug remote doRedis workers.
#' @param msg a character message to print to the standard error stream
#' @return The character message that was printed, decorated with time and system info.
#' @export
logger <- function(msg)
  msg <- paste("@", Sys.time(), Sys.info()["nodename"], Sys.getpid(), msg, sep=" ")
  cat(msg, "\n", file=stderr())

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doRedis documentation built on May 2, 2023, 5:10 p.m.