tasks: List running doRedis tasks

View source: R/doRedis.R

tasksR Documentation

List running doRedis tasks


List running doRedis tasks


tasks(queue = "*", id = "*")



List jobs for the specified queue, or set to "*" to list jobs for all queues


List tasks for the specified job id, or set to "*" to list tasks for all job ids


a data frame listing jobs by row with variables queue, id, user, coordinator, time, iter, host, pid (see Note)


The returned values indicate

  1. queue the doRedis queue name

  2. id the doRedis job id

  3. user the user running the job

  4. coordinator the host name or I.P. address where the job was submitted (and the coordinator R process runs)

  5. time system time on the worker node when the task was started

  6. iter the loop iterations being run by the task

  7. host the host name or I.P. address where the task is running

  8. pid the process ID of the R worker running the task on host

Tasks are listed until a key associated with them expires in Redis. Thus running tasks are not explicitly removed from the task list immediately when they terminate, but may linger on the list for a short while after (a few seconds).

doRedis documentation built on May 2, 2023, 5:10 p.m.