
#' Aggregate flows throughout a network.
#' Aggregate flows throughout a network based on an input matrix of flows
#' between all pairs of `from` and `to` points.
#' @param graph `data.frame` or equivalent object representing the network
#' graph (see Details)
#' @param from Vector or matrix of points **from** which aggregate flows are to
#' be calculated (see Details)
#' @param to Vector or matrix of points **to** which aggregate flows are to be
#' calculated (see Details)
#' @param flows Matrix of flows with `nrow(flows)==length(from)` and
#' `ncol(flows)==length(to)`.
#' @param contract If `TRUE` (default), calculate flows on contracted graph
#' before mapping them back on to the original full graph (recommended as this
#' will generally be much faster). `FALSE` should only be used if the `graph`
#' has already been contracted.
#' @param heap Type of heap to use in priority queue. Options include
#' Fibonacci Heap (default; `FHeap`), Binary Heap (`BHeap`),
#' Trinomial Heap (`TriHeap`), Extended Trinomial Heap
#' (`TriHeapExt`, and 2-3 Heap (`Heap23`).
#' @param tol Relative tolerance below which flows towards `to` vertices are not
#' considered. This will generally have no effect, but can provide speed gains
#' when flow matrices represent spatial interaction models, in which case this
#' parameter effectively reduces the radius from each `from` point over which
#' flows are aggregated. To remove any such effect, set `tol = 0`.
#' @param quiet If `FALSE`, display progress messages on screen.
#' @inheritParams dodgr_flows_si
#' @return Modified version of graph with additional `flow` column added.
#' @note Spatial Interaction models are often fitted through trialling a range
#' of values of 'k'. The specification above allows fitting multiple values of
#' 'k' to be done with a single call, in a way that is far more efficient than
#' making multiple calls. A matrix of 'k' values may be entered, with each
#' column holding a different vector of values, one for each 'from' point. For a
#' matrix of 'k' values having 'n' columns, the return object will be a modified
#' version in the input 'graph', with an additional 'n' columns, named 'flow1',
#' 'flow2', ... up to 'n'. These columns must be subsequently matched by the
#' user back on to the corresponding columns of the matrix of 'k' values.
#' @note The `norm_sums` parameter should be used whenever densities at origins
#' and destinations are absolute values, and ensures that the sum of resultant
#' flow values throughout the entire network equals the sum of densities at all
#' origins. For example, with `norm_sums = TRUE` (the default), a flow from a
#' single origin with density one to a single destination along two edges will
#' allocate flows of one half to each of those edges, such that the sum of flows
#' across the network will equal one, or the sum of densities from all origins.
#' The `norm_sums = TRUE` option is appropriate where densities are relative
#' values, and ensures that each edge maintains relative proportions. In the
#' above example, flows along each of two edges would equal one, for a network
#' sum of two, or greater than the sum of densities.
#' Flows are calculated by default using parallel computation with the maximal
#' number of available cores or threads. This number can be reduced by
#' specifying a value via
#' `RcppParallel::setThreadOptions (numThreads = <desired_number>)`.
#' @family distances
#' @export
#' @examples
#' graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
#' from <- sample (graph$from_id, size = 10)
#' to <- sample (graph$to_id, size = 5)
#' to <- to [!to %in% from]
#' flows <- matrix (10 * runif (length (from) * length (to)),
#'     nrow = length (from)
#' )
#' graph <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (graph, from = from, to = to, flows = flows)
#' # graph then has an additonal 'flows' column of aggregate flows along all
#' # edges. These flows are directed, and can be aggregated to equivalent
#' # undirected flows on an equivalent undirected graph with:
#' graph_undir <- merge_directed_graph (graph)
#' # This graph will only include those edges having non-zero flows, and so:
#' nrow (graph)
#' nrow (graph_undir) # the latter is much smaller
#' # The following code can be used to convert the resultant graph to an `sf`
#' # object suitable for plotting
#' \dontrun{
#' gsf <- dodgr_to_sf (graph_undir)
#' # example of plotting with the 'mapview' package
#' library (mapview)
#' flow <- gsf$flow / max (gsf$flow)
#' ncols <- 30
#' cols <- c ("lawngreen", "red")
#' colranmp <- colorRampPalette (cols) (ncols) [ceiling (ncols * flow)]
#' mapview (gsf, color = colranmp, lwd = 10 * flow)
#' }
#' # An example of flow aggregation across a generic (non-OSM) highway,
#' # represented as the `routes_fast` object of the \pkg{stplanr} package,
#' # which is a SpatialLinesDataFrame containing commuter densities along
#' # components of a street network.
#' \dontrun{
#' library (stplanr)
#' # merge all of the 'routes_fast' lines into a single network
#' r <- overline (routes_fast, attrib = "length", buff_dist = 1)
#' r <- sf::st_as_sf (r)
#' # then extract the start and end points of each of the original 'routes_fast'
#' # lines and use these for routing with `dodgr`
#' l <- lapply (routes_fast@lines, function (i) {
#'     c (
#'         sp::coordinates (i) [[1]] [1, ],
#'         tail (sp::coordinates (i) [[1]], 1)
#'     )
#' })
#' l <- do.call (rbind, l)
#' xy_start <- l [, 1:2]
#' xy_end <- l [, 3:4]
#' # Then just specify a generic OD matrix with uniform values of 1:
#' flows <- matrix (1, nrow = nrow (l), ncol = nrow (l))
#' # We need to specify both a `type` and `id` column for the
#' # \link{weight_streetnet} function.
#' r$type <- 1
#' r$id <- seq (nrow (r))
#' graph <- weight_streetnet (
#'     r,
#'     type_col = "type",
#'     id_col = "id",
#'     wt_profile = 1
#' )
#' f <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (
#'     graph,
#'     from = xy_start,
#'     to = xy_end,
#'     flows = flows
#' )
#' # Then merge directed flows and convert to \pkg{sf} for plotting as before:
#' f <- merge_directed_graph (f)
#' geoms <- dodgr_to_sfc (f)
#' gc <- dodgr_contract_graph (f)
#' gsf <- sf::st_sf (geoms)
#' gsf$flow <- gc$flow
#' # sf plot:
#' plot (gsf ["flow"])
#' }
dodgr_flows_aggregate <- function (graph,
                                   contract = TRUE,
                                   heap = "BHeap",
                                   tol = 1e-12,
                                   norm_sums = TRUE,
                                   quiet = TRUE) {

    if (methods::is (graph, "dodgr_contracted")) {
        contract <- FALSE

    if (any (is.na (flows))) {
        flows [is.na (flows)] <- 0
    hps <- get_heap (heap, graph)
    heap <- hps$heap
    graph <- hps$graph

    if (!identical (class (from), class (to))) {
        stop ("from and to must be the same class of object.")
    check_for_flow_col (graph)

    graph <- preprocess_spatial_cols (graph)
    gr_cols <- dodgr_graph_cols (graph)

    to_from_indices <- to_from_index_with_tp (graph, from, to)
    if (to_from_indices$compound) {
        graph <- to_from_indices$graph_compound

    if (contract) {
        graph_full <- graph
        graph <- contract_graph_with_pts (
        hashc <- get_hash (graph, contracted = TRUE)
        fname_c <- fs::path (
            fs::path_temp (),
            paste0 ("dodgr_edge_map_", hashc, ".Rds")
        if (!fs::file_exists (fname_c)) {
            stop ("something went wrong extracting the edge_map ... ")
        } # nocov
        edge_map <- readRDS (fname_c)

    graph2 <- convert_graph (graph, gr_cols)

    if (!is.matrix (flows)) {
        flows <- matrix (flows, nrow = length (to_from_indices$from$index))
    } else if (!(nrow (flows) == length (to_from_indices$from$index) &&
        ncol (flows) == length (to_from_indices$to$index))) {
        stop ("flows matrix is not compatible with 'from'/'to' arguments")

    if (!quiet) {
        message ("\nAggregating flows ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

    graph$flow <- rcpp_flows_aggregate_par (
        graph2, to_from_indices$vert_map,
        to_from_indices$from$index, to_from_indices$to$index,
        flows, norm_sums, tol, heap

    if (contract) { # map contracted flows back onto full graph
        graph <- uncontract_graph (graph, edge_map, graph_full)
    if (to_from_indices$compound) {
        graph <- uncompound_junctions (

    return (graph)

#' Aggregate flows dispersed from each point in a network.
#' Disperse flows throughout a network based on a input vectors of origin points
#' and associated densities
#' @inheritParams dodgr_flows_aggregate
#' @param graph `data.frame` or equivalent object representing the network
#' graph (see Details)
#' @param from Vector or matrix of points **from** which aggregate dispersed
#' flows are to be calculated (see Details)
#' @param dens Vectors of densities corresponding to the `from` points
#' @param k Width coefficient of exponential diffusion function defined as
#' `exp(-d/k)`, in units of distance column of `graph` (metres by default). Can
#' also be a vector with same length as `from`, giving dispersal coefficients
#' from each point. If value of `k<0` is given, a standard logistic polynomial
#' will be used.
#' @param tol Relative tolerance below which dispersal is considered to have
#' finished. This parameter can generally be ignored; if in doubt, its effect
#' can be removed by setting `tol = 0`.
#' @return Modified version of graph with additional `flow` column added.
#' @note Spatial Interaction models are often fitted through trialling a range
#' of values of 'k'. The specification above allows fitting multiple values of
#' 'k' to be done with a single call, in a way that is far more efficient than
#' making multiple calls. A matrix of 'k' values may be entered, with each
#' column holding a different vector of values, one for each 'from' point. For a
#' matrix of 'k' values having 'n' columns, the return object will be a modified
#' version in the input 'graph', with an additional 'n' columns, named 'flow1',
#' 'flow2', ... up to 'n'. These columns must be subsequently matched by the
#' user back on to the corresponding columns of the matrix of 'k' values.
#' @family distances
#' @export
#' @examples
#' graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
#' from <- sample (graph$from_id, size = 10)
#' dens <- rep (1, length (from)) # Uniform densities
#' graph <- dodgr_flows_disperse (graph, from = from, dens = dens)
#' # graph then has an additonal 'flows` column of aggregate flows along all
#' # edges. These flows are directed, and can be aggregated to equivalent
#' # undirected flows on an equivalent undirected graph with:
#' graph_undir <- merge_directed_graph (graph)
dodgr_flows_disperse <- function (graph,
                                  k = 500,
                                  contract = TRUE,
                                  heap = "BHeap",
                                  tol = 1e-12,
                                  quiet = TRUE) {

    if (methods::is (graph, "dodgr_contracted")) {
        contract <- FALSE

    res <- check_k (k, from)
    k <- res$k
    nk <- res$nk

    if (any (is.na (dens))) {
        dens [is.na (dens)] <- 0

    check_for_flow_col (graph)

    hps <- get_heap (heap, graph)
    heap <- hps$heap
    graph <- hps$graph

    graph <- preprocess_spatial_cols (graph)
    gr_cols <- dodgr_graph_cols (graph)

    to_from_indices <- to_from_index_with_tp (graph, from, to = NULL)
    if (to_from_indices$compound) {
        graph <- to_from_indices$graph_compound

    if (contract) {
        graph_full <- graph
        graph <- contract_graph_with_pts (
            to = NULL
        hashc <- get_hash (graph, contracted = TRUE)
        fname_c <- fs::path (
            fs::path_temp (),
            paste0 ("dodgr_edge_map_", hashc, ".Rds")
        if (!fs::file_exists (fname_c)) {
            stop ("something went wrong extracting the edge_map ... ")
        } # nocov
        edge_map <- readRDS (fname_c)

    graph2 <- convert_graph (graph, gr_cols)

    if (!is.matrix (dens)) {
        dens <- as.matrix (dens)

    if (!quiet) {
        message ("\nAggregating flows ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

    f <- rcpp_flows_disperse_par (
    if (nk == 1) {
        graph$flow <- f
    } else {
        flowmat <- data.frame (matrix (f, ncol = nk))
        names (flowmat) <- paste0 ("flow", seq (nk))
        graph <- cbind (graph, flowmat)

    if (contract) { # map contracted flows back onto full graph
        graph <- uncontract_graph (graph, edge_map, graph_full)
    if (to_from_indices$compound) {
        flow_cols <- grep ("^flow", names (graph), value = TRUE)
        graph <- uncompound_junctions (

    return (graph)

#' Aggregate flows throughout a network using a spatial interaction model.
#' Aggregate flows throughout a network using an exponential Spatial Interaction
#' (SI) model between a specified set of origin and destination points, and
#' associated vectors of densities.
#' @inheritParams dodgr_flows_aggregate
#' @param k Width of exponential spatial interaction function (exp (-d / k)),
#' in units of 'd', specified in one of 3 forms: (i) a single value; (ii) a
#' vector of independent values for each origin point (with same length as
#' 'from' points); or (iii) an equivalent matrix with each column holding values
#' for each 'from' point, so 'nrow(k)==length(from)'. See Note.
#' @param dens_from Vector of densities at origin ('from') points
#' @param dens_to Vector of densities at destination ('to') points
#' @param norm_sums Standardise sums from all origin points, so sum of flows
#' throughout entire network equals sum of densities from all origins (see
#' Note).
#' @return Modified version of graph with additional `flow` column added.
#' @note Spatial Interaction models are often fitted through trialling a range
#' of values of 'k'. The specification above allows fitting multiple values of
#' 'k' to be done with a single call, in a way that is far more efficient than
#' making multiple calls. A matrix of 'k' values may be entered, with each
#' column holding a different vector of values, one for each 'from' point. For a
#' matrix of 'k' values having 'n' columns, the return object will be a modified
#' version in the input 'graph', with an additional 'n' columns, named 'flow1',
#' 'flow2', ... up to 'n'. These columns must be subsequently matched by the
#' user back on to the corresponding columns of the matrix of 'k' values.
#' @note The `norm_sums` parameter should be used whenever densities at origins
#' and destinations are absolute values, and ensures that the sum of resultant
#' flow values throughout the entire network equals the sum of densities at all
#' origins. For example, with `norm_sums = TRUE` (the default), a flow from a
#' single origin with density one to a single destination along two edges will
#' allocate flows of one half to each of those edges, such that the sum of flows
#' across the network will equal one, or the sum of densities from all origins.
#' The `norm_sums = TRUE` option is appropriate where densities are relative
#' values, and ensures that each edge maintains relative proportions. In the
#' above example, flows along each of two edges would equal one, for a network
#' sum of two, or greater than the sum of densities.
#' With `norm_sums = TRUE`, the sum of network flows (`sum(output$flow)`) should
#' equal the sum of origin densities (`sum(dens_from)`). This may nevertheless
#' not always be the case, because origin points may simply be too far from any
#' destination (`to`) points for an exponential model to yield non-zero values
#' anywhere in a network within machine tolerance. Such cases may result in sums
#' of output flows being less than sums of input densities.
#' @family distances
#' @export
#' @examples
#' graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
#' from <- sample (graph$from_id, size = 10)
#' to <- sample (graph$to_id, size = 5)
#' to <- to [!to %in% from]
#' flows <- matrix (10 * runif (length (from) * length (to)),
#'     nrow = length (from)
#' )
#' graph <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (graph, from = from, to = to, flows = flows)
#' # graph then has an additonal 'flows' column of aggregate flows along all
#' # edges. These flows are directed, and can be aggregated to equivalent
#' # undirected flows on an equivalent undirected graph with:
#' graph_undir <- merge_directed_graph (graph)
#' # This graph will only include those edges having non-zero flows, and so:
#' nrow (graph)
#' nrow (graph_undir) # the latter is much smaller
dodgr_flows_si <- function (graph,
                            k = 500,
                            dens_from = NULL,
                            dens_to = NULL,
                            contract = TRUE,
                            norm_sums = TRUE,
                            heap = "BHeap",
                            tol = 1e-12,
                            quiet = TRUE) {

    if (methods::is (graph, "dodgr_contracted")) {
        contract <- FALSE

    if (missing (from)) {
        stop ("'from' must be provided for spatial interaction models.")

    check_for_flow_col (graph)

    res <- check_k (k, from)
    k <- res$k
    nk <- res$nk

    hps <- get_heap (heap, graph)
    heap <- hps$heap
    graph <- hps$graph

    graph <- preprocess_spatial_cols (graph)
    gr_cols <- dodgr_graph_cols (graph)

    to_from_indices <- to_from_index_with_tp (graph, from, to)
    if (to_from_indices$compound) {
        graph <- to_from_indices$graph_compound

    if (is.null (dens_from)) {
        dens_from <- rep (1, length (from))
    if (is.null (dens_to)) {
        dens_to <- rep (1, length (to))

    if (contract) {
        graph_full <- graph
        graph <- contract_graph_with_pts (
        hashc <- get_hash (graph, contracted = TRUE)
        fname_c <- fs::path (
            fs::path_temp (),
            paste0 ("dodgr_edge_map_", hashc, ".Rds")
        if (!fs::file_exists (fname_c)) {
            stop ("something went wrong extracting the edge_map ... ")
        } # nocov
        edge_map <- readRDS (fname_c)

    graph2 <- convert_graph (graph, gr_cols)

    if (!quiet) {
        message ("\nAggregating flows ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

    f <- rcpp_flows_si (

    if (nk == 1) {
        graph$flow <- f
    } else {
        flowmat <- data.frame (matrix (f, ncol = nk))
        names (flowmat) <- paste0 ("flow", seq (nk))
        graph <- cbind (graph, flowmat)

    if (contract) { # map contracted flows back onto full graph
        graph <- uncontract_graph (graph, edge_map, graph_full)
    if (to_from_indices$compound) {
        flow_cols <- grep ("^flow", names (graph), value = TRUE)
        graph <- uncompound_junctions (

    return (graph)

check_for_flow_col <- function (graph) {
    if ("flow" %in% names (graph)) {
        warning (
            "graph already has a 'flow' column; ",
            "this will be overwritten"

check_k <- function (k, from) {

    nk <- 1

    if (is.data.frame (k)) {
        k <- as.matrix (k)

    if (is.matrix (k)) {
        if (nrow (k) != length (from)) {
            stop ("nrow(k) must equal length of 'from' points")
        nk <- ncol (k)
    } else if (is.numeric (k)) {
        if (length (k) == 1) {
            k <- rep (k, length (from))
        } else if (length (k) != length (from)) {
            # convert to matrix
            nk <- length (k)
            k <- array (rep (k, each = length (from)),
                dim = c (length (from), nk)
    } else {
        stop ("'k' must be either a single value, a vector, or a matrix")

    list (k = k, nk = nk)

get_random_prefix <- function (prefix = "flow",
                               n = 5) {

    charvec <- c (letters, LETTERS, 0:9)
    rand_prefix <- paste0 (sample (charvec, n, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
    fs::path (fs::path_temp (), paste0 (prefix, "_", rand_prefix))

nodes_arg_to_pts <- function (nodes,
                              graph) {

    if (!is.matrix (nodes) && is.numeric (nodes)) {
        nodes <- matrix (nodes, ncol = 2)
    if (is.vector (nodes)) {
        # non-numeric, so must be vector of node IDs
        return (nodes)
    if (ncol (nodes) == 2) {
        verts <- dodgr_vertices (graph)
        nodes <- verts$id [match_pts_to_verts (verts, nodes)]
    return (nodes)

# keep from and to routing points in contracted graph
contract_graph_with_pts <- function (graph,
                                     to) {

    pts <- NULL
    if (!missing (from)) {
        pts <- c (pts, from)
    if (!missing (to)) {
        pts <- c (pts, to)
    dodgr_contract_graph (graph, unique (pts))

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dodgr documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:44 p.m.