# flatten lists of lists to single list
flatten_list <- function (x) {
x2 <- list ()
for (i in x) {
x2 <- c (x2, i)
return (x2)
#' Calculate fundamental cycles in a graph.
#' @param graph `data.frame` or equivalent object representing the contracted
#' network graph (see Details).
#' @param vertices `data.frame` returned from \link{dodgr_vertices}`(graph)`.
#' Will be calculated if not provided, but it's quicker to pass this if it has
#' already been calculated.
#' @param graph_max_size Maximum size submitted to the internal C++ routines as
#' a single chunk. Warning: Increasing this may lead to computer meltdown!
#' @param expand For large graphs which must be broken into chunks, this factor
#' determines the relative overlap between chunks to ensure all cycles are
#' captured. (This value should only need to be modified in special cases.)
#' @return List of cycle paths, in terms of vertex IDs in `graph` and, for
#' spatial graphs, the corresponding coordinates.
#' @note Calculation of fundamental cycles is VERY computationally demanding,
#' and this function should only be executed on CONTRACTED graphs (that is,
#' graphs returned from \link{dodgr_contract_graph}), and even than may take a
#' long time to execute. Results for full graphs can be obtained with the
#' function \link{dodgr_full_cycles}. The computational complexity can also not
#' be calculated in advance, and so the parameter `graph_max_size` will lead to
#' graphs larger than that (measured in numbers of edges) being cut into smaller
#' parts. (Note that that is only possible for spatial graphs, meaning that it
#' is not at all possible to apply this function to large, non-spatial graphs.)
#' Each of these smaller parts will be expanded by the specified amount
#' (`expand`), and cycles found within. The final result is obtained by
#' aggregating all of these cycles and removing any repeated ones arising due to
#' overlap in the expanded portions. Finally, note that this procedure of
#' cutting graphs into smaller, computationally manageable sub-graphs provides
#' only an approximation and may not yield all fundamental cycles.
#' @family misc
#' @export
#' @examples
#' net <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
#' graph <- dodgr_contract_graph (net)
#' verts <- dodgr_vertices (graph)
#' cyc <- dodgr_fundamental_cycles (graph, verts)
dodgr_fundamental_cycles <- function (graph,
vertices = NULL,
graph_max_size = 10000,
expand = 0.05) {
if (missing (graph)) {
stop ("graph must be provided")
if (!inherits (graph, "data.frame")) {
stop ("graph must be a data.frame object")
if (is.null (vertices)) {
vertices <- dodgr_vertices (graph)
if (!"flow" %in% names (graph)) { # makes no difference
graph$flow <- 1
graph <- merge_directed_graph (graph) # uses fast C++ routines
graph$flow <- NULL
bb <- get_graph_bb (graph)
if (nrow (graph) <= graph_max_size) {
bb_indices <- list (bb)
} else {
ndivs <- get_ndivs (graph, graph_max_size)
bb_list <- get_bb_list (bb, ndivs, expand = expand)
bb_data <- subdivide_bb (graph, bb_list, graph_max_size, expand)
bb_indices <- bb_data$bb_indices
graphc <- convert_graph (graph, dodgr_graph_cols (graph))
if (length (bb_indices) == 1) {
res <- rcpp_fundamental_cycles (graphc, verts = vertices)
} else {
message (
"Now computing fundamental cycles by breaking graph with ",
nrow (graphc),
" edges into ",
length (bb_indices),
" components ..."
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar (style = 3)
res <- list ()
for (i in seq (bb_indices)) {
graphi <- graphc [bb_indices [[i]], ]
verti <- dodgr_vertices (graphi)
res [[i]] <- rcpp_fundamental_cycles (graphi, verts = verti)
utils::setTxtProgressBar (pb, i / length (bb_indices))
close (pb)
# each element of res is a list, so flatten these:
res <- flatten_list (res)
# These hash each and remove any duplicated ones:
dig <- unlist (lapply (res, digest::digest))
res <- res [which (!duplicated (dig))]
if (is_graph_spatial (graph)) {
if (length (bb_indices) > 1) {
message (
"Generating spatial coordinates of polygons ",
"(this should be fairly quick ...)"
res <- lapply (res, function (i) {
index <- match (i, vertices$id)
data.frame (
id = i,
x = vertices$x [index],
y = vertices$y [index],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
return (res)
# Initial estimate of how many divisions needed
get_ndivs <- function (graph, graph_max_size) {
ndivs <- ceiling (nrow (graph) / graph_max_size)
ceiling (sqrt (ndivs)) # num of grid rows and cols
# get boundingn box of graph
get_graph_bb <- function (graph) {
gr_cols <- dodgr_graph_cols (graph)
from_lon <- graph [, gr_cols$xfr]
from_lat <- graph [, gr_cols$yfr]
to_lon <- graph [, gr_cols$xto]
to_lat <- graph [, gr_cols$yto]
apply (cbind (c (from_lon, to_lon), c (from_lat, to_lat)), 2, range)
# divide a bb into rectangular grid of sub-boxes and return list of
# corresponding bboxes
get_bb_list <- function (bb, ndivs, expand = 0.05) {
# divide one column of bb: either lons or lats
divide_bb_vec <- function (bb, ndivs, colnum = 2, expand) {
bb <- c (bb [1, colnum], vapply (
seq (ndivs), function (i) {
bb [1, colnum] + i / ndivs *
diff (bb [, colnum])
numeric (1)
bb <- cbind (bb [1:ndivs], bb [2:(ndivs + 1)])
t (apply (bb, 1, function (i) {
mean (i) + c (-0.5 - expand, 0.5 + expand) * diff (i)
bb_lons <- divide_bb_vec (bb, ndivs, colnum = 1, expand = expand)
bb_lats <- divide_bb_vec (bb, ndivs, colnum = 2, expand = expand)
bb_list <- list ()
for (i in seq (ndivs)) {
for (j in seq (ndivs)) {
bb_list [[length (bb_list) + 1]] <-
cbind (bb_lons [i, ], bb_lats [j, ])
return (bb_list)
# get indices into graph of edges lying within each bit of a bb_list
get_bb_indices <- function (graph, bb_list) {
res <- list ()
for (i in seq (bb_list)) {
res [[i]] <- which (graph$from_lon > bb_list [[i]] [1, 1] &
graph$from_lon < bb_list [[i]] [2, 1] &
graph$from_lat > bb_list [[i]] [1, 2] &
graph$from_lat < bb_list [[i]] [2, 2] &
graph$to_lon > bb_list [[i]] [1, 1] &
graph$to_lon < bb_list [[i]] [2, 1] &
graph$to_lat > bb_list [[i]] [1, 2] &
graph$to_lat < bb_list [[i]] [2, 2])
return (res)
# Rectangularly subdivide any components of bb_list that are > graph_max_size
# into 4 sub-components.
subdivide_bb <- function (graph, bb_list, graph_max_size, expand) {
bb_indices <- get_bb_indices (graph, bb_list)
lens <- unlist (lapply (bb_indices, length))
while (any (lens > graph_max_size)) {
indx <- which (lens > graph_max_size)
bbs <- bb_list [indx]
bb_list [indx] <- NULL
bb_indices [indx] <- NULL
for (i in bbs) {
bb_list <- c (bb_list, get_bb_list (i, ndivs = 2, expand = expand))
bb_indices <- get_bb_indices (graph, bb_list)
lens <- unlist (lapply (bb_indices, length))
bb_list [which (lens == 0)] <- NULL
bb_indices [which (lens == 0)] <- NULL
list (bb_list = bb_list, bb_indices = bb_indices)
#' Calculate fundamental cycles on a FULL (that is, non-contracted) graph.
#' @inheritParams dodgr_fundamental_cycles
#' @note This function converts the `graph` to its contracted form, calculates
#' the fundamental cycles on that version, and then expands these cycles back
#' onto the original graph. This is far more computationally efficient than
#' calculating fundamental cycles on a full (non-contracted) graph.
#' @family misc
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' net <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
#' graph <- dodgr_contract_graph (net)
#' cyc1 <- dodgr_fundamental_cycles (graph)
#' cyc2 <- dodgr_full_cycles (net)
#' }
#' # cyc2 has same number of cycles, but each one is generally longer, through
#' # including all points intermediate to junctions; cyc1 has cycles composed of
#' # junction points only.
dodgr_full_cycles <- function (graph,
graph_max_size = 10000,
expand = 0.05) {
graph$flow <- 1
graph <- merge_directed_graph (graph)
graph$flow <- NULL
# graph <- graph [graph$component == 1, ]
graphc <- dodgr_contract_graph (graph)
v <- dodgr_vertices (graphc)
# edge_map <- get_edge_map (graphc) # TODO: Implement this
hashc <- get_hash (graphc, contracted = TRUE)
fname_c <- fs::path (
fs::path_temp (),
paste0 ("dodgr_edge_map_", hashc, ".Rds")
if (!fs::file_exists (fname_c)) {
stop ("something unexpected went wrong extracting the edge map")
} # nocov
edge_map <- readRDS (fname_c)
x <- dodgr_fundamental_cycles (graphc,
vertices = v,
graph_max_size = graph_max_size,
expand = expand
gr_cols <- dodgr_graph_cols (graphc)
from_to <- paste0 (graphc [[gr_cols$from]], "-", graphc [[gr_cols$to]])
to_from <- paste0 (graphc [[gr_cols$to]], "-", graphc [[gr_cols$from]])
ids <- lapply (x, function (i) {
idpairs <- paste0 (i$id [-length (i$id)], "-", i$id [-1])
# Get the edge pairs that match the idpairs, whether as from->to or
# to->from
edges_c1 <- graphc [[gr_cols$edge_id]] [match (idpairs, from_to)]
edges_c2 <- graphc [[gr_cols$edge_id]] [match (idpairs, to_from)]
edges_c <- apply (rbind (edges_c1, edges_c2), 2, function (i) {
i [which (! (i))] [1]
edges_new <- lapply (as.list (edges_c), function (j) {
if (j %in% edge_map$edge_new) {
index <- which (edge_map$edge_new %in% j)
edges <- edge_map$edge_old [index]
j <- match (edges, graph [[gr_cols$edge_id]])
if ((graph [[gr_cols$from]] [j [1]] == # nolint
graph [[gr_cols$to]] [utils::tail (j, 1)]) ||
(graph [[gr_cols$from]] [j [1]] == # nolint
graph [[gr_cols$to]] [j [2]])) { # nolint
j <- rev (j)
} else {
j <- match (j, graph [[gr_cols$edge_id]])
return (as.numeric (j))
}) # end edges_new lapply
unlist (edges_new)
}) # end ids lapply
# ids at that point is a sequences of indices into graph. This is then
# converted to a sequence of vertex IDs, through just adding the last vertex
# of the sequence on to close the polygon
res <- lapply (ids, function (i) {
graph [c (i, i [1]), gr_cols$from, drop = TRUE]
if (is_graph_spatial (graph)) {
vertices <- dodgr_vertices (graph)
res <- lapply (res, function (i) {
index <- match (i, vertices$id)
data.frame (
id = i,
x = vertices$x [index],
y = vertices$y [index],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
return (res)
#' Convert \pkg{sf} `LINESTRING` objects to `POLYGON` objects representing all
#' fundamental cycles within the `LINESTRING` objects.
#' @inheritParams dodgr_fundamental_cycles
#' @param sflines An \pkg{sf} `LINESTRING` object representing a network.
#' @return An `sf::sfc` collection of `POLYGON` objects.
#' @family misc
#' @export
dodgr_sflines_to_poly <- function (sflines,
graph_max_size = 10000,
expand = 0.05) {
if (!(methods::is (sflines, "sf") || methods::is (sflines, "sf"))) {
stop ("lines must be an object of class 'sf' or 'sfc'")
if (!methods::is (
sflines [[attr (sflines, "sf_column")]],
)) {
stop ("lines must be an 'sfc_LINESTRING' object")
graph <- weight_streetnet (sflines, wt_profile = 1)
# Different graph components need to be analysed seperately, and an
# arbitrary decision is made here to only consider components with > 100
# edges - smaller ones are unlikely to have any cycles.
comps <- table (graph$component)
comps <- as.numeric (names (comps) [which (comps > 100)])
x <- list ()
for (i in seq (comps)) {
graphi <- graph [graph$component == comps [i], ]
graphi$edge_id <- seq (nrow (graphi))
attr (graphi, "hash") <- NULL
x [[i]] <- dodgr_full_cycles (graphi,
graph_max_size = graph_max_size,
expand = expand
x <- flatten_list (x)
polys_to_sfc (x, sflines)
# convert list of polygon coordinates to `sf::sfc` collection
# code adapted from osmdata/tests/testthat/test-sf-construction.R
polys_to_sfc <- function (x, sflines) {
g <- sflines [[attr (sflines, "sf_column")]]
crs <- attr (g, "crs")
xy <- (rbind, x)
xvals <- xy [, 2]
yvals <- xy [, 3]
bb <- structure (rep (NA_real_, 4),
names = c ("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")
bb [1:4] <- c (min (xvals), min (yvals), max (xvals), max (yvals))
class (bb) <- "bbox"
attr (bb, "crs") <- crs
x <- lapply (x, function (i) {
res <- as.matrix (i [, 2:3])
colnames (res) <- NULL
structure (list (res),
class = c ("XY", "POLYGON", "sfg")
attr (x, "n_empty") <- 0
attr (x, "precision") <- 0.0
class (x) <- c ("sfc_POLYGON", "sfc")
attr (x, "bbox") <- bb
attr (x, "crs") <- crs
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