
# Miscellaneous **non-exported** graph functions

#' preprocess spatial columns of graph
#' @noRd
preprocess_spatial_cols <- function (graph) {

    gr_cols <- dodgr_graph_cols (graph)
    if (is.na (gr_cols$from) || is.na (gr_cols$to)) {
        scols <- find_spatial_cols (graph)
        graph$from_id <- scols$xy_id$xy_fr_id
        graph$to_id <- scols$xy_id$xy_to_id
    return (graph)

#' is_graph_spatial
#' Is the graph spatial or not?
#' @param graph A `data.frame` of edges
#' @return `TRUE` is `graph` is spatial, otherwise `FALSE`
#' @noRd
is_graph_spatial <- function (graph) {

    ncol (graph) > 4 &
        (any (grepl (
            names (graph) [find_fr_col (graph)],
            ignore.case = TRUE
        )) |
            any (grepl (
                names (graph) [find_to_col (graph)],
                ignore.case = TRUE
            )) |
            any (grepl ("lon", names (graph), ignore.case = TRUE)) |
            any (grepl ("lat", names (graph), ignore.case = TRUE)))

#' Get graph columns containing the from vertex
#' "vx0" is silicate vertex
#' @noRd
find_fr_col <- function (graph) {

    grep ("^fr|fr$|^sta|.vx0", names (graph), ignore.case = TRUE)

#' Get graph columns containing the to vertex
#' "vx1" is silicate vertex
#' @noRd
find_to_col <- function (graph) {

    grep ("^to|to$|^sto|.vx1", names (graph), ignore.case = TRUE)

#' Get single graph column containing the ID of the from vertex
#' @noRd
find_fr_id_col <- function (graph) {

    fr_col <- find_fr_col (graph)
    if (is_graph_spatial (graph)) {
        frx_col <- find_xy_col (graph, fr_col, x = TRUE)
        fry_col <- find_xy_col (graph, fr_col, x = FALSE)
        fr_col <- fr_col [which (!fr_col %in%
            c (frx_col, fry_col))]

    if (length (fr_col) != 1) {
        fr_col <- fr_col [grep ("id", names (graph) [fr_col])] # nolint
        if (length (fr_col) != 1) {
            stop ("Unable to determine column with ID of from vertices")

    return (fr_col)

#' Get single graph column containing the ID of the to vertex
#' @noRd
find_to_id_col <- function (graph) {

    to_col <- find_to_col (graph)
    if (is_graph_spatial (graph)) {
        tox_col <- find_xy_col (graph, to_col, x = TRUE)
        toy_col <- find_xy_col (graph, to_col, x = FALSE)
        to_col <- to_col [which (!to_col %in%
            c (tox_col, toy_col))]

    if (length (to_col) != 1) {
        to_col <- to_col [grep ("id|vx", names (graph) [to_col])] # nolint
        if (length (to_col) != 1) {
            stop ("Unable to determine column with ID of to vertices")

    return (to_col)

#' find_xy_col
#' Find columns in graph containing lon and lat coordinates
#' @param indx columns of graph containing either to or from values, so xy
#' columns can be returned separately for each case
#' @noRd
find_xy_col <- function (graph, indx, x = TRUE) {

    if (x) {
        coli <- grep ("x|lon", names (graph) [indx], ignore.case = TRUE)
        if (length (coli) > 1) { # silicate has $.vx0, $.vx1
            coli <- grep ("x$", names (graph) [indx], ignore.case = TRUE)
    } else {
        coli <- grep ("y|lat", names (graph) [indx], ignore.case = TRUE)
        if (length (coli) > 1) { # silicate only matches once here, so nocov:
            coli <- grep ("y$", names (graph) [indx], # nocov
                ignore.case = TRUE
        } # nocov

    indx [coli]

#' find_spatial_cols
#' @return `fr_col` and `to_col` as vectors of 2 values of `x`
#' then `y` coordinates
#' @noRd
find_spatial_cols <- function (graph) {

    graph <- tbl_to_df (graph)

    fr_col <- find_fr_col (graph)
    to_col <- find_to_col (graph)

    if (length (fr_col) < 2 || length (to_col) < 2) {
        stop (paste0 (
            "Graph appears to be spatial yet unable to ",
            "extract coordinates."

    if (length (fr_col) == 3) {
        frx_col <- find_xy_col (graph, fr_col, x = TRUE)
        fry_col <- find_xy_col (graph, fr_col, x = FALSE)
        frid_col <- fr_col [which (!fr_col %in% c (frx_col, fry_col))]
        fr_col <- c (frx_col, fry_col)
        xy_fr_id <- graph [, frid_col]
        if (!is.character (xy_fr_id)) {
            xy_fr_id <- paste0 (xy_fr_id)
    } else { # len == 2, so must be only x-y
        if (length (grep ("lon|lat|x|y", names (graph) [fr_col])) != 2) {
            stop ("Unable to determine coordinate columns of graph")
        } # nocov
        xy_fr_id <- paste0 (
            graph [, fr_col [1]], "-",
            graph [, fr_col [2]]

    if (length (to_col) == 3) {
        tox_col <- find_xy_col (graph, to_col, x = TRUE)
        toy_col <- find_xy_col (graph, to_col, x = FALSE)
        toid_col <- to_col [which (!to_col %in% c (tox_col, toy_col))]
        to_col <- c (tox_col, toy_col)
        xy_to_id <- graph [, toid_col]
        if (!is.character (xy_to_id)) {
            xy_to_id <- paste0 (xy_to_id)
    } else { # len == 2, so must be only x-y
        if (length (grep ("lon|lat|x|y", names (graph) [to_col])) != 2) {
            stop ("Unable to determine coordinate columns of graph")
        } # nocov
        xy_to_id <- paste0 (
            graph [, to_col [1]], "-",
            graph [, to_col [2]]

    list (
        fr_col = fr_col,
        to_col = to_col,
        xy_id = data.frame (
            xy_fr_id = xy_fr_id,
            xy_to_id = xy_to_id,
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

find_d_col <- function (graph) {

    d_col <- which (
        tolower (substring (names (graph), 1, 1)) == "d" &
            tolower (substring (names (graph), 1, 2)) != "dz" &
            tolower (substring (names (graph), 2, 2)) != "w" &
            tolower (substring (names (graph), 2, 2)) != "_"
    if (length (d_col) != 1) {
        d_nms <- names (graph) [d_col]
        d_col <- d_col [which (nchar (d_nms) == 1 |
            tolower (substring (d_nms, 1L, 4L)) == "dist")]

    if (length (d_col) != 1) {
        stop ("Unable to determine distance column in graph")

    return (d_col)

find_w_col <- function (graph) {

    w_col <- match (c ("w", "wt"), names (graph))
    if (all (is.na (w_col)) || length (w_col) != 1) {
        w_col <- grep ("weight", names (graph))
    if (length (w_col) != 1) {
        w_col <- which (tolower (substring (names (graph), 1, 2)) == "dw" |
            tolower (substring (names (graph), 1, 3)) == "d_w")

    if (length (w_col) > 1) {
        stop ("Unable to determine weight column in graph")

    return (w_col)

#' find_xy_col_simple
#' Find the x and y cols of a simple data.frame of verts of xy points (used only
#' in match_pts_to_verts).
#' @param dfr Either the result of `dodgr_vertices`, or a `data.frame`
#' or equivalent structure (matrix, \pkg{tibble}) of spatial points.
#' @return Vector of two values of location of x and y columns
#' @noRd
find_xy_col_simple <- function (dfr) {

    nms <- names (dfr)
    if (is.null (nms)) {
        nms <- colnames (dfr)

    ix <- iy <- NULL
    if (!is.null (nms)) {
        ix <- which (grepl ("x", nms, ignore.case = TRUE) |
            grepl ("lon", nms, ignore.case = TRUE))
        iy <- which (grepl ("y", nms, ignore.case = TRUE) |
            grepl ("lat", nms, ignore.case = TRUE))

    if (length (ix) == 0 || length (iy) == 0) {
        message ("xy has no named columns; assuming order is x then y")
        ix <- 1
        iy <- 2

    return (c (ix, iy))

# vertices randomly selected from a graph without turn penalties may be
# submitted to functions along with the corresponding graph with turn angles.
# The latter version appends vertex IDs with "_start" and "_end" for the starts
# and ends of compound turn angle junctions. This function finds any instances
# of `pts` that map on to these, and appends the appropriate suffix so these
# points can be used in routines with the turn-penalty graph.
remap_verts_with_turn_penalty <- function (graph, pts, from = TRUE) {

    if (!methods::is (graph, "dodgr_streetnet_sc")) {
        stop (
            "vertices with turn angles can only be re-mapped for ", # nocov
            "street networks obtained via 'dodgr_streetnet_sc' -> ", # nocov
    } # nocov

    suffix <- ifelse (from, "_start", "_end")
    suffix_rgx <- paste0 (suffix, "$")
    vcol <- ifelse (from, ".vx0", ".vx1")

    index <- grep (suffix_rgx, graph [[vcol]])
    all_pts <- gsub (suffix_rgx, "", graph [[vcol]] [index])
    pts [pts %in% all_pts] <- paste0 (pts [pts %in% all_pts], suffix)

    return (pts)

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dodgr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:52 p.m.