
context ("dodgr_flows")

test_all <- (identical (Sys.getenv ("MPADGE_LOCAL"), "true") |
    identical (Sys.getenv ("GITHUB_WORKFLOW"), "test-coverage"))

testthat::skip_on_cran ()

test_that ("flows aggregate", {
    graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
    # get routing points from contracted graph:
    graphc <- dodgr_contract_graph (graph)
    set.seed (1)
    from <- sample (graphc$from_id, size = 10)
    to <- sample (graphc$to_id, size = 5)
    to <- to [!to %in% from]
    flows <- matrix (10 * runif (length (from) * length (to)),
        nrow = length (from)

    expect_message (
        graph2 <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (graph,
            from = from,
            to = to, flows = flows,
            quiet = FALSE
        "Aggregating flows ..."
    expect_equal (ncol (graph2) - ncol (graph), 1)
    if (test_all) { # fails on CRAN
        expect_true (mean (graph2$flow) > 0)

    flows [1, 2] <- NA
    graph3 <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (graph, from = from, to = to, flows = flows)
    # if (test_all)
    #    expect_true (max (graph3$flow) <= max (graph2$flow))

    graph4 <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (graph,
        from = from, to = to, flows = flows,
        contract = TRUE
    # this test is not longer true with aggregated flows normalised via #121:
    # if (test_all)
    #    expect_true (all ((graph4$flow - graph3$flow) < 1e-3))

    expect_warning (
        graph4 <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (graph3,
            from = from,
            to = to,
            flows = flows,
            contract = FALSE
        "graph already has a 'flow' column; this will be overwritten"

    flowsv <- as.vector (flows)
    graph5 <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (graph,
        from = from,
        to = to,
        flows = flowsv,
        contract = FALSE
    expect_equal (graph5$flow, graph4$flow)

test_that ("flow points", {
    graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
    v <- dodgr_vertices (graph)
    set.seed (1)
    npts <- 10L
    from <- v [sample (nrow (v), size = npts), c ("x", "y")]
    to <- v [sample (nrow (v), size = npts), c ("x", "y")]
    flows <- matrix (10 * runif (nrow (from) * nrow (to)),
        nrow = nrow (from)

    expect_silent (graph2 <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (graph,
        from = from,
        to = to, flows = flows
    expect_true ("flow" %in% names (graph2))
    expect_true (ncol (graph2) == (ncol (graph) + 1))

    npts_half <- floor (npts / 2)
    flows <- flows [seq_len (npts_half), seq_len (npts_half)]
    expect_error (
        graph3 <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (
            from = from,
            to = to,
            flows = flows
        "flows matrix is not compatible with 'from'/'to' arguments"

test_that ("flows disperse", {
    graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
    set.seed (1)
    from <- sample (graph$from_id, size = 10)
    dens <- runif (length (from))

    expect_message (
        graph2 <- dodgr_flows_disperse (
            from = from,
            dens = dens,
            quiet = FALSE
        "Aggregating flows ..."
    expect_equal (ncol (graph2) - ncol (graph), 1)
    if (test_all) { # fails on CRAN
        expect_true (mean (graph2$flow) > 0)

    expect_silent (
        graph3a <- dodgr_flows_disperse (
            from = from,
            k = 500,
            dens = dens,
            contract = FALSE
    k <- rep (500, length (from))
    expect_silent (
        graph3b <- dodgr_flows_disperse (
            from = from,
            k = k,
            dens = dens,
            contract = FALSE
    # expect_equal (graph3a$flow, graph3b$flow)
    flow_diff <- abs (graph3a$flow - graph3b$flow)
    expect_true (max (flow_diff) < 1e-4)

    k <- c (500, 1000)
    expect_silent (
        graph3b <- dodgr_flows_disperse (
            from = from,
            k = k,
            dens = dens,
            contract = FALSE
    expect_true (all (c ("flow1", "flow2") %in% names (graph3b)))
    expect_equal (graph3a$flow, graph3b$flow1)

    expect_silent (
        graph4 <- dodgr_flows_disperse (
            from = from,
            dens = dens,
            contract = TRUE
    # Dispersed flows calculated on contracted graph should **NOT** equal those
    # calculated on full graph
    if (test_all) { # fails on CRAN
        expect_true (all (graph4$flow == graph2$flow))

    dens [1] <- NA
    graph5 <- dodgr_flows_disperse (graph, from = from, dens = dens)
    # graph4 values are on contracted graph, so flows should generally be less
    # than those on full graph, but may be every so maginally greater
    expect_true (max (graph5$flow - graph2$flow) < 0.1)

test_that ("flows_si", {
    graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi, wt_profile = "foot") %>%
        dodgr_contract_graph ()
    v <- dodgr_vertices (graph)
    nf <- 100
    nt <- nrow (v)
    set.seed (1)
    from <- sample (v$id, nf)
    to <- v$id

    k <- 500 + 10 * rnorm (nf)
    dens_from <- 100 * runif (nf)
    dens_to <- 100 * runif (nt)

    # calculation via explicit matrix and flows_aggregate:
    d <- dodgr_distances (graph, from = from, to = to)
    d_from <- array (dens_from, dim = c (nf, nt))
    d_to <- t (array (dens_to, dim = c (nt, nf)))
    kmat <- array (k, dim = c (nf, nt))
    fmat <- d_to * exp (-d / kmat)
    fmat [is.na (fmat)] <- 0
    csmat <- array (rowSums (fmat), dim = c (nf, nt))
    fmat <- d_from * fmat / csmat
    netf <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (
        from = from,
        to = to,
        flows = fmat,
        contract = FALSE

    # calculation via flows_si:
    netf_si <- dodgr_flows_si (graph,
        from = from,
        to = to,
        k = k,
        dens_from = dens_from,
        dens_to = dens_to
    expect_identical (dim (netf), dim (netf_si))
    expect_identical (names (netf), names (netf_si))
    r2 <- cor (netf$flow, netf_si$flow)^2
    if (test_all) {
        expect_true (r2 > 0.5)
    } # sometimes < 0.9

test_that ("flowmap", {
    graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
    set.seed (1)
    from <- sample (graph$from_id, size = 10)
    to <- sample (graph$to_id, size = 5)
    to <- to [!to %in% from]
    flows <- matrix (10 * runif (length (from) * length (to)),
        nrow = length (from)
    graph <- dodgr_flows_aggregate (graph, from = from, to = to, flows = flows)
    graph_undir <- merge_directed_graph (graph)

    if (nrow (graph_undir) > 0) {

        # just test that is produces a plot
        png (filename = "junk.png")
        expect_silent (dodgr_flowmap (graph_undir))
        a <- dev.off (which = dev.cur ())
        expect_true (file.remove ("junk.png")) # false if no plot

        graph_undir$flow <- NULL
        png (filename = "junk.png")
        expect_silent (dodgr_flowmap (graph_undir))
        a <- dev.off (which = dev.cur ())
        expect_true (file.remove ("junk.png")) # false if no plot

    graph$flow <- NULL
    expect_error (
        graph_undir <- merge_directed_graph (graph),
        "col_names \\[flow\\] do not match columns in graph"

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dodgr documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:44 p.m.